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    Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
    I can't use my own computer now until Tuesday. It's still awkward using my husband's computer even after trasnferring my own keyboard over to it because it's smaller and takes up less shelf space. This means I won't be on much until Tuesday afternoon at the earliest.
    Awr, sad to hear that *hugs*


      On pets IV and TP: I have two snakes, three cats and any number of foster cats and kittens when they come in or are found as strays (We recently got one that had been dumped at the side of a road in a cardboard box who we've named Peaches.) and we're hoping to have some baby snakes by the end of the year.

      To C: I know how frustrating it can be to have no comp. My old one blew up on me and I had to do with the free half an hour at the library each day til last Sept. So *hugs* and hope it's fixed soon
      Thank you to Icarium for allowing me to use the above image.


        TP’s Hive: The Prequel
        How Todd’s Pet met Todd

        Chapter 3

        Chapter 3

        “Don’t think for one minute that he won’t do it!” Babs told the two officers sitting across the table in the interrogation room.
        “He’s bluffing,” one of them sneered.
        “Maybe,” Babs replied, “But if you call his bluff, he’ll see it through.”
        “And how do you know this?” the other one asked, his face a picture of undisguised suspicion. “You said you’ve never met him before.”
        “Duh! Another galaxy! Of course I’ve never met him before!”
        “Well, it sounds like you know him well,” the suspicious one said accusingly.
        “Not him! A fictitious character who looks like him.” Babs dragged her fingers through her hair and leaned over the table, holding her head in her hands. “Look,” she added, not lifting her head. ”I’ve told you I’m willing to go with him to stop the culling. You can’t keep me here against my will. You can’t heap the guilt of that on my shoulders. You must let me go.”
        “What does he want with you?” the soldier demanded. “Why you in particular anyway - what’s so special about you?”
        “How many times do I have to say it to get it through your thick, military skulls?” Babs threw her hands up in exasperation. “I don’t know!”
        “Well that’s what we’re here to find out,” the stupid one drawled.
        “And meanwhile, you’re prepared to hold me here and let him cull millions of people on this planet?”
        The stupid one leaned back in his chair and clasped his hands behind his head, grinning inanely at her. The other one leaned over the table until his nose was barely an inch from hers. “Well, in that case,” he leered at her, “You’d better hurry up and start telling us what you know about these... these Wraith.”
        Suddenly, something in Babs’s head snapped like an over-stretched rubber band. She leapt to her feet, toppling the table as she did. The two officers also leapt to their feet, drawing their guns and aiming them across the room at her. She dropped into a crouch and a feral snarl came from deep in her throat as she bared her teeth at them.
        A third officer, alerted by the noise, opened the interrogation room door. Not hesitating for even a fraction of a second, Babs grabbed her chance and ducked under the arm of the officer holding the door.
        She’d sprinted halfway down the corridor before they even realised she’d gone and gave chase.


        Special agent John Sheppard glared at the wraith across the table. “I don’t like it,” he said flatly.
        “I’m not asking you to like it,” Todd said calmly in his velvety, multi-toned voice. “But I imagine you’d like it better than the only alternative I’m offering.”
        “How do I know that, if I hand her over to you, you won’t just cull our planet to extinction anyway?”
        “Because you know that Wraith annihilation, or even occupation, of Earth does not come to pass in the future I want for my race. Besides,” Todd grinned wryly, “If she is half the woman I expect her to be, she will demand it as a condition of her own before she even steps foot on my hive, let alone crosses two galaxies with me.”
        “You expect her to be brave enough to make demands of you?” Sheppard raised one eyebrow.
        “The TP referred to in the prophecy is...” Todd searched for the right word. “... feisty.”
        “I bet she is,” Sheppard said, one corner of his mouth twitching into a slight grin. He wondered what else this strangely compelling alien wanted this woman for.
        A sudden commotion outside the room distracted him and he got up to open the door. It opened out onto an interior courtyard, one wall entirely glass and showing the massive (but tiny by wraith standards) cruiser in which Todd arrived.
        Todd got up and followed Sheppard just in time to see a well-rounded female human careering down the corridor as if all the demons in hell were chasing her. Her arms and legs were pumping, carrying her as fast as they could but, by the expression on her face, clearly not fast enough for her liking. Her hair streamed out behind her as she ran, the reddish glow in the dark brown reminding Todd of the shiny chestnuts on the trees of his favourite planet.
        She looked over her shoulder and caught her own foot, almost taking a tumble in the process. As she righted herself only a few feet in front of Sheppard, she lifted her head and looked forward – and that’s when her eyes met Todd’s for the first time.
        She screeched to a halt and stood there, her shoulders heaving and breathing so heavily she could barely form more than one word at a time when she spoke.
        “Todd. I got here. Am I in time? To stop it. The cull.”


