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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by Mrs. Rush View Post
    A little OT here but...
    Working on my valentines card for my huz....
    My plan is for the card to say "Dial the 9th chevron..." Then on the inside it would say "...To my heart" I am making the gate with Illustrator and Photoshop.

    Thought you ladies would appreciate that I could also put RC on the card, but don't think he would appreciate that much....

    Agree but this is very creative! say "Dial the 9th chevron.....To Rush's heart" I appreciate

    Originally posted by Mrs. Rush View Post

    Also, found a fantastic website for screencaps of OUAT, for those so inclined.
    Beware of spoilers if you are sensitive to that type of thing

    and now you know how I have spent my morning.
    NICE website! thanks


      Originally posted by Mrs. Rush View Post
      God! I love it!!! It's amazing <3 *starts fainting*

      Originally posted by mi_guard View Post

      now THAT would have been an interesting meeting/chat: Rush and Rumpel I think Rush would have killed Rumpel after 5 minutes
      What makes you think he would? Maybe Rush would make a deal with Rumpel

      To get some help against sacredclay

      Originally posted by Mrs. Rush View Post
      I regret nothing But yeah, I can see how that comes off. It's ok, we will all get along fine. I will just keep providing quality photoshops to pay my dues

      Also, had a thought.
      Watching Twin Destinies (212)....

      Anyone else think about what would be different if both Rush’s would of survived.....
      Of course we will, dearie

      I think we would faint in every episode and Young would get a heart attack

      Originally posted by Mrs. Rush View Post

      Also, found a fantastic website for screencaps of OUAT, for those so inclined.
      Beware of spoilers if you are sensitive to that type of thing
      *very big hug* THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea, what you just did to me!!!! *falling on the floor*

      Originally posted by BamBoo View Post
      Anyone reads this ff, Not Your Usual Lion
      the lastest chapter (44)!! OMG OMG will he ok? I believe that the writer won't let it end like this but it so intense to wait. Hope it not too sad
      I was shocked when I read that!!! That stupid stupid Gavin!!!! I hope the relationship between Marie and Gold won't end in another argument ( I mean, is it really true? Did Gold really poison her father?) They're such a lovely couple.

      I was a bit confused when I read the paragraph when Marie found the ring and put in on her finger that his eyes became soft and the Finally. Does that mean he is free now? Is he no longer cursed?


        We got our results for our seminars for the next two years. There are two different kinds of seminars you have to choose.
        I wanted "The era of National Socialism" in History and "Commemoration of the 1st world war".

        We had to vote for four seminars - so in the end 8 seminars to vote. These two were my two first choices - One in the one kind and the other in the other kind.

        In the end I got "Literary texts and their film adaptations" in English and a Musical in Music.
        The English one is in English - I even have to write my Essay in English.
        I have no problem with the Musical despite I'm a loser in this subject But I talked to the teacher and he said I don't have to have any knowledge there. I just need to be able to work with kids - I think I am (but I'm yelling at them very often in school ) - and when I won't play any musical instrument I'd have to do something else. I answered him that I could write a script And I think it's gonna be funny Does anyone of you has experience in Musicals?


          If Rush and Rumple where to meet? Well, I think Rush would have the upper hand. Rush has the pragmatism to not be sucked into a deal. Rumple, though very smart, is highly emotional, and would be frustrated easily by Rush. I could imagine Rumple staying awake at night trying to figure a way of tricking Rush! But then Rush would probably have to go into hiding to get away from Rumples' constant pestering.


            Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post

            I was shocked when I read that!!! That stupid stupid Gavin!!!! I hope the relationship between Marie and Gold won't end in another argument ( I mean, is it really true? Did Gold really poison her father?) They're such a lovely couple.

            I was a bit confused when I read the paragraph when Marie found the ring and put in on her finger that his eyes became soft and the Finally. Does that mean he is free now? Is he no longer cursed?

            at first I don't think he poison her father but then he said he did it so he did it, then. he did it to make sure that Belle had to come to him I think.
            Yesssssss I hate Gavin why he kept interrupting their moment
            I thought he just have to find someone who loves he and spent the least of their life together but THIS sooooooo sad. I do hope that the writer will come up with happy ending solution *cross fingers*

            Can't wait for next chapter and of course next episode!!

