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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
    I think he's referring to the GW article about Carson's return. It looks like Darren's edited it now, but I think it used to say that
    Joe said that Carson would not be a clone.

    You beat me to it.
    Well, now we know. I was right.
    beckett will most likely be a clone, hence the phrase "setting the record straight... will be a major spoiler"

    He should have left GW anonymous if he was going to say anything. I guess it's less of a berate against Darren, and the site, than it is against us posters. But, Joe does have a point.
    the only thing he said was that it will not be an AU Beckett or an ascended Beckett, but that it would be the beckett that we know and love
    hint- not actually OUR Beckett.
    Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

    ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
    encounter on the strange journey.


    2 Cor. 10:3-5
    3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
    4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
    5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


      I think Joe handled this situation very poorly. If he was so worried about spoilers or false information being revealed he should have handled the situation with more discretion. Instead, he made a big deal, neon sign and all, in his very public blog. He does tend to play the drama queen when it comes to spoilers being “accidentally” released. If he was so concerned about the information then he should have handled it quietly. He should have emailed Darren and asked for it to be removed or the information corrected. The concerns expressed over his emailing Darren and somehow Darren revealing spoilers are moot since Joe addressing this issue on his blog is a major spoiler situation, even in his claim NOT to deny or confirm anything. The very act of addressing it is, in and of itself, spoiler fodder. He is the one who made a big deal about it, thus attracting a lot of attention to a situation he didn‘t want known.

      I would have more sympathy for Joe being “frustrated”, as some fans justify it, if he didn’t make a habit of publicly trashing, mocking, or ridiculing anyone who isn’t totally, completely, 100%, on their knees before him in awesome praise of his self proclaimed greatness. I am not a big fan of the mods here, just ask Briangate, but Joe had no business taking this public and then whining about spoilers or misinformation. He did more to harm this situation than anyone at Gateworld. And he did it intentionally and, IMO, with malice toward named individuals. I have no doubt that what was posted was posted in good faith, what Joe did was malicious whining. If it were a one time thing I might be less judgmental toward him, but, as I said above, he has a habit of trashing on people who don’t offer their 100% support and belief in everything he says.


        Stop talking about me! Yeah I agree. It should of been handled behind the scenes. I am just annoyed right now. The most anticipated episode I have been waiting for was ruined for me, because it was made into like a car accident. How many people here stop and look at an accident on the side of the road? Same thing really.


          FEB 16

          Lots of food talk... and the much-vaulted yesterday's blog is tackled.

          Another episode aired, another line from the teaser poem revealed. The reference to Midway = “Two warriors head off an incursion on Earth.” Simple, no?

          Today’s entry is dedicated to LLB’s sister Barb.

          Today’s mailbag:

          Ascended Tauri writes: “Based on your posted picture, is ‘The Daedalus Variations’ slated to air as No.4 in Season 5?”

          Answer: At present, yes it is.

          Allie writes: “You mentioned at one point that Midway was scraped because it was going to be too expensive. How did you manage to scale the episode down and allow it to be resurrected?”

          Answer: It was never scrapped, merely reconsidered at the idea stage. The actual entry/exit chamber was the big concern because building it would have pretty much crippled our budget. So we found a way to compromise, have the VFX crew work their magic in one of our standing sets (The SGC gate room) and play most of the action in the adjoining corridors.

          Wraithfodder writes: “MIDWAY was great, but the very tail end- as in next week’s episode - sucked, only because there’s SciFi saying “You’ll never guess what happens in the last five minutes” and then they SHOW the viewer. Do you have any input with these people??”

          Answer: Trust me. We’ve made suggestions, special requests, *****ed and complained. But, in the end, there’s not much we can do. It’s their network and their promos.

          Lea writes: “And I don’t think that’s the placenta he’s holding there!”

          Answer: Damnit! We ordered a baby, a placenta, two orders of fries, and an apple turnover, but received a baby, an umbilical cord, two orders of fries, and a raspberry pop tart instead. We’re looking into the mix-up.

          Lea also writes: “ Any chance that there will also be some serious Rodney McKay whump in season 5, apart from such silly “I have a splinter” stuff?”

          Answer: Yes, very possible.

          Amanda writes: “I was just wondering if there is any possibility to bring the season run up to 22 episodes again. I’m guessing they were dropped down to 20 per season due to the need for 40 scripts per year for both shows.. but now that it’s only SGA, is there any possibility of getting those extra 2 back?”

