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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by PG15 View Post
    Hey, shouldn't you be watching Missing?

    Kindred and Last Man are starting to sound good; I can't wait to see it.

    Oh, and I just realized that this thread passed the 4000-posts mark a few days ago (It's 4047 posts before this one...Wow, the number 47 appears again...), so hooray for us!!
    Huh. The number 47 popped up in a commercial for the movie, Hitman. Evidently it's the Hitman's number (they gave him a number--a barcode type number it looks like--instead of a name). Could just be a coincidence, I suppose....

    I am so blessed! Cherriey made this cool sig; scarimor made this great Dr. Lee smilie and Spudster made another neat one Dr. Lee RULES!

    Myn's fabulous twilight bark smilie:


      Hitman: Agent 47. prime as game.


        Yeah, I noticed that too (Re: Hitman).

        The Cult of 47 will rise again.


          And shall smite the unbelievers?
          Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
          Yes, I am!
          Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
          Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
          Peter Pan R.I.P


            Today's translations:

            Morgia a ecrit: “Je me suis rendu compte que tu ne réponds jamais (ou presque) aux personnes qui t'écrivent en français…”

            Reponse: “J'ai répondu ?* des questions françaises dans le passé et continuerai ?* les repondre. Il tout dépend du type de question demandé.”
            Morgia wrote: I've noticed that you never (or hardly ever) reply to people who write to you in French.

            Answer: I've responded to questions in French in the past and I will continue to do so. It all depends on the type of question asked.

            Atlantisfannew1 a ecrit: “1}Quel est votre épisode préféré dans stargate sg1?
            2}(Répondez franchement a cette question s'il vous plait.)Imaginons qu'une personne ne parlant pas anglais vous met la 750000 visite, choisiriez vous une autre personne qui parle anglais?”

            Reponses: 1) 2010. 2) Non, je choisirais le 750 000ieme visiteur - et parlerais français avec eux.
            Atlantisfannew1 wrote: 1} What is your favourite episode of Stargate SG1?
            2} (Please reply honestly to this question) Imagine if a person who doesn't speak English is the 750,000th visitor - would you choose someone else who speaks English?

            Answers: 1) 2010. 2) No, I would choose the 750,000th visitor - and speak French with them.



              Pics: Dogs looking cute

              Originally posted by Joe Mallozzi
              Paul first pitched out the idea late in season 3: “We go to the planet, but the Athosians aren‘t there. They‘re missing.” I was intrigued: “Where’d they go?”. “I don’t know,”he shrugged. “What happened to them?”I pressed. “I don’t know,”he repeated. A year and a half later, we finally know and by WE I mean those involved in the production of Atlantis’s fourth season. WE know, but WE ain’t telling because the revelation is the key to a major arc we kick off in Missing. It was to be, at the time we got together to brainstorm the idea, the impetus for Teyla’s dark turn - an exploration of her character that we were poised to follow through on - until we learned that Rachel was pregnant. Congratulations were in order! Congratulations and a quick reconsideration of the game plan. On the one hand, this curveball forced us to rethink the arc we had envisioned. On the other hand, it afforded us the opportunity to develop a different aspect of the character - and throw our own curveball into a hitherto comfortable friendship. But more on that interesting little development in the coming weeks. Yeah, again, WE know, but WE ain’t telling.

              [Re: Book of the month:]
              Baron Destructo and Cookie Monster have to say as they have expressed interest in joining this month’s discussion. They have also expressed interest in co-hosting a weekly special feature for this blog, a sort of point/counter-point in which they will discuss and debate the hard-hitting news of the week covering everything from celebrity scandals to t.v high/low-lights. How could I refuse?
              143 comments and counting! Carl is going to have a busy Sunday. Well, allow me to tackle the non-Carl-directed queries…

              LostCityGuardian writes: “If you're not going to be a showrunner, would you be roped in as a SGU writer then, in the same way that RCC is not an SGA executive producer but writes for you guys?”

              Answer: Roped in? We don’t rope anyone in. We usually just lock the doors and don’t let people leave until they’ve written at least one script. As for who will be writing on SGU - way too early to tell.

              Jenny R. writes: “Have any other episodes ever made the writers/producers cry while watching?”

