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    Originally posted by Gen_J_O'Neill View Post
    Same here! And at least we have some conformation on that!
    she will be doing a bit of both. YAY, coz I really want to see her struggle through some tough comand decisions. It will provide some great watching.
    So True...Its more interesting than behind a desk! Carter crossing over to Atlantis has made S4 even more exciting!

    Originally posted by Gen_J_O'Neill View Post
    lol, I had to dance down to the kitchen and make myself some tea. Yep, it the healthiest eal ever......a plate of chips! lol I'm so going to have to go for a run tomorrow
    I ate a whole block of chocolate just then..its probably bad..but i don't put any weight on (yet) so it doesn't matter I might as well eat junk food while i still can...heehehehe

    Originally posted by Gen_J_O'Neill View Post
    oooooo, I seriously can't wait! still a half an hour to go over here though!
    Oh really...2 mins according to this clock...yey!


      Originally posted by Amaunet View Post
      So True...Its more interesting than behind a desk! Carter crossing over to Atlantis has made S4 even more exciting!
      Exactly! its opened up a whole new area (is that the word? EDIT: its dynamic! Yes I got it!) to explore. The writers can develop her relationships with the rest of the team and the
      conflict they will have. Which will be very good TV if they do it write.

      Originally posted by Amaunet View Post
      I ate a whole block of chocolate just then..its probably bad..but i don't put any weight on (yet) so it doesn't matter I might as well eat junk food while i still can...heehehehe
      LOL, the same thing happens to me! I eat and eat and nothing happens! Oh well, I should still go for a run! keeps the arteries clear! LOL
      By *E*K*R*


        At the end of Heroes Ch7 said they're going to "fast track" season 2 of Heroes and it will be back in a few months with the US!
        I hope that means we get it the same week as overseas! Even if its only delayed by a week, its so easy to just watch it elsewhere that I won't be able to contain myself.

        Hope y'all enjoyed the finale.

        Personally I think the peter/sylar showdown could have been way better, both in terms of action and story. But otherwise I loved it
        Thus it will come to pass... the dying leader will know the truth of the opera house... the missing 3 will give you the 5 who have come from the home of the 13th... you are the harbinger of death, Kara Thrace - you will lead them all to their end. End of line.


          Originally posted by Gen_J_O'Neill View Post
          LOL, the same thing happens to me! I eat and eat and nothing happens! Oh well, I should still go for a run! keeps the arteries clear! LOL
          Me too!
          I just eat whatever I want, sit on my ass all day and I don't put on any weight. Good genes I guess.
          My Dad says he was the same but when he turned 18 he started to stack it on and had to work to keep it off. I'm 22 now and still thin as a rake, maybe I've escaped that fate.

          I do try to exercise a little out of guilt. Push ups everyday, and eat lots of apples. But thats it.

          Edit: My first double post I think... oops.
          Thus it will come to pass... the dying leader will know the truth of the opera house... the missing 3 will give you the 5 who have come from the home of the 13th... you are the harbinger of death, Kara Thrace - you will lead them all to their end. End of line.


            Originally posted by LiquidKal View Post
            At the end of Heroes Ch7 said they're going to "fast track" season 2 of Heroes and it will be back in a few months with the US!
            I hope that means we get it the same week as overseas! Even if its only delayed by a week, its so easy to just watch it elsewhere that I won't be able to contain myself.

            Hope y'all enjoyed the finale.

            Personally I think the peter/sylar showdown could have been way better, both in terms of action and story. But otherwise I loved it
            I feel exaactly the same way!
            So sylers not dead and who the hell is that other guy Molly was talking about!?!?!?! "He see's me when I look for him"!!!! What the.......!!!! And the end, WOW, poor Hiro. lol

            Originally posted by LiquidKal View Post
            I do try to exercise a little out of guilt. Push ups everyday, and eat lots of apples. But thats it.
            lol, same here!
            By *E*K*R*


              Originally posted by LiquidKal View Post
              At the end of Heroes Ch7 said they're going to "fast track" season 2 of Heroes and it will be back in a few months with the US!
              I hope that means we get it the same week as overseas! Even if its only delayed by a week, its so easy to just watch it elsewhere that I won't be able to contain myself.
              Really, that could be cool!

              Originally posted by LiquidKal View Post
              Hope y'all enjoyed the finale.

              Personally I think the peter/sylar showdown could have been way better, both in terms of action and story. But otherwise I loved it
              Yer so did my family and I, it was a good episode and all, it just could have been better...There were better episodes this season...and i was expecting a huge sylar/peter showdown...*cries*


                HOLY HANNAH! you two can talk! i'm sicker for one day, and i have to read to catch up.

                I missed heroes *curls up into ball and starts crying*

                well i got FaB to look forward to IN HD ON 32" *drools*

                AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If we do get heroes at the same time, i will esplode in HD.

                ^ Yeah i was expecting a giant heroes battle with blood and guts, but alas, nothing.


                  ^ Yeah! I thought it was a great ep, but it sucked as a season final! I was expecting something masive to happen but.....what was there......
                  an explosion that only killed one person, hearing about this guy whose worse than sylar and hiro being transported back in time! And thats it! No big battle between Sylar and Peter...Nothing!

                  and lol, well she kept replying!
                  By *E*K*R*


                    Heroes finale spoilers
                    My theory is that Sylar was dragged away by whoever Molly was talking about. Perhaps this person can resurrect him or something.