            Originally posted by jeri View Post
            If Rush and Rumple where to meet? Well, I think Rush would have the upper hand. Rush has the pragmatism to not be sucked into a deal. Rumple, though very smart, is highly emotional, and would be frustrated easily by Rush. I could imagine Rumple staying awake at night trying to figure a way of tricking Rush! But then Rush would probably have to go into hiding to get away from Rumples' constant pestering.
            write ff about this!


              Originally posted by BamBoo View Post
              at first I don't think he poison her father but then he said he did it so he did it, then. he did it to make sure that Belle had to come to him I think.
              Yesssssss I hate Gavin why he kept interrupting their moment
              I thought he just have to find someone who loves he and spent the least of their life together but THIS sooooooo sad. I do hope that the writer will come up with happy ending solution *cross fingers*
              You're right! Gavin is always coming in the most romantic moments between Marie and Gold.
              Maybe Gold has to fight Gavin? Beast vs Gaston? Like in the film?? Oh, that would be so epic!


                Originally posted by jeri View Post
                If Rush and Rumple where to meet? Well, I think Rush would have the upper hand. Rush has the pragmatism to not be sucked into a deal. Rumple, though very smart, is highly emotional, and would be frustrated easily by Rush. I could imagine Rumple staying awake at night trying to figure a way of tricking Rush! But then Rush would probably have to go into hiding to get away from Rumples' constant pestering.

                Yeah, but Rush is not that patient And Rumpel can get really annoying. Especially if he wants Rush to make a deal with him.


                  Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post

                  Yeah, but Rush is not that patient And Rumpel can get really annoying. Especially if he wants Rush to make a deal with him.
                  Rush would put Rumple in a stasis pod!


                    Originally posted by jeri View Post
                    Rush would put Rumple in a stasis pod!
                    But I think Rumple can "beam" himself out Like he appeared and disappeared when Snow met him


                      Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
                      Sounds like a nice and interesting weekend
                      Yes, I had a very nice time, and very educational as well. The conference center is right on the beach, so a very beautiful place. Took some nice photos.


                        Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
                        But I think Rumple can "beam" himself out Like he appeared and disappeared when Snow met him
                        Hummm, well, everyone would want to get him out of the way after a few days of his deal making. Rush could get TJ to put something in his tea, to knock him out. Then they could get him in the pod, and he wouldn't know a thing. Problem with that is half the crew would have already made deals, and would be looking for ways to fix those. They might let him out thinking they have some better deal! I could see Volker and Brody in some kind of mess because of some deal they made. Those two would let him out looking for another deal!

                        Here's an idea for Mrs. Rush, a photoshop project. Rumpel in a stasis pod! "Rumpy's New Jail"


                          Originally posted by jeri View Post
                          Hummm, well, everyone would want to get him out of the way after a few days of his deal making. Rush could get TJ to put something in his tea, to knock him out. Then they could get him in the pod, and he wouldn't know a thing. Problem with that is half the crew would have already made deals, and would be looking for ways to fix those. They might let him out thinking they have some better deal! I could see Volker and Brody in some kind of mess because of some deal they made. Those two would let him out looking for another deal!

                          Here's an idea for Mrs. Rush, a photoshop project. Rumpel in a stasis pod! "Rumpy's New Jail"
                          Ohhh, you're a very mean girl!

                          But you're right At least Eli, Volker and Brody would made a lot of deals with Rumpel before anyone can stop him


                            Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
                            God! I love it!!! It's amazing <3 *starts fainting*

                            What makes you think he would? Maybe Rush would make a deal with Rumpel

                            To get some help against sacredclay

                            *very big hug* THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea, what you just did to me!!!! *falling on the floor*
                            I think Rush and Rumple would be hilarious. Rumple would keep wanting to deal with Rush and Rush would see through his ways. It would be epic!

                            Also, glad you liked the website I found (all), I was having a lot of trouble finding good screencaps...problem solved! Cant wait for next weeks episode now!!!!!


                              Mean? Who me? Now Mr. Gold would be very much in league with Rush. They could join forces and screw with Young's head! Oh, wait they already have, in my imaginary cross over picspam world.


                                Originally posted by jeri;13171971
                                Here's an idea for [B
                                Mrs. Rush,[/B] a photoshop project. Rumpel in a stasis pod! "Rumpy's New Jail"
                                That's my project for tonight!

