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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Oh, attractive screen shot Cairistiona, I like o/
    by AresLover452 ^^


      Originally posted by Luciana View Post
      My username is racheldinozzo.

      And his acting on the last OUAT ep was beyond amazing! <3

      Don't have much time now...I'll try to by again later.
      Aha! I knew you were my friend but apparently I can't deal with people having different usernames

      Hope you come back around soon

      Originally posted by jeri View Post
      Yes, that's it! That film is very interesting with 3 different types of effects to show the different parts of the story. The kids dance school part was filmed years before for the directors film school project on real film. Then with modern digital he uses the selenium process effect for the highway accident scenes and regular lighting for the "present day" scenes.
      I didn't know that, cool!

      Thanks for the caps Cairi!

      He looks so hot in that purple t-shirt *melts*
      Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


        Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
        Hey everyone

        I just had three hours of sleep - I fell asleep at 3 am and had to get up at 6 am! Despite going to bed at 10 pm! I was really pissed that morning

        Thanks, Cairi for making a start

        Well, in Germany there are a lot of different schools:
        1. Primary School (class 1-4)
        After the 4th class you have to change school and you have three candidates: The Hauptschule (class 5-9), The Realschule (class 5-10), and The Gymnasium (class 5-12). (Worst, middle, best) And the Abitur - the best school degree you can get - is only available on the Gymnasium. The second best is the Mittlere Reife ( you can get this on the Realschule) and the worst is the Quali (Hauptschule). If you wanna have a good job you need a good degree. And you can only go to University with the Abitur.

        In the 4th class, I was extremly lazy and didn't do much for school. So my mom decided to put me in the Hauptschule. But there I really was underutilized because the teachers there didn't do many things. After I passed the 5th class at the Hauptschule, I could go to the Reaschule (you need a certain Grade point average, which I had) and was there until last year where I graduated and got the Mittlere Reife. But I want to go to University and for that I need the Abitur. So I decided to go to the Gymnasium and do it (or try it - I don't know if I'll pass).
        So I'm 17 now and I have been attending school since I was 6.
        And now I am in the 10th class and there are still the 11th and the 12th to go.

        I hope you could understand that?

        And BTW:

        Congratulation to the Milestone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        Ok, I understand, how that works. So now you have to work hard to be able to go to University. I think that is a wonderful thing to do, to take the initiative to get the education that you want. It takes courage to do something like you have, to demand more from "the system". Good for you!
        I think you will do well. Also have I told you that your English is excellent? Even much better than many native speakers. Actually writing on these forums is a good way to improve skills. I know my computer skills have benefited greatly by being here.


          Originally posted by mi_guard View Post
          I see you have set us on our next task.


            I wonder if I would have like studying Oo
            Can be if that would have been some things which would have me more, but well I would have been incapable there anyway ^^ '

            In brief, I am going not to tell my life...

            Very good English yes, at the beginning I believed that Teyla was American or English ^^ '

            In any case, nothing to do, I so liked the episode 8 at which I have him to look second time, viewing especially the passages with Rumpy.

            All the same, RC plays still a character who lost his wife, poor man Rumpy, I indeed want to be his wife, it was a kind man > <

            Well, I am going to sleep, otherwise I am going eventually see the dawn..
            Good night, miss ^^ '
            Last edited by Duval; 09 January 2012, 07:40 PM.
            by AresLover452 ^^


              Originally posted by Artemis-Neith View Post
              First I'd like to give my 2 cents to the German education system (under cut for OT and length)
              IMO, it's not a good system. If you manage to have parents who care about their children, the children won't have too big problems. But if not, you're lost.
              This system take children apart on a very early age (with about 10!). It's extremely rare that children overcome the sytem on their own, without a lot of backup.
              And If you're alone, it's dobble hard. Everybody knows you are a loser, even if you're just a chlid, and your future is set. If you fight it somehow you have the problem to catch up everything you've never learned in the undermost schooltype "Hauptschule". I had to do this, and believe me it was no fun.
              E.g. English was a really big problem for me, in that school you learn not more than a few basics, but not to have a free conversation, and then in the moment you change to the "Gymnasium", the so called elite school-type, they are at a leavel you can only dream about, the only thing I realised (omg, that's 30 years ago ) was, I'll never have a chance to catch up to the rest of the class.
              Somehow I I got my Abitur against all odds, and I have a university degree since 10 yaers now, but that was not because the system is in any way good it was in spite of it. And I really hope for those children who don't have the support from their families, or not so good life conditions, that the school system in Germany will change to the better.

              Now to the funny part:

              Rumpel didn't had a choise, he was forced to do that, otherwise the soldiers would have taken his son directly. He was desperate enough to fight the odds, but he also had to pay a price. We don't know yet, whether is son will stay with him or will go, or what happens to him. Did Rumpel survived him, and Baelfire, that's his name, did he die at a high age? We don't know yet.
              The old beggar was the Dark One, no surprise. I just asked myself will we met the duke, and is he one of the royals we meet later?
              I think, the Dark One provoke Rumpel with what he'd said about his son being not his son. He wanted to be killed. That's a good way to achive it, men just don't like statements like this.
              Indeed, Mr. Gold is truly a scheming guy, isn't he? That's why I love him.
              I see what you mean about the system in Germany. It can be this way here too, if the parents don't take an interest in the child's education, it can be bad. So many schools here don't have the resources they need, it seems to be getting worse in public education. I went to a private Catholic school that was very good, but my parents where old-fashioned in their belief that girls did not need as good an education as boys. My brother was encouraged to go to college and was pushed academically, but I was not. But I decided to go to college, and I would say I am much more successful in my career than my brother who has a Master's degree. Maybe it's because I had to work harder at things than he did.

