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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by PG15 View Post
    *sniff* I knew, one day, if I worked hard enough, I will gain recognition.

    I would like to thank my parents, Joe, of course, the set dec guys who made the flocking in the first place, Gary Jones, for holding the box, and those 249,999 people who viewed Joe's blog before me. If it wasn't for you losers, I wouldn't have won.

    Oh, swoon!


    I'm so honored -- His Royal Flockness! - responded to my post.

    HRF is SOOOOOOO humble and so worthy of admiration!

    All Hallowed is the FLOCK, and the flocking, and the Royal Flockness!


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      Originally posted by PG15 View Post
      *sniff* I knew, one day, if I worked hard enough, I will gain recognition.

      I would like to thank my parents, Joe, of course, the set dec guys who made the flocking in the first place, Gary Jones, for holding the box, and those 249,999 people who viewed Joe's blog before me. If it wasn't for you losers, I wouldn't have won.

      BLACK SHEEP is a great flick. Saw it last year Good grief, it came out in region 1 before region 2? Very odd, considering it's an Oz flick.

      Anyhow, here's a picture of PG15 after snorting too much flocking. (on top of car)


        Originally posted by prion View Post
        BLACK SHEEP is a great flick. Saw it last year Good grief, it came out in region 1 before region 2? Very odd, considering it's an Oz flick.

        Anyhow, here's a picture of PG15 after snorting too much flocking. (on top of car)


        Nothing "Oz" about it.
        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


          Hmm...yes, I see the resemblance.

          Except I'll usually be in front of a computer, browsing Gateworld and spreading my madness around.


            Originally posted by PG15 View Post
            Hmm...yes, I see the resemblance.

            Except I'll usually be in front of a computer, browsing Gateworld and spreading my madness around.
            It does look quite like you. I approve!

            *pats flocking*
            Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
            Yes, I am!
            Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
            Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
            Peter Pan R.I.P


              Originally posted by PG15 View Post
              Hmm...yes, I see the resemblance.

              Except I'll usually be in front of a computer, browsing Gateworld and spreading my madness around.
              I thought so....


                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post


                Nothing "Oz" about it.
                Yep nothing Aus about it, it be Kiwi!!!!


                  Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                  Yep nothing Aus about it, it be Kiwi!!!!

                  *glares at prion*
                  Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                  Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                  Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post

                    *glares at prion*
                    Ah, tha'ts the word. Kiwi. Sorry, keep thinking of little green fruits when I hear that


                      Originally posted by prion View Post
                      Ah, tha'ts the word. Kiwi. Sorry, keep thinking of little green fruits when I hear that
                      Kiwi is like saying "Australian" or "Canadian," kiwi is the bird (not "kiwi bird" ) and kiwifruit is the fruit.

                      We should know, we like... invented them Well, stole them from the Chinese.
                      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                        Kiwi is like saying "Australian" or "Canadian," kiwi is the bird (not "kiwi bird" ) and kiwifruit is the fruit.

                        We should know, we like... invented them Well, stole them from the Chinese.
                        Yeah, I remember a time when I was a wee nipper and they were called Chinese Gooseberries. Good marketing ploy on the name change.


                          *Dusts off uniform*

                          Well, looks like it's time for me to do my job again.


                          February 27, 2008

                          Photos: A bunch! In viewing order from when you scroll down the page: David Nykl, Rob Cooper being interviewed, a squished Chris Judge, Paul McGillion, a plate of food, Lawren Bancroft-Wilson giving a presidential thumbs up, Alan McCullough (there will be a day when I don't need to google his name to learn its true spelling...but it is not this day) holding...somethings, and Carl Binder, obviously a little crazier after the writers strike.

                          Write-Up: I rather like today's write-up. Joe's late so did everything in bullet-points, and it's (almost) all Stargate:

                          - Read, re-read, and re-re-read the 56 pages I’ve got on Whispers so far, hoping it would put me in the proper frame of mind that would allow me to write the final scene.

                          - It didn’t.

                          - Went down to Stage 5 where Robert was being interviewed by Space on the upcoming Ark of Truth release, patiently waiting for twenty minutes in the wings until the interview ended so I could yell “Booooring!”

                          - Was relayed a query from certain individuals who requested their scripts only be printed on white pages because the multi-colored production drafts hurt their eyes to read. Seriously. Would they like Lawren our office assistant to chew their food for them too?

                          - Said goodbye to Amanda and told her it was a pleasure working with her these past eight years. “Don’t’ be a stranger,”I told her in a particularly emotional moment. “Come back and say hi.” Then was quick add: “But call first so we can clear your name with the guard at the front gate.”

                          - Said hello Paul McGillion back who dropped by the production offices on his way to his wardrobe fitting for The Seed. I pitched him Whispers. He was predictably delighted at the prospect of being stranded off-world with an all-female team.

                          - Gave Alan notes on his beat sheet. Told him I thought it was going to be a fantastic episode. No pressure.

                          - Gave Carl notes on his revised beat sheet for Tracker. My one big cover note: Change the guy’s name. Clearly frustrated, Carl informed me he was open to suggestions. I consulted the list of ingredients listed on the packaged mixed nuts sitting on the coffee table, immediately coming up with the inspired “Peanutia“.

                          - Discussed Rage of Angels, future dinner plans, and Lawren’s uncanny and frankly quite annoying knack for cleaning up at poker night with Chris Judge.

                          - Welcomed back David Nykl who brought us all dark chocolate which, to be quite honest, was much tastier than the goldfish he gifted me with at the end of last season.
                          The boring one is my favorite.



                          (zuz's smilie is *cough* *sings* still crazy...after all these years...)


                            Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                            *Dusts off uniform*

                            Well, looks like it's time for me to do my job again.


                            February 27, 2008

                            Photos: A bunch! In viewing order from when you scroll down the page: David Nykl, Rob Cooper being interviewed, a squished Chris Judge, Paul McGillion, a plate of food, Lawren Bancroft-Wilson giving a presidential thumbs up, Alan McCullough (there will be a day when I don't need to google his name to learn its true spelling...but it is not this day) holding...somethings, and Carl Binder, obviously a little crazier after the writers strike.
                            Heh, well, some of us work for a living and don't stay up on the net till the week hours of the morning surfing for SG stuff

                            great photos of David and Paul...


                              Originally posted by prion View Post
                              Heh, well, some of us work for a living and don't stay up on the net till the week hours of the morning surfing for SG stuff
                              To be fair to PG15, he does live in the same time zone as JM does so 9PM is not that late for him (or me, but I work afternoons.)


                                Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                                *sniff* I knew, one day, if I worked hard enough, I will gain recognition.

                                I would like to thank my parents, Joe, of course, the set dec guys who made the flocking in the first place, Gary Jones, for holding the box, and those 249,999 people who viewed Joe's blog before me. If it wasn't for you losers, I wouldn't have won.

                                I love your avatar, by the way!

