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'Awakening' (203) General Discussion

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    So far new season has been decent. The drama I don't like minimized (though Eli seems a bit whiny) and the stuff I do like a bit more present. Promising start.

    Though I had to chuckle as I watched the ships dock with each other. Does everything on this show get to mount something? Except Eli... poor Eli. Okay... I take it back, he is probably justifiably whiny.


      I finally realized the reason why Eli sounds whiny to me; he's an idealist in a cynical universe. Those types can come off as whiny, since they are ignoring reality.


        Originally posted by Kaiphantom View Post
        I'd argue what we think is important. We're the viewers. If you tell a bad story, the ratings go down and your show gets canceled. Unless TPTB like JM really don't care if SGU gets renewed or not, then they very well should care what we think.
        Ok, what do we think?

        This really sounds like an attempt to backpedal. If anyone would have done it, then you can't really blame someone for doing it. And hindsight is 20/20, which is where you are coming from. At the start, we didn't know what would happen. Given all the data beforehand, I can at least admit that I would still send the shuttle, because the need for supplies overrides the possibility of danger.

        And this is still a question that people are refusing to answer: In their situation, and with the limited data you had, would you order the shuttle to go for more supplies? I mean, I understand why people are hesitant to answer; because they would, and that would mean they would be in Rush/Young's position and would have to blame themselves, and they don't want to. Life is a risk; get over it.

        The next person to whine about Rush (or Young, much as I don't care for him), really needs to answer that question. If they don't, I'll call them out as the hypocrite they are.
        I would send the shuttle, and when that whole situation went belly up, I would accept the blame (or partial blame) for what transpired.

        Does that answer your question?

        Yes, a lot of people would've done it - and whoever ends up doing it shares in the "blame" of what happened. In this case, Rush did it; thus, he shares in that blame.
        Last edited by PG15; 13 October 2010, 07:36 PM.


          I am really glad to see that the live ratings for this episode were up some from last week. I hope that rise continues.
          MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
          "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
          Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


            I finally decided to reappear on the site, and I watched Tuesday's episode today. Honestly it was one of the first, I was rather let down. Just seemed like there was danger but nothing that was liek "boo! "run away, run away" Just thought it could have been better. How, more gore? I like gore...that makes me rather happy.

            As for next week....could start to get interesting, but if someone's head starts spinning and green puke comes out, can they shoot and then ask questions later (halo)


              Originally posted by Kaiphantom View Post
              It's called being objective, which is what I've been throughout this thread.
              How can you possibly know you're being objective when a lot of the arguments in here have been subjective, and some fundamentally so? It's not up to you to decide what's a valid criticism and what's not, since that's subjective; and when you say you're objective because you recognize the valid from the invalid based on your own supposition, then...well, it just doesn't make any sense.

              For instance...

              Also, Rush is suffering from lack of sleep, he's been kidnapped by aliens, operated on, and tortured. He's no exactly in the best frame of mind. Even if you do find him guilty of things, there should be some "mental duress" mitigating factors there.
              So, stressful conditions can give some leeway to bad decisions? Well, Young's had head trauma, the stress of being a leader, a broken marriage, several deaths including that of his own baby, and he's had to kill a member of his own crew because the latter wished it; and now he's drinking because of all that crap; does he get "mental duress mitigating factors" too? Or are his decisions just bad, period?

              Look, you make arguments and we make ours; let's not go down the road of thinking that yours is somehow fundamentally superior. That way lies madness.


                Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                Ok, what do we think?
                Well, for starters based on another thread here, we mostly think the music montages are being overdone. ;p

                Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                How can you possibly know you're being objective when a lot of the arguments in here have been subjective, and some fundamentally so? It's not up to you to decide what's a valid criticism and what's not, since that's subjective; and when you say you're objective because you recognize the valid from the invalid based on your own supposition, then...well, it just doesn't make any sense.
                Objective means you see the good and the bad and judge each appropriately. It's kinda what a judge does

                So, stressful conditions can give some leeway to bad decisions? Well, Young's had head trauma, the stress of being a leader, a broken marriage, several deaths including that of his own baby, and he's had to kill a member of his own crew because the latter wished it; and now he's drinking because of all that crap; does he get "mental duress mitigating factors" too? Or are his decisions just bad, period?
                Well, considering most of the stuff happens after he makes the bad decisions which allow LA control of the ship and put everyone under their control about to be killed while leaving Scott and Greer out to be fried... heh. And for the record, I don't blame Young as much as I probably sound like. But they wanted to make this guy up to be some kind of O'Neill, and they're failing at that, at least. But I mostly apply the blame to him because he WANTS to be leader. That comes with responsibility. Telford was calling it right.

