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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by BamBoo View Post
    It's about political. they ask about ministers and ministry and political stuff

    I believe someone here used to make facebook for RC
    That sounds complicated! I hope you did well!

    OMG, that pic is so awesome! I love his facial expressions - he makes so many great ones!


      Originally posted by BamBoo View Post
      Yes, that's me...


        Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
        Hey there.
        How are you all?

        To be honest I'm great! I finally have a new boyfriend and he is soooooo cute I've known him since last Friday and we got together on Sunday. So you could say it was love at first sight Tomorrow we will meet again and I can't wait for it

        First weeks after the holidays and I could fall asleep at school every day -.- Hate this. We got a new French teacher - again. She's pretty young but very nice. I like her
        Awesome! Congrats on your new relationship! I hope it goes well. Going back to school after a break is always the worst thing ever, isn't it? What grade/level are you in?


          Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
          Kimmy4eytj gave me the heads up to this story by Shena8. It's a part homage to the squirrel invasion pic spam story I did. There's other stories and they're hysterical!! Enjoy the link!
          I like it is too funny, particularly to like the passage on the party of Halloween
          by AresLover452 ^^


            Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
            Kimmy4eytj gave me the heads up to this story by Shena8. It's a part homage to the squirrel invasion pic spam story I did. There's other stories and they're hysterical!! Enjoy the link!
            lolol - esp. the Halloween one... Now I wish that had really happened on the show, lol. Okay, so where is this squirrel invasion picspam? I need to see this...


              You gotta wonder what else went on that they didn't dare report... I loved the Hallowe'en party.


                Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
                Hey there.
                How are you all?

                To be honest I'm great! I finally have a new boyfriend and he is soooooo cute I've known him since last Friday and we got together on Sunday. So you could say it was love at first sight Tomorrow we will meet again and I can't wait for it

                First weeks after the holidays and I could fall asleep at school every day -.- Hate this. We got a new French teacher - again. She's pretty young but very nice. I like her
                That's great news! I hope he's cute and treats you good.


                  Originally posted by BamBoo View Post

                  No Durza so everyone can open it
                  but better beware of drooling over the keyboard
                  or maybe fainting
                  LOL! I love Bobby parts hiding under a spoiler!


                    Originally posted by RhineGold View Post
                    Okay, so my husband and I were talking about this, and I'm curious about other people's thoughts and input:

                    How badly do you think Rush needs his glasses?

                    Evidence he needs them to see:
                    -He wears them the whole time in the Earth/Icarus flashbacks in 'Air'
                    -He puts them on as soon as he wakes up in 'Human'
                    -He uses them a few times to look at monitors/things he's never seen before like the Nakai ship
                    -He needed them to look at the bomb in 'Malice'

                    Evidence he doesn't need them:
                    -Well, once they're broken, he makes absolutely no priority to fix them.
                    -Once they're fixed, he never really even wears them, before or after getting them back.
                    -He doesn't have them in Mandy's simulation, even though he is wearing his lost wristwatch and the black ring he wears on his right hand (which the Nakai took from him, along with his wedding ring).

                    I feel like they gave Rush glasses initially to make the viewer connect him with movie/early Daniel Jackson, so we'd be surprised when the long, floppy-haired scientist with glasses ended up being ruthless and badass.

                    Did they just do away with them because RC doesn't like wearing glasses? (I can't think of a single other thing he's worn glasses in, but then again, outside of Star Gate and Harry Potter, I can't think of a lot of fictional, live-action characters who wear glasses at all).

                    I do think that in 'Malice', Rush breaking his glasses to save Park was meant to be symbolic of how he was discarding his passive scientist role in order to go on a manhunt - if glasses represent civilization (like in Lord of the Flies and other media) or weakness (especially in comics - Peter Parker had glasses before becoming Spiderman, Superman uses glasses as Clark Kent to hide his identity, etc.) then breaking your glasses is significant, especially since he broke them himself.