        The soldiers chasing her caught up and heavy-handedly started to drag her back with them; they only got a few feet before Sheppard stopped them.
        “Leave her!” he snapped and they instantly stood down. He waved his hand at them and they looked at each other as if they couldn’t work out what to do. He flashed his FBI badge at them impatiently. “Dismissed!”
        Babs followed the soldiers with her eyes as they traipsed back down the corridor, not quite able to believe that she got away from them. Just as she managed to get her breathing back under control she turned and glimpsed the wraith cruiser through the wall of windows. Her jaw fell open and she simply stood and stared.
        “Oh my god...” she gasped.
        Todd looked at the spirited little human female standing mere feet in front of him and gave a soft little laugh. “My hive is significantly more impressive than that, Little One,” he said to her gently. She turned to look him in the eye and he saw the flash of fire there just before she raised one eyebrow and allowed her face to break into a wry grin of innuendo-fuelled amusement.
        Todd returned her smile with a self-satisfied grin of his own. I’ve found her, he thought to himself.
        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


          @Toddandrea: Ooh, cute! What sort of snake?


            TP’s Hive: The Prequel
            How Todd’s Pet met Todd

            Chapter 4

            Chapter 4

            “I hear you,” Sheppard sighed in frustration. He thought he understood her but he couldn’t make her see his point of view. “I can’t just let you waltz off onto his hive without knowing what you’re walking into.”
            “No, you don’t hear me!” She dragged her hands through her hair in exasperation while she paced the floor, aware that Todd had been sitting watching her in silence the whole time. “I’ve spent my entire life trying to be heard and no one ever listens!” She turned and glared at Sheppard. “But not this time; this time you WILL listen to me. I am going and nothing you can do will stop me!”
            “It’s all very commendable, sacrificing yourself for the good of the planet and all that, but I can’t let you go until I have more information about what you’re getting yourself into.”
            Babs threw herself into the empty chair on the other side of the desk and sighed heavily. She looked at Todd, who was sitting calm and quiet, saying nothing but taking in everything; then back at Sheppard, who was making a great deal of noise and bluster but understanding nothing.
            “You just don’t get it, do you?” she said to Sheppard. “I’m not trying to be a hero. I’ve never fitted in here, on this planet; I’ve felt out of place all my life… confined, restricted, sometimes just plain bored.” She broke off and turned to look at Todd, trying to decipher from the sparkle in his amber cat’s-eyes what might be going on in his head. She turned back to Sheppard and gave a sideways nod in Todd’s direction. “If he’s true to his word, he’s offering to open up not just a whole new world but an entire galaxy. I just can’t pass up on an opportunity like that.” She paused, allowing the implication to sink in and then added, “So now you know that my motives are entirely selfish, you can let me go with a clear conscience.”
            Sheppard glared deep into her eyes, daring her to let slip that she was doing this to save the planet and not just because she fancied some intergalactic adventure with a good-looking alien. She held his eyes and kept her gaze and her features steady and neutral until at last, he broke eye contact, got up and stomped out of the room.


            The second Sheppard left, Todd calmly stood up and turned to face Babs, looking down at where she still sat in the chair.
            “Nicely done, but we both know it’s not true,” he said plainly.
            She realized there was not much point in trying to deny anything with him. “If he thinks I’m going with you to save the people of Earth, he’ll try to save me from myself,” she said, “but if he thinks I’m a selfish so-and-so who’s just going along for the ride because I can’t wait to get off this planet, he’ll probably just let me go.”
            “He really doesn’t trust me, does he?”
            “I don’t trust you either, but what option do I have?”
            “You could refuse to come with me.”
            “And have it on my conscience that you’ve left with millions of people cocooned up as packed lunches? And that you’ll probably come back for dessert in a couple of centuries?” Babs stood up and resumed her pacing around the room.
            “In that case, why come with me if you don’t trust me?”
            She shrugged and turned to look at him. “It seems a fair exchange… me for the entire planet…”
            Todd smiled. “I thought you said you don’t trust me?” Babs flashed him a questioning look. “Perhaps I’ll feed on you and then go ahead and cull your planet anyway.”
            “I don’t think so,” she replied. His half smile told her that he knew she understood but wanted her to vocalize it anyway. “You came here looking for me – I’ve no idea why – but you want me for a reason, so you won’t kill me.”
            In spite of her words, Todd could sense that she was afraid of him – and even more afraid of venturing alone on to a hive stuffed full of predatory wraith. The fact that she was going to do it anyway showed her courage. He had also admired the total lack of respect for authority that she’d displayed with Sheppard. That would make for an interesting influence on his hive-minded crews, he thought.
            In spite of the shyness and social awkwardness he could sense in her, he also sensed a deep-seated arrogance in her that he could use to his advantage, too. And yet, mingled in there was also a deep sense of self-sacrifice. He didn’t need his telepathy to tell him she was terrified of the step she was about to take – he could almost hear the hammering of her heart – but she really was here to try to save her planet. She was prepared to take a leap in the dark so as not to damn her soul in her own eyes.
            He could see in her the need to do the right thing, her willingness to sacrifice herself for the good of the many – allied with her pride, passion and determination, he could see the seed of the person she could become, the potential she could fulfill. He could feel it in his bones: with careful management he could propel this Little One to the kind of leadership that could save his race from extinction.
            He reached out his hand to her and smiled when she took it without hesitation. “You are right,” he told her, “and I believe you truly are the one I’ve been searching for.”
            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


