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'Awakening' (203) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by mi_guard View Post
    Maybe your expectations are just too high and at the end you are disappointed. Try to expect less and just let the show surprise you, then you will enjoy it more.
    Maybe. But I would have had to lower my expectations CONSIDERABLY in order to find this episode anything but "meh".


      Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
      Maybe. But I would have had to lower my expectations CONSIDERABLY in order to find this episode anything but "meh".
      Let's hope then it will improve with Pathogen.
      Grimm returns October 24

      Signature and Avatar by Hyndara71 - Thank you very much
      Profile Picture by BM-Shipper


        Don't worry Red, even if you hate this and Pathogen, I can safely say that I'll like 'em, and thus, the world will be balanced.
        ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

        ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


          meh i dont get it first of all
          destiny begins the trip from earth (bu the time that atlanis was there then) they fit in that ship infernior technology and inferior scheme why is that? crazy ancients?..

          then its the seeder ship a ship capable of building stargate and its so ****** small compared with what it can do..(btw why they didnt think to use the stargates to amplify the power as we saw it in sg1? much and ancient understanding..)
          adn if they keep killing ppl with that rate byt the end of season 3(lets hope for that) there will be no one on destiny


            Originally posted by UniverseSizePlotHole View Post
            Rush could have blown the sucker (main weapon was right near it I thought it would interfere with docking) that would have stopped the power transfer and not made Destiny go straight back into FTL.
            At that range, the dockig area would also have taken damage, and who's to say the explosion would have not set off a chain reaction through the power conduits.??

            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
            Rush could have easily let Telford to continue his work and reverse the energy drain instead of separating Destiny from seeder. Or use the bridge to see if it was going to work instead of automatically separating the two. Finally if Rush had been truthful about discovering the bridge and how to control Destiny they could of separated long before Telford's life was in peril
            Young was the one ordering the separation. But i give you the point on he could have helped from the bridge to reverse it.

            Young himself wanted to disconnect the ship, so Rush was technically doing what Young wanted anyway.
            Thanks for the back up on that.

            I mean even Varro, his actor was a guy that killed Natan in SG1 ... yet now he is someone totally different
            He has been several.. Including a runner in SGA.

            Originally posted by Arative View Post
            First thought that popped into my head was the brown aliens were a race created by the ancients to care for the ship when the ship experiences problems. Sort of like the race created to work on the Citadel in Mass Effect.
            I am starting to lean in that direction myself with the fact they seemed to understand ancient and operate the consoles.

            Aren't stargates made out of naquadah, a mineral contained in an ore which is mined? I'm just hoping TPTB aren't going to leave the fans to try figuring it out. After all, TPTB invented this stargate seeding ship so they ought to have some idea of how it works.
            Who is to say that naquida is not something mined from the stars in the first place?

            Part of it is that Rush didn't see everything, and only learned about some of the other conditions when Franklin and Gloria told him, AFTER the shuttle left. People in the Core room should have been able to scan the planet just as well, so why didn't Eli, Park, Brody, or Volker say anything? If we're gonna blame Rush, we'll have to blame them, too. Or maybe they aren't that smart after all, and Rush has a point? Who knows.
            That's a good point. The control room they always seem to use should have had the same info that rush was able to access. UNLESS that type of info was compartmentalized for a reason..

            This doesn't excuse Rush overlooking the bridge's readings of the planet's dangerous biosphere (until his "visions" had to alert him to it)
            Who says he overlooked it?? He could have flat out missed it.

            I also like the way he was really adamant of being the one taking care of the transfer back on the gate ship until the last minute placing himself in the position to be the last to leave the Destiny for earth...or not.
            I think that is cause he knew if he didn't the plan
            A) would have not worked or
            B) would have worked, but he could not stay.

            This is fair,its in many ways their ship. Then again: Did Young/Rush/crew know there was any lifeforms on that ship? If I remember right they did start "tapping" power before they found out there was aliens there.
            I actually wondered why they did not try to 'scan' for lifesigns.. BUT i will admit i do not know if those 'pods' would have blocked the readings.

