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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Beaudacious writes: “Hey Joe… Any chance we’ll get any detail’s on Destiny. Like size , number of weapons.A technical schematic? Just a curious tech-head.”

    Answer: We’ll be filling in the details as the series progresses, but nothing in the way of publishing a manual or online reference guide. Which really wouldn’t be a bad idea. So long as I didn’t have to do it.

    PG15 writes: “1. Ok, so you told us that, when your season finale got expanded to 2 episodes, the concept for episode 17 was scrapped to make room for it. Will that episode 17 show up in Season 2 now?

    2. Since you guys have the finale figured out, will you guys start planning how to get there from here on out? I.e. plan a series-long arc? Or will you guys keep the middle of the show fairly blank so you can fill it up with spur-of-the-moment inspirations?”

    Answers: 1. Yes. A drastically modified form of the story will figure into the first half of season two.

    2. Let’s just say we know where we’re going and leave it at that.


      I'm spoiler free...and I still say its predictable.


        I'm spoiler free too, and I'd say it's hit and miss so far. I didn't see the way Time was gonna play out until near the very end, and I didn't expect Spencer to blow his brains out either, but at no point through Justice did I suspect anyone else but Rush, having said that, I was still surprised when Young abandoned him.


          Originally posted by KEK View Post
          I'm spoiler free too, and I'd say it's hit and miss so far. I didn't see the way Time was gonna play out until near the very end, and I didn't expect Spencer to blow his brains out either, but at no point through Justice did I suspect anyone else but Rush, having said that, I was still surprised when Young abandoned him.
          Agreed. I was pleasantly surprised. Even though I may not agree with all the things going on, I love to be surprised by them.
          Scott's flashback with the stones was a surprise also, and in "Time" I really thought it was all real, until they flashed back to the ship. what a great surprise, never would have figured that one, oh and I must say for an instant I thought they really got rid of Chloe, that was a bit of a disappointment to find out they hadn't.
          Telford getting punched out got a nice hooray from me. The Young Telford stone glitch was a cool surprise also.
          Many many unspoiled moments
          no means no, and so does pepper spray
          Sig by The Carpenter


            I find it refreshing that SGU is less predictable to me than... well I'd better not get into that argument again.
            Incidentally, I recently suggested to the mods that the "What's your opinion" thread be written off as a lost cause and locked. That's probably what prompted them to sticky it. I was just thinking that we really need yet another sticky thread.
            No, I wasn't.
            "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
            Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
            Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
            Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
            Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


              Originally posted by Eternal Density View Post
              I find it refreshing that SGU is less predictable to me than... well I'd better not get into that argument again.
              Incidentally, I recently suggested to the mods that the "What's your opinion" thread be written off as a lost cause and locked. That's probably what prompted them to sticky it. I was just thinking that we really need yet another sticky thread.
              No, I wasn't.
              If I cared to lose this account, I'd love to go have a troll all over the Opinion Now thread into oblivion, but I fear it will just come back again and again and again and again...
              ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

              ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                I find it nicely surprising at times.The endings of "Time" and particularly "Justice" have been vigorously debated here.

                You can't say that that of some of the other scifi shows that wrap it up in 45 minutes in generally a logical and altruistic way.
                SGU fangirl


                  Originally posted by mere earthling View Post
                  I find it nicely surprising at times.The endings of "Time" and particularly "Justice" have been vigorously debated here.

                  You can't say that that of some of the other scifi shows that wrap it up in 45 minutes in generally a logical and altruistic way.
                  If you ask me it has more to do with ax grinding than anything else.

                  Being modded is fun!
                  By Nolamom


                    Latest SGU-related info from the latest post at Joe M.'s blog:

                    Joebags writes: “Are we every going to discover why certain planets were selected for gates? Why there are no DHD’s? How are these gates supposed to work and interact with each other? What is Destiny’s purpose? Make sure the gates work? Why? For whom? Destiny is huge, so what was its crew like? What happened to them?”

                    Answers: Planets were selected on the basis of their ability to sustain life. No DHD’s because the Ancients planned to use remote DHD’s instead. Destiny’s purpose was to explore the planets seeded by the advance seeder ships. Destiny never had a crew. The Ancients ascended before they could board it.

                    Eric.Stewart writes: “Between the very long Camille reunion who goes see her parents for 3 sec 1/2, Scott’s ex-girlfriend who’s a go-go dancer, the very unoriginal gun planted in an air vent, 1 fake fight with Telford, 1 embarrassing one with Rush…”

                    Answer: Camille saw her parents for all of 3.5 seconds because, as hinted, she is estranged from them. Also, she didn’t reveal who she was, instead posing as a friend to relay some information. Scott’s ex-girlfriend is a stripper, not a go-go dancer. I know a couple of go-go dancers who’d have your head for that. The “unoriginal gun planted in the air vent” was intended to be discovered – thus the less-than-genius hiding place. As for the fight scenes – well, they were both fake. This is t.v. after all. Less choreographed to be sure, but certainly more realistic than we’ve done in the past.

                    Lex Brown writes: “Also can destiny self repair itself like asgard ships can asuming that they fly into another sun and power up some more and start auto repairs.”

                    Answer: I’d say that is a pretty fair assumption.

                    Kevin writes: “The Destiny crew is trying desperately to figure out how to access the main computer. [...] But seriously…why couldn’t they just look it up?”

                    Answer: Alas, if it was that simple, they would have done it already.

                    Desti(N/A)tio(N/A)lly writes: “Is every actor that plays a person aboard Destiny accounted for such as in the scenes where they show the group of people meeting in the gate room, or do they bring in different actors for each group scene?”

                    Answer: We try to maintain consistency with our background players in particular, coordinating with our extras casting director and keeping a tally of all speaking characters introduced to date.
                    A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


                      Originally posted by Jper View Post
                      Thanks Jper


                        Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
                        Thanks Jper
                        Sure, you're welcome. It was up rather soon today, so I could catch it soon today instead of being asleep at the usual posting time.

                        So what do you think? What will these repair systems be? Will there be a repair drone? Replicator-like? I'm curious. I was trying to find the posts/thread about the repair system of the Destiny, but I guess I lost it somewhere, 'cause I can't find it. I'm really curious to know more about this repair system.
                        A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


                          Originally posted by Jper View Post
                          Sure, you're welcome. It was up rather soon today, so I could catch it soon today instead of being asleep at the usual posting time.

                          So what do you think? What will these repair systems be? Will there be a repair drone? Replicator-like? I'm curious. I was trying to find the posts/thread about the repair system of the Destiny, but I guess I lost it somewhere, 'cause I can't find it. I'm really curious to know more about this repair system.
                          It could be borg like with nano bots.


                            Rip-off! Rip-off! Rip-off! It's XXXXXX all over again! Boo TPTB... They suck etc. etc. etc.

                            A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


                              Originally posted by Jper View Post
                              Rip-off! Rip-off! Rip-off! It's XXXXXX all over again! Boo TPTB... They suck etc. etc. etc.



                                so i was reading jm's blog and noticed this: (talking xmas and such)
                                Should be an interesting Christmas and, by interesting, I do not mean “interesting” as in “discover a crashed alien ship” interesting but more “being discovered by aliens while nosing around their crashed alien ship” interesting.
                                i might be reading into this a bit much, but it seems an all to subtle hint as what's to come.

                                or, i'm just crazy.
                                Be irrational, eat Pi.

