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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
    Our school system is quite different from yours, but it's not easy to explain because there's no real translation for the words. Our Abitur after 12 years is a qualification for university, but again this can't be compared.
    I said that I studied at university, but that's not completely right, it's a kind of university but my study had more practical elements. I'm an Agricultural Engineer, but German kind of engineer, you have to study at least 4 years for that. They are changing this system now, I don't know exactly how it works now, first you can gaduate as a Bachelor and after 2 years more as a Master. But maybe teyla knows more about how this works.
    Oh, no! But I need to go to the Cookie Planet!
    Our system is 12 years of school until most kids are about 18, then they go to a college which can be 2 or 3 years, some will transfer to a university that will be 4 years to get a Bachelor, then some do Master's with usually 2 more years. It sounds like your schools are trying to aline with the US system which is like the UK. I have a friend who got a Doctorate in Viticulture and the study time can vary quite a bit depending on what the person is studying. He also spent a lot of time writing his thesis, which for many is basically writing a book.


      Can't wait for teyla to see the new episode of OUAT! Ohhh, boy!


        Bobby is really cute > <
        by AresLover452 ^^


          Originally posted by BamBoo View Post
          Marilyn Hotchkiss' Ballroom Dancing & Charm School if I remember correctly
          Yes, that's it! That film is very interesting with 3 different types of effects to show the different parts of the story. The kids dance school part was filmed years before for the directors film school project on real film. Then with modern digital he uses the selenium process effect for the highway accident scenes and regular lighting for the "present day" scenes.


            Originally posted by Duval View Post
            Courage for your test ^^
            Thank you

            Originally posted by Duval View Post
            Bobby is really cute > <

            Originally posted by jeri View Post
            Yes, that's it! That film is very interesting with 3 different types of effects to show the different parts of the story. The kids dance school part was filmed years before for the directors film school project on real film. Then with modern digital he uses the selenium process effect for the highway accident scenes and regular lighting for the "present day" scenes.
            Yeah, nice film with dancing Bobby

            and new chapter of At All Angles



              Hey everyone

              I just had three hours of sleep - I fell asleep at 3 am and had to get up at 6 am! Despite going to bed at 10 pm! I was really pissed that morning

              Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
              So how come you have three more years of high school? What country are you in, hun? I'm USA
              Originally posted by jeri View Post
              I was wondering too. She's in Germany, I wonder how the school systems set up there?
              Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
              Our school system is quite different from yours, but it's not easy to explain because there's no real translation for the words. Our Abitur after 12 years is a qualification for university, but again this can't be compared.
              I said that I studied at university, but that's not completely right, it's a kind of university but my study had more practical elements. I'm an Agricultural Engineer, but German kind of engineer, you have to study at least 4 years for that. They are changing this system now, I don't know exactly how it works now, first you can gaduate as a Bachelor and after 2 years more as a Master. But maybe teyla knows more about how this works.
              Thanks, Cairi for making a start

              Well, in Germany there are a lot of different schools:
              1. Primary School (class 1-4)
              After the 4th class you have to change school and you have three candidates: The Hauptschule (class 5-9), The Realschule (class 5-10), and The Gymnasium (class 5-12). (Worst, middle, best) And the Abitur - the best school degree you can get - is only available on the Gymnasium. The second best is the Mittlere Reife ( you can get this on the Realschule) and the worst is the Quali (Hauptschule). If you wanna have a good job you need a good degree. And you can only go to University with the Abitur.

              In the 4th class, I was extremly lazy and didn't do much for school. So my mom decided to put me in the Hauptschule. But there I really was underutilized because the teachers there didn't do many things. After I passed the 5th class at the Hauptschule, I could go to the Reaschule (you need a certain Grade point average, which I had) and was there until last year where I graduated and got the Mittlere Reife. But I want to go to University and for that I need the Abitur. So I decided to go to the Gymnasium and do it (or try it - I don't know if I'll pass).
              So I'm 17 now and I have been attending school since I was 6.
              And now I am in the 10th class and there are still the 11th and the 12th to go.

              I hope you could understand that?

              And BTW:

              Congratulation to the Milestone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                Originally posted by Czarina View Post
                March 14?! OMG!! You are one of Mindy's alters! (will explain in detail)
                You must be advanced for your age, I couldn't tell right away that you were younger at all...little hints, but not big ones...nicely done!
                You think so???? How old did you expect me to be?