            Originally posted by Elemental View Post
            Why isnt anyone talking about the moment when Rush basically blew off the most significant reveal in the series (perhaps the franchise) when they finally saw the stargate manufacturing facility? I believe his exact words were: "Well, have we had enough of this little diversion?". Could he have been more apathetic? A real let down.
            Maybe he was apathetic case he already saw it from the bridge.. Or he had 'info on it' placed in his head when he sat in the chair.

            So, stressful conditions can give some leeway to bad decisions? Well, Young's had head trauma, the stress of being a leader, a broken marriage, several deaths including that of his own baby, and he's had to kill a member of his own crew because the latter wished it; and now he's drinking because of all that crap; does he get "mental duress mitigating factors" too? Or are his decisions just bad, period?
            Yes he does. BUT some of the above was also caused CAUSE he let his emotions get the better of him. HIS kid would not be dead if he had listened to the reasons to space the LA once they got there (or had it done ahead of time).

            Can someone clarify what happened at the end? Rush presumably was the one who separated the ship. But the implication was that aliens were the ones who reversed the power flow not Rush, right? Why did the vision of his wife say "Did you do it to save the crew or your dream?" Didn't he just save all their lives? Or was it because he still won't turn the autopilot off and inform the crew they can go back to save Telford?
            I think that was i relation to the disconnection.

            I wonder if there was such a thing as a "Life Signs Detector" back when Destiny was launched? I wouldn't think that such a device fits in the theme of SGU anyway. But, it was what I immediately thought about when the aliens left their stasis pods.
            I am actually not sure if we have even seen signs of internals sensors.


              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
              Who is to say that naquida is not something mined from the stars in the first place?
              Whatever the answer might be it's still up to TPTB to supply it.


                Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                So do you guys think the LA will hit earth?
                It's hard to be concerned about that when you consider that Earth (one planet) has already defeated not one but two races of "gods" and one race of invincible, highly advanced artificial beings. What damage could a bunch of spies and thugs hope to do to a planet that should, for all intents and purposes, be the capital of the Universe?
                My heart beats in 13/8.


                  Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                  Oh yeah, all 3 pages of it.

                  That said, maybe we should have a poll after all.
                  Yeah, but so far, the vast majority of the people in that thread seem to think montages are overused, heh. But in my original thread, a poll is all I really wanted. Surprisingly, though, I got a lot of resistance from people who didn't even want to give it a chance.

                  And judges aren't completely objective either.

                  Who decides whether one has judged appropriately?
                  There are usually a higher courts, which is just a fancy way of getting multiple judges to review the ruling, in the hopes that a general consensus emerges as to whether the judgment was fair or not. A proper judgment takes everything into account, so at the very least, if someone is ignoring factors, then that someone isn't making a proper judgment.

                  There were more than enough stresses for Young up to that point. Furthermore, stress factors aren't the only mitigating ones; there are many emotional factors involved if we're really going to count them (i.e. Young's protectiveness for Telford).
                  Perhaps, but as had been said before, Young is supposedly a trained military officer. And not just a standard one, but one apparently fit for the rigors of the Stargate program. He's supposedly been trained to handle the stresses and still make rational decisions, unswayed by emotion. Remember, "Jack O'Neill of ten years ago" was their words, not mine. In that light, I personally feel he hasn't been a Jack.

                  And no, you haven't felt that Rush is sociopathic, which makes you more level-headed and objective than some around here. Part of why I respect you, even when we disagree on things. It's always nice to talk to rational, logical people, despite disagreements. =)


                    Originally posted by CJ Master View Post
                    Episode wasn't as amazing as last week, but I loved the new alien species. I still don't get why that one collapsed, though.
                    Because he saw an alien


                      Just a few points;

                      I wonder if the BA's went aboard the Seed ship to study it and it took them away from their home, maybe they inadvertently drained some of the seed ships power so it didn't have the juice to make a refuel stop, and them draining power was a way for them to return home.

                      I hope Brody tells Greer about Young's alcoholic state because i think Greer is the only one who can reach him on the level that Young needs.

                      Also, just a small point, did anyone else notice at the end of Awakening, that Rush was just about to fall asleep in the chair, and from the looks of the background he left the door open in his haste to disconnect the ships?
                      Might hopefully mean the bridge gets discovered by others as Rush has a tendency to turn his radio off/ignore it when he is there.

