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    5 Days 5 Hours and 37 Minutes Remain untill Stargate Atlantis Episode "The Eye" Airs on C5


    3 Days 5 Hours and 37 Minutes Remain untill Stargate SG - 1 Episode "Jack Special" Airs on Sky One


      30 Days 5 Hours 25 Minutes
      till Avalon Part 1 (Tuesday 18th October 2005)
      31 Days 5 Hours 25 Minutes
      till Siege Part 3 (Wednesday 19th October 2005)

      Only 1 month to go!!!
      Last edited by Steve_the_Wraith; 18 September 2005, 05:45 AM.


        Originally posted by scarlet
        Nods, I'd guess Fifth Race is the most likely, though I like Abyss - but going on the past two weeks, you can guarantee the one you'd really wouldn't choose is the one they'll show
        Seems that way ! I voted for Fifth Race too,as it's an absolute Classic.

        CW : I thought "Message In a Bottle " was ok,but I could have done without Simmons and his crush on Carter getting in the way of the action .

        Anyone like to bet Fragile Balance will win on the actual viewer vote ?

        Originally posted by Steve_the_Wraith
        Only 1 month to go!!!
        Yep...and at last a chance for us to all get our pennyworth of opinion in on the season and the cast changes.

        I've read the transcripts,seen screencaps/posts galore...but nothing's as good as being able to watch the eps !
        The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


          Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
          Anyone like to bet Fragile Balance will win on the actual viewer vote ?
          I don't really understand why Fragile Balance is in there though. While the episodes they're giving us to choose from are 'Jack' orientated, the whole point of them doing it is that 'Jack' or more accurately RDA isn't going to be a regular cast member in season 9. It's a tribute to him of sorts I guess. And whilst 'Jack' is the focus of Fragile Balance, it's little Jack...

          I've got nothing against the episode, but it seems an odd choice when there's many many more episodes that are centered around Jack as we know him, not a little cloned Jack without RDA in the episode very much.

          Signature courtesy of the wonderful Mazzmatazz


            Originally posted by scarlet
            I don't really understand why Fragile Balance is in there though. While the episodes they're giving us to choose from are 'Jack' orientated, the whole point of them doing it is that 'Jack' or more accurately RDA isn't going to be a regular cast member in season 9. It's a tribute to him of sorts I guess. And whilst 'Jack' is the focus of Fragile Balance, it's little Jack...

            I've got nothing against the episode, but it seems an odd choice when there's many many more episodes that are centered around Jack as we know him, not a little cloned Jack without RDA in the episode very much.
            I think most of Sky's choices for Jack episodes have been strange! For example in the 'action Jack' one's there wasn't really any action atall! As for the 'caring Jack' one,I can't believe 'A Hundred Days' won!That wasn't caring Jack that was 'stuck on a planet,never going home so I'll snog the woman' Jack! YUK!


              Originally posted by Linzi
              I think most of Sky's choices for Jack episodes have been strange! For example in the 'action Jack' one's there wasn't really any action atall! As for the 'caring Jack' one,I can't believe 'A Hundred Days' won!That wasn't caring Jack that was 'stuck on a planet,never going home so I'll snog the woman' Jack! YUK!
              I can't help but wonder if thats exactly why A Hundred Days did win, if people just wanted to see Jack snogging someone...

              I totally agree about the choices being strange. Given the sheer amount of episodes they could choose, you have to wonder how they narrowed it down to the ones they did (and wonder if whoever is choosing the episodes for the viewers choice have actually watched Stargate at all!)

              You also have to wonder why a firm favourite such as Window of Opportunity hasn't come up as a choice at all, and thats just one of many!

              Sorry for my rambling, but it's kind of annoyed me a bit that this is the only Stargate skyone is showing (apart from weekend episodes) after having Stargate on more than once EVERY DAY for months, while we wait for them to start season 9, and its just been a little poor in my opinion.


              Signature courtesy of the wonderful Mazzmatazz


                Did anyone see C4's coverage of stargate today??

                it was the season eight opener,

                That woman who presents it, forgot her name said something like whats up with their voices (talking about the Goauld) and they showed a clip that repeated several times.

                She was quite rude actually, C4 never treat stargate with any respect, if it was bliming Eastenders theyd talk about it for hours probably. I really felt like shooting her with a Zat, maybe up to three times!!
                Script Highlights!