                Look, you make arguments and we make ours; let's not go down the road of thinking that yours is somehow fundamentally superior. That way lies madness.
                I didn't say superior; Just more fair. ;p Like I said, I still blame Rush for some things(stranding crew on Destiny, framing Young), but I also recognize he doesn't deserve blame for other things (like Riley's death, and Telford being stranded). Young made the call, and regardless of how it turned out, I feel it was the right one. Simple as that. And yes, Rush dos blame himself; that should tell you he is still human and still feeling the weight of his decisions and the value of human lives. That means he's not sociopathic, as someone here might mistakenly believe. But humans feel blame for some of our actions all the time, even when they aren't really our fault.

                "It's my fault; if I had stayed home..."
                "No, if you had, the burgler would have shot you, too, instead of our daughter."


                  Originally posted by Kaiphantom View Post
                  Well, for starters based on another thread here, we mostly think the music montages are being overdone. ;p
                  Oh yeah, all 3 pages of it.

                  That said, maybe we should have a poll after all.

                  Objective means you see the good and the bad and judge each appropriately. It's kinda what a judge does
                  And judges aren't completely objective either.

                  Who decides whether one has judged appropriately?

                  Well, considering most of the stuff happens after he makes the bad decisions which allow LA control of the ship and put everyone under their control about to be killed while leaving Scott and Greer out to be fried... heh.
                  Oh yeah, reaaaaalllly objective.

                  There were more than enough stresses for Young up to that point. Furthermore, stress factors aren't the only mitigating ones; there are many emotional factors involved if we're really going to count them (i.e. Young's protectiveness for Telford).

                  For the record, I've never said Rush was sociopathic. He was clearly feeling the guilt about Riley and Telford (and even his almost-sacrifice-of-everyone in Intervention) at the end of these episodes, and I thought that was great.


                    Originally posted by Commander Zelix View Post
                    A lot of people are talking about Rush decision to not tell is crewmate about having found the bridge. But one of the most shocking decision of Rush is not telling them that the gate ship had enough power to gate back to earth. He even has a conversation with his wife hallucination about it.

                    I also like the way he was really adamant of being the one taking care of the transfer back on the gate ship until the last minute placing himself in the position to be the last to leave the Destiny for earth...or not.
                    Great point. It appeared that he was not going to let anyone know and pretty much said that to Gloria. He is counting on the others to figure it out. Rush is seriously rolling the dice. Since Rush ended the incursion the actions by Rush is much worse than any of Young's actions since his return from being left on a planet with the destiny crew.


                      Can someone clarify what happened at the end? Rush presumably was the one who separated the ship. But the implication was that aliens were the ones who reversed the power flow not Rush, right? Why did the vision of his wife say "Did you do it to save the crew or your dream?" Didn't he just save all their lives? Or was it because he still won't turn the autopilot off and inform the crew they can go back to save Telford?
                      "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

                      *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

                      "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



                        Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
                        Can someone clarify what happened at the end? Rush presumably was the one who separated the ship. But the implication was that aliens were the ones who reversed the power flow not Rush, right? Why did the vision of his wife say "Did you do it to save the crew or your dream?" Didn't he just save all their lives? Or was it because he still won't turn the autopilot off and inform the crew they can go back to save Telford?
                        The aliens are the ones that reversed the power flow. Rush severed the docking link to stop them, but the implication by Gloria is that he did it without giving Telford the chance to undo the damage. In essence, he did do it to save the ship, but a secondary motivation was that he did not want to go home.


                          I wonder if there was such a thing as a "Life Signs Detector" back when Destiny was launched? I wouldn't think that such a device fits in the theme of SGU anyway. But, it was what I immediately thought about when the aliens left their stasis pods. However, I would think that the bridge has some type of capability to detect life signs. Another reason to have a crew on the bridge for monitoring. That would be a another line of defense during away missions.

                          Of course, we don't know the full extent of the bridge's capabilities. It would be cool to have internal sensors, check parts inventories, view schematics, are their other shuttles? is their an armory?, etc could be the things that could be cool to learn about and I hope this comes to pass for I would personally like to see the cool stuff with the drama. The data that streamed over to Destiny will probably be interpreted quickly from the bridge.


                            Another terrific episode IMO; man I love this show.
                            "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                              Very disappointed with this episode.
                              Bad pacing is killing this show even for me. There were so many cool elements present, yet it simply didn't come together for me.


                                Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
                                Very disappointed with this episode.
                                Bad pacing is killing this show even for me. There were so many cool elements present, yet it simply didn't come together for me.
                                Maybe your expectations are just too high and at the end you are disappointed. Try to expect less and just let the show surprise you, then you will enjoy it more.
                                Grimm returns October 24

                                Signature and Avatar by Hyndara71 - Thank you very much
                                Profile Picture by BM-Shipper

