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Stargate Universe - Casting Call

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    Originally posted by Reiko View Post
    She probably is going to start off very whiny before she finally performs an act of heroism. I'm starting to envision her to be similar to Jack's daughter on the first seasons of 24. Which is not really a good thing.
    lol. Maybe they will run across an alien cougar, and this time the cougar gets to be the hero and eat CC. I'd cross my fingers but that would be pointless as this will probably be tptb's favorite character.
    IMO always implied.


      What does "sptv050769" mean? It says it on the casting thing, clearly an abbreviation for some requirements for the role... Is that 100% "industry" related, or will it tip us off on what type of actor we can expect?
      "Most of our John Sheppard impressions sound more like a demented Jimmy Stewart than Joe Flanigan."
      ~David Hewlett


        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
        What other conclusion would you expect fans to jump to. How can party girl, psyco, slacker, hot and sexy infuse any sort of conclusion other than cliched and shallow. If the ptb want us to believe that these characters have any semblance of maturity then maybe bios with less of the above discriptions would have been better.
        Besides the awful discriptions of said characters it does not change the fact that all but one are aged between 20-25. Maybe you are in that age group or find something you can relate to, but I am not, and would rather watch repeats of SG1 or SGA than subject myself to twenty something angst. Bottom line there is nothing whatsoever that appeals to me in SGU. I know what I like. I like scifi with some maturity and irrespective of what JM said on his blog.. a cast of 20/25 year olds do not conjure up the word "mature" for me.

        So it's not a matter of wait and see for me. I know what I like and what interests me and if I want to see dysfunctional kids on TV there are about another 100 hundred chanels I can tune into. I don't follow the franchise.. I only followed SGA..because even from the bios it appealed to me. I won't watch something because it has Stargate in it and if the TPB want to take the franchise down this route then that's up to them, but I won't be along for the ride. I hope all the younger audience enjoy what they will be dishing out but I'll stick to watching my SGA DVD's because that show and it's characters were the reason I became a Stargate fan.
        Good points.
        It is hard to imagine a show that is cerebral and mature when the cast consists of a party girl, a psyco, a slacker, and hot and sexy.

        I am not going to watch SGU simply because it is something Stargate.
        I will watch SGU if the plot, premise, characters etc interest me.

        Unfortunately everything that has come out about SGU has made me not want to watch it.
        It is not just the character descriptions or their ages, but the whole package that has been presented so far. When SGU was first announced they said,

        “The new series will also be aimed at a slightly younger audience”, SCI FI president Dave Howe said.

        "This is an opportunity to reinvent this franchise and make it relevant to a new generation," he said. "We really don't want to be more of the same. It's going to build clearly off the existing franchise but with a cast that gives it a younger vibe."

        "In Universe, we plan to keep those elements that have made the franchise a success, such as adventure and humor, while breaking new ground in the relationships between mostly young and desperate explorers, thrust together and far from home," series co-creators Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper said.

        The phrases, “reinvent the franchise,” “a cast that gives it a younger vibe,” and “young and desperate” caused me some concern.

        Then Howe made comments such as

        "What we endeavor to do each time is to introduce the franchise to a new audience, make it a bit more contemporary, more relatable," Howe told Multichannel News this week. "The ambition with Universe is to skew it younger than the previous two chapters and fill it with a fresh-faced cast; and a storytelling that is more for the late 2000s than it is for the 1990s."

        These descriptions really concerned me and I began to fear that the worst may come true, that SGU was going to be a younger, 20 something-like angst fest, more soap opera like etc. show.

        Then the casting call character descriptions came out and they just seemed to confirm every fear. I see nothing that will change drastically in these character descriptions as they correspond to everything that TPTB have said so far about SGU.

        It is not just the character descriptions but the direction the show seems to be going as a whole that does not appeal to me. And I have no desire to watch a show if it does not appeal to me,
        Last edited by EdenSG; 19 September 2008, 08:49 PM.


          how can I audition for this?



            Originally posted by Hamsterfaceman View Post
            how can I audition for this?

            First you get on the books of an agent...



