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How many seasons do you think it will have?

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    Originally posted by DSG1 View Post
    3-5 years is the life span of a TV show on Sci-Fi Channel.

    The only reason why SG1 lasted 10 seasons was because it started on Showtime. Sci-fi canceled it after five seasons, same with SGA. And the same will be with SGU. No matter how good or bad it is. 5 seasons is all you will get. I guarantee it.

    No show that I can think of has lasted more than 5 years on sci-fi channel.
    The X-files


      Originally posted by major davis View Post
      The X-files
      Eh? The X-Files was not a sci-fi channel show.
      There was no sci-fi channel back then.

      I do believe it originally started on Fox.

      If it aired on sci-fi at all those were the repeats.


        Originally posted by DSG1
        I find it amazing that anyone can think this poor excuse of clone will go past 5 seasons lol. You don't know the sci-fi channel very well then.
        I find it amazing you are calling SGU a poor excuse for a clone when haven't even seen the pilot.
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by DSG1 View Post
          Eh? The X-Files was not a sci-fi channel show.
          There was not sci-fi channel back then.

          I do believe it originally started on Fox.

          If it aired on sci-fi at all those were the repeats.
          Oh yeah your right my bad


            Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
            Actually here is the true answer...

            SGU will last until Mr. Brad Wright gets bored, and wants to produce a 4th Stargate series and kick SGU out of the house. Ok just a little sarcasm. But think about it.

            I'm sorry, but the people who think the show will last more than 5 seasons really don't recall SCI FI's antics and their history.

            Remember in reality, SG-1 only lasted 5 seasons on the SCI FI network, even if it was the backend 5 seasons. Farscape and BSG were denied their 5th Season and the producers wanted it. SGA got a 5th, which was a big step in defying the odds.

            SGU has to fight Time-shifting, a much weaker Syndication market, and a tough economy, and among other things.
            Or maybe the coin will land on tails.


              Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
              Actually here is the true answer...

              SGU will last until Mr. Brad Wright gets bored, and wants to produce a 4th Stargate series and kick SGU out of the house. Ok just a little sarcasm. But think about it.

              I'm sorry, but the people who think the show will last more than 5 seasons really don't recall SCI FI's antics and their history.

              Remember in reality, SG-1 only lasted 5 seasons on the SCI FI network, even if it was the backend 5 seasons. Farscape and BSG were denied their 5th Season and the producers wanted it. SGA got a 5th, which was a big step in defying the odds.

              SGU has to fight Time-shifting, a much weaker Syndication market, and a tough economy, and among other things.
              I fully agree with you. Those that think it can last past five years are dead wrong. No matter how good or bad it is. Thats why they shove everything on a Friday night. They don't care about it.

              Like I said, sci-fi channel is too cheap to keep paying for a show for more than five years. They have a few sci-fi shows with a total of 13 episodes a season!!!

              There was no reason to cancel SGA. NONE. Except that it was passing the five year marker and they no longer wanted to pay for it. They push Ghost Hunters because it's dirt cheap.


                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                I find it amazing you are calling SGU a poor excuse for a clone when haven't even seen the pilot.

                I don't need to see the pilot at this point. I know the sci-fi channel's track record. It will be subpar at best. I don't need to see another Voyager. If I wanted to watch Voyager I would invest in the DVDs.

                Well, I'll say it now even before it airs. Don't say I didn't tell you so. You're not getting Stargate. Not the Stargate we know anyway. You wanna settle for second best? Feel free.

                Stargate takes place on a base not a ship even SGA had a base. On a ship it's not stargate but star trek. I don't wanna see lost in space. I wanna see a team go through the gate.

                Oh and I'm not dissing it. I'm dissing sci-fi channel. I sat through 2 hour premiere of Sanctuary and was bored out of my mind. Not because it was bad but because of the way sci-fi cheaply made the show. I'm bracing myself for the same experience with SGU.

                And, it is a clone. A clone of many of the same sci-fi space tv shows ever made. Stargate stood out because it wasn't on a ship but a base.
                Last edited by DSG1; 29 May 2009, 01:18 PM.


                  Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                  Actually here is the true answer...

                  SGU will last until Mr. Brad Wright gets bored, and wants to produce a 4th Stargate series and kick SGU out of the house. Ok just a little sarcasm. But think about it.

                  I'm sorry, but the people who think the show will last more than 5 seasons really don't recall SCI FI's antics and their history.

                  Remember in reality, SG-1 only lasted 5 seasons on the SCI FI network, even if it was the backend 5 seasons. Farscape and BSG were denied their 5th Season and the producers wanted it. SGA got a 5th, which was a big step in defying the odds.

                  SGU has to fight Time-shifting, a much weaker Syndication market, and a tough economy, and among other things.
                  Brian, I do worry about your negativity *huggles*

                  I voted for 5 just because I like odd numbers. *shrugs* We don't know, we don't make the decisions, and we aren't in charge of the economy.


