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    Love it!!!!!!!!!! Just what I needed after the day I've had, It got better for me after 2pm GMT when I got to my 2nd Job but it was still nerve racking.
    Thank you to Icarium for allowing me to use the above image.


      Originally posted by Toddandrea View Post
      Love it!!!!!!!!!! Just what I needed after the day I've had, It got better for me after 2pm GMT when I got to my 2nd Job but it was still nerve racking.
      I know what it's like trying to hold down more than one job *hugs*
      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


        Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
        I know what it's like trying to hold down more than one job *hugs*
        It wasn't that so much, yesterday was the closing date for the job I'm going for, I was wondering whether I'd have a phone call all today as to what would happen next.
        Thank you to Icarium for allowing me to use the above image.


          @TP: Excellent chapter! I like it where she bursts in on Sheppard and Todd

          @SW: xD I can imagine the Todd Thunk thread getting confusing, but I'm sure we'll be able to tell them apart - the original, the stand-in and the one wearing the kilt!

          @PA: I'd quite happily adopt him I've liked him for yonks now since seeing the episode, but didn't say anything. It depends what everyone else thinks though, if it's ok and such.

          @Toddandrea: *hugs* Are you feeling less, as the word now goes, 'wraithed' now?


            Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
            TP’s Hive: The Prequel
            How Todd’s Pet met Todd

            Chapter 5

            Chapter 5

            Sheppard put the computer tablet down on the table. Todd had downloaded several files into the humans’ networks. As well as the historical records of the prophecy that proved why he wanted to take Babs away with him to Pegasus, he gave Sheppard some technical data as a gesture of good will. The technology would be useful to humans, yet keep them ultimately harmless to wraith until Todd had achieved the outcome he hoped would result in both wraith and human no longer being a threat to each other.
            And in order to achieve that, he needed the woman the prophecies said would be the figurehead of his alliance and lead them into a brave new future; the woman who called herself Todd’s Pet; the woman they were now discussing.
            “So, you can see for yourself that I need her alive for the prophecy to come to pass,” Todd told Sheppard.
            “Yes, but how do you know it’s her?”
            “I just do,” Todd shrugged. “Take my word for it, I know it’s her.”
            “And talking of your word…”
            “You can see from these documents that, if I succeed, we will no longer be a threat to your species–” Todd started again impatiently.
            Sheppard raised his hand to stop him. “I know, I can see that,” he said. “Although it all still seems pretty weird to me and I’m glad you’ll be keeping it to another galaxy.”
            “What is it then?”
            “What about her? Are you going to tell her all this…” he waved his hand at the tablet on the table, “…this prophecy stuff? How does SHE know she can trust you?”
            “I dare not risk it,” Todd replied honestly. “If she knows the outcome then the timeline could become corrupted and it may not come to pass as it should.”
            “Not to mention the fact that it says here that she’s martyred, giving herself up to your Primary to save your new way of life,” Sheppard pointed out. “She might not be too happy about that part.”
            “I’ve already explained that to you…”
            “Yeah, you had a dream that you and your pals bring her back. I’m sure she’d find that comforting.”
            “Which is precisely why I cannot tell her any of this,” Todd hissed impatiently. “She will just have to learn to trust me.”
            Sheppard looked Todd up and down deliberately. “Brave woman,” he said with a shrug.
            Just as the words left his mouth, the door opened and Babs walked in briskly, looking like she meant business.
            “You’re telling me!” she said, not even trying to hide the fact that it was all bravado. She stood defiantly in front of Todd and told him, “Before I go off with you on this little jaunt across the universe, I have a few conditions of my own.”


