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Why will or won't u watch SGU??

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    Yes: 31
    No: 6

    I'll give it a try. I'm curious about the premise; it sounds like it could be interesting and fun. While I'm sad about Atlantis, there's nothing I can do about it, so why not leave myself open to being pleasantly surprised. If it's lame, I'll stop watching.


      Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
      I agree with Peg, I have found your posts on this thread incredibly rude and narrow minded.
      As I already said, everyone is entitle to their own opinion, and i am in no way trying to restrict what people say. I just don't want to hear some lame excuse because the jumped on the "uncancel atlantis" bandwagon. If you have a valid opinion i respect that and would like to hear it, which is why i started this thread.


        i'll watch it, i am sceptical about having such a young cast, so long as they arent written as whiny brats, i think it could be a good show. it has potential, but also has the potential to be a disaster. but im certainly going to give it a chance.

        yes. 32
        no. 6
        "There's nothing to be gained by second-guessing yourself. You can't remake the past. So look ahead… or risk being left behind"

        Woolsey: That sounded like another explosion.
        O'Neill: Yes. Yes it did.
        Woolsey: What does that mean?
        O'Neill: Something exploded...



          Nope. I will never watch SGU. I have sworn myself to Stargate Atlantis. I am not a druggie, I will not watch just any show that contains the word "Gate" in it. No way.

          MGM & Scifi have betrayed us SGA fans. They think they can just replace our show with whatever they want and it'll be okay. Well it's not okay. SGU sounds like Voyager, and is a teen drama in space more or less. Atlantis movies won't cut it for me. Not at all. I want my six season and beyond, not SGU.

          Nothing you can say will change my mind, and that's not being stubborn, that's being loyal.


            No, that's being stubborn. Boycotting SGU does nothing to help Atlantis, in fact if anything it does the opposite.


              I won't be watching. Why? Take your pick:

              1) Same old writers, same old stories
              2) Unpromising premise
              3) recycled characters
              4) threat of crossovers
              5) law of diminishing returns (SG-1 went bad in S7, SGA went bad in S3, SGU will be lucky to get a whole season before turning to crap*)

              yes: 32
              no: 8

              *IMO, of course


                It's not aimed at my demographic. I'm over 40.

                I have very little spare time to watch television, so I pick only the shows that interest me. That's about 2 hours a week of tv.

                Will I watch it.

                No. I have no time for crap.

                Yes: 32

                No: 9
                Visit me on


                  Are any Sci Fi shows aimed at people over 40?


                    Changed my mind.

                    Yes: 32
                    No: 10


                      Yes: 32
                      No: 10

                      I'm putting myself down tentatively for watching it. However, if something more doesn't catch my interest about it soon I'll probably forget all about it. It's nothing I'm terribly psyched to see, but I'll watch it if I got the time and remember to do so.

                      Don't really have many feelings about the show either way these days.
                      "Prepare to meet your DOOM."

                      "It's not about making money, it's about taking money. Destroying the status quo, because the status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to...rule it."



                        Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                        I won't be watching. Why? Take your pick:

                        1) Same old writers, same old stories
                        2) Unpromising premise
                        3) recycled characters
                        4) threat of crossovers
                        5) law of diminishing returns (SG-1 went bad in S7, SGA went bad in S3, SGU will be lucky to get a whole season before turning to crap*)

                        yes: 32
                        no: 8
                        u realize almost all those apply to SGA??


                          Absolutely! Can't wait.

                          Yes: 33
                          No: 10
                          By *E*K*R*


                            Originally posted by quade_1 View Post
                            u realize almost all those apply to SGA??
                            Um...I'm not entirely sure but I think that IS where Shadow is coming from.

                            If SGA was crap, why should SGU be any different?
                            "Prepare to meet your DOOM."

                            "It's not about making money, it's about taking money. Destroying the status quo, because the status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to...rule it."



                              Originally posted by quade_1 View Post
                              u realize almost all those apply to SGA??
                              Which is why I stopped watching it shortly after S3 started. Remember my "law of diminishing returns" point? It was #5 if you lost count. That's what I meant. And if SGA soured in half the time SG-1 did then SGU will likely sour even faster, so why bother? Especially given points 1-4?


                                Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                                Which is why I stopped watching it shortly after S3 started. Remember my "law of diminishing returns" point? It was #5 if you lost count. That's what I meant. And if SGA soured in half the time SG-1 did then SGU will likely sour even faster, so why bother? Especially given points 1-4?
                                ya i saw that one, thats why i said most apply. Season 2&3 did put a damper on the show. Season 4 was ok, but season 5 thusfar has been very good, even in comparison with SG-1. But alas the damage is done, it is a shame to see it go when they finally started getting things right. Which is why I think they have learned from their mistakes and SGU will be worth watching.