                Originally posted by Czarina View Post
                DID: Dissociative Identity Disorder, used to be known as Multiple Personality Disorder. Renamed to cease the confusion as this is not grouped with the personality disorders, such as anti-social or narcissistic, or paranoid, or histrionic. DID is a delusional disorder, a fragmented memory pattern. I have been told by an expert in the area that I know more, I have a more well rounded understanding of how it works, than most of her colleagues; there is still a great deal of debate as to its validity as a diagnosis. (see iatrogenesis)
                "Iatrogenesis is any adverse or physical condition induced in a patient through the effects of treatment by a physician or surgeon."
                The shrink looked at me, said "Oh, hi Wendy.." and then did a sharp intake of air and gasped and looked at me again, with astounded disbelief..."Wendy?!" She later told me she hadn't been aware that I actually existed.
                Mindy is a lifelong 'friend' suffering from DID. Well, the people around her suffer from it.
                Her birthday is March 14.
                If y'all want me to talk more about this, ask...
                Okay, you're confusing me. Are you Wendy? Or Mindy???
                Please explain it again...sorry, but it's really kind of confusing


                  Now, the latest episode:

                  This episode was so amazing!!!!!!!!
                  I'm so proud that Rumpel finally did something to save his boy (if he hadn't have killed that damn soldier, who forced him to kiss his boots, I would have done it!!). He's quite smart I'd say. To set a fire to get into the castle - not bad.
                  That old beggar was the Dark One??????? Wow, weird. But then - why can he change his appearance and Rumpel can't?
                  Poor boy (I couldn't really understand his name). He must be really terrified of his father - he's not his real son, is he? Did I understand that correctly?
                  That's so bad. I wonder what happened to him? I don't think Rumpel killed him but what if he ran away from him?
                  The only thing I don't like about Rumpel: his teeth. Why did they do that?
                  Still: I LOVE YOU; RUMPY!!!

                  Mr Gold is so devious. To force Emma to owe him a favor and than make her to the new Sherrif. I can't believe he planned all this from the very beginning!!! He knew Emma would expose him and with that would win the election!
                  Oh yeah, these people must be really afraid of him! He's really even worse than Regina! He proved that! OH, I LOVE THAT MAN!!!!


                    Grimm returns October 24

                    Signature and Avatar by Hyndara71 - Thank you very much
                    Profile Picture by BM-Shipper


                      Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
                      Our school system is quite different from yours, but it's not easy to explain because there's no real translation for the words. Our Abitur after 12 years is a qualification for university, but again this can't be compared.
                      I said that I studied at university, but that's not completely right, it's a kind of university but my study had more practical elements. I'm an Agricultural Engineer, but German kind of engineer, you have to study at least 4 years for that. They are changing this system now, I don't know exactly how it works now, first you can gaduate as a Bachelor and after 2 years more as a Master. But maybe teyla knows more about how this works.
                      We have 13 years of school. Kindergarden starts at age Some parents elects to have them start preschool before then, which is really more like an organized babysitting with focus on socializing. After high school graduation at typically age 17-18, two years of college is considered an Associate Degree with four years as Bachelor Degree. Six years is Master and 8 years is PH.D degree. It depends on specialized fields. I've dropped out of college and realized that the only job I could get was factory work. It motivated me to go back to school which was the smartest thing I've ever did.


                        Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                        My username is racheldinozzo.

                        And his acting on the last OUAT ep was beyond amazing! <3

                        Don't have much time now...I'll try to by again later.
                        Hi, Luciana!


                          Originally posted by BamBoo View Post
                          Thank you

                          and new chapter of At All Angles

                          I don't think I can take the tension of this story anymore! I am so anxious for these two guys!


                            Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
                            Hey everyone

                            I just had three hours of sleep - I fell asleep at 3 am and had to get up at 6 am! Despite going to bed at 10 pm! I was really pissed that morning

                            Thanks, Cairi for making a start

                            Well, in Germany there are a lot of different schools:
                            1. Primary School (class 1-4)
                            After the 4th class you have to change school and you have three candidates: The Hauptschule (class 5-9), The Realschule (class 5-10), and The Gymnasium (class 5-12). (Worst, middle, best) And the Abitur - the best school degree you can get - is only available on the Gymnasium. The second best is the Mittlere Reife ( you can get this on the Realschule) and the worst is the Quali (Hauptschule). If you wanna have a good job you need a good degree. And you can only go to University with the Abitur.

