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'Life' (109) General Discussion

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    Sorry, but this Episode was to Creepy and Weird, especially the Gay parts.
    That's just sad, although I do enjoy the peculiar capitalization. So victorian....


      How can it be sad when in the end the World turns Gay and everybody is Happy.

      My point is, should we teach our Children to be Gay, or do we just feel sorry for them because they are Wasting their Lives.


        Originally posted by daventry View Post
        How can it be sad when in the end the World turns Gay and everybody is Happy.
        Happy people are gay (and if you don't get it, crack a dictionary and look up the word 'gay'). That's very observant

        My point is, should we teach our Children to be Gay, or do we just feel sorry for them because they are Wasting their Lives.
        No, what we should do is ignore these posts because a) your personal feeling on homosexuality add nothing to the discussion of the episode.

        and b) I think we all should know better then to bite.

        Back to our regularly scheduled programing.
        Disclaimer: All opinions stated within this post are relevant to the author herself, and do not in any way represent the opinions of God, Country, The Powers That Be or Greater Fandom.

        Any resemblance to aforementioned opinions are purely coincidental.


          Originally posted by daventry View Post
          How can it be sad when in the end the World turns Gay and everybody is Happy.

          My point is, should we teach our Children to be Gay, or do we just feel sorry for them because they are Wasting their Lives.
          Originally posted by Deevil View Post
          Happy people are gay (and if you don't get it, crack a dictionary and look up the word 'gay'). That's very observant

          No, what we should do is ignore people like you because a) your personal feeling on homosexuality add nothing to the discussion of the episode.

          and b) I think we all should know better then to bite.

          Back to our regularly scheduled programing.
          This is probably not the best place for this type of discussion.


            How can it be sad when in the end the World turns Gay and everybody is Happy.

            My point is, should we teach our Children to be Gay, or do we just feel sorry for them because they are Wasting their Lives.
            And even more sad. Also not worth any response other than a shake of the head.


              Originally posted by daventry View Post
              How can it be sad when in the end the World turns Gay and everybody is Happy.

              My point is, should we teach our Children to be Gay, or do we just feel sorry for them because they are Wasting their Lives.
              I don't Know what You are SaYiNg. Nor CAN I Tell what you MeaN
              Sig by Pandora's Box


                Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
                This is probably not the best place for this type of discussion.
                No it really isn't. Someone doesn't like homosexuality - fine whatever... we don't need to discuss why they don't, and why they should be respectful (although I am constantly confused as to why people have to be reminded to be respectful).

                It's so not the place.
                Disclaimer: All opinions stated within this post are relevant to the author herself, and do not in any way represent the opinions of God, Country, The Powers That Be or Greater Fandom.

                Any resemblance to aforementioned opinions are purely coincidental.


                  Originally posted by Nemises View Post
                  whilst taking out chloe in the process. She literally does nothing and she even managed to weasel her way out of the training exercises.
                  Actually i know many people who use yoga as their way to keep fit. So i see it more as her alternative to the group pt.

                  To be fair to Eli, he was ordered by Young to confirm that the "escape" plan from Earth wouldn't have worked. Along with keeping tabs on what Rush may be up to, also an order from Young.
                  BUT as Rush did point out (which i did agree with) Eli is NOT military so has no obligation to follow those orders.

                  Young is freakin' awful commander. He's openly undermining his lead scientist (the guy who's keeping them alive) and clearly has been doing so since before they got to Destiny, to the extent that the scientists are now sitting up and taking notice. They're taking sides. Rush's motivations may be the ship but if they weren't, people would be dead.
                  Which makes me wonder if young will have more to worry about than just rush ignoring him.

                  Quite frankly, that story simply makes me doubt those guys' heterosexual credentials, if you know what I mean.
                  Being i almost fell for it with one, i can easily see how they felt. Especially since many of the Ts there were very good looking female wise.. and only when they had their pants down could you tell the diff. I actually had to have a local tell me about one i was close to trying to get back home.. luckly he warned me before i did.

                  and he needs to be sure that HE's the boss of the meeting, not Rush. Rush can't be trusted any further than he can be thrown
                  Actually, seeing how easily Young gives into his baser emotions i feel Rush is more of a stable leader than he is.

