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    If there have been changes to the template, those are things that VB oh so helpfully changed with every update and Darren has to manually code.
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Looks good now after another (mercifully) brief outage


        There may be a few other minor quirks still to be addressed ,but those can wait till Greg and Darren get some rest.

        Bear in mind folks ,that if our discussions and fun here are suspended for a while ,it's with good site usage or security-related reason,and outages/other disruption kept minimal where at all possible.

        The Server Move I posted about here and on the Alpha Site the other day had no connection to the outages at all.
        The Server Hosting will still migrate at some point during the 7th-8th.
        Originally posted by Bagpuss View Post

        Server Move imminent

        There may be 30 minutes or so of Forum/other downtime during September 7-8 while the migration is in progress.

        If there are any changes to that schedule,we'll try to let you all know in advance.

        (*Any relevant info will be posted to the Alphasite too,so bookmark the Group link in my sig.

        You won't have to join to read the messages over there.)
        The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


          Hi mods

          For the last couple of weeks or so it has sometimes been impossible to use this smiley: - it has just showed up as ":d" instead. It doesn't make a difference whether I type the : & D or click the smiley in the smilies box. This seems to come and go - I haven't been able to find a pattern. I know others have experienced the same, though I don't know which browser they're using - I'm using IE10.



            Have you had the problem happen in VMs and posts where you'd typed only in caps?

            VBB defaults caps-only replies to lower case and smilie codes that contain "D" and "P" ( eg and )
            The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


              It's been happening in both posts and VMs, but I don't think I've ever typed just in caps will make a test post below this post with just the in it...




                  Now that I think of it, it might have been happening in the chatter threads only, where a single sometimes is comment enough. And it's been happening in the Boy v Girl Tug of War Game ( +/-) thread as well - so -/+ and numbers aren't enough, there has to be letters too in order for to work it seems.

                  Thanks baggie


                    The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                      I'm having issues with images.

                      How do I:

                      A) customise my avatar
                      B) add a pic to my sig
                      C) make my posted images show up as a picture, not an attachment?

                      I've been around here forever and I still can't figure it out!
                      Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                      My fanfic


                        Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                        I'm having issues with images.

                        How do I:

                        A) customise my avatar
                        B) add a pic to my sig
                        C) make my posted images show up as a picture, not an attachment?

                        I've been around here forever and I still can't figure it out!
                        a) When you go to your controls -> Edit Avatar, you should have a section called Custom window above the pre-defined avatars. You can enter a link if your avatar is stored somewhere on line, or you can upload it directly from your computer. Of course you have to keep in mind the restrictions on the custom avatar as it can't be bigger then 120x120 pixels and 19.5kB

                        b) Again go to My controls -> Edit Signature. At the bottom of the page you should have a section Upload Signature Picture. And again you have to option to enter a link or upload from your computer. Click the 'upload' button, and once the image is uploaded hit the 'Insert signature picture' button. You have restriction on the size of the image here as well. 700x200 and 100kb (I know it says 53kb in the upload window but that's an old number)

                        c)To post images that aren't attachments they need to first be uploaded somewhere on line. There are free hosting sites like photobucket and imageshack and probably lots of others. From there you can just copy IMG codes (or IMG thumb if the files are too big) and just paste them into your posts.


                          Hello Mods. Having an issue with image attachments. I've been uploading images to Photobucket and then add them to an album in my profile but they only appear as gray question mark icons until clicked on to see the full image. Any ideas why this is?

                          Look forward to hearing from you soon.


                          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                          K-9, CLASS and much more...


                            Hi Alan!

                            Can you try moving the pics that so far just show as url links over to a new Album in case there's a limit on the Album KB size?
                            The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                              Hello dears I found a lovely picture to use as my sig, now, it is lovely and clear, but the moment i download it from my pooter to here it looks blurry, and. well, rubbish *points to it below v* This happens to all ma pictures.Thank you


                                Originally posted by Bagpuss View Post
                                Hi Alan!

                                Can you try moving the pics that so far just show as url links over to a new Album in case there's a limit on the Album KB size?

                                I tried moving just one of the three pics over to a new Album but unfortunately came up against the same issue.

                                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                                K-9, CLASS and much more...

