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MSgt. Ronald Greer Discussion/Jamil Walker/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Descended View Post
    Threatening to murder the lead scientist in cold-blood despite a commanding officer yelling at you to put down the gun doesn't sound like the military ideal.
    Luckily, Greer is not your typical military soldier, remember in the first episode he was in the stockades. If he was a soldier in real life he either be court marshaled for his behavior or thrown out of the air force.

    Though I am not a fan of the character, I will say he is fiercely loyal to his commanding officer, so I at least see some redeeming qualities to the guy.


      Awww, the obligatory black guy isn't the representative you want him to be? Hey, at least your race HAS representation, across all Stargate series - there hasn't been a single recurring Chinese guy in the series. All we get is a couple of IOA representatives who are better off being witches.


        I don't give a flying XXXXXXX what color he is,, as some of you have already started to use that excuse...

        Greer has to go... he as bad and worse than any rotten creep that has ever been on my tv screen..

        My Story:


          Originally posted by MattSilver 3k View Post
          Greer was not written as a black guy, okay? JM confirmed it today in his blog:

          So your point in that he's a disappointing portrayal of a black guy is moot.

          That said, I like him. Wild and unpredictable. I can't hate that.
          Exactly. Greer is one of my favorite characters so far. From the previews and trailers, I wasn't sure about him, but he's been great.

          Do we really want to get into this?
          FOX Network


            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
            I like Greer a lot. This group needs a 'greer' - they are ill-disciplined and self-seeking (including Greer), but at least Greer has a sense of duty. He could have let Rush die - he didn't. He could have left Scott behind - he didn't. Sometimes you need a strong character who will cross the line when you have a bunch of people who are all crossing the same line. This will show us what the guy is made of, and I'm interested in seeing exactly what that is.

            Originally posted by Landers View Post
            Not sure why, but I like this guy. As someone said, he could be this show's Teal'c, or Ronon. Total loose cannon, but loyal once you gain his trust. At this point he is one of the few I'm truly interested in seeing.
            Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
            i loved greer from the start and i REALLY liked him in this ep. he don't take crap from no one and he's very loyal to his fellow military i liked that
            Originally posted by Cold Fuzz View Post
            My absolute favorite moment for Greer in this episode was when Rush was disparaging Scott about whatever figure from his past he was seeking approval from, he decided to kick Rush rather than saying something. I loved it!
            Originally posted by Shan Bruce Lee View Post
            I think Greer is a great character. He's obviously got a few issues but if you look at what he's done so far he's maybe the best soldier on the ship. When Young let him out of his cell he didn't waste any time to get into the fight, and when they detonated the ruble in the Icarus base he covered Chloe and then didn't waste a second to take off running into the cloud of smoke debris to start getting people out.

            In part 3 he was the one running back and forth to help save everybody on the away team, dragging Lt. Scott back, and he didn't hesitate to shoot Franklin in order to save his life. And even after all of that my favorite moment was when he gave the gun to Eli. You could tell he was getting aggravated but he still went back to pull the slide for him.

            He's willing to do whatever he has to, but there're still signs that he cares.
            yep yep I must agree with all of you. greer is my favorite character (How I cheered when he kicked rush!!! now if he would only shoot rush!) and the only whose backstory I care about.....


              Originally posted by Pepermint Jaffa View Post
              Exactly. Greer is one of my favorite characters so far. From the previews and trailers, I wasn't sure about him, but he's been great.

              Do we really want to get into this?
              Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
              yep yep I must agree with all of you. greer is my favorite character (How I cheered when he kicked rush!!! now if he would only shoot rush!) and the only whose backstory I care about.....
              Greer has the subtlety of a brick through a glass window, which is what is character is supposed to be about anyway--at least for right now. He makes up for that with a sincere sense of duty and hardcore loyalty to his C.O., especially with how he didn't want to leave Scott alone out in the desert.

              He also knows a snake when he sees one, hence his extreme antipathy to Rush. Think about it: You are now dependent on someone who was responsible for making your current situation a mess in the first place. How would you react? I would hate them too. I speak from personal experience on this, unfortunately.

              He's one of the those guys who would happily turn an entire galaxy upside down and turn all of the inhabitants' pockets (if they have pockets) inside out to find a way home for the Destiny crew--and he's not going to apologize for it.

              I'm sure with time and more experiences, Greer will gradually change into something even more but what we've got right is pretty interesting already.

              As for the whole race issue, nothing good ever comes out of creating racial issues where none exist.


                Originally posted by retiredat44 View Post
                I don't give a flying XXXXXXX what color he is,, as some of you have already started to use that excuse...

                Greer has to go... he as bad and worse than any rotten creep that has ever been on my tv screen..

                Really? You must not watch TV much...
                Forum insight in 1 click!


                  Originally posted by Devilshock View Post
                  As an African American we still dont know alot about Greer so lets not talk about sterotypes for all we know Greer. The story so far is only about 3 or 4 main character. Give it time then only then will I BE ABLE TO DECIDE THAT IT IS A STEROTYPE BLACK CHARACTER!
                  I have to agree, its too early to say who greer is espicially claiming that he is a stereotypical black soldier. This would be the first time I have heard of this term. So could someone explain what exactly is a stereotypical black soldier?
                  By Nolamom


                    Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                    So could someone explain what exactly is a stereotypical black soldier?
                    First to die if it's horror or sci-fi....
                    If you're wondering how he eats & breathes, and other science facts...(la! la! la!)
                    Then repeat to yourself its just a show, I should really just relax.

                    I own "Future War"..I can put up with a lot

                    sigpic - Black Belt Test 10/24/2009 -


                      Originally posted by Lightning Ducj View Post
                      First to die if it's horror or sci-fi....
                      is that it? cause others have already died, and he is a main character...
                      By Nolamom


                        Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                        is that it? cause others have already died, and he is a main character...
                        Just a joke..the stereotypical, or token, black character in the stereotypical sci-fi or horror movie often dies first
                        If you're wondering how he eats & breathes, and other science facts...(la! la! la!)
                        Then repeat to yourself its just a show, I should really just relax.

                        I own "Future War"..I can put up with a lot

                        sigpic - Black Belt Test 10/24/2009 -


                          Then I question the Idea of there even being a stereotypical black soldier. It is just in the minds of some racially oversensitive paranoid people. Greer is just well...Greer. The Actor is the only one to blame for Greer being black, not the writers.
                          By Nolamom


                            he thinks he's the dogs boll.ocks.


                              Originally posted by FightforAtlantis View Post
                              Okay, so was I the only one who thought it was a little disappointing that the only black guy on the show happens to be represented negatively (e.g. getting in trouble, pushing Rush around)?
                              It has nothing to do with him being black...and who cares, he's a fictional character. So is it the pattern these days to jump on every opportunity "to complain" when a black character is depicted. Yes he's black...yes he has and attitude...and yes he is a complete bad*ass. Absolutely no reason to strain your brain trying to dream up some alternate dishonorable motives or rediculous stereotype.

                              Before the show started its run, I couldn't stand the idea of the Greer character. Everything I read seemed so lame and the rambo'ish character from 80's movies.

                              Instead I have been completely suprised and very much like the character and the actor does a more than excellent job. I give Greer a 10 out of 10 for originality, depth, and believability. Don't know the actors name but AWSOME job on his part. GREAT character.


                                Originally posted by jcainhaze View Post
                                Yes he's black...yes he has and attitude...and yes he is a complete bad*ass.
                                "Right now I pray to the God above that dehydration will shut you the hell up! Walk...or die here! It's your choice, Mister...Decision-maker. <chuckles>"

                                He is a total bad*ass. God, I loved those lines.