                    I just care a lot about glasses because I wear them and so does my husband and a lot of our friends and family, and they really are rare to see in fiction for some reason. Sorry for the huge missive or if this has been discussed before.
                    Part of the glasses thing I think is because it does make an interesting prop. I think you might be right about the Jackson connection, too.

                    My dad had glasses and his eyesight was like Rush's, nearsighted,(myopia) and he wore glasses for driving and for general, but didn't need them for reading. He was a carpenter, so when he tried contacts they didn't work out because of saw dust getting in his eyes, too much trouble. It seemed that his eyesight was better if he didn't wear glasses all the time, it made his eyes work a little harder. I was thinking that Rush would have improved his sight by two things. First not relying on them all the time, and second, improving his health through no caffeine, tobacco, junk food, etc. It's been proven that poor diet and addictive substances can exacerbate problems such as vision. So I think the "clean living" on Destiny gave his sight a boost.

                    I like your take on the Malice scene. I think of the stereotypical nerdy scientist routine that someone like Rush probably had to put up with throughout his career. Although Rush had come from a tough working class background, he had to step up to a whole new plain to go on this manhunt. Something the average person is never going to do, and most of us are far from prepared for. This is part of the "wrong people" theme of SGU. Average folks having to dig deep and find the guts to proceed with a challenge such as Destiny presented.

                    I did wonder where the glasses went. We did not see them again after Malice. I wondered that surely someone of the military who were guarding the gate the whole time would have picked them up. Especially when you consider the "no chance in hell" of replacing an item such as glasses. Maybe we would have seen them again in a season 3.


                      Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
                      Personally, I need my glasses in order to be able to see well enough to lipread. If I can't see your lip, I have no clue as to what you're saying. So I'm blind as a bat, as well as deaf without my glasses. If I can't remember where I put my glasses down, I can't see them and have to pay my kids $5 to find it. Personally, I think they're deliberately moving it to make money off of me. The sneaky brats!
                      You're like my mom, always looking for her glasses. So I think there must be 25 pairs in that house! Still "Where's my glasses?" LOL!
                      I getting a taste of what it might be like for you with my graphics class. I have to sit way in the back, and can't hear most of what the teacher is saying. There's this air handling fan that's too loud, the acoustics are terrible, and the little woman teacher has a soft little voice. I get lost and miss most of the steps and what tool to use and what we are supposed to be doing! It is so frustrating! I keep asking her to repeat so finally today she said she would try to change my seat with a guy up front who doesn't show up much. So I'm hoping next week will be better. I've had a career of power equipment, tractors and loud music, oh well!


                        Originally posted by warumonochan View Post
                        Nice to hear. ^^ my boyfriend and i are 3 years together. we plan to make a baby at the end of the year.

                        i wear glasses now. i must adjusted to it.
                        Sounds like a plan!


                          Originally posted by NancyP View Post
                          Unfortunately, no. I haven't been to ComiCon... yet. It was a write-in.

                          He had been talking about having worked three rough days on the scenes with Dylan Schmid (Baelfire) and ended up working until 5:00 a.m the past Saturday morning. I asked how much down time he gets off after such long hours and he told me that he had to be on set Monday at 7 a.m. I was very excited that he replied to two on Sunday and one yesterday. I screen printed the pages immediately, printed my Tweets and put them in my OUAT RC journal.
                          It's a good thing he loves his work, and gets paid well. That would be exhausting. He probably sleeps like a log!


                            Originally posted by jeri View Post
                            Part of the glasses thing I think is because it does make an interesting prop. I think you might be right about the Jackson connection, too.