            Sheppard looked at his feet and grinned, remembering his earlier conversation with Todd. “Looks like you were right, after all, bud,” he told Todd, then turned and left the room.
            Hiding his own smile, Todd looked Babs in the eye and said, “Name your conditions.”
            “I know there’s nothing I can do to stop you coming back here to cull, but don’t do it within my lifetime – let me at least die believing you honored your side of our deal.” Todd simply tilted his head in that way she’d started to find distinctly appealing. Something in his eyes reassured her that he would honor her wishes well beyond her death – and that her life span would now be much longer than she could ever have dreamed possible.
            “If whatever it is you want me for… if it doesn’t work – if the wraith come back here some day… without you, centuries or millennia from now…”
            Todd heard her unspoken plea. “I have already taken steps,” he told her in a reassuring tone. “Wraith have technology that can identify a DNA signature thousands of years down the genetic line. Your son is safe – and your bloodline will never be culled.”
            “Talking of my family,” she said. “Sheppard’s military thugs didn’t let me say goodbye…”
            “It will be arranged.”
            Todd watched the confused emotions pass one by one across her features and felt sympathy for this human who was about to leave behind everything she had ever known. If she could make him feel such empathy now, he had high hopes for what she could make his race feel in the near future.
            He reached out and touched the top of her head, running his hand down her hair and letting his hand come to rest on her shoulder. “Is there anything else?” he asked.
            She looked up at him and he saw her resolve consolidate itself in her eyes before they melted into sparkling mischief. “Teach me to fly a dart?” she grinned.
            “Now that is an easy thing to promise, Little One!” he laughed.
            Babs screwed up her face in distaste. “And you can stop calling me that, as well.” She indicated herself with a sweep of her hands down her body. “You can see for yourself there’s nothing little about me.”
            Todd tilted his head to one side and made a soft, short sound of amusement from deep in his throat. “You are small to me, but very well – what shall I call you?”
            “I’m TP where you found me, so that’ll do.”
            Todd’s indulgent smile spread to a lascivious grin and he leaned in gently towards her. “What? You don’t want me to call you Snuggle Bunny?”
            Instantly, Babs’s face flushed scarlet and Todd threw back his head and roared with laughter.
            “You’re surely not trying to tell me THAT’S what you want me for?” she demanded, trying to control the strange sensation of both panic and thrill that churned in her stomach just at the thought.
            “Indeed I had rather more pressing reasons to cross two galaxies to find you than that,” he replied, still chuckling. “But you never know – you might want that some day, too.”
            ROTFLMAO!!! I would just die if they were really monitoring our conversations from Pegasus!! *finds the nearest rock to hide under*

            I loved it. Interesting meeting and I loved the humor!!
            Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris


              Originally posted by IV View Post
              @TP: Excellent chapter! I like it where she bursts in on Sheppard and Todd

              @SW: xD I can imagine the Todd Thunk thread getting confusing, but I'm sure we'll be able to tell them apart - the original, the stand-in and the one wearing the kilt!

              @PA: I'd quite happily adopt him I've liked him for yonks now since seeing the episode, but didn't say anything. It depends what everyone else thinks though, if it's ok and such.

              @Toddandrea: *hugs* Are you feeling less, as the word now goes, 'wraithed' now?
              @IV Regarding BAMSR'd Todd adoption That's fine by me I have no objections.

              Regarding feeling wraithed:- a little bit, still feeling nervous though, this is the worst part of going for a new job, especially when you know the interviews are next Wednesday and Thursday, and the area manager whose doing the interview and your manager are going to be seeing each other this Wednesday at the area meeting, when you're still not sure whether you've got an interview or not.
              Thank you to Icarium for allowing me to use the above image.


                Regarding feeling wraithed:- a little bit, still feeling nervous though, this is the worst part of going for a new job, especially when you know the interviews are next Wednesday and Thursday, and the area manager whose doing the interview and your manager are going to be seeing each other this Wednesday at the area meeting, when you're still not sure whether you've got an interview or not.
                Ah. Isn't there a way to ask one of them to contact you if you get an interview, or do you have to contact them on a certain day?


                  Originally posted by IV View Post
                  Ah. Isn't there a way to ask one of them to contact you if you get an interview, or do you have to contact them on a certain day?
                  Jo (my manager) has said that she'll ring me at home Wednesday if Penny (my area manager) says anything at the area meeting and she also said that she reckons Penny might ring me herself either Thursday or Friday, so keeping my fingers crossed but unfortunatly it doesn't make it any less nerve racking.
                  Thank you to Icarium for allowing me to use the above image.


                    Hi just on catch up after I had a !*^"!8 time at evening job, been disciplined due to sick record. That hardly surprising seeing I had 4 months off due to a foot op. Going to appeal the decision of a verbal warning thatlast 8weeks. Yeah right it wil still count as I may have to return to hospital soon for my shoulder.

