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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
    WEEKEND!!!! YEAHH!!!!

    I promise you guys, and the end of this school year I'll be a High performance athlete! I gotta run to the bus station every day because otherwise I would miss it and afterwards I have to run to the train station or I would miss this too! Today I barely made it! My lungs burned and my legs too. I don't know if I can handle this every damn school day

    But now it's weekend! Thank god

    He's happy about the weekend too
    Well, I hope you become really fit but I hope you don't get too sore

    It's the weekend!
    Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


      Originally posted by yessika View Post
      Well, I hope you become really fit but I hope you don't get too sore

      It's the weekend!
      Maybe I will have a total breakdown


        Just stopped in to say hello to my girls.

        About the FOD fanfic, it sounds like it has gotten a LOT of hype lately, so I'm working on trying to read it myself. I just didn't realize how many chapters were written. This author has a lot more written than I do on my own fan fiction lol.

        Also just a small update: doctor visits are going well and smoothly. Got fitted for contacts and now using a trial pair until my appointment on the 21st I think it is. Any little tweaks will be done and that will be all done and finished. A small portion of my dental work has been done. Crown is ordered and will be put in place on the 29th. More dental work to be done then (fillings on the left side-I was too sore from the other day to do it-with the fitting of the crown and all). But along with the fitting, I was able to get one filling done. So not too much more dental work to be done-I hope. I didn't have insurance for a long time (no excuse-still) so I've had some old fillings falling apart that need to be fixed.

        After that, I really only have a few regular check up type visits- mainly with my therapist and counselor, and a few doctors, and I'll be all caught up-and hopefully no more hiccups.

        Also wanted to let my girls know, that I am going to Disney in November, BUT just because SGU is over with, doesn't mean I can't show my support of the show or of Dr. Rush. So one of the days I'm there, walking around, I did get my "Team Rush" shirt in from Cafe Press. So I will be actively showing my support.

        And I know this post is severely off topic, so here is some Rush for you:


          Originally posted by Eri8321317 View Post
          Also wanted to let my girls know, that I am going to Disney in November, BUT just because SGU is over with, doesn't mean I can't show my support of the show or of Dr. Rush. So one of the days I'm there, walking around, I did get my "Team Rush" shirt in from Cafe Press. So I will be actively showing my support.

          And I know this post is severely off topic, so here is some Rush for you:

          It is good to see that matters seem to improve and you will soon be finished with all those doctor visits (I had two this week too).

          But definitely the picture is ON topic and I would really want to see you with the Team Rush Shirt
          Grimm returns October 24

          Signature and Avatar by Hyndara71 - Thank you very much
          Profile Picture by BM-Shipper


            Hey Eri. That sounds good. I really hope you will be healthy soon *big hug*

            Let them know that you're a Rush fan!


              Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
              WEEKEND!!!! YEAHH!!!!

              I promise you guys, and the end of this school year I'll be a High performance athlete! I gotta run to the bus station every day because otherwise I would miss it and afterwards I have to run to the train station or I would miss this too! Today I barely made it! My lungs burned and my legs too. I don't know if I can handle this every damn school day

              But now it's weekend! Thank god


              He's happy about the weekend too
              They had better give you physical education credits for all this sprinting! Do you have a running team at your school?


                As sacredclay said "Resistance is futile" I highly recommend reading 'Force Over Distance'

                I'm addicted to this story.

                I forgot to mention something of a hole in my theory, the part when Gloria is on the bridge with Nick and she says "so your program finally worked..." I just never bought this as an explanation, seemed like they passed over a major part of the story there. Probably my only complaint about the series, sometimes there were story threads that were not fulfilled, but then we may have got what we craved if the series had continued. Could he really have hid that info from the rest of the science team, and the idea of a program searching the immense amount of DNA combinations and coming up with the correct one at random, that fast, just didn't cut it with me. Anyway, I like my idea better.


                  wish you all a nice weekend - suppose that I won't be around the next two weeks - I won't be at home so do not think that I will have internet connection.

