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    That's a shame, having no friends and relatives in the area. And having to wait until Tuesday for a repairman. *hugs*


      Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
      That's a shame, having no friends and relatives in the area. And having to wait until Tuesday for a repairman. *hugs*
      Oh, well. At least there are computer repairmen who make home visits. It saves us phoning for taxis in order to take our computer towers into a shop when something needs seeing to.


        Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
        Oh, well. At least there are computer repairmen who make home visits. It saves us phoning for taxis in order to take our computer towers into a shop when something needs seeing to.
        Indeed, and taxis are usually quite expensive, at least the taxis here.


          Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
          Indeed, and taxis are usually quite expensive, at least the taxis here.
          So is getting a home visit but it saves us a lot of bother.


            I'm going to have a shower now. I shouldn't be long.


              Have to leave for a bit, if I can't manage to come online again I wish you all a good night and wraithy dreams.


                Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                Have to leave for a bit, if I can't manage to come online again I wish you all a good night and wraithy dreams.
                Off for a bath in about an hour as well so might not be here when you get back, if not then Night, Night DS and very sweet Wraithy dreams.
                Thank you to Icarium for allowing me to use the above image.


                  I've just completed a long fic which is a sort of "prequel" to the TP's Hive series, showing how TP first met Todd and Steve. It turned out a LOT longer than I had set out to make it, so I've split it into 9 short chapters and I'll post it here one chapter at a time. Once it's all posted, I'll email Ciannwn the complete story to put up on the WWA website.
                  I know I've written a few other scenarios about how TP meets Todd and Steve, but hey, that's what makes AUs so much fun!!!
                  I've also had some ideas for mainstream fics (yay! My muse is back ) so I should start posting on dA/FF again within the next couple of weeks.

                  Meanwhile, hope you enjoy Chapter 1...


                  TP’s Hive: The Prequel
                  How Todd’s Pet met Todd

                  Chapter 1

                  The time was early twenty-first century; the place was Earth – or more precisely, an editing office in a publishing company on the east coast of Scotland.
                  There sat a truly unremarkable human female, working hard but on automatic pilot, for her mind was always a million light years away – literally.
                  Babs got on with most of her colleagues and the majority would have described her as reliable, even friendly. But somehow she radiated an air of not quite fitting in. It wasn’t just this office; she’d nursed a vague feeling of not belonging anywhere all her life.
                  Consequently her face wore a permanent expression of not really wanting to be there. There were signs that she used to be pretty; the sweeping arch of an eyebrow, the still high cheekbones, a straight back and ample cleavage proudly displayed.
                  Although she now felt she was past her sell-by date and significantly overweight, yet her athletic build was somehow still visible, simply shrouded in a comfortable layer of shielding to protect her from the world and those in it. Her eyes, as soft as her body, and the pale grey-blue colour of an overcast spring sky, betrayed her true nature, with a spark of defiance that flashed past the laughter lines and tired, dark shadows.
                  For, buried deep within this middle-aged wallflower was a proud warrior princess, overflowing with passion and bravery, willing and able to lead an entire galaxy to victory for a cause she believed in enough. And the only time that person got out to play was in the stories that Babs worked on during almost every spare moment she had; the stories that lifted her out of this mundane life and took her a million light years off to a galaxy far, far away.


                  One day, as she watched the clock, waiting anxiously for lunch break and the chance to escape into the fantasy world of her writing, one of her colleagues grabbed her attention and dragged her back to the real world by squealing loudly.
                  “Babs, come and see this!” Susan was the celebrity editor and always had a small TV whispering away on a gantry at the end of her desk.
                  “Suz, you know nothing on daytime TV could possibly interest me,” Babs sighed in reply.
                  “No, this is a news flash,” Susan said firmly, “Trust me – you really need to come and see this.”
                  Humouring her, Babs swiveled her chair around to face Susan’s desk. She almost lost her balance and toppled over when she saw what was on the screen in front of her.
                  Suddenly the room spun around her and waves of nausea roiled in her stomach. She blinked hard, thinking this must be some kind of trick, an illusion. She stared at the face that was so familiar to her. Open-mouthed and lost for words except one, she spoke that word aloud in a whisper of trepidation: “Todd.”
                  Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                    A great start, TP. Can't wait for the next chapters. Well, I'll have to until you post them but you know what I mean.


                      Ooh, more please
                      I don't think Steve's too pleased about the first chapter, his sig got in the way and I had to go on the quotes setting to read it


                        Originally posted by PleiadesAltariel View Post
                        Ooh, more please
                        I don't think Steve's too pleased about the first chapter, his sig got in the way and I had to go on the quotes setting to read it
                        It's done that to me too!!!! Off to have a bath and go to bed now if I can't sleep I'll probably be back on later but if not night, night and sweet Wraithy Dreams.

                        PA: I've left Winter and Forrest on the COH but I unfortunatly might not be able to reply til tomorrow.
                        Thank you to Icarium for allowing me to use the above image.


                          About time he got his behind here too!! LOL
                          Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris


                            Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
                            About time he got his behind here too!! LOL
                            Who? Where?
                            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                              Night all, I'm off in a few minutes. I won't be back on until monday or tuesday night, so please VM/PM any post numbers with updates for the Guides.


                                Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                                Who? Where?
                                Todd!! To earth. To rescue you from the mundane!! (And I'd appreciated if you'd swing by and get me too! )
                                Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris

