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Welcome, New Members!

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    Welcome everyone! Greens for all new posters!
    Well, most of us were at work here...

    The five J's of Stargate: Jack, Janet, Jonas, Jacob, Jackson!!!
    In memorium: Whistler84 and Atteria...may you always be remembered.


      Hi peeps.

      I bumped into the site a few days ago and found it to be great. I'm 20 years old, live in Belgium. Unfortunatly , we arent really up to date with episodes like stargate. On the only channel that broadcasts it (wich we can recieve) weve just finished stargate sg 1 SE 7 and theve begun showing atlantis now instead. Hope they keep showing it so i can see all the episodes :-)

      Although stargate is n°1, i'm definatly fan off all sci-fi in general.

      Also, best wishes for the new year. Cya around
      42'nd Street - Points of view

      "Looking forward to season 38 of sg1"


        Hi there Stampie, 'n' welcome to the site. Lots of fun and info to be had here. Tot ziens / a bientot!
        "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard


          Got into Stargate SG-1 in September 2005, can't get enough, I love Star Trek and Ron Moore's BSG. Atlantis is hardly ever on here so I've only seen four season one eps (SPACE gets season one end of January!). But SG-1 is on for what seems multiple times everyday (except Sunday) so I checked it out a got hooked!


            Just wanted to say Hi .
            I can say I am not a stranger to forums myself. Until recently I just got into Stargate from being a casual viewer to a Full blown fan. Thanks to the Dvd 's (SG1's Seasons 1,4,5,7,8 and SGA's Season 1) and the Monday night Airings on the Sci-Fi Channel. I have been a victim of Science Fiction Television for... quite a while now.

            "Prepare yourself for larger Worlds"


              A Big Welcome to all the new guys!


                Hey everybody!.. ok.. Im the new guy here.. I've been meaning to register here but Its weird being the newbie again.. in another sg forum i have over 14k posts.. so.. you see why it would be weird to go back to being the new guy.. but anyways.. Im here now.


                  I should have come on here 2 months a go


                    Hi , I `m also new in here . First to say that I`m from Germany , so please excuse my poor English . I think that I will have a lot of fun in here . And I don `t mind to be spoiled , as it is up to you to pity me , because we are still stucked in season 8 in Germany fell free to correct me if I `m doing something wrong during my visits at Gateworld

                    .....hope to meet you all soon ......

                    uh, forgot ..... ...useless to say that I `m a huuuuuge SG-1 fan

                    ... *KJ who is lost in green * ...


                      I do hope that I've posted this in the right place, if not I am sorry. I 've been meaning to join you guys here at Gateworld for a while now, but there never seem to be enough hours in the day to do everything one wants to do.
                      At long last though, I've managed to sneak in some time, so here I am.
                      I do hope to get the hang of this fairly quickly so that I am able to enter in on some of the discussions. For now though, I shall say hello to everyone, sit back and enjoy myself while I figure out what to do.
                      Oh yeah I almost forgot, it's Joe Flanigan's birthday today isn't it?


                        Are you sure - I dont think so there would have been a party or something going on here if it was I think

                        Anyway welcome to the forum - the thing to remember is too have lots of fun

                        This will probably be moved to the 'Welcome New Members' thread in the off-topic section
                        gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                        so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                        love Torri


                          I'm a long time lurker who finally got the urge to join in. I don't ship, I don't thunk (well, sometimes), I'm 35, and female, and I don't quite fit the demographics, but I like both shows anyway.


                            Just stopping by to make sure all the *New Guys* feel welcome and Loved it would seem that all are getting the hang of things and don't worry about fitting in.... I am a complete weirdo and Even I fit in so you will be fine....

                            Have fun out there in the wilds of the forum... take everything with a grain of salt... and if you see the really big hairy eight legged thing coming towards you.... well for goodness sake DON'T shoo it towards ME
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Welcome to the asylum, new members
                              "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


                                hewo! i am PunkNerd! you may remember me from such forums as the official Stargate Atlantis forum. anyways....i am from Australia. i do not believe in downloading episodes off the i'm waiting for both Stargates to air down here....i got into Stargate after watching the original movie...and have been a fan since...

                                i hope to have fun and make new friends here!