                    I was disappointed with the Peter v Sylar for multiple reasons. Firstly, he had that vision of Charles Devaux that seemed to hint that Peter had his confidence back and was going to pull out the big guns against Sylar. Instead he almost choked to death until Nikki came and saved his ass, It felt like a bit of a waste with the buildup they gave it.
                    Also, the whole season had been mounting to this. They are equal opposites. Both characters take on multiple powers and even their names hint at an ultimate clash between the two. Peter Petrelli and Gabriel Gray. Both alliterative, like most good super heroes/villains.

                    Season 2 spoilers. Seriously, don't read unless you must.
                    From what I've read, both Nathan and Peter survive the explosion. I hope they explain Nathans survival well, because even though I'm sure he could have flown fast enough to get away from Peter in time, he would have taken a massive dose of radiation and Linderman isn't around anymore to heal him.

                    Also, The guy who played Sark in Alias is going to play Kensei! The explanation for that will be really interesting seeing as Kensei is Japanese and David Anders isn't! (And I was pretty confident that hes also Hiro's father)
                    Another interesting fact, Kensei is 1000 years old.

                    Less than 3 months till Atlantis returns... Ohh how I wish I had Hiro's powers. I'd travel forward 20 years and collect all the TV shows on DVD, then come back here and watch them all. Then maybe I could sell them to the studios who make them for millions of dollars, saving them the cost of actually producing them
                    Thus it will come to pass... the dying leader will know the truth of the opera house... the missing 3 will give you the 5 who have come from the home of the 13th... you are the harbinger of death, Kara Thrace - you will lead them all to their end. End of line.


                      hello peoples!

                      w00t for more info re carter on atlantis. season four is looking better and better.

                      i'm glad there's gonna be tension between carter and ronon. i kinda thought maybe they'd sorta bond, both being the 'new' kids. but tension is waaaaay more fun

                      btw, should we change the name of this thread to include season 10 spoilers, seeing as it starts tonight?
                      *throat punch*
                      My blog:
                      LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                        ^ Hmmm it S10 does too start tonight…i keep who’s watching it tonight? I think I will!

                        Wow we did talk Eddie for a whole page hehehe and brad had a couple of posts there too!

                        Hey Ford i can see your sig for once!

                        Yey I’m going to start S3 of Sga again…I’m making my mum watch it! Mwah ha ha

                        Originally posted by LiquidKal View Post
                        Less than 3 months till Atlantis returns... Ohh how I wish I had Hiro's powers. I'd travel forward 20 years and collect all the TV shows on DVD, then come back here and watch them all. Then maybe I could sell them to the studios who make them for millions of dollars, saving them the cost of actually producing them
                        Hey that would be cool!


                          ^ oh i'll be watching, ever minute in HD! Oh and i want some one here to play interact HD loops with me, kath knows what i'm talking about lol.

                          w00t on you being able to see my sig.


                            JM BLOGS:


                            PICS: some ppics of JF.

                            I spoke to Paul McGillion just before the hiatus kicked off and pitched out what we had in store for him. He was very excited about the story and very much looking forward to coming back. And we look forward to having him back and, of course once again being audience to his beautiful singing voice. Oh, and forgot to mention that Joe and Jason did look quite dashing in their dark suits and white shirts for the final days on Miller’s Crossing. As Joe was leaving the production offices one day, I snapped a few pics as he posed and quipped “I’m doing my Joe Mallozzi imitation”.

                            Lisa Gabi Marie writes: “Do you think that a SGA character will ever ascend in a episode?”

                            Answer: Anything is possible. But many things are also highly unlikely. Like an SGA character ascending for one.

                            Anonymous #1 writes: “ A certain Sheyla shipper's at it again, hinting at inside information, and a Ronon Keller ship. True? False?”

                            Answer: True, someone is hinting at inside information.

                            My Name Is Scott also writes: “Now that we've got films coming, do have have sweeping landscape shots, cinematic camerawork, etc.?”

                            Answer: Check out the amazing helicopter-shot sequence that opens Ark of Truth.


                              *groan* i hate those loops. though the other day when i was watching normal tv i was so sick of the ads i was hoping for the loops lol

                              i'll prolly be watching sg1; i don't think there's anything i have to do tomorrow morning. plus FaB is a great ep.

                              w00t for PMcG info! been so long since we've heard anything about it. and lol at JF doing his Joe Mallozzi imitation.
                              *throat punch*
                              My blog:
                              LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                                I'll probably be watching! Although I have to go and pick up my suit tomorrow. lol, the only thing I have to do all day! I love being on holidays.

                                I liked this from JM's blog:
                                Anonymous #4 writes: “I was wondering why you guys don't participate in the Leo awards anymore?”

                                Answer: I can’t speak for the production and it’s decision regarding the Leo’s. But just my personal opinion - when a huge sequence like the one at the end of Lost City loses out to a simple eye glow in the visual effects category, the awards lose a certain amount of credibility.
                                It's rigged I tell you....RIGGED!!!!!
                                By *E*K*R*

