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    Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
    Welcome to GW and see you around the threads. Oh, and here's the list of the colour-coded flying monkeys, beware of those.

    Red - Make you lose train of thought so you forget what you were going to say
    Orange - Steal chocolate
    Yellow - Internet Connection
    Green - Cause Global Warming
    Blue - Move your stuff around so you can't find it
    Purple - Steal your sanity
    Pink - Causes typos
    OMG it's *monkeys* that cause those things? Some of them I thought were just because I'm getting old. :O



      Hi I've just recently got hooked onto Stargate, through a friend, he laughed because Gen O'Neill and I share the same 'real' name, and I am a pilot in the Air Force. From what I've seen here I like it a lot, seems to be a great bunch of people here

      Thanks to Commander PJOZ for the siggy


        Originally posted by jackclone1 View Post
        Hi I've just recently got hooked onto Stargate, through a friend, he laughed because Gen O'Neill and I share the same 'real' name, and I am a pilot in the Air Force. From what I've seen here I like it a lot, seems to be a great bunch of people here
        Welcome to the forum. Is that one L or two Either way we could use a good pilot to chase down those flying monkeys. Glad you could join us in the mayhem we call Gateworld.
        no means no, and so does pepper spray
        Sig by The Carpenter


          Originally posted by ArchaeoNerd View Post
          OK, I've waited long enough! I've been lurking here for years, but it's time to go ahead, hold my breath (as Eli always does) and jump through the Gate!

          Hello, I'm ArchaeoNerd, and as my alias suggests, I love archaeology. (Can you guess my favorite Stargate character?)

          I've been a Stargate fan since the original movie.
          It was several years before I discovered there was a TV show, so I started watching at about Season 4. of SG1. Having fallen in love with the show I proceeded to get my hands on the DVD sets so I could catch up. It's been a great ride ever since! I have also enjoyed roaming around GateWorld for a number of years.

          As I mentioned, my all time favorite character is Daniel... but being the nerd that I am, I also enjoy Rodney, and Eli has been my favorite SGU character from the beginning . Other favorites are Sheppard, Carter, Zelenka, Greer, and of course the inimitable O'Neill! I also find myself going back again and again to watch the antics of Harlan, Felger, and Martin Lloyd; and as far as the baddies are concerned, Baal and Todd the Wraith are great characters!

          ...although sometimes I think my favorite character is the Stargate. A lot of my favorite episodes are those which feature Stargate anomalies.

          I put down my favorite episode as Window of Opportunity, but that was just because I was only allowed to pick *one*!

          Well, a little about myself. True to my alias, I have worked on an archaeological dig, in Israel. No, I wasn't one of those actually doing excavation... I worked on the computer database for the dig. When I'm not watching Stargate, I try to hack out a living as a web/database programmer. If this forum posts people's ages, you'll find out that I'm a Senior Citizen.

          Enough blather... I look forward to getting to know you on the threads!

          WOO is my favorite ep too
          Thanks to Dunc for my pretty aurora and Muse sig. He had no part in the Twilight one


            Originally posted by jackclone1 View Post
            Hi I've just recently got hooked onto Stargate, through a friend, he laughed because Gen O'Neill and I share the same 'real' name, and I am a pilot in the Air Force. From what I've seen here I like it a lot, seems to be a great bunch of people here
            This is a great site. I think you'll find it a fun and nice place to hang out. Welcome!
            Thanks to Dunc for my pretty aurora and Muse sig. He had no part in the Twilight one


              Hello Lovely's,
              How are we all?
              I'm From Melbourne, Australia.
              Been lurking around for a few months now decided to create an account (Finally)
              About two years ago my boyfriend sat me down (forcible) and got me to watch stargate SG-1
              I all can remember is going oh this show lame/nerdy and whining about not wanting to watch it,
              And you would never guess!
              After the second episode I was gasping, tearing up, shocked and thrilled at how bl**dy awesome SG-1 is!
              Now I'm a bigger stargate fan then he is, He didn't even consider coming to the 2010 Melbourne convention with me lol.
              EPIC day that was, Best day I've had in my life =D
              And here I am now two years down the track of my stargate adventure, Still haven't had the chance to get a hold of Atlantis yet
              Seen All season 3 times on my Fourth now In season ten,
              Looking forward to watching it once again, It just never get's old does it?


              Thank you BBdreamer


                Originally posted by Whatsername View Post
                Hello Lovely's,
                How are we all?

                your aussie !!!! then it was fate that you befriended me

                welcome to the forum and glad you decided to sign up


                  Hi..All. This is Gilroy. I am 19 year old student. My hobbies are reading books and forum commenting. Hope I would enjoy my stay here.


                    Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
                    your aussie !!!! then it was fate that you befriended me

                    welcome to the forum and glad you decided to sign up
                    HAHAHA For sure I'm an Aussie!!!!!!!!
                    I'm from just outside Melbourne and yourself?
                    And thanks I'm quite glad I signed up myself having loads of fun talking to everyone on here =D
                    Thank you BBdreamer


                      Hello all

                      Newbie from Sydney, I'm a big fan of all things stargate & sci fi. I work in accounting while studying screenwriting at Uni. Felt weird lurking the forums so thought i'd join in.


                        WELCOME =D
                        another Aussie yay
                        Thank you BBdreamer


                          Aiyaaaaaaa!!! More Aussies!!! Run for your lives, their everywhere!!! *Jumps in the pit*

                          Welcome to the forum though

                          Forum rule: Ukko must be brought pie. You may call me Dominus or, Your Royal Awesomeness

                          P.S Avoid GB's cookies, they're evil


                            Thanx for the welcome

                            Aussies = Awesome :-D


                              Originally posted by Whatsername View Post
                              HAHAHA For sure I'm an Aussie!!!!!!!!
                              I'm from just outside Melbourne and yourself?
                              And thanks I'm quite glad I signed up myself having loads of fun talking to everyone on here =D
                              I'm in america but i greatly love and respect Australia. i'm going to visit it one day


                                Just joined up and decided the best place to start would be to say hi to fellow fans!

                                I discovered stargate in october. I saw a brief clip of SGU on tv and saw that Robert was in it, so I decided I need to jump of the SG bandwagon. I bought SGA seasons 1 and two. So far I am on episode 16 of season 1 of SGA and I've seen all of SGU. I plan on going to a SG convention in august! I'm pretty excited. I'm trying to start my own fan fiction series too, so we'll see where that goes!

                                ^ That's awesome right there.
                                Stargate Chicago Con 2010 Attendee

