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Speculation on Stargate's future, Networks, mini-series, movie

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    Emostar Galactica's going to be hurt because of its weaksauce storyline. The minute they made everything so Emo (kill Apollo plz), I quit watching. It was a root canal every episode.


      It's pretty unfair (and somewhat inappropriate) to blame the show's demise on a single member of the cast. RDA left because he had reasons to. Yes, he was a foundational character to the series, but to say that Stargate is getting cancelled because he left is pretty far cry. Put yourself in RDA's shoes and think how you would feel if you read that Stargate was getting cancelled because you left. Respect the cast members and the production crew. After all, they spent their waking hours during the production season bringing you the show you love and enjoy.


        also i think its important to note that RDA didn't leave the show because he wanted more $$ or anything. He wanted to spend time with his family and his children.
        its a noble reason, and its his choice.


          Agreed, Morbo.

          If anything, it's RDA's fault for having 8 GREAT YEARS of AWESOMENESS. TOTALL YOUR YOUR FAULT, MacGuyver! How DARE YOU participate in such a GREAT show??


            Originally posted by Morbo
            also i think its important to note that RDA didn't leave the show because he wanted more $$ or anything. He wanted to spend time with his family and his children.
            its a noble reason, and its his choice.
            I totally agree. I respected his decision. Just like I respect Michael's decision to take a few episodes off this season to spend time with his wife and new baby.
            MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
            "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
            Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


              Blame it on TiVO because they need live viewing to make it possible! Don't record it on TiVO just sit back and watch it live. Everyone who contributes help the ratings of the show >_<
              I AM BETTER THAN YOU


                Originally posted by Emperor28
                Blame it on TiVO because they need live viewing to make it possible! Don't record it on TiVO just sit back and watch it live. Everyone who contributes help the ratings of the show >_<
                Thats the thing , TiVo is setup so people can GO TO WORK and catch there show later . It anything TiVo and Comcast DVR Members would have a better chance to watch these ads in the show over and over again , Unlike watching them live and people flipping the channel couse of that ad that sucks ...


                  Selfish man! Wanting to spend time with his kids who does he think he is! Sorry - but its not RDA's fault the ratings fell. I think maybe peopled missed him a lot more than expeced, but its definetley not RDA's fault!
                  Its not about whos right or wrong its about the debate!


                    I'd just like to say that while I haven't ever subscribed to a premium channel before, I'd pick up Showtime in a heartbeat if they saved SG-1.


                      Originally posted by Emperor28
                      Blame it on TiVO because they need live viewing to make it possible! Don't record it on TiVO just sit back and watch it live. Everyone who contributes help the ratings of the show >_<

                      You'll notice that whenever Gateworld reports ratings, it's always Neilsen ratings.
                      If you don't have a Neilsen box sitting on top of your TV for that week, it doesn't matter if you watch the show or not. Networks have no other way of determining if you're watching. Your regular cable box doesn't tell them. What if you have cable ready TV? There is no way for networks to know if you're watching, unless you have the special Neilsen reporting box.

                      So, tivo all you want.

                      This is why shows always fail now, because ratings are really, only a handful of the people watching. For every family with a Neilsen box in their house, there are 8239471934 families without one.


                        Originally posted by The Dude
                        That's good news.
                        No, that's just lame.


                          There have been many threads on this - too many. I know because I made a few, lol.
                          Completely agree, I think some of the fans accepted the change and watched season 9 as a preview for what SG-1 had transformed into and they didn't like it - and that's why the ratings fell.
                          The point can be argued though.
                          I write articles/features/reviews for I'm With now. Check out our stuff if you get a minute!

                          Click on sig to check out my fanfic gallery too!


                            I wonder if he might be a bit more open to coming back a bit more if they can change networks? Its a bit mean to expect him to come back 100%! He left for good reason, but he might be willing to extend his presence if it means getting the ratings up!
                            Its not about whos right or wrong its about the debate!


                              Originally posted by jambi
                              I've got a better idea...while on a week's leave, Col. Mitchell is helping the Prometheus test a new glider/fighter design, when suddenly a wormhole opens up just to his right, sucking in the craft and closing. It spits him out who knows where, and he's tossed right into the middle of a battle to boot! He eventually finds his way onto what appears to be a living spaceship, full of escaped alien prisoners, none of who've ever heard of Earth, or even Stargates! Thus begins his long and strange journey home....

                              -cue theme song-

                              It'll revive ratings for sure, I guarantee it!

                              (RDA could play his new nemesis, a pale wierdo all dressed up in black leather, hellbent on scanning his brain in order to discover the location of Earth and secrets of Stargate technology)
                              The promethious?what season u seen up 2 dude?sry if i spoiled it for u by sayin that


                                You can't blame RDA for bad ratings this season, he helped this show become one of the greatest SciFi shows out there. Sure a lot of RDA fans tuned out. But look at S9, it had good rating. My guess is that people gave the "new" show a decent chance but found it bad and didn't bother return for the 10th season. For me, S9 was a huge let down. It just didn't feel like the show was about SG-1 anymore. I was all for letting RDA go if the show was to continue and give it a chance, but today I truly wish they had ended it at S8.

                                If the show can't survive without BSG to drag it up, and it can't handle competition. Then I think now is the time to let it go. All good things must come to an end...

