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Greer is now officially awesome

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    As of this ep, I now like the Greer character the best! Right at that moment when he decked that guy who was getting out of line, the convo with Col. Young änd his "waiting to die" scene. I look forward to seeing this character develop more.
    Last edited by GuHNDoi; 25 October 2009, 03:07 PM.


      Originally posted by Confessor Rahl View Post
      Greer is officially awesome? How so? What about this episode indicates his awesomeness? He is still the lame walking stereotype he was before, only now he thinks its epic to die in space. Wow.
      Way to gloss it over to continue to justify your misguided opinion. He's a hardass, no doubt. However, in Air, he treks back into the desert to find Scott. In Light, he reveals that he is capable of some deeper thought in thinking about and even opening up about his death. After knocking Spencer out, he states, at it's clear that he means it based on the look on his face, that he doesn't want to it top anyone else. His conversation with Young where he shows that he has the utmost respect for Young. Additionally, we find out that he was locked up because he punched Telford, something Young thinks Telford deserved. There's a lot more to Greer if you're actually willing to look for it instead of perpetuating a hastily constructed and inaccurate opinion.

      The character was designed to start of as someone no one would like at first only to show that there is more to him. That's what happens when you have a show that is taking extra focus on the characters.
      I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.


        Greer was one of those characters that when I started watching the show I wasn't to sure about and even slightly disliked. However as the show's progressed I'm starting to like him alot more. I hope we find out more about him soon. Although he obviously has some anger issues, what I really like about him is the loyalty he has for his friends (i.e. going after Scott in the desert) and to the people who have earned his respect (such as Young).

        Find your Destiny


          Originally posted by Avenger View Post
          Way to gloss it over to continue to justify your misguided opinion. He's a hardass, no doubt. However, in Air, he treks back into the desert to find Scott. In Light, he reveals that he is capable of some deeper thought in thinking about and even opening up about his death. After knocking Spencer out, he states, at it's clear that he means it based on the look on his face, that he doesn't want to it top anyone else. His conversation with Young where he shows that he has the utmost respect for Young. Additionally, we find out that he was locked up because he punched Telford, something Young thinks Telford deserved. There's a lot more to Greer if you're actually willing to look for it instead of perpetuating a hastily constructed and inaccurate opinion.

          The character was designed to start of as someone no one would like at first only to show that there is more to him. That's what happens when you have a show that is taking extra focus on the characters.
          Entirely agree. Especially about people's first instincts being hastily constructed and short sighted. In fact my own instincts of Greer were perhaps worse than anyone else's. I'm just glad I looked deeper. I guess it might be that some viewers find their first instincts hard to budge, a common human trait. However, to do that you would have to look past the major changes in what we've seen...i.e. risking his life to go off into the desert for his colleague, and the respect he's shown for his commanding officer. Hard ass? Yes. Deeper and more complex than your average hard ass? Definitely.


            Originally posted by Avenger View Post
            Way to gloss it over to continue to justify your misguided opinion.
            Hah hah hah... seriously? Wow.

            That's a pretty lame way to conduct yourself in a conversation. Seriously.
            Dimmed light illuminates wearily a thousand skyscrapers of concrete, glass, shattered imaginations and severed dreams. Urban structures of brick and steel extend tendrils of decay and neglect into an aging embrace of irreverence, moving forward into synthetic joy.


              Originally posted by Confessor Rahl View Post
              Hah hah hah... seriously? Wow.

              That's a pretty lame way to conduct yourself in a conversation. Seriously.
              Says the guy who is blatantly ignoring things about a character shown on screen that refute your position.
              I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.


                I'm not at the Greer Fan club. I usually join forces with thug characters.
                Ford is very much a person I identify with but if Greer becomes something more than a bully....rather over comes his poor temperment and attitude then I won't mind him...but I doubt that I'll ever join the club.


                  He's already shown that he's more than a bully.
                  I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.


                    I liked Greer from the first episode. I hope they continue to develop his character and they don't mess it up!!


                      I like Greer. Its refreshing to have a though guy with a full mouth compared to Teal'c and Ronon.
                      Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


                        Originally posted by Commander Zelix View Post
                        I like Greer. Its refreshing to have a though guy with a full mouth compared to Teal'c and Ronon.
                        Originally posted by Major Tyler View Post
                        In my mind, Ford was more supposed to be an "everyman" character like Eli, but since "everyman" isn't a Marine, TPTB really didn't know how to make it work.
                        Yeah, TPTB dropped the ball on that one. With Greer though, he's definitely not the everyman and in a good way too. He says what's on his mind quite bluntly and tersely in much the same manner as Ronon or Teal'c. Yet at the same time he's thoughtful, waxing poetic when he mentioned that flying into a star--the most powerful thing in all creation--would be great. At the same time, he's very willing to use direct and heavy application of force. Though I do like Teal'c and Ronon, I think he's more well-rounded than both of them.

                        The way SGU is going, there will be more opportunity to see different facets of Greer's character. I think that with Atlantis and SG-1, Ronon and Teal'c were somewhat limited in that they were confined to the action man role a little too much.


                          The difference between Greer and our previous tough guys is one: He's from Earth.

                          Ronon, bless his wild caveman heart, was an alien tough guy who didn't play by the Atlantis rules because he didn't get the human rules. Teal'c was a nice enough fella who was driven to defeating the Goa'uld, and he adapted to the rules all well and good.

                          And here we have Greer: he's a crazy radical tough guy and all that, but the fact that he's from Earth kind of makes him different. It makes him not just playing by the rules because he doesn't know them (IE. Ronon), but because he does know them, and there's something in his character that makes him "almost in jail if not for the military." Something in his past probably makes him that way, different to Teal'c's and Ronon's pretty ****ty backgrounds (Though I have no doubt Greer had it tough in some way, I think I can assume he was never a lifelong servant or a Runner).

                          Greer's somewhat poetic nature comes from the civilised culture he grew up around despite his anger issues. Compared to Ronon, who kept the crazy warrior guy because he was chased by the Wraith for half a decade, and was a born and bred soldier.

                          I think that's why I like him, supposed psycho tendencies and all, because he's from Earth.
                          ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

                          ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                            Originally posted by MattSilver 3k View Post
                            I think that's why I like him, supposed psycho tendencies and all, because he's from Earth.
                            He might be a psycho, but he's our psycho.
                            Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


                              And having a psycho on your side can prove to be very beneficial at times, to boot.
                              I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.


                                Greer looks like the man you want at your back, as long as he can control himself.

                                What he said to Rush, "I was afraid that I disappointed you sir" shows quite clearly his respect for Young. The fact that he stayed with Young during the lottery also re-inforces that fact!

                                Greer is definitely a good man to have on your team!

                                Neera: "You do not fear them?"
                                : "The Wraith? Naah. Now *clowns* — that's another story."

