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    Originally posted by pookey View Post
    especially ^
    No, especially GB
    By Nolamom


      Everyone be quiet!! Ukko is here.


        Originally posted by Avarion View Post
        Howdy all,

        I've been watching Stargate for years and years now. My Dad's always enjoyed watching it and I started watching SG-1 one day and stuck with the series ever since.

        Whilst all the series are good, I love SGU and I'm also a big fan of space battles in all the seasons (Although SGU does do it pretty well IMO. ). Other than that I occasionally attempt fan fiction and most people would argue that I have an overactive imagination.

        Nice to meet ya'll!

        Hello. Watch out for Toods.


          *hands out pills to all newbies so they wont catch 'The Toods' *


            Hi All

            I'm new to the forum so i just thought i would say hi!

            As soon as i saw children of the gods i was hooked on Stargate SG1. It was that long ago that i used to buy all the seasons on VHS!

            I live in the UK and i work in legal firm.

            Look forward to talking to you all around the forum :-)


              Hiya,Kate !

              Welcome in...the water's lovely .

              Originally posted by Major Clanger View Post
              Just to say a welcome to all who made it over here, but especially anyone who is taking part in the forum for the first time.

              If you want to come and say hi, and if you want (it's not compulsory) let us know a bit about yourself (remember the golden internet rules about not giving too much personal info away) and maybe how you got interested in Stargate, feel free.

              We also have a "where are we" thread if you want to join the list.

              *Bows respectfully to Ye Mighty Clanger*

              New Members ,otherwise known as "Probies" ...

              For advice ,help and information about Probie Status ,Probie Rank ,what it means,and which forum features can and can't be accessed immediately ,click on this hyperlink : Probie status for New Members

              Another very useful set of threads :
              Handy Forum Tutorials

              X-treme Guide to GateWorld

              Picture & Animated .gif posting rules

              Sig Rules clarification

              There are other "help" threads in the Forum Announcement Section ,but the links above should help you get started .
              The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto, sic quod feci quod potui et sic potui, faciant meliora potentes. (c)



                  Welcome to all the newbies that have been brave enough to sign up for the suicide Sci fi experience. Enjoy yourselves here
                  Just ignore what they said about GB . I'm really not that bad.
                  *raises eyeshields activates Lasers, goes off to look for VS and Tood*
                  no means no, and so does pepper spray
                  Sig by The Carpenter


                    *glomps GB*
                    Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto, sic quod feci quod potui et sic potui, faciant meliora potentes. (c)



                      Originally posted by Vagabond Serpent View Post
                      *glomps GB*
                      *is glomped*
                      Now how am I going to zap you after that?
                      no means no, and so does pepper spray
                      Sig by The Carpenter


                        That was the plan.
                        Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto, sic quod feci quod potui et sic potui, faciant meliora potentes. (c)



                          Hi all.

                          I'm brand new. Please allow me to formerly introduce myself, I am mikee. I am 28 years old from the UK used to live in california.
                          I am a self employed sound technician and van tour driver.

                          Huge Stargate fan of: orig movie, Universe and Infinity (don't laugh i'm sure some people like infinity?) I am looking forward to watching Sg1 and Atlantis. I saw a good proportion of Sg1 when it aired but never really had a chance to be able to watch the show properly. Was probably knee deep in watching Sliders or something. Another great Sci-fi show may i add. but yeah finally got back into Stargate again. Loved SGU and now that that is all done with will start with SG1 from first to last.

                          Does anyone know if there may be some kind of comic or book possibly carrying on where SGU left off? would be cool. Maybe someone on here should do it?

                          anyways. I've said too much.



                            Welcome aboard mikee...
                            Welcome to Gateworld.

                            Have fun and enjoy the ride...

                            I hope to see you on the threads...
                            "What do you mean by 'Oopps'?"
                            Team Starfist protects all. But having a fully loaded P-90 helps...
                            Reality is an illusion... Created by those who cannot handle Stargate...!
                            Jankowski's Rules: Rule 1: Check your Six!
                            I'm not perfect. But parts of me are excellent I also cook...!
                            To thy own self... Be true
                            May the odds.... Be ever in your favour..!


                              Thank you very much starfist. And you sure will


                                welcome Mikee, have fun and Starfist has yummy cakes and he likes to share watch out for the mad Russian, you'll know him when he shows up