              About OUAT, I really loved the episode,
              and I also think the Dark One was provoking Rumple with his statement. He knew from their earlier conversation that Rumple's son was his only thing he had left in his life, so it makes sense that he would use this to get him to kill him. I wonder if Mr. Gold thinks that breaking the curse will somehow brake the spell that he/Rumpy is under as well? Humm...


                Originally posted by Artemis-Neith View Post
                Fighting it is what I've done all my life. That was the point of my statement, dearie

                I allways asked myself why do get some people everything for free, and others nothing at all? Not a big story, but somehow unfair. I know, life is not fair.

                But soon, you'll be Miss Patient, will you? (rhetorical question )
                Somehow I developed a philosophy if someone or something stands in my way of achieving a goal I want, I find a way around them! Never let anyone tell you you can't do something you know in your mind or heart that you can. But we all fail at some things, or change our minds, and that's ok too. Just keep moving.
                Probably one of the reasons why I like this fellow so much, you have heard him say that!


                  Good night Duval It is interesting that he is again playing a
                  widower. Or did she leave like the soldier said?


                    Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
                    Sorry, finished off the last Christmas cookies yesterday, including the Stargate-shaped ones

                    And now I'm watching OUAT, I know I will enjoy it, took a quick look into it before I had to leave
                    great new signature
                    Grimm returns October 24

                    Signature and Avatar by Hyndara71 - Thank you very much
                    Profile Picture by BM-Shipper


                      Originally posted by jeri View Post
                      I see what you mean about the system in Germany. It can be this way here too, if the parents don't take an interest in the child's education, it can be bad. So many schools here don't have the resources they need, it seems to be getting worse in public education. I went to a private Catholic school that was very good, but my parents where old-fashioned in their belief that girls did not need as good an education as boys. My brother was encouraged to go to college and was pushed academically, but I was not. But I decided to go to college, and I would say I am much more successful in my career than my brother who has a Master's degree. Maybe it's because I had to work harder at things than he did.
                      What you're saying sounds very familiar to me. I guess we're both about the same age – it's this story with girls who don't need a proper education, because they're just girls. This, I think, is the same in Germany, and especially a phenomenon of "middle class" families.

                      About OUAT, I really loved the episode,
                      and I also think the Dark One was provoking Rumple with his statement. He knew from their earlier conversation that Rumple's son was his only thing he had left in his life, so it makes sense that he would use this to get him to kill him. I wonder if Mr. Gold thinks that breaking the curse will somehow brake the spell that he/Rumpy is under as well? Humm...
                      OUAT 1x8: totally agree
                      … this might be the reason why he gave it to the Evil Queen from the start, not to free himself out of that prison, but to redeem himself.
                      What I'm not absolutely sure about is his son, quite possibly that we'll see him, or one of his children later, that's not easy to foresee at this early part of the whole story.

                      Originally posted by jeri View Post
                      Somehow I developed a philosophy if someone or something stands in my way of achieving a goal I want, I find a way around them! Never let anyone tell you you can't do something you know in your mind or heart that you can. But we all fail at some things, or change our minds, and that's ok too. Just keep moving.
                      Probably one of the reasons why I like this fellow so much, you have heard him say that!
                      In the moment I read it, it sounds somehow like something I've heard somewhere.

                      Agree again, with him and you!


                        Originally posted by Artemis-Neith View Post
                        Fighting it is what I've done all my life. That was the point of my statement, dearie

                        I allways asked myself why do get some people everything for free, and others nothing at all? Not a big story, but somehow unfair. I know, life is not fair.

                        But soon, you'll be Miss Patient, will you? (rhetorical question )
                        I a Miss Patient???? Never


                          Originally posted by jeri View Post
                          Ok, I understand, how that works. So now you have to work hard to be able to go to University. I think that is a wonderful thing to do, to take the initiative to get the education that you want. It takes courage to do something like you have, to demand more from "the system". Good for you!
                          I think you will do well. Also have I told you that your English is excellent? Even much better than many native speakers. Actually writing on these forums is a good way to improve skills. I know my computer skills have benefited greatly by being here.
                          I hope I will succeed this class. I'm so bad in Maths and in Physics.
                          You think my English is that good? Wow, thank you, dearie *blush* But - as nearly everyone in my class - I have problems with the different times - oh I so hate that.
                          Not only writing in this forum but also watching SGU and reading FF's in English helped me a lot
                          Thanks to Bobby (If he wasn't my favorite actor, I wouldn't be so good in English - I was really bad before)


                            Originally posted by jeri View Post
                            Somehow I developed a philosophy if someone or something stands in my way of achieving a goal I want, I find a way around them! Never let anyone tell you you can't do something you know in your mind or heart that you can. But we all fail at some things, or change our minds, and that's ok too. Just keep moving.
                            Probably one of the reasons why I like this fellow so much, you have heard him say that!
                            You're so right! Look what he had when he started as an actor and what he has now! He is amazing (the perfect idol)
                            You have to have faith in you


                              And something to OUAT that came to my mind:

                              Did you notice that the names are quite different than the names of the others? I mean, Prince Charmings name is James, then Ella and her husband Thomas, (okay, you can't count Snow White or Red Riding Hood to that) but I still wonder how old Rumpel really is? What if he's older than he looks?
                              He must be older than the EQ of course but how old at all?



                                Do you know who that is?! Gríma Wormtongue in LotR is obvious but do you recognize him from something else?


