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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Last edited by Duval; 28 February 2012, 01:23 PM.
    by AresLover452 ^^


      by AresLover452 ^^


        by AresLover452 ^^


          by AresLover452 ^^


            by AresLover452 ^^


              by AresLover452 ^^


                Originally posted by Duval View Post
                Cute stuff there! Thanks for posting it.


                  Originally posted by NancyP View Post
                  Cute stuff there! Thanks for posting it.
                  You're Welcome ^^
                  by AresLover452 ^^


                    Got the pattern for my Rumple stuffed doll made. I sure hope I can get the fingers right. They're going to be so hard to stuff! I'll probably have to sew those by hand and stuff them with something else, something stiffer. But the face looks great! I tried out that printer material for the first time and really like it a lot. I'm going to try one with a flat face and later, I'll try a 3D face. Now to find the right material for the costume. *SIGH* That's going to be a bear! I haven't decided which costume to do yet. I'm going through photos now. This is going to be fun!


                      Originally posted by NancyP View Post
                      Got the pattern for my Rumple stuffed doll made. I sure hope I can get the fingers right. They're going to be so hard to stuff! I'll probably have to sew those by hand and stuff them with something else, something stiffer. But the face looks great! I tried out that printer material for the first time and really like it a lot. I'm going to try one with a flat face and later, I'll try a 3D face. Now to find the right material for the costume. *SIGH* That's going to be a bear! I haven't decided which costume to do yet. I'm going through photos now. This is going to be fun!
                      Oh, you HAVE to post pics of the work in progress!


                        Oh yes photos
                        We shall melt!!
                        by AresLover452 ^^


                          Originally posted by yessika View Post
                          Hi! Welcome!

                          I have added you as a friend in LJ and I will get around to reading your stories as soon as I'm not too busy

                          You share this icons somewhere? If you don't then you can share them here
                          One day I'll make a massive post for my LJ... I love making icons and screencaps... Added you back on there!

                          @Duval - ARGH, I NEED TO SEE ZIG-ZAG-LOVE. All of the caps of it look so adorable!


                            Originally posted by RhineGold View Post
                            @Duval - ARGH, I NEED TO SEE ZIG-ZAG-LOVE. All of the caps of it look so adorable!
                            I too would like to see this movie, it seems cute, I saw extracts on YouTube and my god, the accent of RC inside !!
                            But I am not on to find him in France
                            by AresLover452 ^^


                              Originally posted by NancyP View Post
                              Got the pattern for my Rumple stuffed doll made. I sure hope I can get the fingers right. They're going to be so hard to stuff! I'll probably have to sew those by hand and stuff them with something else, something stiffer. But the face looks great! I tried out that printer material for the first time and really like it a lot. I'm going to try one with a flat face and later, I'll try a 3D face. Now to find the right material for the costume. *SIGH* That's going to be a bear! I haven't decided which costume to do yet. I'm going through photos now. This is going to be fun!
                              Does anyone have any full body shots of Rumple standing up? I think I'm going to try and go for the outfit in the promo shot where he's reaching out to the camera. It looks like it might be the easiest for a first try.


                                Originally posted by myhelix View Post
                                Today, Oscar Awards, but the Academy really puts me off this year with lot of stupid decisions.

                                I really thought Alan Rickman and Harry Potter would get some recognition this year. But not even close to what I had expected. Rickman already would have deserved a nod for Die Hard, Sense and Sensibility, Truly Madly Deeply and Michael Collins.
                                Also Michael Fassbender get completely ignored.

                                And as much as I love Meryl Streep, she only needs to sneeze in a movie and get nominated. It became something like a tradition, no Oscars without Martin (Scorsese) and Meryl.

                                If the Academy don´t get much bolder the following years, I think Oscars not even worth a mentioning!

                                Anyway, I never agreed with the best picture nominees and winners!

                                What do you think?
                                I haven't watched any award shows since Johnny Depp didn't win an Oscar for "Finding Neverland," he's my favorite actor and that was the last drop. I'm glad I stopped watching them because I usually don't agree with the winners/nominees *shrug*

                                Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
                                I like this:

                                Yes, I'm a shipper
                                Not going to lie, that's my favorite part

                                Originally posted by NancyP View Post
                                OK, Everyone! I'm really sorry about all the twitter posts, but I'm new to forums and figured everyone would like to see the most interesting tweets. I'm so honored he picked me twice!!!

                                However, it does put us closer to the next milestone...
                                The twitter posts are interesting to read, just as long as there's not too many of them

                                Originally posted by myhelix View Post
                                OT: You have to watch that, hilarious!

                                Why Harry Potter did not get nominated, nothing to do with RC, but still:

                                That's pretty much it

                                Originally posted by Czarina View Post
                                Off topic...I can finally post good news, I have been up to my neck in horrible nightmare post-death inheritance being the robbed...and evicted from my family home w/ no money and nowhere to land, with barely 30 days notice. Well, I have a place to move to now.
                                These are reasons no one has heard much out of me lately...I don't want to come across histrionic. My mother & her sister, who did none of the 12 years of work being caregiver to my grandmother so as to not let her go to a nursing home, are selling the house and splitting the money and cutting me out cold. It is so insidious I am almost afraid to post about it, I would certainly wonder what the hell I had done to reap that kind of thanks. At least my conscience and I are on good terms. And if a cut of money is what it costs to never have to interact with these people again, it is money well spent.

                                And I had no idea about twitter today. Oh well, dammit anyway.
                                *hugs* I hope things get better

                                Originally posted by jeri View Post
                                That really sums it up! LOL! The Academy Awards are basically a joke. It's a mutual admiration society of friends who nominate each other. I used to have a neighbor who was on the Grammy board and who voted in the jazz category. He was a wonderful man, but he was so prejudiced about what he thought was jazz. Some of the music he was supposed to judge he would not even listen to. So you see he voted for his friends and folks who played the jazz his way. That's the way those things work.

                                Originally posted by NancyP View Post
                                So, in the words of the Man Himself, we are now officially The Dearies.
                                Well, only if you are an OUAT fan (which I'm not)
                                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr

