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So many hive ships are blowing up. Do the wraith need a super hive ship? Thoughts?

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    Well theoretically if you weren't retarded you could take advantage of the larger hull size to mount equally larger shield generators, weapons, fighter squadrens and armour thickness that would be simply impossible for a smaller frame to support.

    Notice I said though if you weren't retarded.

    Most of stargate's opposition however...


      yes but like i said if the dog cant fight the bee, do you make it a rhino or a rat?. so use the hive for attacking atlantis etc. use the battlecruisers to properly attack the 304's. or just ram a hive into a 304. the hive ships have such massive firepower though the lack of shields. shields take loads of power. with the new weapons you can keep on penetrating the shields. its no use. instead make a battlecruiser. do give it a shield. darts give use advantages, as blowing up the carrier bays basically disable the ships. a hundred could be kept to take out missles. but the shield already takes them out.a wraith battlecruiser solely made for war, instead of all round ships, could be what kills a 304. give it a powerfull shields, loads of power, and loads of guns. the guns dont have to be uber.


        Originally posted by thekillman View Post
        yes but like i said if the dog cant fight the bee, do you make it a rhino or a rat?. so use the hive for attacking atlantis etc. use the battlecruisers to properly attack the 304's. or just ram a hive into a 304. the hive ships have such massive firepower though the lack of shields. shields take loads of power. with the new weapons you can keep on penetrating the shields. its no use. instead make a battlecruiser. do give it a shield. darts give use advantages, as blowing up the carrier bays basically disable the ships. a hundred could be kept to take out missles. but the shield already takes them out.a wraith battlecruiser solely made for war, instead of all round ships, could be what kills a 304. give it a powerfull shields, loads of power, and loads of guns. the guns dont have to be uber.
        Or I could just fill the hive with several tens of thousands of fighters with missiles and/or torpedoes loaded into their culling beams and launch a missile wave that would make Caldwell/Ellis/Whoever crap his pants before he's blasted into scattered atoms in literally seconds. Even if they were only simple nukes imagine the carnage, upgrade them to whatever power sources Wraith science can make and ouch. I could even make those fighters scoutship sized and launch them at the 304 from hyperspace distances where their wankbeams can't even begin to threaten my mothership.

        Something the size of a hiveship that emphasized carrier warfare instead of trying to be a really bloated battleship would be ungoldy. Then you could protect it with the upgunned cruisers you talk about.

        If it is going to be a battleship though I would just convert the dart bays to lauch torpedoes instead. The Wraith have good AI technology so a guidence system that could even do things like dodge intercepting fighters would be easily within their grasp. Fire off a few hundred of those at a 304 in a matter of seconds and it will die.

        The problem with Wraith hives is they don't seem to have nearly enough weapons for a ship of their size. It's an 11km ship and some battles depict one gun! If it's a power problem just use things like missiles that don't require any power from the ship to work. You could hold millions and millions of them in a ship that size. You'd even have room for a factory that makes the damn things inside. Mount a couple of gigantic forward facing death lasers/mass drivers, cover the hull with culling beams and disintigrate anything coming at you, there's room for just about anything you'd ever want to add in multiples.


          The wraith dont need a new ship, what they need is to build more cruisers (Which arent that bad actualy) and stop sending their hiveships with qeens into battles, they won the war against the ancients with number, not technology so why fix what aint broken?

          Covering up scandals and keeping secrets is almost a racial trait.

          Isn't it funny how the word 'politics' is made up of the words 'poli' meaning 'many' in Latin, and 'tics' as in 'bloodsucking creatures’?


            maybe a wraith version of halo's High Charity. So large it needs ZPMs, Atlantis style shields, bigger than Atlantis and made so that standard weapons cant be used against it, drawback no hyperspace.
            Their white flags are no match to our guns!!


              no halo ripoff


                The Wraith just need to ramp up production, quit fighting with themselves. I think their battle strategy seriously suffers, so far it has saved the humans in the Pegasus galaxy. McKay said that their technology had also suffered from their long hibernation. They just need to wake up and smell the roses.


                  I think todd could make it happen

                  up gun every ship 304s have wepons every where posible

                  those masive guns they only have two of add more and carier warfare would be unstoppable

                  the beams probly wont kill a hive be like fireing 5.56 rounds at a whale


                  Currently recruiting new staff


                    For warships its not about size the only advantage for size is it can fit more weapons and systems on the ship. Hives are only that big to carry troops, darts, humans and other supplies. The main reason i can see as to why the hives dont have shields is so darts returning from missions can dock whilst the hive is still fighting and deploying other darts with shields up theyd just explode on them.

                    As the wraith work in battlegroups i wouldve thought they would have had more ship varieties than cruisers and hives. Maybe they should build a frigate class as a light anti-ship platform. Also i think they should make a new battlecruiser class with shields as standard and reactivate battleships say something like they were used in the ancient war they saw no need for them and were mothballed. Then ofcourse they started preparing them for war with the assurans. should probably be nearly as powerfuly shielded as a aurora class but had reasonable numbers and good weapons. Bigger also means its harder to hit systems if there spread out all over the shipits harder to get a lucky shot.
                    if it wasnt for Carters new plot shield we would be dead


                      Size doesn't really matter. It is intimidating but it doesn't mean they are better. Look at the 304s are small compared to the Ori and Wraith ships.

                      Oddy, Daedalus, and Appollo kill lists at least 3 Ori motherships for Oddy. Daedalus has about half a dozen Hiveships and Asuran Auroras. Appolo has nearly the same.

                      I think the hiveships were designed primarily to fight the Ancients:

                      1. They made the hives Gigantic heavily armored etc. So that it can take a massive pounding from drones. Drones are impossible to avoid anyway so why not just take the hits and keep on fighting.

                      2. The Ancients have weapons that can destroy planets. It is possible they made the hives so they will just migrate their race from planet to planet.

                      In order to fight the Atlantis expedition I think they need better class of ships not necessarily bigger but at least more powerful than the hives. Install Arcturus guns on them then lets see how 304s match up to it.
                      Stargate Revival Please!



                        Originally Posted by Schrodinger82
                        Could be a result of the biology. Hive ships are the result of evolution. Rodney comments that even their software is incredibly bloated from legacy systems, so I don't see any reason why the physiological properties would be any different.

                        Apparently you can't shield the tank from regular rounds either.

                        With sheer numbers. Even an old and busted Ancient ship with no shields and limitted power has no no trouble taking out a hive ship in a single salvo, without even needing someone with the ATA gene to operate the controls. Armor is irrelevant.

                        Mayor Lorne actually flew the Orion. He has the ATA gene

                        As for Asgard Plasma beams against hives 3 shots = kill


                          the hive armour is the most incredible ever. as to an aurora taking out a hive in a single blow:.
                          it has been shown that drones can be fired in three modes:
                          1: single drone
                          2: volley of drones
                          3: drone after drone being fired.

                          asurans used #3. they only fired a few drones at a time. reason: not running out of ammo so fast.
                          earth uses #2. take out your enemy as fast as possible. lorne/zelenka knew that they would only have one shot. so they fired a large volley of drones.
                          a large volley of drones, wich takes more power, and greater mental abilities, easily takes out a hive. but what if you needed to fight hundreds? you would run out very fast. so instead smaller amounts, hoping critical systems were hit.


                            what about a mini hive. a 6km long vessel. it has hive level of weapons, tough armour, powerfull powersource, and heavy shields. it has the newest hyperdrives[faster than the normal hives], and is much easier to use than the hives


                              The problem with the Hives is that not only do they carry too many eggs in one basket they are also carry the most valuable ones; a massive cache of food and (usually) a queen. The loss of either is not just a tribe damaging event but both together is a species threatening loss. If you think of a hive as a mobile base rather than as just a ship its all the eggs in one basket approach makes sense. If all the Wraith except for one hive ship was destroyed it would be all they need to continue on and rebuild. They should not be risking them in battle. If they want to use the as siege weapon they should wait till the area has been pacified first.

                              Instead of hive battles we should be seeing cruiser swarms with each cruiser supporting a smaller compliment of Darts (maybe 32 at most) and the cruisers should never travel in groups smaller than a dozen.


                                Originally posted by Xzyl View Post
                                The problem with the Hives is that not only do they carry too many eggs in one basket they are also carry the most valuable ones; a massive cache of food and (usually) a queen. The loss of either is not just a tribe damaging event but both together is a species threatening loss. If you think of a hive as a mobile base rather than as just a ship its all the eggs in one basket approach makes sense. If all the Wraith except for one hive ship was destroyed it would be all they need to continue on and rebuild. They should not be risking them in battle. If they want to use the as siege weapon they should wait till the area has been pacified first.

                                Instead of hive battles we should be seeing cruiser swarms with each cruiser supporting a smaller compliment of Darts (maybe 32 at most) and the cruisers should never travel in groups smaller than a dozen.
                                I think this is right on. I never got the idea putting so much in one basket. Then risking them in battle. They should develop a mix of smaller ships and use those for war, and small scale culling actions. The hives should always be in reserve, or brought out for large scale culling and to provide logistical support.