              Answer: Yeah. Irresponsible had me in tears, but for completely different reasons.

              Fingolfin high king writes: “Is it true that at one point the Wraith Scout Ship was to be featured in a shot (As hinted by the ship design pics)?”

              Answer: Nope. Wrong episode.

              Lauren writes: “Joe, why are you sometimes so curt to people who express their dislike of Carter (or Weir leaving, etc.)? I'm not talking about the people who are rude first--I've seen more than a few people who've left comments that made me cringe with embarrassment--but I've also seen some polite, well thought out questions and comments that you've responded to in the same tone as the horrible ones.”

              Answer: Clearly we disagree on what is considered impolite or disrespectful. There are plenty of regular visitors to this blog who have made it very clear that they disagree with some of the creative decisions that have been made, and they have done so in a pointed yet respectful manner. I have neither rejected their posts nor have I belittled their opinions.

              Anonymous #1 writes: “So got in touch with Michael so is a proboble turning back into priority again?”

              Answer: I’m not sure what you mean. Even if something is of the highest priority, unless it’s a confirmed done deal, nothing is definite.

              Anonymous #2 writes: “Keller must go. I've never seen such a spineless character.”

              Answer: You mean besides fan-favorite Rodney McKay, don’t you?

              Katherine19 a ecrit: “1°)lisez vous des fanfictions ? 2) supportez vous un couple sur atlantis ?”

              Reponses: Non et non.

              Anonymous #4 writes: “If this guy is supossed to be her crush, mentioned in Sunday, then you have made a big mistake, I'm afraid.”

              Answer: Or the individual she mentioned in Sunday is not “this guy”.

              Semisweet writes: “She's a doctor, for crying out loud! How could she EVER be capable of doing surgery if she's as spineless as this?”

              Answer: I’d say there’s a big difference between keeping your cool performing surgery and keeping your cool while on the run from a band of savage cannibals.


                On the other hand, it afforded us the opportunity to develop a different aspect of the character - and throw our own curveball into a hitherto comfortable friendship.
                Hmm...well, this is news to me. Anybody know more about it?


                  Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                  Hmm...well, this is news to me. Anybody know more about it?
                  Hmmm different aspect? How is Teyla different now compared to what she was? Maybe it's the fact that she's hell bent on vengence? She's always been laidback and the voice of reason for the most part. So maybe they're exploring that part she keeps hidden? Maybe she's developing killer tendancies!! After last nite's ep it wouldn't surprise me. It may be that when a woman is pregnant something changes within them that heightens their survival skills.. Okay so i'm speculating wildly.

                  Maybe she thinks that she will be forced to leave the base, or her actions over the coming months will test the team's trust dynamics. But when all is said and done the team stands by her, hence the comfortable friendship? It might just be a testing time for everyone until they find their feet???

                  I'm shutting up now.


                    Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                    Hmm...well, this is news to me. Anybody know more about it?
                    I'm wondering if they're saying that Teyla's relationship with another team member, which has always been a good friendship is going to be tested in some way? The only two I can think it's going to affect would be Teyla and Sheppard or Teyla and Ronon. IE, someone isn't happy about her pregnancy or her hiding it? And my wild guess would be that would be Shep. If it makes for dramatic exchanges and angst etc...then I'm all for it.


                      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                      Hmmm different aspect? How is Teyla different now compared to what she was? Maybe it's the fact that she's hell bent on vengence? She's always been laidback and the voice of reason for the most part. So maybe they're exploring that part she keeps hidden? Maybe she's developing killer tendancies!! After last nite's ep it wouldn't surprise me. It may be that when a woman is pregnant something changes within them that heightens their survival skills.. Okay so i'm speculating wildly.

                      Maybe she thinks that she will be forced to leave the base, or her actions over the coming months will test the team's trust dynamics. But when all is said and done the team stands by her, hence the comfortable friendship? It might just be a testing time for everyone until they find their feet???

                      I'm shutting up now.
                      Teyla just went from a simple not too loud character to a more complexed and focused character within one episode. That right there is good character development.


                        Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                        Teyla just went from a simple not too loud character to a more complexed and focused character within one episode. That right there is good character development.
                        *takes note of Brian's succint post and inwardly digests*

                        I will one day learn to focus what I mean, instead of rambling excessively. But yep you said it in a nutshell what I meant.