          Answer: That was a network decision.

          NovaLuna writes: “were the sets for the Midway station the same as those used for the Daedalus or Odyssey?”

          Answer: Good eye. Yes, they were.

          Kyle of California writes: “I also see more MGM movies on BluRay wich leads me to believe that SG episodes will release on BluRay in the HD format.. But who know’s SciFi has a say in things… I don’t know… It’s only a speculation. Perhaps Mr. Mallozzi knows? But I would chose to believe that if he did he would be kind enough to inform us avid and loving readers of his blog.”

          Answer: Hey, Kyle, thanks for the very informative post. Re: MGM. I’m not sure (and not sure why the dvd’s have yet to be be released in either format) but will look into it this week.

          Deena writes: “Any juicy Ba’al/Qetesh scenes in Continuum?”

          Answer: Possibly, yes.

          Yazid writes: “ Who take the photo near Jack’s home?”

          Answer: Daniel’s picture could have been taken at one of many formal events. As for the Jack/San pic, that was taken by Teal’c while he was parasailing on the lake with Daniel.

          Maren Siever writes: “ Are deleted scenes on the season 3 box and if so only only certain boxes?”

          Answer: I don’t believe there are.

          Ben writes: “And also is there any word about a third SG1 movie? Or SGU?”

          Answer: Nothing on the former.

          Shawna writes: “Food, water, medical supplies…and no way to relieve themselves. What, did they use bottles or something?”

          Answer: Nope. As with most long jumper flights, they go right in the back, then have everyone either pile into the cockpit area and seal it off, or hold on tight at which point the ramp is lowered and rapid decompression takes place, effectively clearing out any unwanted material. It’s a bit of a pain, but very effective.

          Shiran writes: “Please tell me you’re going to hire a real one at some point!”

          Answer: Actually, we’re just going to use a lot of forced perspective like they did in LOTR and have Marty G. play the baby. He’s off getting his scalp waxed as we speak.

          Carol Z writes: “Thanks for the pics Joe, but, um-m… the link with Daniel & Cassie photos seems to not work.”

          Answer: It’s working now.

          Jack Baker writes: “I was wondering if you were involved in any way with the ill-fated game Stargate SG1: The Alliance. If you were, I don’t suppose you could give us a little bit more information about the new villains, the Haaken, especially since the game is dead and buried.”

          Answer: Sorry, Jack. I had nothing to do with SG-1: The Alliance game and don’t know anything about the Haaken.

          C writes: “Are you offering gentle nudges in one direction or the other regarding the dreads, or are you just sitting back for a wait-and-see?”

          Answer: I’m not doing any nudging. I told Jason that the decision is his.

          Gate Geek writes: “That baby just scares me.”

          Answer: Really? As far as babies go, I thought this one was about par for the course.

          Jonno writes: “Love the blog - entertaining and witty. But I’ll have to take you up on the public slap you gave GateWorld, and ask - what was the point?”

          Answer: I have always been a supporter of Gateworld and consider it the premiere site for Stargate fans online. In fact, I was the one who suggested to MGM Marketing several years back, that they look toward establishing some sort of working relationship with Darren and Gateworld. As I explained to Darren in a recent email - My comment in yesterday’s blog entry was not intended as a blast at Gateworld, but as an example of how fan expectations can be raised or unintentionally misguided by a misinterpretation of the source. Gateworld’s attributing of the non-existent quote was simply another link in a developing chain. While I could have contacted them about the article in question, at that point it was already too late. It had been published and my apparent words officially reinforced. The point of my commentary was not to critique Gateworld but to go on record now, before the episode airs, and make it clear that I had been misquoted. Asking for a quiet retraction would not have solved the problem.

          Crazymom writes: “ During our family discussion following the episode, we agreed that while Todd might have led a strike force using information he got while on Atlantis, he wouldn’t have given the information to someone else, at least not voluntarily. He is intent on gathering a power base of his own, and we couldn’t see him letting someone else take that credit.”

          Answer: Interesting theory. Let’s see how that plays out the next time they cross paths with Todd. Next episode.


            Jonno writes: “Love the blog - entertaining and witty. But I’ll have to take you up on the public slap you gave GateWorld, and ask - what was the point?”