              Excellent TP The pace is great, the dialogue amusing and the mental image of TP making a bolt for it down the corridor certainly brought a smile to my face!

              Edit: I'll green you asap


                Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                TP’s Hive: The Prequel
                How Todd’s Pet met Todd

                Chapter 4

                Chapter 4

                “I hear you,” Sheppard sighed in frustration. He thought he understood her but he couldn’t make her see his point of view. “I can’t just let you waltz off onto his hive without knowing what you’re walking into.”
                “No, you don’t hear me!” She dragged her hands through her hair in exasperation while she paced the floor, aware that Todd had been sitting watching her in silence the whole time. “I’ve spent my entire life trying to be heard and no one ever listens!” She turned and glared at Sheppard. “But not this time; this time you WILL listen to me. I am going and nothing you can do will stop me!”
                “It’s all very commendable, sacrificing yourself for the good of the planet and all that, but I can’t let you go until I have more information about what you’re getting yourself into.”
                Babs threw herself into the empty chair on the other side of the desk and sighed heavily. She looked at Todd, who was sitting calm and quiet, saying nothing but taking in everything; then back at Sheppard, who was making a great deal of noise and bluster but understanding nothing.
                “You just don’t get it, do you?” she said to Sheppard. “I’m not trying to be a hero. I’ve never fitted in here, on this planet; I’ve felt out of place all my life… confined, restricted, sometimes just plain bored.” She broke off and turned to look at Todd, trying to decipher from the sparkle in his amber cat’s-eyes what might be going on in his head. She turned back to Sheppard and gave a sideways nod in Todd’s direction. “If he’s true to his word, he’s offering to open up not just a whole new world but an entire galaxy. I just can’t pass up on an opportunity like that.” She paused, allowing the implication to sink in and then added, “So now you know that my motives are entirely selfish, you can let me go with a clear conscience.”
                Sheppard glared deep into her eyes, daring her to let slip that she was doing this to save the planet and not just because she fancied some intergalactic adventure with a good-looking alien. She held his eyes and kept her gaze and her features steady and neutral until at last, he broke eye contact, got up and stomped out of the room.


                The second Sheppard left, Todd calmly stood up and turned to face Babs, looking down at where she still sat in the chair.
                “Nicely done, but we both know it’s not true,” he said plainly.
                She realized there was not much point in trying to deny anything with him. “If he thinks I’m going with you to save the people of Earth, he’ll try to save me from myself,” she said, “but if he thinks I’m a selfish so-and-so who’s just going along for the ride because I can’t wait to get off this planet, he’ll probably just let me go.”
                “He really doesn’t trust me, does he?”
                “I don’t trust you either, but what option do I have?”
                “You could refuse to come with me.”
                “And have it on my conscience that you’ve left with millions of people cocooned up as packed lunches? And that you’ll probably come back for dessert in a couple of centuries?” Babs stood up and resumed her pacing around the room.
                “In that case, why come with me if you don’t trust me?”
                She shrugged and turned to look at him. “It seems a fair exchange… me for the entire planet…”
                Todd smiled. “I thought you said you don’t trust me?” Babs flashed him a questioning look. “Perhaps I’ll feed on you and then go ahead and cull your planet anyway.”
                “I don’t think so,” she replied. His half smile told her that he knew she understood but wanted her to vocalize it anyway. “You came here looking for me – I’ve no idea why – but you want me for a reason, so you won’t kill me.”
                In spite of her words, Todd could sense that she was afraid of him – and even more afraid of venturing alone on to a hive stuffed full of predatory wraith. The fact that she was going to do it anyway showed her courage. He had also admired the total lack of respect for authority that she’d displayed with Sheppard. That would make for an interesting influence on his hive-minded crews, he thought.
                In spite of the shyness and social awkwardness he could sense in her, he also sensed a deep-seated arrogance in her that he could use to his advantage, too. And yet, mingled in there was also a deep sense of self-sacrifice. He didn’t need his telepathy to tell him she was terrified of the step she was about to take – he could almost hear the hammering of her heart – but she really was here to try to save her planet. She was prepared to take a leap in the dark so as not to damn her soul in her own eyes.
                He could see in her the need to do the right thing, her willingness to sacrifice herself for the good of the many – allied with her pride, passion and determination, he could see the seed of the person she could become, the potential she could fulfill. He could feel it in his bones: with careful management he could propel this Little One to the kind of leadership that could save his race from extinction.
                He reached out his hand to her and smiled when she took it without hesitation. “You are right,” he told her, “and I believe you truly are the one I’ve been searching for.”
                HA!! So TP finally meets Todd. I"m dying to here how he picked her out of all the woman in two galaxies and how he even hear of her!!