                    I can guarantee that SyFy will cancel SGU after it's fifth season, but if another channel picks up SGU it could go on for at least 3 more seasons.


                      Originally posted by DSG1 View Post
                      I don't need to see the pilot at this point. I know the sci-fi channel's track record. It will be subpar at best. I don't need to see another Voyager. If I wanted to watch Voyager I would invest in the DVDs.
                      Were SG1 and SGA part of that subpar track record as well, in your opinion?

                      Well, I'll say it now even before it airs. Don't say I didn't tell you so. You're not getting Stargate. Not the Stargate we know anyway. You wanna settle for second best? Feel free.
                      LOL, yet another who thinks he knows exactly what the future holds.

                      You don't. You really, really don't.

                      Well, not for sure anyway.

                      I don't need to settle for second best (lol again, Stargate is "the best" now? Really?), particularly when SGU has the potential to be even better, but different.

                      Stargate takes place on a base not a ship even SGA had a base. On a ship it's not stargate but star trek. I don't wanna see lost in space. I wanna see a team go through the gate.
                      Atlantis was a ship...

                      And you seem to be behind the times; they will go through the gate; they will have to in order to survive; their "base", the massive Destiny, will just be moving all the time instead of staying put inside a mountain or on the surface of an ocean.

                      What's even more hilarious about your argument is that, while SG1 and SGA actually had Star Trek-like ships (i.e. the Daedalus class ships), SGU won't have that since they're waaaaaaay out on the other side of the Universe, where the Daedalus class ships can't reach.


                        Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                        What's even more hilarious about your argument is that, while SG1 and SGA actually had Star Trek-like ships (i.e. the Daedalus class ships), SGU won't have that since they're waaaaaaay out on the other side of the Universe, where the Daedalus class ships can't reach.
                        And what's hilarious about yours is that you're telling DSG1 that he can't know that for sure, while you're doing exactly the same right here. You don't know that - for all we know there will be ships except they won't be Daedalus class.
                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          Haha, yes, that's true.

                          I'll take that back then. Though I do think there will be ships, but they'll be alien ships; but then, both SG1 and SGA had those.


                            Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                            Haha, yes, that's true.

                            ...but they'll be alien ships; but then, both SG1 and SGA had those.
                            SGA was a ship all on its own, just like the Destiny will be.
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Originally posted by DSG1 View Post
                              And, it is a clone. A clone of many of the same sci-fi space tv shows ever made. Stargate stood out because it wasn't on a ship but a base.
                              If you haven't noticed, every single "modern day" science fiction series isn't original or as how you describe it, "a clone."

                              Shows will tend to borrow elements from other shows, but the great part is that they can develop those elements in the new series and set it off into another, never before seen, and exciting direction.

                              Anyways, I have read the last two pages, which have consisted of some negative comments. While everyone is entitled to their opinions, I think stating that anyone who has an "optimistic" view on the series life are dead wrong. That is their belief just like you believe it won't last past [X amount] season. This thread is based on opinions, not using 'the magical crystal ball' saying otherwise as if it is set in stone as a fact that you are absolutely right. (This is in general, not to a specific person.)

                              And with all due respect to DSG1, I believe if Brad Wright and the other TPTB held out and believed in another season of SGA, SciFi may have gone through with it. Both parties mutually agreed to not renew SGA because BW and RCC wanted to do something new and different, hence SGU. I believe the show had a contract for 6 years? I have no source for that, but I remember reading that somewhere so I can't back that claim. (So don't rip that to shreds...) They didn't want to do the same thing they have done for 12 plus years. Can you really blame them? As creative people, they wanted to challenge themselves to do something different.

                              Of course I would have loved to have SGA more seasons, but that is the case.

                              And when I hear the comments, "Well, SG-1 lasted 10 seasons and SGA lasted 5 seasons, so SGU will last 2.5 rounded up to 3." That is ludicrous. It will last based on its ratings among other things. Not that magical so-called rule. But maybe...just maybe...that magical coin could be involved to determine a series revival!

                              Like I said, I am staying with 5 seasons minimum. Personally, I see great promise in this show from what I have seen so far. For all I know, I could hate the show after the pilot and since I haven't seen it, I have no clue what I will think till then. But I am going into this show optimistic and I have liked what I have heard and seen, so here's hoping. Potentially, it could be 7 if done right.

                              There are no regrets. Thank you Brad Wright and everyone else for SGU,
                              and the amazing Stargate franchise in general.


                                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                                I find it amazing you are calling SGU a poor excuse for a clone when haven't even seen the pilot.
                                While I agree its too early to say it'll suck for sure, On the other hand I don't see why people are getting so excited over this. A lot of Stargate fans felt screwed over when SG-1 got canceled to make movies, even more did when they canceled Atlantis for the same reason and to make Universe(I'm in this group). Putting that and the fact that they said the show is going to be very different, as Shanks put it "not your father's Stargate" its totally understandable as to why people would be pessimistic.