                          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                          *takes note of Brian's succint post and inwardly digests*

                          I will one day learn to focus what I mean, instead of rambling excessively. But yep you said it in a nutshell what I meant.
                          LOL, well I knew what you were talking about!



                            Well, Carl really outdid himself today, answering a slew of fan questions for today’s guest Q&A blog. Rather than put up with me yammering on about my laidback Sunday and Lulu’s bizarre yoga-esque sleeping positions, let’s head straight to the guest mailbag -

                            But not before checking out today’s pics: Rare and valuable never-before-published pictures of Carl Binder, a gentle reminder of what may have been: Monty the Radioactive Gopher, and, of course, Lulu’s bizarre yoga-esque sleeping positions.
                            Today’s guest mailbag hosted by Carl Binder -

                            Teyilia writes: “What (or who) made you guys think of getting Teyla really mad?”

                            Carl: At the start of season four, I wanted to do two stories: 1) A heist (which became Lifeline), and 2) A Teyla episode. But a different kind of Teyla episode. I wanted to really shake her up, show her in a way we haven't seen her before. Luckily, Joe and Paul had an idea for an arc that would involve taking Teyla down a very dark course, which I loved. I'm a fan of putting our characters into moral dilemmas, forcing them way out of their comfort zone. So I was able to start this journey for her in Missing.

                            Ditraveler writes: “I, like Ronon, have no clue what Sheppard and Rodney were talking about, so my question is what was that all about? And what made you come up with that particular bit?”[B]

                            Carl: I love the old Batman TV show. I try to include references to it whenever I can, especially in the Sheppard/McKay banter. This particular discussion came out of an actual lunchtime discussion Joe Mallozzi and I had about the various villains of Batman and who played them.

                            ChevronSeven writes: “Didn't Shelley Winters play Ma Parker?”

                            Carl: Yes she did.

                            Promogirl writes: “You mentioned that Jewel did a lot of her own stunts in this episode. How much of the rope bridge sequence was her?”

                            Carl: Quite a lot. The entire walk. She was cabled for protection, the wire attached to a harness under her coat, coming out through her coat arm and attached to the bridge's handrail. We later painted out the wire in visual effects. The fall was her double, as well as Rachel's double pulling her up.

                            Promogirl also writes: “And how much did Rachel love being such a badass in this episode? I imagine she was relishing it to the hilt.”

                            Carl: She, she was very excited about it.

                            ThornyRose writes: “Do we see the Athosian question resolved this season, and if so, when?”

                            Carl: Revisited, yes. Resolved, stay tuned.

                            Blaine Nielsen writes: “I was wondering what was your favorite part that was written and executed well on the screen?”

                            Carl: Obviously the rope bridge sequence was done as well (if not better) as anything I could have hoped for. But for me, two other moments stand out. 1) The circular saw-sized shiriken that stabs into the tree in front of Jewel at the start of the first Bola Kai fight. Or, rather, pops out of the tree. It happens so fast it looks like it was thrown. A common gag in film (and magic shows), but it amazes how well it works. 2) The dirt creature. Director Andy Mikita and I had many, many discussions about this thing, and it was the source of great stress for Andy in his quest to make it look good. Our Production Designer, James Robbins, first brought in the infamous "Monty the Radioactive Gopher" drawing, and from there it was refined and gooped up to become the underground squid. In the end, we were all very pleased with how well it turned out.

                            Stargazer writes: “What were Rachel and Jewel actually eating? It looked thoroughly disgusting, but maybe that was just the power of suggestion.”

                            Carl: No, you're right, it was disgusting. Some kind of edible tofu-like concoction. We toyed with various consistencies until we arrived at the goopy mess you saw on screen. We did make sure beforehand that Rachel and Jewel were both okay with eating it. I'm a big Survivor fan, so of course I had to include a reference to it in the scene.

                            Erin Anderson writes: “Teyla's fight scene's were awesome. How many of those did she actually participate in? Or did the pregnancy preclude her from filming any of them?”

                            Carl: We had to be very, very cautious with Rachel during the filming of this episode, so her stunt double was relied upon more than usual.