                      His talking to Gloria and the other scientist dude whose name escapes me, are they being used as plot devices for Rush's internal struggles with his actions so we can see the turmoil inside of him, i aren't truly happy with the current theories of them being hallucinations or some holographic projection by the ship itself, we've seen Destiny has a sophisticated computer system but nothing on the technological order of holographics, maybe it will be shown in a later episode, but for now i see it as Rush probing his own consciousness about his actions and why he did them



                        Originally posted by metabog View Post
                        It's hard to be concerned about that when you consider that Earth (one planet) has already defeated not one but two races of "gods" and one race of invincible, highly advanced artificial beings. What damage could a bunch of spies and thugs hope to do to a planet that should, for all intents and purposes, be the capital of the Universe?
                        Well I imagine some cloaked cargo ships packed with bombs parked on earth could do some damage.

                        What matters in warfare is not how big your stick is, it matters what you do with it. Having some of the largest, most advanced, battle hardened and best trained troops in the world didn't help the Soviets in Afghanistan, the US in Vietnam, the French in Spain in the Napoleonic wars and countless other examples throughout history.


                          Telford's not gone unless the actor was let out of his contract.


                            Originally posted by General Jumper One View Post
                            why didn't Rush stop the jump?
                            Because he doesn't want anyone to know he's in control of the ship.

                            Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                            I hate to say this but do you think Telford was so insistant on staying there cause if he reversed the transfer and that if they made a connection to earth Telford would get his command?
                            || Star Stream || Destiny Song || The Four Suns (My Band) || The Art of War <<== listen please!


                              Originally posted by lvalen18 View Post
                              i Saw a Picture of the Smurf Aliens and the new lil brown ones.... They Seem Similar... Ones Taller an blue but their facial features have similarities...

                              And they seem to know ancient... They where shown using one of the terminals to reverse the Power flow... They couldn't exactly just guess what to do to be able to lock down the ship.
                              Well I got the feeling they'd been tehre fo a long time.

                              Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                              Pretty good episode. It was nice to see some follow-up to the dangling threads like Chloe's condition, TJ's emotions about her lost baby, and the LA, though those scenes felt a bit jarring the way they were interspersed with the scenes from the seeder ship. The new aliens were rather cute, I hope we get to see them again, especially since they appeared to be explorers/researchers.

                              Re Rush's actions, I noticed that he overheard Telford saying that he would take over if Young didn't start shaping up. I'm thinking that while Rush doesn't think Young is fit for command, he'd probably prefer to him to Telford since he's used to getting around Young when he wants to.

                              I am looking forward to the showdown when everyone finds out that Rush has found the bridge, because I hope Young or someone finally decides to follow him when he leaves instead of just constantly wondering where he went off to.
                              I caught that. I was half expecting Rush to pull Young off to the side and some point and say something.

                              Originally posted by zainea13 View Post
                              I don't know why you all think Rush is so callous. In intervetion he was sorry that he was going to have to sacrifice parts of the crew.

                              In Aftermath he was hurt by the fact that he caused them to crash and ultimately riley to die. You can see in his face he was frustrated when he realized the shuttle would't make it. And was worried when they were out of contact.

                              In Awakening at the end he was clearly upset. Even if he was doing it for selfish reasons he was hurt by the decision he felt he had to make. And the last scene he is sitting in the chair, and what I get from it is that he is thinking "What am I doing!"
                              I don't know. Just being sorry isn't a very strong case. Especially when you keep doing the same things.

                              Originally posted by mparsons1981 View Post
                              But you see you defeat your own argument. You say there was no risk to dialling the gate, but also point out there was an alien presence.

                              It was a huge risk to dial the gate in such a siuation.
                              The aliens were on the seeder ship, the gate was on Destiny. And besides, SG teams have dialed Earth or Atlantis while taking fire hundreds of times going as far back as Children Of The Gods.
                              || Star Stream || Destiny Song || The Four Suns (My Band) || The Art of War <<== listen please!


                                really enjoyed this episode, SGU is getting better with season 2!!
                                Thanks to Amaunet for the sig!!!
                                My First Gateworld News Item!

