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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
    Both of my children are rewatching SGU. For me, it's the upteenth time, but for them it's the first. They both think it's the best of all SG franchise. I'm constantly amazed at the extra things that I'm picking up that I missed the other times.
    You know, I have been meaning to ask about the other SG series. I tried to watch SG1 back when it first aired and could not really get into it. I hear it got much better. Wondering when I should jump in? I have heard a lot of people say just suffer through it...but thats a lot of episodes to watch!!!

    It was so easy to get into SGU, the theme, characters, Rush.... and then once I started I couldn't put it down. It was really crazy.


      Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
      Do NOT have children!!! It's not worth it!!!! Run away!!!!
      ROFL! I will remember that


        Originally posted by Mrs. Rush View Post
        Tout ce qu'on dit à propos RC en français sonne mieux

        Oh, c'est gentil de dire ça, mais en anglais c'est très bien aussi, dans n'importe quelle langue en fait ^^
        by AresLover452 ^^


          Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
          Do NOT have children!!! It's not worth it!!!! Run away!!!!
          I still have no it, I am too young LOL and then, the father of my children can be only Rush or Rumpy ^^
          by AresLover452 ^^


            by AresLover452 ^^




                Originally posted by Duval View Post
                Oh, c'est gentil de dire ça, mais en anglais c'est très bien aussi, dans n'importe quelle langue en fait ^^

                Originally posted by Duval View Post
                I still have no it, I am too young LOL and then, the father of my children can be only Rush or Rumpy ^^
                Originally posted by Duval View Post
                Duval, you are the best. That comment, followed by that photo. Win


                  I am pissed, Imageshack is suddenly saying they will delete all my images if I don´t buy a Premium account!
                  They never say that I have a 500 picture limit and now they´ll delete everything I put so much time and effort into by making screen caps and upload them. All my GW picture will be gone.

                  I had a much broader limit 2 years ago, and now, that.



                    Originally posted by Mrs. Rush View Post
                    Duval, you are the best. That comment, followed by that photo. Win
                    LOL, I tried to imagine what would look like my children with Rumpy

                    Originally posted by myhelix View Post
                    Hello myhelix =)
                    by AresLover452 ^^


                      Originally posted by myhelix View Post
                      I am pissed, Imageshack is suddenly saying they will delete all my images if I don´t buy a Premium account!
                      They never say that I have a 500 picture limit and now they´ll delete everything I put so much time and effort into by making screen caps and upload them. All my GW picture will be gone.

                      I had a much broader limit 2 years ago, and now, that.

                      Oh my poor,
                      Last edited by Duval; 17 February 2012, 05:12 PM.
                      by AresLover452 ^^


                        by AresLover452 ^^


                          Originally posted by Mrs. Rush View Post
                          You know, I have been meaning to ask about the other SG series. I tried to watch SG1 back when it first aired and could not really get into it. I hear it got much better. Wondering when I should jump in? I have heard a lot of people say just suffer through it...but thats a lot of episodes to watch!!!

                          It was so easy to get into SGU, the theme, characters, Rush.... and then once I started I couldn't put it down. It was really crazy.
                          Personally, for me, I never got into it except for SGU. I knew I had the first season of SG1 for my son from years ago. I decided I'd watch it with him last November. I had a lot of problems with it such as why only four people that's sent out to save the galaxy all the time? I also felt that Teal'C was the stereotype of the typical black superman. Remember, I grew up in the '70's where blaxploitation movies reigned supreme. AlexanderD helped me understand that there were truly men like that in the military. On and on. But I liked it once I let go of my suspension of beliefs. What I loved was how incredibly smart Sam Carter was, and how the women were all intelligent people. Yeah, of course the cleavages was shown, but it wasn't a bad show at all. It started to suffer when some of the cast of characters changed, but the writers never lost their intelligence and especially their humor.They even had a few eppies where they made fun of themselves and it was absolutely hysterical! We went on to SGA and the character, Rodney McKay and a few others were so incredibly well written, that I can understand the venomous reactions of fans when it was cancelled. I'll tell you, it helped a lot to understand the history of Stargates. I didn't know what a Go'uald or a Wraith was, but there were references to that in SGU. So, yeah, go for it! Two of the actors in SG1 were in "Farscape" and there was an eppie where they really made fun of themselves using the Farscape concept. So of course I got the whole series of that one and we are gonna watch that after SGU. So what if it's a lot of shows to watch. You got anywhere to be right now?


                            Originally posted by Mrs. Rush View Post
                            ROFL! I will remember that
                            I can always tell who has kids and who don't. Look for the bags under the eyes.


                              Originally posted by myhelix View Post
                              I am pissed, Imageshack is suddenly saying they will delete all my images if I don´t buy a Premium account!
                              They never say that I have a 500 picture limit and now they´ll delete everything I put so much time and effort into by making screen caps and upload them. All my GW picture will be gone.

                              I had a much broader limit 2 years ago, and now, that.
                              So sorry to hear that, hun. Try switching it all to Photobucket.


                                Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
                                [B]Personally, for me, I never got into it except for SGU. I knew I had the first season of SG1 for my son from years ago. I decided I'd watch it with him last November. I had a lot of problems with it such as why only four people that's sent out to save the galaxy all the time? I also felt that Teal'C was the stereotype of the typical black superman. Remember, I grew up in the '70's where blaxploitation movies reigned supreme. AlexanderD helped me understand that there were truly men like that in the military. On and on. But I liked it once I let go of my suspension of beliefs. What I loved was how incredibly smart Sam Carter was, and how the women were all intelligent people. Yeah, of course the cleavages was shown, but it wasn't a bad show at all. It started to suffer when some of the cast of characters changed, but the writers never lost their intelligence and especially their humor.They even had a few eppies where they made fun of themselves and it was absolutely hysterical! We went on to SGA and the character, Rodney McKay and a few others were so incredibly well written, that I can understand the venomous reactions of fans when it was cancelled. I'll tell you, it helped a lot to understand the history of Stargates. I didn't know what a Go'uald or a Wraith was, but there were references to that in SGU. So, yeah, go for it! Two of the actors in SG1 were in "Farscape" and there was an eppie where they really made fun of themselves using the Farscape concept. So of course I got the whole series of that one and we are gonna watch that after SGU. So what if it's a lot of shows to watch. You got anywhere to be right now?

                                How very true I will have to give it a go. I think what turned me off about the 1st season of SGU was..well, I loved the movie and could not get past how different it was. But It was a long time ago, I was impressed with how long the series ran and how Dr Jackson changed so much. That much I know and am excited to see in the series, and it is great that they have such strong female characters. Carter is one sassy lady.

                                We will just have to start at the beginning I suppose and go from there.
                                Also, your telling me you have never seen Farscape???!! or....?
                                Farscape is AMAZING. I think I missed the last season and need to go back for that, but I loved every minute of that show, its so funny and quirky. Maybe I should start with that episode to get back into it

                                I cant get off of our SGU binge, we keep putting it back on as "background noise" have Twin Destinies on now. Can't get enough Rush

                                Glad you have been enjoying the show with your son, I know you will love Farscape. Lots of kick ass ladies in that one!

