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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    NOVEMBER 13th

    Approximately 65 000 more visits to 750 000!

    And finally, for all those of you keeping track of these things, Missing pulled in our best numbers since our season premiere.
    Today’s pics: an improvised pillow, in the shadows Marty G. wheels and deals, Lawren sets up shop in a vacant office.

    Today’s mailbag:

    Anonymous #1 writes: “…it still doesn't explain why they aren't using a military CMO with active duty experience”

    Answer: For that matter, why aren’t all the department heads and off-world teams made up of military personnel with active duty experience? What is McKay doing on the Atlantis first-line team? Heck, what the hell was Carson doing in the position?

    Anonymous #2 writes: “ Keller may well be some kind of book read wunderkind but she does not seem to be in the least the kind of person that would have ever willingly have pushed herself out of her comfort zone in the past.”

    Answer: The fact that she joined the Atlantis expedition would contradict your last statement. As for being nothing more than book read, she demonstrated the coolness under pressure that got her the position in Adrift, saving Weir’s life as the situation deteriorated around her. Of course she wasn’t being chased by cannibals at the time.

    Anonymous #2 writes: “Gateworld has said that Travelers rebounded. How is point one a rebound?”

    Answer: The exact number had it only a shade (0.01) off Reunion’s number.

    Dreams-of-skies writes: “Hey...would you mind if I copy/pasted some of the answers about Season 4 you've given to show SG fans I know who don't get to see your blog?”

    Answer: People already do so go nuts.

    Semisweet writes: “I was wrong to voice my concerns about how Keller was being portrayed here on your blog. This is not the place to do that kind of thing.”

    Answer: If I objected, I wouldn’t have approved the comment. So long as the opinions expressed are respectful, you’re welcome to criticize to your heart’s content.

    Irulan writes: “First, as somebody else pointed out, Keller's been in Pegasus for a while and been through quite a bit.”

    Answer: Depends what you mean by “a while”. And in those instances in which she was pressed into action, she delivered.

    Irulan also writes: “…how many of us would still have the CMO job after completely freaking out?”

    Answer: She demonstrated she was fearful in the face of danger? So what?

    Irulan also writes: “…how many other candidates could they have had for this position? Let's see, off the top of my head we have Dr. Cole (been around for quite a while), Dr. Biro (in Atlantis since day one), Dr. Lam, any of the other SGC doctors, Dr. Frasier (death is never the end in SciFi), Simon (and yes, I know he wouldn't take it), or any doctor who has ever been in charge of a field hospital or Emergency Department.”

    Answer: And what little we know of them somehow makes them the better candidate? If it was simply a matter of picking names out of a hat then, yeah, I see your point.

    Elizabeth writes: “Oh man, I just reread the comment I posted earlier. Yikes. Sorry, I know the Wraith feed through their hands but what I meant was can they feed off the person through the person's hand or does it have to be near the neck? And I just realized that you won't probably answer this because this might spoil a part of The Seer. And you probably can't decipher what I just wrote anyways.”

    Answer: Have you been drinking?


      And finally, for all those of you keeping track of these things, Missing pulled in our best numbers since our season premiere.



        November 14, 2007

        Photos: Motionless books, even more motionless dogs.

        Write-Up: And so we find out today that Joe is allergic to penicillin, and that's been the cause of his rash the day before. Well, it's good to know a rash is all he got; isn't some penicillin allergies fatal? Yikes.

        Also, a very vague report from inside Bridge Studios:

        Recovering and relatively rashless, I headed back into the office today and was treated to a double-barreled blast of budgetly goodness. Toss in a dash of interviews, a twist of visual effects approvals, and just a hint of scheduling-induced panic and before I knew it, my day was done and I was headed out the door, my recently-arrived shipment from in tow.
        ...the shipment being the motionless books detailed earlier. Finally, the sad tale of Joe's missing avocado, which turned his well-laid dinner plans into a comedy of culinary errors. Or something.


        JMQ writes: “When you wrote Camelot's cliff-hanger ending, did you know whether it was the Korolev or the Odyssey which had been destroyed, or was that decision left for season 10?”

        Answer: At the time, we were undecided. It wasn’t until we were back planning season 10 (and all of the actors had signed on) that we made the call.

        Cathie writes: “Joe, do you think you will ever do a stargate con in Australia?”

        Answer: Unlikely as it looks like I’ll be busy for the next year at least.

        Rebecca writes: “Re Dr. Keller, considering how many times Carson Beckett reacted with fear over the first two and a half years, do you agree that Dr. Keller is being judged according to a double standard?”

        Answer: Yep.

        SetMaat writes: “In this new season we haven't seen any wraith yet... Why? Where are they?”

        Answer: Well, we did see them in Reunion. And you won’t have to wait long to see them again.

        Don't forget Travelers!

        Sagacious writes: “How do you deal with production issues when one of the actors gets really ill?”

        Answer: In the event an actor is too ill to work, we will try to write around them or reschedule their scenes. If there is no way to work around them, then we would have to shut down production. In the biz, this is referred to as a “force majeure”. This has only happened once in my many years working on Stargate.

