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    Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
    *Game Discussion*

    What do people think about this?

    We move the 'drop in as and when you can' scenario to the Hippie Commune today. DS, IV (using Jasper) and I carry on with the Draygon Castle Dig plot. People who can't come on much role play at the Commune. To IV You could use IV and Phineas at the Commune while Jasper is involved with the dig.

    The 'drop in scenario' would run like this -

    1: There will be no plot whatsoever which will cut out the need for any kind of time line no matter how vague.

    2: The two scenarios will be regarded as being completely separate. If DS, IV and I move the Dig Plot along from day 4 to day 5, for example, it won't affect the Hippie Commune scenario.

    3: The Hippies make and gather things for trade. If I'm up to it I can have a Hippie turn up to chat for a while before going back to work. If people are playing after I've gone they can pretend all the Hippies are busy somewhere in the background.

    4: There would only be one rule but it's a very important one. People posting in the Hippie Commune scenario must head each post with *Hippie Commune*. DS, IV and I will be heading our castle dig posts with *Draygon Castle Dig*. This will save confusion, especially if both game locations are being used at the same real life time.
    That sounds great C, it'll definitely save any confusion and like I said last night, to Everyone. Anybody who wishes to can chat to Joanne, Danny, Charles and Christhart at the Hippie commune but I might not be on to reply straight off.
    Thank you to Icarium for allowing me to use the above image.


      Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
      *Game Discussion*

      What do people think about this?

      We move the 'drop in as and when you can' scenario to the Hippie Commune today. DS, IV (using Jasper) and I carry on with the Draygon Castle Dig plot. People who can't come on much role play at the Commune. To IV You could use IV and Phineas at the Commune while Jasper is involved with the dig.

      The 'drop in scenario' would run like this -

      1: There will be no plot whatsoever which will cut out the need for any kind of time line no matter how vague.

      2: The two scenarios will be regarded as being completely separate. If DS, IV and I move the Dig Plot along from day 4 to day 5, for example, it won't affect the Hippie Commune scenario.

      3: The Hippies make and gather things for trade. If I'm up to it I can have a Hippie turn up to chat for a while before going back to work. If people are playing after I've gone they can pretend all the Hippies are busy somewhere in the background.

      4: There would only be one rule but it's a very important one. People posting in the Hippie Commune scenario must head each post with *Hippie Commune*. DS, IV and I will be heading our castle dig posts with *Draygon Castle Dig*. This will save confusion, especially if both game locations are being used at the same real life time.
      Sounds sensible to me.

      Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
      *Tweaks Update*

      Latest news from the List Of Tweaks topic in Forum Announcements and Help

      1: GW forum members with 2000+ posts now have a PM storage limit of 200 messages.

      2: Darren estimates that the search datatbase will be rebuilt Thursday. (Whatever day it's done will require the forum to be taken down for a few hours according to what he said before.)

      3: Darren thought he'd fixed the link in the blue arrow icon next to at the top of an in-post quotation (which takes you to the post being quoted but it still doesn't work. Looks like it's a software problem.
      That's two good points out of three, I'm beginning to like the new software.


        For PA

        Have heard from Mar about Aura.

        To be added at the end of Aura's character guide entry in red text.

        (Moved to Scotland but still visits Chris on Kenny's Hive)
        Last edited by ciannwn; 26 January 2010, 06:34 AM.


          I have to split my attention now between DS junior (who unexpectedly woke up early from his midday nap and now complains to me persistently that he isn't as refreshed as he should be) and GW, RP posts and PMs will become sporadic again.


            Need to take a break for a while and get some exercise. Will be back later on.




                I'm back.

                My computer tower is making a loud, irritating noise. Our repairman listened to it over the phone and said it's due one of the fan bearings being a bit dodgy or something. It's safe to use my computer but I won't be able to stay online after my husband's settled down for the night because the bedroom is next door to the room with my computer. As I've mentioned before, I can't use my husband's computer for more than a couple of minutes because of the way his desk is set up.

                Our repairman said it might settle down on its own but to contact him again if the noise is still going on in a couple of days time. If the fan does need seeing to it means I won't be able to be here after 11.00PM GMT until it's sorted out. I might even have to leave earlier if the noise is driving me and/or my husband nuts.


                  Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                  I'm back.

                  My computer tower is making a loud, irritating noise. Our repairman listened to it over the phone and said it's due one of the fan bearings being a bit dodgy or something. It's safe to use my computer but I won't be able to stay online after my husband's settled down for the night because the bedroom is next door to the room with my computer. As I've mentioned before, I can't use my husband's computer for more than a couple of minutes because of the way his desk is set up.

                  Our repairman said it might settle down on its own but to contact him again if the noise is still going on in a couple of days time. If the fan does need seeing to it means I won't be able to be here after 11.00PM GMT until it's sorted out. I might even have to leave earlier if the noise is driving me and/or my husband nuts.
                  Ok, no problem. I hope it sorts itself out for you, I can imagine that being very annoying to listen to.


                    Originally posted by IV View Post
                    Ok, no problem. I hope it sorts itself out for you, I can imagine that being very annoying to listen to.
                    It will probably drive me nuts long before 11.00 pm.

                    The good thing about the Hippie Commune scenario is that it doesn't matter if I'm not here when others want to play in there.

                    *General Announcement About The Hippie Commune*

                    Here's some background information for anyone who is interested. Nobody's obliged to read it but it might help people to imagine the scene they're in.

                    A description of the Hippie Commune can be found in the Island section of this page -


                    I haven't got round to adding Joanne, Charles, Danny and Christhart to the residents yet but they live in a specially erected wooden hut with it's own water supply etc.

                    Who does what.

                    1: Ellia - bakes biscuits, embroiders clothes and makes baskets and corn dollies.

