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Stargate Universe - Casting Call

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    I will enjoy Stargate Universe more if at least Jack O'neall or John Sheppard will a regular membeu in SGU cast


      Paul McGillion wasn't referring specifically to the return of his character


        Originally posted by Naonak View Post
        What's unbelievable about them? That they aren't the "best of the best" and all that? That kind of assumes that these characters are the people that the IOA/SGC selects for an Atlantis-style expedition, but based on these descriptions they probably aren't, and it seems much more likely that they're accidentally and unwittiingly thrown into something that they're not prepared for, which to me is a very interesting prospect.

        Hmm, that was a long sentence...
        Well, how do you expect that one experienced colonel and five other inexperienced young adults wind up being a team? I'm not so much against the age or lack of SG experience as the lack of normal life experience. No one except the colonel is above 25. that's a problem. Is 26-30 too old? At least one other person needs to be older than 25. By the way, is it normal for a Captain to be between 20 and 25? I'm just wondering. The fact is that most probably don't have adequate military experience period. It really does mirror Infinity. And if they really wanted a younger cast, why make the lead an Oneill clone? Why not a Major?
        Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

        ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
        encounter on the strange journey.


        2 Cor. 10:3-5
        3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
        4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
        5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


          I just don't understand why - if TPTB want this new show aimed at the very young that doesn't focus on everything the fans love about Stargate (and they've said quite clearly they don't care about the existing fans, just the new ones they're expecting to attract) - they don't just create an entirely new show


            I agree. I don't know why everyone has to be a cover model or a pretty boy. I always liked the lady who played Dr. Novak in some episodes of SG-1 and Atlantis. She didn't have the kind of looks that are being desribed for these new characters, but I thought she was absolutely adorable.

            There are quite a few people like that.

            I agree that they should not put a Stargate at the end of a fashion show runway and send a bunch of those people to the far ends of the universe.
            Last edited by JThunder101; 20 September 2008, 01:26 PM.


              I know this might seem like a cheap rip off of "The Doctor" from Voyager, but the Destiny could have an AI program that appears to the team as a hologram and that could be the alien/outsider character. It could be the Ancient that created the ship and like an Ancient did in Atlantis, an assended being could really be behind the image.

              Also, think about it. This ship is flying through an unknown part of the universe for millions of years. It is bound to attract some unwanted attention with species trying to board it or destroy it. Something has to be in place to control the ship's defenses, handle regular maintenance and so on.

              When the humans board, one or more can have the Ancient gene that an AI would recognize and not decide to blast them.

              Of course the problem would be if an AI is so intelligent, why wouldn't it be able to turn the ship around?
              Last edited by JThunder101; 20 September 2008, 02:02 PM.


                Originally posted by JThunder101 View Post
                ...Colonel Everett Young ... A lot has been made about his being too much like Jack O’Neill. ...
                I Really liked the O'Neill character as played by RDA.

                There was an SG1 episode where O'Neill gets turned into a kid due to errant experimentation by a rogue Asgard. (forget which ep offhand)

                Anyway, the young actor did a stunning impersonation of a young version of O'Neill/RDA.

                Even looks a lot like him if one were to compare to how RDA looked in McGuiver (when he was young.)

                I really miss O'Neill as a regular, even though Vala fills the gap somewhat. Aging is a problem because it affects both the characters and the actors. I realize that RDA couldn't go on indefinately as he was.

                I think a young RDA would be so cool. Well, one can wish can't they?
                "Thank God it hit the Reading Library, or somebody might have been seriously hurt!"


                  Originally posted by Madeleine_W View Post
                  Why, though? Shows you don't like must exist all over the place, and I'm sure you didn't protest their start-up ideas so as to change them.

                  Why try to change SGU?

                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  I'm not saying folks can't express themselves, heck, you certainly see me expressing my opinion. My point all you want, but i hope no one seriously and honestly expects Bridge/MGM/Scifi to change things just cause a couple hundred fans on one forum want changes made.

                  We ain't that important.

                  and, unless we have Neilson boxes in our houses, we literally don't count and don't matter. Ultimately, they will make the decisions that they think will work and they will 'live or die' by how right those decisions were.
                  A reminder that I am operating from what I believe to be credible inside information. That information being that Brad Wright and Robert Cooper are testing the waters to see if their current idea will fly. That is why I am being so vocal about asking people to contact them.
                  Visit me on


                    The young O'Neill was from "Fragile Balance."

                    I think that could be an interesting character to include. He would have all this experience, yet be somewhat different. Although he thinks he knows it all, new things pop up to test him.

                    Very interesting.


                      Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                      Bringing back an established character is one thing, changing the entire direction of an unaired show is quite another.
                      They... they actually have a plan?

                      Surely it would be easier to change something which hasn't happened yet than change something which has?
                      Easier as in much less laughable in canon result.
                      Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
                      A reminder that I am operating from what I believe to be credible inside information. That information being that Brad Wright and Robert Cooper are testing the waters to see if their current idea will fly. That is why I am being so vocal about asking people to contact them.
                      Well, that's not worrying at all....