        Boo writes: “i thought all the team had the sub-q transmitters?”

        Answer: They do. They work in conjunction with the Asgard beaming technology. If the Daedalus had been in orbit, they would have been able to scan the surface of the planet, pinpoint their location, and beam them up.

        Steve writes: "Um, you do realise that SG-1 isn't 'real' right? It's all fantasy, and make believe? I hope you realise that at least."

        Answer: Uh, to clarify, you're accusing her of overreacting when all she is doing is responding to your far more strident opinion. That's like Britney Spears criticizing Hannah Montana for dressing too trashy.

        Heh, Joe's defending the fans.

        (made by a u between snores)


          Originally posted by PG15 View Post

          November 14, 2007

          Sagacious writes: “How do you deal with production issues when one of the actors gets really ill?”

          Answer: In the event an actor is too ill to work, we will try to write around them or reschedule their scenes. If there is no way to work around them, then we would have to shut down production. In the biz, this is referred to as a “force majeure”. This has only happened once in my many years working on Stargate.
          Shanks' appendectomy during the filming of The Crystal Skull, and subsequent rewrites for both that episode and Nemesis?


          SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
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            Originally posted by morjana View Post
            Shanks' appendectomy during the filming of The Crystal Skull, and subsequent rewrites for both that episode and Nemesis?

            Hmm, I always thought they shot around him. I could be wrong though

            my fanfic



              Long discussion on email spamming

              No mailbag today as I’m taking the night off to clean out the refrigerator, do the dishes, throw out the garbage, organize the recycling, check the mail, and turn in early so that I can finish The Doomsday Book. I’ll return with the mailbag tomorrow-ish. To tide you over -

              Today’s video: Click on the date for a very short clip from the Harmony shoot that I wasn’t going to bother posting but, after further consideration, figured some of you might find it of interest
              Six seconds of JOE FLANiGAN strumming his guitar at


                Dammit. I can't even see the vid. Dunno if it's my computer at work or whatv but I just get a black screen saying loading and it never progresses beyond that.


                  Eh, you didn't miss that much.

                  Unless you like Sheppard/Joe Flanigan, then you missed A LOT.

                  Seriously though, it's 6 seconds of Joe strumming his guitar while talking to JM, so it's not THAT a lot. Praise the gods that he wasn't shirtless.

                  ...Or was he? Muahahahahaha!


                    Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                    Eh, you didn't miss that much.

                    Unless you like Sheppard/Joe Flanigan, then you missed A LOT.

                    Seriously though, it's 6 seconds of Joe strumming his guitar while talking to JM, so it's not THAT a lot. Praise the gods that he wasn't shirtless.

                    ...Or was he? Muahahahahaha!
                    Oh, if only.................


                      As a guitarist for 15 years, I thought it was cool to see Joe F strumming the gee-tar. I also heard that Jason Momoa recently picked it up.



                        Tonight’s episode of Stargate Atlantis is The Seer. What can I say about this one? Well, there’s the fact that I really hated the idea when it was first pitched. Although, in all fairness, this story went through a bunch of incarnations in its early stages (involving everything from wonky machines to even wonkier Ancients) before finally blossoming into the fine episode you’ll see tonight. Key among the developments that really make this episode memorable for me were Robert Cooper’s suggestion to throw Woolsey into the mix (Bob Picardo has some truly priceless moments in this one), the incorporation of the wraith angle into the story (making this one the best individual wraith episode since Common Ground thanks in no small part to Chris Heyerdahl’s portrayal of the unlikely ally we will come to know as Todd), and, chiefest of all, Paul Mullie’s contribution to the script that not only tightened it structurally but offered up some brilliant (and humorous) character moments.

                        We were in the office today and watched a mix of that episode - the one with the marriage proposal. You know the one I’m talking about. Another one with some truly terrific character moments - and a most unlikely hero.
                        ...and some other chitchat.

                        Today's video: Horrific giant pine beetle attack

                        Today's mailbag:

                        Satine a ecrit: “Et ?* votre avis, est-ce plus difficile d'apprendre l'anglais pour un français, ou le français pour un anglais?”

                        Reponse: Je dirais qu'il est beaucoup plus difficile d'apprendre l'anglais.

                        Anonymous #1 writes: “With regard to the future Season 4 DVD, I would like to request more actor commentary.”

                        Answer: From what I hear, David Hewlett will be heading in next week to provide commentary on a couple of early season four episodes.

                        Woo hoo!!

                        Anonymous #2 writes: “I loved Shepperd and McKay's scene centered around guessing the Batman villains and the actors who played them. I was literally yelling the answers at the TV. Were you a fan of show?”

                        Answer: Batman and Get Smart - two of my favorite shows of all time. And lest you think I’m too young, check out my May 2, 2007 post for my top ten list of the shows that had the biggest influence on me growing up.

                        Teknikal writes: “Its my birthday today!!!!...any suggestions for a cake??????”

                        Answer: Happy Birthday! And Malted Milk Chocolate and Chestnut Cream Cake. Save me a piece.
                        Sig by Luciana
                        My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                          Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                          As a guitarist for 15 years, I thought it was cool to see Joe F strumming the gee-tar. I also heard that Jason Momoa recently picked it up.
                          Yup. Go to and check out Jason's video Q&A part 2 where he talks about guitar



                            Food review, check out those fries!