                    2: Zaddik - makes herbal products and goes out gathering ingredients which grow locally. Other ingredients are aquired through trading.

                    3: Molly - tie dyes fabrics.

                    4: Eve - tie dyes fabrics. Also dyes leather which is made with the matter converter.

                    5: Elric - gathers fruit and coconuts for trade or the Hippie's own use.

                    6: Piny - helps Elric.

                    7: Crockett and Fern - not there all the time now although they're still classed as residents.

                    8: Nymphs and dryads - some do tie dying while others do trading on various planets because they look human. (Trivia - they're magical beings so can make themselves small enough to sit on people's shoulders and teleport great distances in the blink of an eye. They tend to giggle a lot. We've never got round to giving them individual names or personalities.)
                    Last edited by ciannwn; 26 January 2010, 08:37 AM.


                      Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                      My computer tower is making a loud, irritating noise. Our repairman listened to it over the phone and said it's due one of the fan bearings being a bit dodgy or something. It's safe to use my computer but I won't be able to stay online after my husband's settled down for the night because the bedroom is next door to the room with my computer. As I've mentioned before, I can't use my husband's computer for more than a couple of minutes because of the way his desk is set up.

                      Our repairman said it might settle down on its own but to contact him again if the noise is still going on in a couple of days time. If the fan does need seeing to it means I won't be able to be here after 11.00PM GMT until it's sorted out. I might even have to leave earlier if the noise is driving me and/or my husband nuts.
                      That can be really irritating, that kind of noise can drive you insane. Maybe it's oly a speck of dust caught in the fan and it'll soon settle down. *keeps fingers crossed*


                        Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                        That can be really irritating, that kind of noise can drive you insane. Maybe it's oly a speck of dust caught in the fan and it'll soon settle down. *keeps fingers crossed*
                        It's even worse than songs from the Disney universe.


                          Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                          It's even worse than songs from the Disney universe.
                          I can imagine that.


                            Game Discussion Point for all main threads

                            To prevent plots from getting stuck and to make things easier for all of us I suggest we share minor emergency borrowing rights for all characters.

                            Ciannwn and IV are RPing at the Dig and MCH joins them but then MCH has to leave unexpected because of RL reasons. Ciannwn and IV can't continue with the plot for some reason that would require MCH's characters to take a certain action, for example leaving the dig for going home.

                            Everyone involved in a plot has the right to Borrow any character for minor RPing in case the owner of said character can't play themselves. In our example this would mean that either ciannwn or IV had the right to say that MCH's characters leave the site to continue with the plot.

                            The reason we made the Owning/Borrowing rules in the first place was to make sure the characters would be RPed as their respective owner wished but I don't think it would be a rule breach if everyone was permitted minor RPing in emergencies.

                            To keep our example going, IF for some reason MCH would not agree with the actions of her characters while she was away she has the right to post her objections in OOC and if possible, the posts concerning her characters could be edited. But seeing as we're all friends around here and know each other and our characters relatively well I don't think anyone would object if their characters would be borrowed for minor things as "leaving" or "boarding a cruiser" or whatever is needed at the moment.

                            It's sometimes hard to remember who has the Borrowing rights for which character, at least I find it hard to remember for which character I have what rights. Hopefully it would make life easier for all of us if we can keep a plot going under any circumstance and won't have to remember if we're allowed to move a specific character.


                              Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                              Everyone involved in a plot has the right to Borrow any character for minor RPing in case the owner of said character can't play themselves. In our example this would mean that either ciannwn or IV had the right to say that MCH's characters leave the site to continue with the plot.
                              I agree - after all, computers go wrong, there are power cuts and all kinds of other things that can crop up.

                              Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                              It's sometimes hard to remember who has the Borrowing rights for which character, at least I find it hard to remember for which character I have what rights. Hopefully it would make life easier for all of us if we can keep a plot going under any circumstance and won't have to remember if we're allowed to move a specific character.
                              Perhaps we could keep the term Borrowing to mean fully running a character or making them a central character in a mini fic. The rule could then be amended on the lines of -

                              Emergency Role Playing and Borrowing

                              Everyone has the right to say that someone's character finishes a conversation or completes an action if the owner suddenly disappears and their absence is holding up a role playing plot. Real life often throws up the unexpected such as a computer going wrong or a neighbourhood having a power cut etc. The aim of Emergency Role Playing is to shuffle the character or characters concerned into the background or say they follow everyone else to a new location etc. so the plot can continue with the remaining characters.

                              Mentioning somebody else's character in passing in a mini fic is also permitted as in these examples -

                              X sent a photograph to Ciannwn for inclusion in the Chronicles

                              Y sent a report about the malfunctioning door to Jimmy and the hive maintenance tech said he'd see to it as soon as possible.

                              Borrowing means fully role playing someone else's character, making him/her a central character in a mini fic or saying that he /she performed a lot of actions offstage.

                              The rest of the Borrowing rules could still apply.

                              Sorry if the above doesn't make much sense. It's difficult to concentrate when (sings) My computer's making a horrible noise, horrible, noise, horrible nose, my computer's making a horrible noise, horrible, horrible noise
                              Last edited by ciannwn; 26 January 2010, 10:56 AM.


                                Originally posted by IV View Post
                                Sounds good to me on the game discussion point
                                Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                                Using the Hippie commune as a drop in for occasional RPers (like myself) sounds like a good idea, especially as there'd be more scope for subject matter - Ellia's baking and swapping queen tips, Zaddicks herbs and cosmetics, etc
                                Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                                Which one? Combing threads or the Castle Dig scenario?
                                That sound good to me all of the above. By cutting down on the threads available wold be much better.

                                Will it take much work to do?

                                Anyway it gets my vote.
                                Thanks to DS for my siggy