            Answer: I have always been a supporter of Gateworld and consider it the premiere site for Stargate fans online. In fact, I was the one who suggested to MGM Marketing several years back, that they look toward establishing some sort of working relationship with Darren and Gateworld. As I explained to Darren in a recent email - My comment in yesterday’s blog entry was not intended as a blast at Gateworld, but as an example of how fan expectations can be raised or unintentionally misguided by a misinterpretation of the source. Gateworld’s attributing of the non-existent quote was simply another link in a developing chain. While I could have contacted them about the article in question, at that point it was already too late. It had been published and my apparent words officially reinforced. The point of my commentary was not to critique Gateworld but to go on record now, before the episode airs, and make it clear that I had been misquoted. Asking for a quiet retraction would not have solved the problem.
            *like hell I will paraphrase him, but I will highlight him*

            Now I think that clears it up; lets just all move on.


              Overreaction... everyone can't just chill these days and let things blow over.


                Originally posted by SylvreWolfe View Post

                I would have more sympathy for Joe being “frustrated”, as some fans justify it, if he didn’t make a habit of publicly trashing, mocking, or ridiculing anyone who isn’t totally, completely, 100%, on their knees before him in awesome praise of his self proclaimed greatness.
                I also hate exaggerations.


                  Originally posted by toomanysides View Post
                  Overreaction... everyone can't just chill these days and let things blow over.
                  On this board? Bwahahahahah!!!!!!!!! *cough*


                    Um, it that Martin Gero's father in that pic with Martin? Joe writes it to sound that way "Marty G. senior" did I miss something? He looks too young to be Marty G's dad! Well I suppose Martin is what? 30-32 ish... hmm, I think I am just getting old, everyone looks too young these days! lol


                      Although I see Prion may be making up a post, here's the link to tonight's entry:

                      Originally posted by Joe M.
                      Production on season 5 begins tomorrow. Already! It feels like only three months ago we were sitting around, waiting to find out whether we’d been picked up for another season. No. Wait.

                      Pleased to hear most of you enjoyed Midway. It kicks off a quartet of heavy hitters that close out our fourth season. What happened to the Athosians? Can Todd the wraith be trusted? What does the future hold for our heroes? The answers may surprise you (and no, I won’t be giving it all away in a promo).

                      Anyway, with shooting underway this week, I’ll see what I can do about snapping some non-spoilerific pics for anyone interested. Anyone? Anyone at all?

                      Finally, to all of you taking part in the great P-90 debate. As a point of interest and the real reason we switched to the P-90’s = the actors preferred them because they could rest their arms on the weapon between takes. No kidding.

                      Well, since you’re here, why not enjoy a clip of our stunts department perfecting some of the stunt sequences from Trio.





                        So definitely back this week! Yay! Yeah I just want some pics of them now from the set!

                        I also hope this means they are doing Official promo pics soon, I think they tend to do them during the first couple of weeks back, and that we get better ones this season then last season, well more and not so tiny, good grief some of last seasons were atrocious.


                          And not so airbrushed and obviously-photoshopped.


                            Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                            I also hope this means they are doing Official promo pics soon, I think they tend to do them during the first couple of weeks back, and that we get better ones this season then last season, well more and not so tiny, good grief some of last seasons were atrocious.
                            Last season's promo shots were the worst ever.

                            It'd be nice if they could get all the cast together to take the shots this time, instead of photoshopping them together. Oh, and while I'm wishing, let's leave out the airbrushing this time, all right?
                            - Life after Stargate -
                            Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
                            Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


                              Where do I mail questions to him?


                                Originally posted by jonno View Post
                                I'm less annoyed by the calling out of GW (yeah, it's not a nice thing and tbh, Joe should have done it in private, but at the end of the day, GW's a journalist service, and the journalist ran a story without checking it properly, thus getting the facts wrong, and therefore risking a slap). I'm more annoyed that he did it BEFORE the ep airs, highlighting (and effectively confirming) the spoiler

                                Hi, I'm new here but just wanted to say I agree with you!

                                I didn't know what Joe was on about - he wanted to keep it quiet so that it *wouldn't* spoiler anyone - and then as soon as that article was edited it spoiled people anyway.

                                I am glad Joe posted what he did - I didn't see it as a slap to gateworld, more about how he is always misquoted recently (and that's gotta be annoying!) - but I really wish the story in question wasn't changed either.

                                It's a mistake everyone can learn from, hopefully!