                    So finding TP got her muse back has calmed me down great start TP loving the chapter posted so far. Got plenty to look forwards to.

                    DS: did get as much snow as you, only got 4 inches but the road was very icy fun NOT to drive on.

                    Sweet wraithy dreams everyone.

                    Hope your computer gets better soon Ciannwu. Got my finger crossed.
                    Thanks to DS for my siggy


                      Originally posted by MCH View Post
                      Hi just on catch up after I had a !*^"!8 time at evening job, been disciplined due to sick record. That hardly surprising seeing I had 4 months off due to a foot op. Going to appeal the decision of a verbal warning thatlast 8weeks. Yeah right it wil still count as I may have to return to hospital soon for my shoulder.

                      So finding TP got her muse back has calmed me down great start TP loving the chapter posted so far. Got plenty to look forwards to.

                      DS: did get as much snow as you, only got 4 inches but the road was very icy fun NOT to drive on.

                      Sweet wraithy dreams everyone.

                      Hope your computer gets better soon Ciannwu. Got my finger crossed.
                      Hi MCH. Sounds like your work place is way out of line, you can't help being sick after an op *hugs* We had snow again over the weekend but luckily it didn't stick this time so it hasn't been so bad.

                      Still got frost though, just hoping it doesn't turn into ice again.
                      Thank you to Icarium for allowing me to use the above image.


                        Originally posted by Toddandrea View Post
                        Hi MCH. Sounds like your work place is way out of line, you can't help being sick after an op *hugs* We had snow again over the weekend but luckily it didn't stick this time so it hasn't been so bad.

                        Still got frost though, just hoping it doesn't turn into ice again.
                        I;m afraid that#'s commonplace int he uK these days - it varies from company to company, but if you;re sick more than 8-12days in any 6-12 month rolling period you're up for a disciplinary hearing
                        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                          Pity we can't package a wraith up and send them to people we don't like...
                          That's bang out of line MCH, they really shouldn't have done that even if it is company policy -would notes from the hospital/doctors help at all?
                          *hugs* I hope the op gets your shoulder sorted, and that your foot feels better soon.
                          Rest well, sweet hiveship-lit wraithy dreams.


                            Originally posted by IV View Post
                            Pity we can't package a wraith up and send them to people we don't like...
                            That's bang out of line MCH, they really shouldn't have done that even if it is company policy -would notes from the hospital/doctors help at all?
                            *hugs* I hope the op gets your shoulder sorted, and that your foot feels better soon.
                            Rest well, sweet hiveship-lit wraithy dreams.
                            Completely agree with that one.

                            Night MCH and rest well. Can barely see to type myself so off to bed as well. Night, night and I should be on quickly in the morning so sweet Wraithy dreams to everyone.
                            Thank you to Icarium for allowing me to use the above image.


                              G'night Toddandrea, rest well *hugs*


                                Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                                TP’s Hive: The Prequel
                                How Todd’s Pet met Todd

                                Chapter 5
                                Loved it. Still can't green you though. *kicks GW*

                                Originally posted by IV View Post
                                @PA: I'd quite happily adopt him I've liked him for yonks now since seeing the episode, but didn't say anything. It depends what everyone else thinks though, if it's ok and such.
                                We have never treated Penny!Todd as a separate character but why not? We already have Gabriel so there's no reason why we can't have a third Todd. I'm okay with you adopting him.

                                Originally posted by MCH View Post
                                Hi just on catch up after I had a !*^"!8 time at evening job, been disciplined due to sick record. That hardly surprising seeing I had 4 months off due to a foot op. Going to appeal the decision of a verbal warning thatlast 8weeks. Yeah right it wil still count as I may have to return to hospital soon for my shoulder.

                                So finding TP got her muse back has calmed me down great start TP loving the chapter posted so far. Got plenty to look forwards to.

                                DS: did get as much snow as you, only got 4 inches but the road was very icy fun NOT to drive on.
                                *hugs* *sends Rhys to have a word with your boss*

                                Same here, the roads are open again but still decidedly NOT fun to drive on.