                            My dad had glasses and his eyesight was like Rush's, nearsighted,(myopia) and he wore glasses for driving and for general, but didn't need them for reading. He was a carpenter, so when he tried contacts they didn't work out because of saw dust getting in his eyes, too much trouble. It seemed that his eyesight was better if he didn't wear glasses all the time, it made his eyes work a little harder. I was thinking that Rush would have improved his sight by two things. First not relying on them all the time, and second, improving his health through no caffeine, tobacco, junk food, etc. It's been proven that poor diet and addictive substances can exacerbate problems such as vision. So I think the "clean living" on Destiny gave his sight a boost.

                            I like your take on the Malice scene. I think of the stereotypical nerdy scientist routine that someone like Rush probably had to put up with throughout his career. Although Rush had come from a tough working class background, he had to step up to a whole new plain to go on this manhunt. Something the average person is never going to do, and most of us are far from prepared for. This is part of the "wrong people" theme of SGU. Average folks having to dig deep and find the guts to proceed with a challenge such as Destiny presented.

                            I did wonder where the glasses went. We did not see them again after Malice. I wondered that surely someone of the military who were guarding the gate the whole time would have picked them up. Especially when you consider the "no chance in hell" of replacing an item such as glasses. Maybe we would have seen them again in a season 3.
                            You know, I think you might be right about him needing them less since he wears them less. When I've been horribly ill recently, I've been pretty much in bed all time time. Since I never got up, I never bothered to put my glasses on since I can read and use the computer with them off. I noticed that I started needing them less, sort of. Whenever I did put them on, it was a bit too much at first because I'd gotten accustomed to not wearing them. I think that's probably something like what Rush did.

                            I'm sure at least Scott, if not Park, would have picked up his glasses. He may have also put them back inside his vest pocket when he got up. Now I'll have to rewatch it just to see where they go. It's interesting to watch the crew of the Destiny 'step up' to become what they need to in a given situation. Young has to learn to be a commander again even when he doubts himself, TJ has to learn to cover everything when she lacks confidence in her abilities, Eli has to learn to become active instead of just standing back and observing... And Rush, Rush needs to learn to be more proactive than reactive in terms of his relationships with people. He feels like he failed Mandy and he takes steps to do something besides just withdrawing into himself - he goes on a manhunt, on the offensive. When Gloria died, it seemed he just shut into himself but he was determined not to do that again. So that, at least, is a kind of progress for him. The characters of this show are so layered and interesting. I love it!

                            And my dad sounds a lot like your dad. He never got contacts because he's always working with wood and with cars so the glasses help protect his eyes. (We get our bad eyesight from his side). Now he has bifocals and can't read without them anymore, when he used to be able to.


                              Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
                              Hey there.
                              How are you all?

                              To be honest I'm great! I finally have a new boyfriend and he is soooooo cute I've known him since last Friday and we got together on Sunday. So you could say it was love at first sight Tomorrow we will meet again and I can't wait for it

                              First weeks after the holidays and I could fall asleep at school every day -.- Hate this. We got a new French teacher - again. She's pretty young but very nice. I like her
                              Awww good to hear that,teyla

                              Originally posted by Duval View Post
                              Hey BamBoo, Teyla,
                              It pleases to see again you here ^^
                              Teyla, I am happy for you that you have a boyfriend, I hope that it will last for a long time for you two, it was the love at first sight then


                              He looks like Durza your boyfriend?

                              or maybe

                              Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
                              Kimmy4eytj gave me the heads up to this story by Shena8. It's a part homage to the squirrel invasion pic spam story I did. There's other stories and they're hysterical!! Enjoy the link!

                              I love 'The Halloween Party'
                              eli dressed up as a kino and Greer.... well that's true spirit of Halloween

                              Originally posted by RhineGold View Post
                              Yes, that's me...

                              Originally posted by jeri View Post
                              LOL! I love Bobby parts hiding under a spoiler!
                              Me too!


                                Damn. Bobby on Twitter? CatsThatLookLikeRumple? Geez, drop out of circulation for a few days and see what you miss?

                                Originally posted by RhineGold View Post
                                I LOVE the tag-line on this sig!

