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Early Scotthansen or Ancients' communication device in action

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    Early Scotthansen or Ancients' communication device in action

    So in the 3rd trailer we see Tamara Johansen and Matthew Scott characters kiss. How do you think do we have to think about an early ship or is it just the communication device and one of them isn't actually himself but "possessed" by some Earthling like Vala/Daniel.

    But I guess I either case shipping of them will start...
    - the guest member of SGU book club

    Originally posted by latvian_stargatefan View Post
    So in the 3rd trailer we see Tamara Johansen and Matthew Scott characters kiss. How do you think do we have to think about an early ship or is it just the communication device and one of them isn't actually himself but "possessed" by some Earthling like Vala/Daniel.

    But I guess I either case shipping of them will start...
    Here's a can you tell it's Scott's character from that trailer? It's a split second, and it's the back of his head. I've seen several people say it was Scott already, but I didn't see that even when I went back to watch it a few times.

    The back's of people's heads are usually pretty similar (imo). Granted, if you have some sort of spoiler information from elsewhere, carry on. I just think it's a bit too early to jump the gun.

    But have no fear, I'm almost positive that a ship will pop up even if it isn't them in that scene...along with a plethora of others. I'm interested to see which ones do...or even if any of them will be canon and done well .
    Sig by Pandora's Box


      for a second i thought it was young she was kissing.


        Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
        for a second i thought it was young she was kissing.
        At one moment I thought that too but I'm pretty sure now that it was Scott. Plus, judging from actors twittering with each other, they had a lot of scenes together in the show, so the writers could try to ship them...
        - the guest member of SGU book club


          Originally posted by latvian_stargatefan View Post
          At one moment I thought that too but I'm pretty sure now that it was Scott. Plus, judging from actors twittering with each other, they had a lot of scenes together in the show, so the writers could try to ship them...
          I dunno, I read their twitters pretty often and I never got that vibe. And I just watched it again, and I'm still not sure. Guess we'll have to see, haha.
          Sig by Pandora's Box


            Originally posted by latvian_stargatefan View Post
            So in the 3rd trailer we see Tamara Johansen and Matthew Scott characters kiss. How do you think do we have to think about an early ship or is it just the communication device and one of them isn't actually himself but "possessed" by some Earthling like Vala/Daniel.

            But I guess I either case shipping of them will start...
            I'm sure there was a twitter from BJS that confirmed it wasn't him. Where is PG15 when ya need him??


              Originally posted by Madwelshboy View Post
              I'm sure there was a twitter from BJS that confirmed it wasn't him. Where is PG15 when ya need him??
              I didn't think PG followed twitters much anyways...he's a JM blog junkie . I just checked though, and I didn't find anything like that.
              Sig by Pandora's Box


                Anyone got a link to the 3rd Trailer?
                Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                  Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
                  Anyone got a link to the 3rd Trailer?
                  Sig by Pandora's Box


                    Originally posted by Coronach View Post
                    I didn't think PG followed twitters much anyways...he's a JM blog junkie . I just checked though, and I didn't find anything like that.
                    I know, but im sure it was he who posted this one

                    anyway i've just found it:-

                    @BrianJacobSmith Just watched the new SGU ad. 1) Very cool! and b) was it my imagination or did I see you getting a snog from someone?
                    9:53 AM Jun 6th from web in reply to BrianJacobSmith
                    @Clairey_led I cant give away who was doing the snogging, but I will say it wasn't me.
                    5:24 PM Jun 6th from web
                    EDIT:- I was right, it was PG15:-
                    Good to know i not going crazy and imagining things!!
                    Last edited by Madwelshboy; 20 June 2009, 07:50 AM.


                      Originally posted by Madwelshboy View Post
                      I know, but im sure it was he who posted this one

                      anyway i've just found it:-

                      EDIT:- I was right, it was PG15:-
                      Good to know i not going crazy and imagining things!!
                      Wow...I phail at using Twitter then. How did I miss this one? *grumble-mumble*
                      Sig by Pandora's Box


                        I think it's Young...

                        But if the Ancient device has anything to do with it, she could be kissing La Bamba instead. Aren't those two supposed to switch bodies?


                          Which of us is gonna volunteer to post on Joe Mallozzi's blog, and ask for a photograph of every cast member's ears? Sounds like the kind of zaney thing that he'd be up for... and I'm pretty sure I saw a CSI episode where they ID'd someone based on their ear. Aren't they meant to be as unique as fingerprints, or something like that? Lol.


                          Okay, so further to my above statement; it can't be Scott purely because the person kissing has noticably detatched earlobes, and BJS doesn't. If I had to put money on any of the people we know already, it'd be Young: the hair is obviously wrong for Eli and Rush, and the skin-tone is off for Greer and Telford. Justin Louis has fairly straight ears...

                          Maybe Hansen is being "posessed" by the Ancient comms device - Young's wife, maybe?
                          Last edited by Captain Untouchable; 20 June 2009, 06:37 PM.
                          Captain Untouchable
                          Captain's Blog


                            Originally posted by Captain Untouchable View Post
                            Which of us is gonna volunteer to post on Joe Mallozzi's blog, and ask for a photograph of every cast member's ears? Sounds like the kind of zaney thing that he'd be up for... and I'm pretty sure I saw a CSI episode where they ID'd someone based on their ear. Aren't they meant to be as unique as fingerprints, or something like that? Lol.
                            The whirly pattern on the outside of it, yes. But that could be anyone's ear right there. Good luck identifying the person based on that.

                            Plus, that could be some random split-second character she's kissing in a military bar because she has commitment issues and only picks up men for one night stands. TPTB are using that small clip now to generate romance buzz for the show and to get people guessing, but when it airs we'll all find out that it actually means nothing.


                              Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                              The whirly pattern on the outside of it, yes. But that could be anyone's ear right there. Good luck identifying the person based on that.

                              Plus, that could be some random split-second character she's kissing in a military bar because she has commitment issues and only picks up men for one night stands. TPTB are using that small clip now to generate romance buzz for the show and to get people guessing, but when it airs we'll all find out that it actually means nothing.
                              This is almost certainly the case, haha.
                              Sig by Pandora's Box