                Great start!!! I love it.
                Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris


                  Originally posted by IV View Post
                  Excellent TP The pace is great, the dialogue amusing and the mental image of TP making a bolt for it down the corridor certainly brought a smile to my face!

                  Edit: I'll green you asap
                  Thank you! *hugs*
                  SHe's still just Babs at that point - and if you could see me you'd see why that scene was bl**dy hysterical, let alone amusing!!! LOL
                  She doesn't "turn into " TP for a couple of chapters yet...
                  Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                    @TP Wow, That's all I can think of to say. It's fantastic so far and can't wait for the next chapter, tried to green but GW won't let me.

                    @IV They're both Corn Snakes, the Female's called Lou and she's orange with red bits and the male's Smokey and, as the name suggests, he's grey and black. We weren't sure of Lou's gender when we bought her from the Pet shop so we called her something that could be for a boy or girl.
                    Thank you to Icarium for allowing me to use the above image.


                      Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
                      HA!! So TP finally meets Todd. I"m dying to here how he picked her out of all the woman in two galaxies and how he even hear of her!!

                      Great start!!! I love it.

                      Well, he found her on the internet, but you'll find out next chapter how he knew to come to Earth looking for her...

                      Thanks, *hugs* next chapter tomorrow!
                      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                        Originally posted by Toddandrea View Post
                        @TP Wow, That's all I can think of to say. It's fantastic so far and can't wait for the next chapter, tried to green but GW won't let me.

                        @IV They're both Corn Snakes, the Female's called Lou and she's orange with red bits and the male's Smokey and, as the name suggests, he's grey and black. We weren't sure of Lou's gender when we bought her from the Pet shop so we called her something that could be for a boy or girl.
                        Your enjoyment is all the green I need! Thank you! *hugs*
                        Next chapter tomorrow.

                        Oh, btw, finally got round to reading IV's story - for those who haven't got round to it yet, I can thoroughly recommend it - a damn good read
                        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                          Oh, btw, finally got round to reading IV's story - for those who haven't got round to it yet, I can thoroughly recommend it - a damn good read

                          @IV They're both Corn Snakes, the Female's called Lou and she's orange with red bits and the male's Smokey and, as the name suggests, he's grey and black. We weren't sure of Lou's gender when we bought her from the Pet shop so we called her something that could be for a boy or girl.
                          Ooh, they sound lovely Will you be posting pictures of them at all?


                            Originally posted by IV View Post
                            Ooh, they sound lovely Will you be posting pictures of them at all?
                            I've got some done but haven't put them on the computer yet, they're still on the camera, so I'll get a new USB cable for it and upload them.
                            Thank you to Icarium for allowing me to use the above image.


                              Feeling tired, so off for an early night TTYL, sweet wraithie dreams. Night
                              Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                                Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                                Feeling tired, so off for an early night TTYL, sweet wraithie dreams. Night
                                Night TP. BTW, If my typing starts going really erratic, it'll mean that Peaches has managed to clamber on to my key board.

                                EDIT: Now off to bed as well so night, night and sweet Wraithy dreams, though whether I'll get any sleep or not I don't know as the closing time for applying for the job position I've gone for is in 42 mins GMT. Roll on finding out what's going to happen.
                                Last edited by Toddandrea; 31 January 2010, 02:19 PM.
                                Thank you to Icarium for allowing me to use the above image.