                  See ya
                  Grimm returns October 24

                  Signature and Avatar by Hyndara71 - Thank you very much
                  Profile Picture by BM-Shipper


                    Originally posted by jeri View Post
                    They had better give you physical education credits for all this sprinting! Do you have a running team at your school?
                    Yeah, they should really do this.
                    I don't know, maybe. But I'm not good in long distances but in sprints About 100m or so. But not 800 or more xP


                      I'm going to worry about you now, teyla, what happens when the weather is bad?


                        Originally posted by mi_guard View Post
                        wish you all a nice weekend - suppose that I won't be around the next two weeks - I won't be at home so do not think that I will have internet connection.

                        See ya
                        Hope you have a nice time.


                          I'm happy that I'm not alone in my "Force Over Distance" obsession - there just hasn't been a lot of Young/Rush fanfic lately and it has really made me happy to get a nice, long, plotty fiction to read.

                          Sacredclay, are you the same person that has written those long, thoughtful reviews over on I really enjoy reading them! I'm a fanfic dabbler myself, and it is cool when a piece gets that kind of time and attention from a reader.

                          I think I might need to start my own little private SGU re-watch, and see if that gets me excited to be all fannish again.
                          Goodbye and Good Travels, Destiny!


                            Originally posted by carmencatalina View Post
                            I'm happy that I'm not alone in my "Force Over Distance" obsession - there just hasn't been a lot of Young/Rush fanfic lately and it has really made me happy to get a nice, long, plotty fiction to read.

                            Sacredclay, are you the same person that has written those long, thoughtful reviews over on I really enjoy reading them! I'm a fanfic dabbler myself, and it is cool when a piece gets that kind of time and attention from a reader.

                            I think I might need to start my own little private SGU re-watch, and see if that gets me excited to be all fannish again.
                            Yes that's our sacredclay over there, too. Loved her last review, but got to tell her to take a breath, and put in some paragraph spaces. I had to get a piece of paper to guide which line I was on, so as not to lose my place while reading!


                              Originally posted by jeri View Post
                              Yes that's our sacredclay over there, too. Loved her last review, but got to tell her to take a breath, and put in some paragraph spaces. I had to get a piece of paper to guide which line I was on, so as not to lose my place while reading!
                              Bwhahaha! My evil intention is working! (Cackles loudly for a loooooonnngg time!!!!!)
                              (meds kicks in. Calms down.)
                              Why, do you mean that sacredclay that's so wordy and opinionated and has absolutely no life at all??? (hangs head) Yup. That's me. I'm on LiveJournal too and I've been rereading alot of SGU stories there. So many are so well written that I repost onto my LJ. But FOD is by far the BEST. I know some of you haven't read it. I highly recommend that you start reading it during the day. If you start at the first chapter, say at 8 PM, you're NOT going to stop, no matter how hard you want to and the sun will be coming around the mountains and you'll be bleary eye and exhausted and obsessed like the rest of us obsessive folks! It is an initiation rite that all must undergo. (Ups the dosages). There, I'm better. NOT!!!!!! I'm also on Facebook and I post alot of nonsense there. Why, you ask???? Why the hell not????? (Downs the whole bottles) Ohhh, look at all the pretty colors on the wall!

                              Sorry, it's Friday!


                                Originally posted by carmencatalina View Post
                                I'm happy that I'm not alone in my "Force Over Distance" obsession - there just hasn't been a lot of Young/Rush fanfic lately and it has really made me happy to get a nice, long, plotty fiction to read.

                                Sacredclay, are you the same person that has written those long, thoughtful reviews over on I really enjoy reading them! I'm a fanfic dabbler myself, and it is cool when a piece gets that kind of time and attention from a reader.

                                I think I might need to start my own little private SGU re-watch, and see if that gets me excited to be all fannish again.

                                I can't wait to get to your stories and start reading them. Why don't we all do a SGU rewatch? An eppie a week or every two weeks? What say y'all? On Mrs.Tigercat's I_LOVE_SGU, everyone did an indepth review and character analysis. It was so utterly interesting!