                            Lizzyshoe writes: “Can I just say, the cannibal snacking on a lollipop was BLOODY BRILLIANT! My friends and I had a gooood laugh over that. Who's idea was it anyway?”

                            Carl: I thought bringing lollipops for the Athosian kids would demonstrate Keller's compassion, get us off to a good start with her. When the Bola Kai found her duffel bag, I thought it would be funny if we later saw one of them with a lollipop in his mouth, so I wrote it into the scene. I'm glad you agree.

                            Sulien writes: “Regarding the team taking incoming arrow fire, how was that shot? Were the arrows put in digitally in post production, or were they on wires?”

                            Carl: It was a combination of digital arrows (the ones that whipped by dangerously close) and hand thrown arrows (the ones that look hand thrown). I liked the CG arrows better.

                            Dee in South Africa writes: “Joe, I'm sure, can be really irritating at times. How many times in the last year have you thought about killing him?”

                            Carl: 7. Sadly, there are laws in Canada prohibiting murder.

                            Anonymous #1 writes: “Was Rachel's pregnancy the reason that "Missing" was written, or was a 'Thelma and Louise' episode already on the agenda?”

                            Carl: Missing was already well in the works before Rachel's pregnancy. We then figured a way to write it into the season arc we were already working on for Teyla.

                            Paula writes: “And whose evil idea was it to end the episode before Keller says what's wrong? Was this a Mallozzi move? Or are is Binder going Dark Side on us?”

                            Carl: That was a Mallozzi/Mullie decision.

                            Wraithfodder writes: “A totally inane question, but are you guys watching too many TV ads? We got Ambien mentioned in "Doppelganger," and now Restless Leg Syndrome in "Missing"? I feel like the ads are saturating the show (please, please, no Cialis!)”

                            Carl: I just needed another funny ailment for McKay. We've already gone through so many. And this seemed like something McKay would think he had. But now that you mention Cialis...

                            Michelle writes: “Did Jewel Staite play Keller in "Missing" as you imagined she would, and if not, how was her take on it different from what you'd imagined?”

                            Carl: She played it exactly as I hoped she would. A total pro, and a class act all the way.

                            Pauline writes: “When you wrote Missing and decided to include the rope bridge, which was frightening just to look at, did you think- What can I put in to the story frighten the bejesus out of Teyla and Keller?”

                            Carl: I just wanted something that would frighten the bejesus out of Keller. I too have a fear of heights, so when we were scouting locations (on a snowy day, which melted before shooting) and I stood at the edge of that canyon, I pretty much reacted the way Keller did when she saw it.

                            Anonymous #2 writes: “If Joe gave you free range and you could write an episode for any female character in Stargate history (Atlantis or SG1) who would it be and why?”

                            Carl: I really like Fran, from Be All My Sins Remember'd.

                            Arctic Goddess writes: “Joe has told us why and how he got into writing. I'd love to hear your history about how you ended up where you are.”

                            Carl: I went to USC's film school, then worked as a page at NBC while trying to launch my writing career. While there I got work as a production assistant on the show Punky Brewster. The showrunner allowed me to write an episode in season two, which helped me get an agent, who helped me land my first staff job on the CBS show Adderly. I then went to work on a show in Vancouver called Neon Rider. There were two writers on staff -- me and Brad Wright. He went off to develop SG-1, and I went off to co-write Pocahontas for Disney, then work on the last three seasons of Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman. After that I created the show Little Men for the PAX network and developed Mysterious Ways for NBC/PAX. Brad and I always kept in touch and wanted to work together again, so he called me when Atlantis got off the ground and asked if I wanted to be a part of it.

                            Morjana writes: “Is Keller a civilian doctor (ie., not a military doctor).”

                            Carl : Civilian.

                            [B]Amelie: “What's Joseph Mallozzi really like?” [/B
                            ]Carl: Sweet, compassionate, sensitive and most of all, forgiving. Loves the Beatles and the movie E.T.

                            Amelie also writes: “What do you think of his obsession to chocolates, food, dogs and super villains.”

                            Carl: I don't have a sophisticated palate (cheeseburgers and beer for me), so I applaud his patient efforts to refine my tastes. But I still refuse to eat foi gras (or however you spell it). And lamb. And 100 per cent chocolate. As for the dogs, I am president of the Lulu fan club.

