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Mess Hall / Commissary

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    "I'll stop by then, Colonel. Whenever you have some empty time will be fine. SG-5 hasn't been given any assignment yet, so I'm free." Jen stood up from the table. "Sirs, Jaime, Tyler, Marshall, I'll see everyone later." Jen walked out of the mess hall. 'Need to practice on my hand device before I attempt to heal SG-3. I'll head for the armory and check it out.' She shook her head. 'Times like this, I can almost be grateful to Snakey-*****.'

    ((to Armory))
    "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
    " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
    Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

    Discover a … New Galaxy

    Look for a … New Adventure

    Find a … New Mythology


      (( OOC - I thought I'd have time to play this weekend. At least my 'house project' is almost finished. *tired sigh* I'm going to reply to a couple of posts in one.))
      Originally posted by Somnium
      (Sorry I should have been more clear there Silver so its Lt. Col )
      "Captain, Lieutenant" Harvey nodded as the two came to attention "Thankyou, at ease" she took a gulp of her coffee which was a little hotter than she'd have liked. She paused and gained her composure. "Tyler I have a present for you" she placed the box on the table and pushed it toward her with a grin on her face. "It seems someone has finally come to their senses..." she paused as Tyler picked up the box "....Congratulations Captain."
      Tyler picked up the box and opened the lid. "Captain? I finally got promoted?" She touched the bars like they would evaporate if she wasn't careful. "Thank you, Ma'am."

      Originally posted by Somnium
      Harvey took the offered hand and shook firmly. "Pleased to meet you, Ive just taken over command of SG3 whats left anyway after our last mission. Which reminds me, Captain Tyler can you round up those left from our last joint mission and have them in my office, thats Col Macri's old office, at 1500hrs, Jaime Id like you to join us too." Harvey's stomache rumbled again and so she dug into her meal to stop its protests.
      "Captain McCoy is behind you, Col." Kym said uncertainly. "I'll make sure Matthews and Merrin are there on time."
      She looked longingly at the food line. "Do I have time to eat first? Please?" Her stomach's growling seconded the request.
      You're never too old to do something goofy.
      Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


        As Jen left the Commissary, Marshall turned to the other people sitting at the table.
        "Hi," he said, reaching for a fork. "What's up?"


          Originally posted by Jynjyr
          "Captain McCoy is behind you, Col." Kym said uncertainly. "I'll make sure Matthews and Merrin are there on time."
          She looked longingly at the food line. "Do I have time to eat first? Please?" Her stomach's growling seconded the request.
          "Yeah sure plenty of time, about an hour if my watch is correct" Harvey finnished the ommlette and moved on to her Jello. "Ive got alot of paperwork so theres no great rush"


            ((OOC: Is anyone else here?))


              "that maybe true, but I dont feel like one"

              Proud Supporter of:
              - 'Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis' -

              'If you don't tell me what I want to know, then it'll just be a question of how much you want it to hurt!'
              - Jack Bauer (24)


                "Well when you have saved some of your comrades, you and them may think a little differently. I just can't wait to get on a mission, but i need a full team, oh wel im sure we can help another team in the mean time."

                Joe Mallozzi: "Like my grandmother used to say: Whenever a gate closes, a hyperspace window opens…"


                  ((OOC: Me, White Knight!))

                  *Richardson finished up his apple, even the core. He loved the furit and wonder how much of it was left.*

                  "So, Colonal Harvey... I have wonder this when I woke up. What to you got to do, to get to fly one of those F-302s? I have been dying to get into one for some air.

                  While we're on the subject, you a pilot?"


                    "Which reminds me... Captain Tyler, can you round up those left from our last joint mission and have them in my office, thats Col Macri's old office, at 1500hrs. Jaime, I'd like you to join us too."

                    Halfway thru a sip of coffee, Jaime nearly choked. "Sorry, I thought you just said you wanted me in your office at 1500 hours with the remainder of your SG teams. I think I have coffee in my ears..."

                    (( OOC: She's gonna be REALLY surprised. ))

                    Tyler picked up the box and opened the lid. "Captain? I finally got promoted?" She touched the bars like they would evaporate if she wasn't careful. "Thank you, Ma'am."

                    "Kym, awesome! Congratulations!"


                      Slowly eating his...well, it looked like mashed potatoes, but he wasn't really sure what it was, Marshall looked from left to right at the other people at the table.
                      He didn't know any of the people sitting with him. He had caught the name 'Harvey', and the big Lt. Colonel was either named 'Sir' or was a stickler for military protocol.
                      Okay, bad joke, he thought as he ate his white mush.


                        "How many are you short?"

                        Proud Supporter of:
                        - 'Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis' -

                        'If you don't tell me what I want to know, then it'll just be a question of how much you want it to hurt!'
                        - Jack Bauer (24)


                          Halfway thru a sip of coffee, Jaime nearly choked. "Sorry, I thought you just said you wanted me in your office at 1500 hours with the remainder of your SG teams. I think I have coffee in my ears..."

                          "You heard correct, theres a little something we need your help with"

                          "So, Colonal Harvey... I have wonder this when I woke up. What to you got to do, to get to fly one of those F-302s? I have been dying to get into one for some air.

                          While we're on the subject, you a pilot?" Richardson asked

                          "You'd have to speak to the General about that, and no not a pilot a marine, altho I have had the pleasure of the odd joy ride" She smiled remembering the various rides she'd had the privilege of thanks to her families various connections. "You been never been up in one? Your in for a treat when You do"

                          Harvey finnished off her Jello and pushed her plates to one side "Well you'll have to excuse me folks, lots of things to do" She placed the fruit and the flapjack on her lap and steered the chair away from the table " Captain Tyler, Jaime Ill see you in my office shortly" and with that she left.

                          ( OOC - Off to my office Youll find me in SG3 mission thread)


                            Jaime stared after H as she left, blinking in surprise. "What in the world does she need *me* for?" she wondered aloud, finishing her coffee.

                            "Well guys... its been chatting. I have server logs to peruse and network stats to compile. Kym... I guess I'll see you later. Have a good one, everyone."

                            << off to do whatever and then head to H's new office ))


                              Kym finished her meal in a few quick gulps. "I've got to go, too. Matthews and Merrin could be anywhere."
                              She tossed off a quick salute, "Sirs. Ladies. Gentlemen. Later." She rolled away to track down her errant team mates and report as ordered.

                              << to Col Harvey's office (SG-3 mission thread) >>
                              You're never too old to do something goofy.
                              Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                                *Not having much else to do, Jason got up.*

                                I am going to find my 2IC. Everyone...

                                *Looking around, he headed in the same dirrection as Capt. Stevens...*

                                << to Col Harvey's office (SG-3 mission thread) >>