                  Young is clearly obsessed with Rush to the extent that when Eli says he's run the numbers from the Telford experiment every which way and they all die horribly in each of them, Young makes him continue because he wants the response that Rush was wrong, not that it could have got them home but that Rush was wrong. That 'relationship' went wrong a long time ago.
                  That is how i felt. And i honestly feel Eli is starting to get that 'vibe'. I mean comeon. How many times must you run the same experiment without new variables in it to get a different result than the first.

                  So who else was hoping that the planet Rush was talking about was actually real? Would've been nice if there was actually some kind of one year goal that they all seemed to be workign on. I mean sure I don't want the show to end in one year but by then the writers could think of some elaborate story around that planet.
                  Just cause they have a planet like Icarus does not mean they can go home. They don't have the address to do so, since i am not sure if htey can just reverse the address. Plus it more than likely has no gate. So how will they get one there.


                    Back on topic about the episode please,everyone.

                    GateWorld Moderator.
                    The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                      But we are on Topic and talking about a Lesbian Scene is part of the Episode.



                        But we are on Topic and talking about a Lesbian Scene is part of the Episode.
                        It's off topic if the mods say it's off topic. End of 'discussion'.


                          The scenes shown in the episode and your ( generalised "your") opinions of those are fine in this thread - but deeper discussion on a broader scale about homosexuality itself is not, and should be posted/discussed elsewhere in the Off-Topic section of the forum .
                          The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                            Not a bad episode over all. A bit lacking in gateyness for me, they do need a bit more Scifi (as in real techy scifi stuff).

                            The Swex thing is a little odd. I would have thought it would taker longer for someone to accept an alternate body for their partner.

                            I knew the lesbian thing would get some people uptight, and good im glad it did. Dont like it, stop watching.. bye!

                            Im assuming the person swapped into gave consent to most things, we dont need to be hand fed all the information, some things you just have to take as read. I do see that the lesbian thing could be more awkward, but despite the USs 'quaint' DADT i can assure you there are lesbians serving in the military..


                              Looking over the show for this week and I opening reminded me a lot of Bridge over the River Kwai where Colonel Nicholson(Alec Guinness) decides to help the Japaneses help build the bridge. Colonel Nicholson says "I know our men. You've got to keep them occupied. If there weren't any work for them to do, we'd invent some." The show opens up with the crew exercising while its good for all of us. In this case it looks like more of a way to keep people busy at a bad time in there lives than simplify fitness. Just like Rush's hope this is Young way of keeping the crew going. That a nice touch by the writer and shows how the two men(Rush and Young) come at the same problem from different directions.

                              The relationships keep playing center stage, and I have to say its nice to Camille and Sharon have the most normal and stable relationship we have yet to see on the show. We need more of this and less "He's your son Forest...err Scott."

                              And Young and Rush are spot on. Everything on the ship this week was interesting and laid the tracks for things to come. Maybe a bit to obviously in spots but this isn't Babylon 5 so I'll let that pass. Like others I think the earth/constones is really starting to drag on the pacing of the series I know we are just getting into act 3 of 5 of the full season so i guess its best to wait and see what happens. A good 3rd act should really leave you hanging and wanting more and so far this looks promising.

                              One super highlight for me is when Greer said he would sit in the chair if it got everyone home. There are a lot of things I don't like about Greer but the thought of him. The big guy who's only real talent is shooting people beats out all the smart kids and get them home just makes me smile. Or maybe he will play a key role in the next big false hope. Its hard to tell, but he is starting to remind me a lot of Olag Gan from Blake 7 minus the chip. And that is a very good thing.

                              I give this 4 out of 5 largely on what I see is good set up. Would be four and half if not for Scott's storyline.
                              "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne in one hand - strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOW - What a RIDE!"


                                Originally posted by wargrafix View Post
                                Ratings make the world go around. Plus, people have sex in the military. its happened for ages.
                                You say that as if it's all the justification we need.
                                But I work with military in research and development.
                                There are fraternization rules that have already been tossed out the door on this. Command Tradition has been thrown out the door. Heck Young has been so insubordinate many of my guys say the show isn't worth watching unless you're looking for the next sex scene....and trust...they were suffice to say...their okay with certain parts.