                            Anonymous #3 writes: “Will this have serious consequences in the way it's going to affect Teyla's relationship with the rest of her team members and her role as part of the team?”

                            Carl: Yes. Stay tuned.

                            Gatedialer write: “Whomever had the idea to cast Danny Trejo in an SGA episode is a frakking genius!”

                            Carl: That would be director Andy Mikita. He suggested Danny, and the rest of us immediately agreed.

                            Emily writes: “How was Chippewa Falls, WI decided upon as Dr. Keller's hometown? Are characters' hometowns ever picked out of thin air or is there usually some sort of reason/connection to the particular city/region?”

                            Carl: I wanted her to be from a small town, so I originally chose Blaine, Missouri, the town from the movie Waiting For Guffman. But it didn't clear legally. So then I chose Chippewa Falls, because that's where Annie Hall is from (my favorite movie).

                            Vecturist writes: “How long do some of the fight scenes typically take to choreograph? How much of the 'fight' description is provided by the writer/director versus the translation of the stunt crew?”

                            Carl: Our stunt coordinator, Bam Bam, did exceptional work on this one. The first big fight (featuring Teyla swinging that badass axe) is pretty much exactly as scripted, but the second one (during which Teyla is captured) Bam Bam had more free reign to improvise.

                            Dori writes: “Why with your good looks and your wonderful sensitive personality, you didn't go into acting? And who would be your favourite author?”

                            Carl: Perhaps I can reccommend a good eye doctor for you. As for my favorite author: Mark Twain.

                            Somebody writes: “What is your favorite SGA episode and why?”

                            Carl: I would have to say McKay and Mrs. Miller. Great script, great directing, great acting. I'm a fan of the smaller, character relationship pieces. I thought everything came together on that one, with a very emotional ending.



                              Today’s video: Click on the date to watch Marty G. take part in the annual Running of the Dogs - and the barricade get breached.

                              Today’s mailbag:

                              Ray Finkle writes: “Firstly, why didn't it get legal clearance and secondly, why on earth would you need clearance in the first place? Are you really unable to just use the name of a town in an episode?”

                              Answer: We could have used the town no problem, but we couldn’t state that our Jennifer Keller hailed from the Town X because, according to our legal department, there is already one Jennifer Keller living in Town X and we wouldn’t want to confuse the two. Imagine if you are “the” Jennifer Keller living in Town X when you are set upon by wraith who believe you to be the Jennifer Keller from Town X now residing in the Pegasus Galaxy. How awkward.

                              Royal Nonesuch writes: “ Joe M.--so your a Beatles fan? Who is your favorite of the Fab Four?”

                              Answer: Actually, quite the opposite. This from my December 10, 2006 entry -

                              “And if you’re going to continue to invest time in this blog, I think it’s high time I came clean about a few things, some things that could color, possibly even change, your opinion of me. Nevertheless I think it’s important you know that -
                              1. I have never sat through an entire episode of Friends from start to finish.
                              2. I have never seen E.T. nor do I ever intend to.
                              3. I don’t like The Beatles.
                              4. I prefer my hot dogs the way they enjoy them in Japanese baseball stadiums - with ketchup, occasionally with mayo, relish, and onions, but never, ever with mustard.
                              5. Given the magical opportunity to pursue and excel at another career, my choice of new professions would be: super villain, chef, and hard-hitting free safety for the Los Angeles Raiders - in that order.”

                              Anonymous #1 writes: “ I am however concerned about what possible rationalisation you and your writers could have for including a character like Keller in the role she is in. The experiences of the SGC over the past 11 years would have made it perfectly clear that a job like hers was not for the faint hearted nor for someone so easily discomforted by out of the ordinary occurrences.”

                              Answer: They’re in another galaxy facing life-sucking aliens and savage off-world cannibals. How many possible candidates could they have chosen from that would have been comfortable dealing with such “out of the ordinary occurrences”? Keller’s response to the dangers she faced was very much the type of reaction one would expect from any normal human being (read: you and pretty much everyone else who has criticized her reaction) in an extreme life or death situation.


                                Thanks for catching up on the entries. Joe's back to posting late and I'm busy dealing with the pets and hitting the sack.