              Originally posted by Hamsterfaceman View Post
              how can I audition for this?

              You can't just call up Bridge studios and ask to be auditioned. You do need an agent. Then the agent needs to see you as a viable face that would fit the character description. If you don't fit any of the characters being suggested, you won't stand a chance. But good luck with that.
              Visit me on


                Humm...interesting. I think I'll judge it when I see it.

                I do think its great that the Stargate series has become so popular. I'm glad they have the opertunity to create such great series like SG1 SGA. So, I'm sure it will be great, if not, theh whatever.
                ~I am Replicator Jade and was built by Replicator Sam~


                  Just an FYI for everyone: If you hate the way SGU is being designed, now is the time to speak up. When the show has been aired, the people in power will defend their decisions like they did with Star Gate and Atlantis. If you want the show retooled, now is the time to speak up. Heck, write a letter to Brad Wright and Robert Cooper at Bridge studios to protest. Written letters carry much more weight than any other communication medium because they take more effort.

                  Write to:

                  Mr. Brad Wright, Executive Producer
                  Mr. Robert Cooper, Executive Producer
                  STARGATE SG:1
                  c/o THE BRIDGE STUDIOS
                  2400 BOUNDARY ROAD
                  BURNABY, BC
                  V5M 3Z3

                  If you insist on email, use:
                  [email protected]
                  Last edited by Arctic Goddess; 20 September 2008, 12:15 AM.
                  Visit me on


                    While I don't deny that writing protest letters etc is your right, what exactly are you protesting *at*?

                    They're making a TV show that you strongly suspect you will not like. Doesn't that sort of thing happen all the time?

                    Also, (genuine question, not rhetorical) what do you think/hope it will achieve?



                      Does anyone know where the official casting call is? I would like to audition


                        Originally posted by DeRoest View Post
                        Does anyone know where the official casting call is? I would like to audition
                        It's probably going to be more productive if you ask your Agent, rather than random strangers on a fan forum



                          Originally posted by Madeleine_W View Post
                          While I don't deny that writing protest letters etc is your right, what exactly are you protesting *at*?

                          They're making a TV show that you strongly suspect you will not like. Doesn't that sort of thing happen all the time?

                          Also, (genuine question, not rhetorical) what do you think/hope it will achieve?
                          I don't know... maybe just express our frustrations with the development so far. I guess the best thing that we can achieve is, that they smooth the whole thing and make some 25-30 out of the 20-25 year olds or rethink some characters.
                          The cake is a lie!


                            Originally posted by Madeleine_W View Post
                            While I don't deny that writing protest letters etc is your right, what exactly are you protesting *at*?

                            They're making a TV show that you strongly suspect you will not like. Doesn't that sort of thing happen all the time?

                            Also, (genuine question, not rhetorical) what do you think/hope it will achieve?
                            Hi Madeleine_W:

                            As I've said before, it's about trying to make a difference BEFORE the series is set in stone. At this point, it's an easy matter for them to take another look at the show and decide if this is really the way they want to go. We all know from past experience that railing at a show we don't like when it is on the air is like spitting in the wind. TPTB will defend their decisions and stick in their heels telling us that they know best. If we yell loud enough now, they may actually hear us. That is why I am arguing that we need to tell them explicitly why we hate this current idea.
                            Visit me on


                              20, all ethnicities. Marine. Big, strong, silent. You want him on your side. You don't want him mad at you. Lacks control over his temper in non combat situations. His past is a mystery but it's clear something dark formed the hard shell around him. Yet, there must also be some moral center because otherwise he'd kill everyone around him.
                              Awesome. The guy from Cysis Warhead is gonna be in it

                              Hopefully he brings his nanosuit and goes around pwning noobs cloak to strength combo ie sneaking up on them, then swapping to strength mode and throwing them into a building and knocking it down


                                Originally posted by Madeleine_W View Post
                                It's probably going to be more productive if you ask your Agent, rather than random strangers on a fan forum
                                Jeez! Why didn't I think of that!! **Runs to call agent**

                                ...this is Jude Law, btw