                            In the 4th class, I was extremly lazy and didn't do much for school. So my mom decided to put me in the Hauptschule. But there I really was underutilized because the teachers there didn't do many things. After I passed the 5th class at the Hauptschule, I could go to the Reaschule (you need a certain Grade point average, which I had) and was there until last year where I graduated and got the Mittlere Reife. But I want to go to University and for that I need the Abitur. So I decided to go to the Gymnasium and do it (or try it - I don't know if I'll pass).
                            So I'm 17 now and I have been attending school since I was 6.
                            And now I am in the 10th class and there are still the 11th and the 12th to go.

                            I hope you could understand that?

                            And BTW:

                            Congratulation to the Milestone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            It makes a lot of sense. I'm very proud of you for wanting to better yourself. I think that's just marvelous! Go for it, girl! You can do it!!!


                              (Waves wildly at AlexanderD) Helllllooo, beautiful man!!!!!!!


                                Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
                                Now, the latest episode:

                                This episode was so amazing!!!!!!!!
                                I'm so proud that Rumpel finally did something to save his boy (if he hadn't have killed that damn soldier, who forced him to kiss his boots, I would have done it!!). He's quite smart I'd say. To set a fire to get into the castle - not bad.
                                That old beggar was the Dark One??????? Wow, weird. But then - why can he change his appearance and Rumpel can't?
                                Poor boy (I couldn't really understand his name). He must be really terrified of his father - he's not his real son, is he? Did I understand that correctly?
                                That's so bad. I wonder what happened to him? I don't think Rumpel killed him but what if he ran away from him?
                                The only thing I don't like about Rumpel: his teeth. Why did they do that?
                                Still: I LOVE YOU; RUMPY!!!

                                Mr Gold is so devious. To force Emma to owe him a favor and than make her to the new Sherrif. I can't believe he planned all this from the very beginning!!! He knew Emma would expose him and with that would win the election!
                                Oh yeah, these people must be really afraid of him! He's really even worse than Regina! He proved that! OH, I LOVE THAT MAN!!!!
                                First I'd like to give my 2 cents to the German education system (under cut for OT and length)
                                IMO, it's not a good system. If you manage to have parents who care about their children, the children won't have too big problems. But if not, you're lost.
                                This system take children apart on a very early age (with about 10!). It's extremely rare that children overcome the sytem on their own, without a lot of backup.
                                And If you're alone, it's dobble hard. Everybody knows you are a loser, even if you're just a chlid, and your future is set. If you fight it somehow you have the problem to catch up everything you've never learned in the undermost schooltype "Hauptschule". I had to do this, and believe me it was no fun.
                                E.g. English was a really big problem for me, in that school you learn not more than a few basics, but not to have a free conversation, and then in the moment you change to the "Gymnasium", the so called elite school-type, they are at a leavel you can only dream about, the only thing I realised (omg, that's 30 years ago ) was, I'll never have a chance to catch up to the rest of the class.
                                Somehow I I got my Abitur against all odds, and I have a university degree since 10 yaers now, but that was not because the system is in any way good it was in spite of it. And I really hope for those children who don't have the support from their families, or not so good life conditions, that the school system in Germany will change to the better.

                                Now to the funny part:

                                Rumpel didn't had a choise, he was forced to do that, otherwise the soldiers would have taken his son directly. He was desperate enough to fight the odds, but he also had to pay a price. We don't know yet, whether is son will stay with him or will go, or what happens to him. Did Rumpel survived him, and Baelfire, that's his name, did he die at a high age? We don't know yet.
                                The old beggar was the Dark One, no surprise. I just asked myself will we met the duke, and is he one of the royals we meet later?
                                I think, the Dark One provoke Rumpel with what he'd said about his son being not his son. He wanted to be killed. That's a good way to achive it, men just don't like statements like this.
                                Indeed, Mr. Gold is truly a scheming guy, isn't he? That's why I love him.
                                Last edited by Artemis-Neith; 09 January 2012, 11:26 AM.

