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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - Introduction, Joining And Inactivity, Rules, OOC Chat

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    Originally posted by Draygon View Post
    We were lucky that we still ahd power, just not internet. And anyway., we're not allowed to have candles in our student housing
    Originally posted by Draygon View Post
    And bubble bath fix; we onyl have a dinky shower

    I miss candles... COH time!
    Cat: I feel guilty. I and Jareth had a relaxing candlelight bath yesterday.

    Jareth: Yes, to calm her down because GW was down the whole evening. GROOOOWWWWLLLLL


      I'm going through withdrawal because GW was down. Makes me thing of the bad old times last month when we had to resort to yahoo.


        Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
        I'm going through withdrawal because GW was down. Makes me thing of the bad old times last month when we had to resort to yahoo.
        Only been here for a short time and I was getting the same luckily I had my new wraith music video to work on til GW came back up


          I'm taking a break to rest my back now. I shouldn't be gone for more than half an hour.


            I have to go too for a while. I need to prepare lunch now, hubby's going to come home soon and DS junior will wake up any moment now.


              Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
              Sorry about that. I've fixed it now.
              Thanks! *hug*
              Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                A wee drabble that might get y'all a little hot and bothered - just the thing for lunch break!

                The First Kiss

                Sometimes I forget to breathe. This is one of those times.
                He’s so close I can see the deep topaz flecks in his amber eyes – eyes that glitter mischievously because he’s fully aware of the effect they’re having on me.
                His white hair is bedraggled and yet soft against my cheek and smells of the same faint scent of Frankincense that permeates even the air around him.
                This close I can clearly see the dark veins showing through his translucently pale jade green skin; the skin that feels smooth and cool against my forehead when he presses his cheek against it.
                His white goatee brushes my temple, soft as a feather, and stirs the scent of Frankincense again until my head is full of it.
                Still I hold my breath.
                “Breathe,” he murmurs softly in that deep, multi-toned, velvety voice. But instead of breathing my legs turn to jelly.
                He turns his face to mine again and dips his head. The black lines of the tattoo around his eye blur into the periphery of my vision as he moves close, closer... agonisingly slowly... his lips barely an inch from mine.
                My head is swimming and I fear my heart will stop. Still I cannot breathe.
                Then his lips touch mine, softly, meltingly, welding us together irrevocably, making me his for all eternity.
                All too soon, the kiss is over as he draws away and looks deep into my eyes as if he could see into my very soul.
                Then I breathe – exhaling slowly and softly in one long, long sigh as if, now that he has claimed me, I can live again.
                “Better?” he says gently.
                “Much better,” I tell him.
                “Once more but with breathing this time.” He smiles wryly.
                He catches me unawares and I snatch my breath in a sharp inhale, almost as if I were drawing his soul into me through our lips.
                Then I forget to breathe again as he pulls me into his arms and I lose myself in his embrace
                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                  Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                  A wee drabble that might get y'all a little hot and bothered - just the thing for lunch break!

                  The First Kiss
                  That's brilliant. Can it go in your general fiction section on the website?


                    Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                    A wee drabble that might get y'all a little hot and bothered - just the thing for lunch break!

                    The First Kiss

                    Sometimes I forget to breathe. This is one of those times.
                    He’s so close I can see the deep topaz flecks in his amber eyes – eyes that glitter mischievously because he’s fully aware of the effect they’re having on me.
                    His white hair is bedraggled and yet soft against my cheek and smells of the same faint scent of Frankincense that permeates even the air around him.
                    This close I can clearly see the dark veins showing through his translucently pale jade green skin; the skin that feels smooth and cool against my forehead when he presses his cheek against it.
                    His white goatee brushes my temple, soft as a feather, and stirs the scent of Frankincense again until my head is full of it.
                    Still I hold my breath.
                    “Breathe,” he murmurs softly in that deep, multi-toned, velvety voice. But instead of breathing my legs turn to jelly.
                    He turns his face to mine again and dips his head. The black lines of the tattoo around his eye blur into the periphery of my vision as he moves close, closer... agonisingly slowly... his lips barely an inch from mine.
                    My head is swimming and I fear my heart will stop. Still I cannot breathe.
                    Then his lips touch mine, softly, meltingly, welding us together irrevocably, making me his for all eternity.
                    All too soon, the kiss is over as he draws away and looks deep into my eyes as if he could see into my very soul.
                    Then I breathe – exhaling slowly and softly in one long, long sigh as if, now that he has claimed me, I can live again.
                    “Better?” he says gently.
                    “Much better,” I tell him.
                    “Once more but with breathing this time.” He smiles wryly.
                    He catches me unawares and I snatch my breath in a sharp inhale, almost as if I were drawing his soul into me through our lips.
                    Then I forget to breathe again as he pulls me into his arms and I lose myself in his embrace
                    It's beautiful! *THUNK* My knees have gone weak while I was reading this.
                    Last edited by Draco-Stellaris; 19 November 2009, 07:35 AM.


                      Am going to watch the Sarah Jane Adventures in 5 minutes. I'll only be gone for half an hour, though.


                        Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                        A wee drabble that might get y'all a little hot and bothered - just the thing for lunch break!

                        The First Kiss

                        Sometimes I forget to breathe. This is one of those times.
                        He’s so close I can see the deep topaz flecks in his amber eyes – eyes that glitter mischievously because he’s fully aware of the effect they’re having on me.
                        His white hair is bedraggled and yet soft against my cheek and smells of the same faint scent of Frankincense that permeates even the air around him.
                        This close I can clearly see the dark veins showing through his translucently pale jade green skin; the skin that feels smooth and cool against my forehead when he presses his cheek against it.
                        His white goatee brushes my temple, soft as a feather, and stirs the scent of Frankincense again until my head is full of it.
                        Still I hold my breath.
                        “Breathe,” he murmurs softly in that deep, multi-toned, velvety voice. But instead of breathing my legs turn to jelly.
                        He turns his face to mine again and dips his head. The black lines of the tattoo around his eye blur into the periphery of my vision as he moves close, closer... agonisingly slowly... his lips barely an inch from mine.
                        My head is swimming and I fear my heart will stop. Still I cannot breathe.
                        Then his lips touch mine, softly, meltingly, welding us together irrevocably, making me his for all eternity.
                        All too soon, the kiss is over as he draws away and looks deep into my eyes as if he could see into my very soul.
                        Then I breathe – exhaling slowly and softly in one long, long sigh as if, now that he has claimed me, I can live again.
                        “Better?” he says gently.
                        “Much better,” I tell him.
                        “Once more but with breathing this time.” He smiles wryly.
                        He catches me unawares and I snatch my breath in a sharp inhale, almost as if I were drawing his soul into me through our lips.
                        Then I forget to breathe again as he pulls me into his arms and I lose myself in his embrace
                        *sigh* *thunk*
                        Aurora: You realise she was imagining her and me in your place don't you? You have a way with words TP
                        Craig: Hmm, who knew a kiss could get such a reaction *formulates the purr-fect kiss in his mind and decides to practice on PA later*


                          Originally posted by PleiadesAltariel View Post
                          *sigh* *thunk*
                          Aurora: You realise she was imagining her and me in your place don't you? You have a way with words TP
                          Craig: Hmm, who knew a kiss could get such a reaction *formulates the purr-fect kiss in his mind and decides to practice on PA later*
                          Rhys: Kisses can have interesting effects on worshippers, didn't you know that, Craig?


                            Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                            Rhys: Kisses can have interesting effects on worshippers, didn't you know that, Craig?
                            Craig: I'm more of the touchy-feely type, I have yet to perfect the art of kissing, obviously


                              Got to go make tea, hopefully can catch up with everyone later *waves*


                                Hey guys! Uploaded a new wraith video. Hope you all enjoy!

                                Click on image to be directed to video.
                                Last edited by wraith_whore; 19 November 2009, 11:02 AM.