                      On the one hand it's great we may be able to avoid Voyager 90210, but on the other, haven't they been planning this show for years?
                      If they haven't got their ideas worked out by now I'm certain we'll be seeing Surprise!Replicators before the end of the first season.
                      Last edited by smurf; 20 September 2008, 02:03 PM. Reason: too many words


                        Originally posted by Naonak View Post
                        What's unbelievable about them? That they aren't the "best of the best" and all that? That kind of assumes that these characters are the people that the IOA/SGC selects for an Atlantis-style expedition, but based on these descriptions they probably aren't, and it seems much more likely that they're accidentally and unwittiingly thrown into something that they're not prepared for, which to me is a very interesting prospect.
                        I find it an interesting prospect too, that these people may not have chosen to go on this adventure on the Destiny, but were somehow accidentally thrown into it. I think this is a pretty likely premise for the show since Col.Young seems to be close to retirement and appears to leave his wife behind without an apparent way to get back to her.

                        My guess for how they get to the Destiny is that perhaps there's some catastrophe at Young's base where Tamara, Hitchcock, Nash, and Stasiak all work, and where I guess Carpenter and her Senator father are visiting. They have to evacuate through the Stargate, but the 9th chevron has accidentally been activated and they all get sent to the Destiny.

                        I think a sort of rag-tag team would make an interesting change from the SG units we've seen so far. Not that I don't like the previous Stargate teams, but I think it would give them a different team dynamic that we haven't really seen before.



                          Originally posted by Tal View Post
                          I've recently heard a number of Stargate cast members state that what the fans say really does make a difference (I heard Paul McGillion & Chris Judge say this in person). They both very strongly emphasised the fact, and the cancellation of Atlantis had not happened when they said it. They both told us we need to speak out when we think something isn't right.

                          Now, if two of the main cast members (I think there was another recently but I don't remember who/where/when) of the franchise say it's worth voicing our opinions then yes absolutely it IS worth voicing our opinions! If they say it makes a difference then yes, we SHOULD!

                          Also, I think it's really important to point out that what we're talking about here is not just a random show - this is the future of the entire Stargate franchise. When Universe flops do you think they're going to revive Atlantis or SG1 or try for another new series? Not a chance...and that will leave us with MAYBE two new movies in 2009 - but if Universe flops, you can bet they'll be the last of those too.

                          So I say if you have concerns, voice them! Don't put it off, don't sit back and leave it up to everyone else to do - it may take a little effort and time to sit down and write an intelligent letter (without getting abusive or rude) but it CAN make a difference - it really can. It's worth putting in that effort. If you're sitting reading this and you haven't written yet yourself, go do it, and then encourage everyone else you know is upset about the Atlantis cancellation or the direction of Universe to do so as well.
                          I agree 100%. Be vocal. Make noise. Tell BW and RC that we want a better concept than this. The ship is fine. Just fill it with more sensibly chosen characters. And for heaven's sake, remember who the Stargate Demographic is. We are not barely post pubescent twenty somethings. Most of us are somewhat older and deserve a decent show.

                          Write to:

                          Mr. Brad Wright, Executive Producer
                          Mr. Robert Cooper, Executive Producer
                          STARGATE SG:1
                          c/o THE BRIDGE STUDIOS
                          2400 BOUNDARY ROAD
                          BURNABY, BC
                          V5M 3Z3

                          If you want to email them, use:
                          [email protected]
                          Visit me on


                            Originally posted by Ltcolshepjumper View Post
                            Well, how do you expect that one experienced colonel and five other inexperienced young adults wind up being a team?
                            I can't really come up with anything more detailed than "somebody screws up" or "accident". But considering that they've been planning this for a while, I trust BW and RCC to have something that makes sense.

                            That's right, people, I trust TPTB. So sue me.
                            I'm not so much against the age or lack of SG experience as the lack of normal life experience. No one except the colonel is above 25. that's a problem. Is 26-30 too old? At least one other person needs to be older than 25.
                            I kind of agree with that last bit.

                            But, hey, Teyla was meant to be that age, too, but they thought RL fit the character and cast someone older. While the early 20s thing is quite important and specific for some of SGU's characters - Nash and Chloe in particular - I think that it's less important for say, Eli, and they could cast someone a bit older if the right person comes along.
                            By the way, is it normal for a Captain to be between 20 and 25? I'm just wondering.
                            Eh, probably not. I don't really know about it. Maybe it works differently for medics?

                            Originally posted by Tal View Post
                            I just don't understand why - if TPTB want this new show aimed at the very young that doesn't focus on everything the fans love about Stargate (and they've said quite clearly they don't care about the existing fans, just the new ones they're expecting to attract) - they don't just create an entirely new show
                            Oh, they have not...!


                              Originally posted by smurf View Post
                              They... they actually have a plan?
                              For a given value of "plan" yes.

                              Surely it would be easier to change something which hasn't happened yet than change something which has?
                              Easier as in much less laughable in canon result.
                              Never underestimate TPTB's ability to make ANYTHING laughable. But I also think that Brad & Co. are likely to be pretty stubborn about SGU, especially since they know more about it than we do. Which isn't to say that some suspicions aren't wrong, but that from TPTB's perspective I'm sure they think that they're right and we're just a bunch of shrill and ill-informed lemmings joining the mob to scream blue murder while lacking any true insight into the reality of the situation.


                                Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
                                ....And for heaven's sake, remember who the Stargate Demographic is. We are not barely post pubescent twenty somethings. Most of us are somewhat older and deserve a decent show.
                                From what I've been reading, some of us (not me) ARE .... but they STILL don't like the sound of what's being proposed