                Teal'C: We are approaching the Adara system. Two motherships orbit the scond planet.

                O'Neill approaches from the Cargo ship's back room

                Carter:WE won't be bale to activate the cloak until we come out of hyperspace. There'll be a brief interval where they might detct us.

                O'Neill: How Brief?

                Carter: Just a few seconds. The odds of them spotting us are pretty slim.

                O'Neill: How Slim?

                Carter: Hardly worth mentioning, sir.

                O'Neill: And yet, you did mention it.

                Carter: Yeah, and i'm beginning to wish i hadn't.....


                Proving Ground

                O'Neill: (lying on the floor, stunned, asks inredulously)
                Colonel O'Neill has been Compromised?

                Carter: Well, they didn't take corridor C-19 like you told them to!

                O'Neill: Crafty little Buggers

                Carter: At least we pulled it off

                O'Neill: Yeah(stands with difficaulty) Ow! God!


                  Originally posted by Selmakiscool
                  Did anyone see C4's coverage of stargate today??

                  it was the season eight opener,

                  That woman who presents it, forgot her name said something like whats up with their voices (talking about the Goauld) and they showed a clip that repeated several times.

                  She was quite rude actually, C4 never treat stargate with any respect, if it was bliming Eastenders theyd talk about it for hours probably. I really felt like shooting her with a Zat, maybe up to three times!!
                  I agree with you about how awful C4 treats Stargate. For your information, there is a thread here called GaT4 (Gaters against T4) where you can vent about the presenters etc.


                    Originally posted by Selmakiscool
                    Did anyone see C4's coverage of stargate today??

                    it was the season eight opener,

                    That woman who presents it, forgot her name said something like whats up with their voices (talking about the Goauld) and they showed a clip that repeated several times.

                    She was quite rude actually, C4 never treat stargate with any respect, if it was bliming Eastenders theyd talk about it for hours probably. I really felt like shooting her with a Zat, maybe up to three times!!

                    Thats sounds like a lot of fun to me :] (cant see it myself though, i dont catch no T4 unfortunatly)
                    "Maybe one day you will learn that your way is not the only way!"

                    Visit Dr. Radek Zelenka's Complete Translations and thunk thread

                    All translations will be found in the first post of this thread, though i recommend to read the whole discussion ;]


                      I would rather not degrade my viewing of stargate by watching it on channel 4
                      gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                      so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                      love Torri


                        too late for me


                          29 Days 1 Hours 17 Minutes
                          till Avalon Part 1 (Tuesday 18th October 2005)
                          30 Days 1 Hours 17 Minutes
                          till Siege Part 3 (Wednesday 19th October 2005)

                          Only 1 month till Siege Part 3 !!!


                            sadly, without sky I am forced to watch stargate SG1 on C4 - it's not that bad tho - just ignore the crappy presenters... there's not much you can do - C4 has become really, really crap in the last year. SG is about the only thing going for it.

                            I also watch SGA on C5.

                            As you can guess, I'm a little behind everyone, but i'll get there in the end...
                            "I have a B.A., M.D., Ph.D and B.Sc. Maybe one day I'll get a J.O.B."

                            "A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need the advice."

                            "He who laughs last didn't get it."


                              I just won't watch the commentary on C4 by June Sarpong, Vernon Kay or Steve Jones because they are complete (hope this ok to say on a pg forum) twats!
                              I'll never forget the time they held up a viewers model of symbiote and said it was a gun!!!!!! I mean HOW STUPID WAS THAT?
                              I'm all for tongue-in-cheek etc. but they are so derogatory about Stargate I quite honestly am insulted and offended! So I just watch the eps. and then mute it!
                              C4's editing leaves a lot to be desired as well!


                                Originally posted by cozzerob
                                sadly, without sky I am forced to watch stargate SG1 on C4 - it's not that bad tho - just ignore the crappy presenters... there's not much you can do - C4 has become really, really crap in the last year. SG is about the only thing going for it.

                                I also watch SGA on C5.

                                As you can guess, I'm a little behind everyone, but i'll get there in the end...
                                At least Channel 5 are taking SGA seriously! Even though I've seen SGA on Sky I still watch it on C5,erm and I've got it on dvd.......

