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Modeling Challenge Thread

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    Originally posted by Dr Lee View Post
    started work on an Alkesh like plasma cannon for my bomber... if i get enough done tomorrow then i'll update, but Xmas shopping calls
    I'll be finishing off my own xmas shopping tomorrow as well.

    Needless to say I'll be looking forward to seeing what you are working on Dr Lee.

    "Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car could go straight upwards." - Fred Hoyle
    Feel free to visit my Art Work.


      well here they are........


      with cannon down and doors on-

      with cannon down doors off-

      Doors off and cannon up-

      cannon rotates 90 degrees in total

      still got a load to do on it before i can say that bit is finished...... but i'll try and post some info on the cannon later today

      'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


        Originally posted by Dr Lee View Post
        well here they are........


        with cannon down and doors on-

        with cannon down doors off-

        Doors off and cannon up-

        cannon rotates 90 degrees in total

        still got a load to do on it before i can say that bit is finished...... but i'll try and post some info on the cannon later today
        I like the Idea of the weapons Dr. Lee, alot. Rotating cannons


          Almost at my weekend goal for progress on this model.

          "Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car could go straight upwards." - Fred Hoyle
          Feel free to visit my Art Work.


            At the moment there's only going to be a single cannon on the ship, though i may have two depending on what i do.


            A clearer look at the canon^^

            The idea is for it to be an Alkesh like plasma cannon, but modified to make the shot more explosive through tinkering with the methods used.

            The three canisters on the top feed into the section below, which then holds the charge until needed (This can re-fill in a matter of moments) then the charge is fired out through the three barrels.

            I'm also considering having one or two shut down depending on the size shot you require. 3= BFPB (Big F**king Plasma Bomb) 2= medium sized charge 1= Precision medium sized charge.

            I've yet to build it but there will be a solid metal sheild covering the front of the plasma canisters that protect the explosive charge inside from igniting if a lucky strike gets into the bomb bay

            'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


              This is where I'm calling her for tonight.


              "Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car could go straight upwards." - Fred Hoyle
              Feel free to visit my Art Work.


                Nice! :d


                  Definitely some sexy models being built. I'm looking forward to the finished ones
                  Visit my Website


                    Originally posted by ManiacMike View Post
                    Definitely some sexy models being built. I'm looking forward to the finished ones
                    Are you entering this competition.


                      Nah, I've been taking a break from ship modeling for a little bit and working on more character stuff.
                      Visit my Website


                        Originally posted by ManiacMike View Post
                        Nah, I've been taking a break from ship modeling for a little bit and working on more character stuff.
                        You'll come back to us. Once you get the ship building bug you can never turn away.

                        Just past the 55,000 polygon mark on my model and am almost half way.

                        "Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car could go straight upwards." - Fred Hoyle
                        Feel free to visit my Art Work.


                          RGB where are you finding the time during this Christmas period...that is under the assumption you celebrate Christmas?

                          Your vessel is looking better and better!!

                          In sunny Devon, Merlin world…I put the tree up on Saturday and have done most of the shopping, the model on the other hand has been put on a back burner for a week or two. Appreciating the deadline extension!



                            Alright well I'm scrapping the battleship look. Sorry to those that I argued with over the design's functionality, I still like the idea but the design itself was questionable. So I am now pursuing this design. This is where I'll be leaving it tonight.


                            It still has some issues to be worked out, I need to knock back the panelling a bit to make it less pronounced and smoother. I like how the panelling looks from the top and rear, but it looks far too blocky from the front angle and that needs to be addressed. And the sides might be made a little shorter too. Or maybe I'll separate the sides and turn them into pods of sorts, detached from but still connected to the inner hull.

                            I will see how it looks when I add the tail section, if it looks balanced then I'll leave it as is.

                            Here are a few different angles. They are renders from yesterday, but show a different angle that I like.


                            I think that I might slide those side pieces back to where they are in the bottom render. Even though it makes the nose less interesting, I think that it makes the panelling look better.

                            This means that I'll be pursuing a more traditional bomber. It will still be able to function similarly to the previous design that I described, but it will focus more on conventional bombing tactics.
                            Last edited by Finger13; 10 December 2008, 12:07 AM.


                              Very nice design, it has a feel of heavy bomber to me.


                                finger, your ship has changed for the better IMO. What race is it for? It has a look of an atlantean design and tauri...puddle jumper meets 304 nose.

                                I really like it!
                                How big is it to be?