                            Today’s mailbag:

                            Anna writes: “"The future is predetermined by the character of those who shape it."
                            That is a truly powerful sentence. Which writer came up with that?”

                            Answer: Paul Mullie.

                            Cheeky Lil Devil writes: “I have to say, loved the wraith's humour, it had me in stitches. Was that Marty G's humour by anychance or was it Rob's?”

                            Answer: Again - Paul, who was also responsible for my favorite exchange. When a nervous Woolsey is about to head in to face a wraith for the first time, he hesitates and then motions Carter with a “Ladies first.”.

                            Mags writes: “When Carter and Sheppard about the annoyances of the IOA she says something along the lines of "Now I know why *** didn't want to take the job" I heard HE and my brother heard YOU.”

                            Answer: She said “you”.

                            OhioAnne writes: “In watching the episode, I felt we were handed a laundry basket of individual scenes with little overall coherence.”

                            Answer: This, more than any other episodes, left many questions unanswered. Teyla’s pregnancy. The raising of the stakes in the ongoing wraith-replicator war. And, of course, Atlantis’s latest guest, Todd. And, of course, the city’s seemingly inevitable destruction. This season, more than any other, will be arc-driven and hopefully, as the pieces fall into place and some surprising answers revealed, you’ll appreciate the narrative tapestry we’ve woven. Or not. Still, here’s hoping Miller’s Crossing is more your cup of tea.

                            Crazymom writes: “Do you ever take a break from computers and go internet-less for a period of time?”

                            Answer: And miss a day of blogging? Never.

                            Anonymous #2 writes: “Joe, the big discussion over at most of the stargte sites I frequent is all about the stupid new uniforms. […] What made you guys decide to go the way you have?”

                            Answer: The actors who found the old uniforms incredibly uncomfortable and, like us, love the look of the new one. You’re overruled. Sorry.

                            Firefly827347 writes: “ Hey Joe, I noticed you're on facebook. (At least, I think you are. Otherwise you have your very own Doppelganger...) Would you object especially if I added you as a friend or is that a bit weird?”

                            Answer: You can but you probably won’t get a response - not because I’m ignoring you but because I’m rarely on Facebook as I find it a mind-numbing waste of time.


                              SUN, Nov 18th


                              Joe goes to Best Buy...

                              Today’s photos: Operation Magenta

                              Today's video: Click on the date for a mid-operation update from Marty G.

                              Today’s mailbag:

                              Promogirl writes: “Will we see Carter going on any more off world missions this season?”

                              Answer: Carter will see action in the back half of the season.

                              Cheveron7 writes: “When questions hit your ear about visual effects and space battles you respond BE ALL MY SINS REMEMBER'D. Now I thought the visual effects in Adrift and Lifeline were pretty killer. Are they just going to get better?”

                              Answer: There’s an incredible sequence in BAMSR that, in my opinion, is the best visual effects sequence we’ve ever done.

                              Michelle writes: “One thing (of many) I loved about The Seer was that John values the peoples of Pegasus as much as the safety of Atlantis... asserting they can't defend the city at all costs to the other civilizations. Not only is it the "right" position, we haven't really seen it stated before, and it sets up lots of potential for more conflict with the IOA and US military. Will that be explored this year?”

                              Answer: Yep. Very late this season.

                              Jessy Ka writes: “I was wondering, is there any chance to receive an Atlantis e-card with your signature and best wishes for me?”

                              Answer: Best wishes, Jessy Ka. Better, no?

                              Paula writes: “If we ever talk you into coming to Atlanta for Dragon*Con, stay over a couple of days and I'll take you to some great Southern BBQ!”

                              Answer: Deal!

                              Nolim writes: “In my opinion, the main difference between SG-1 and SGA is the question of bad guys…”

                              Answer: You raise an interesting point but, for me, what makes a villain interesting is both motivation and personality. The great thing about the System Lords was that they were incredibly colorful characters. Lord Yu, especially, stands out because, despite being “evil”, was surprisingly honorable nevertheless. The Ori, while interesting, lacked individual personality, which is why Adria was introduced. In the case of the wraith, you could argue that they have no choice (that they simply consider humans food), but there is no doubt that they enjoy toying with their victims and even take great pleasure in their suffering. If that’s not evil, I don’t know what is. Nevertheless, in spite of their superior attitude, this season we are making an effort to explore a more “human side” to the wraith through the character of Todd. As I said, I always find multi-layered enemies much more interesting than simply “scary for scary’s sake”.

                              Cheeky Lil Devil writes: “We were talking about the CG Wraith being in Atlantis, and someone brought up a good point. How are they going to feed him?”

                              Answer: That’s a great question.

                              Anonymous writes: “ why did N. John Smith say that the character was only 'disappearing' when he leaked word about Paul McGillion no longer being main cast?”

                              Answer: That is a question for N. John Smith.


                                Yawn, just checked. No new entry. Adios, I'm off to bed!

