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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
    You were talking about Zuko/Kytara, weren't you.
    I was a snarky ******* during the shipping wars too, but this current topic is a little more serious.

    It's about race.


      Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
      We are? Really?

      Like for serious?
      Its more of a reading between the lines type thing but yes. The mods come in say the same thing about us not being there and close the thread.
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        Originally posted by PG15 View Post
        I was a snarky ******* during the shipping wars too, but this current topic is a little more serious.

        It's about race.

        Aang and the movies I take it?




            Yo dudes and dudettes, we have info by ways of Robert Carlyle:

            “What we know so far is that he’s been married, but his wife is dead,” Carlyle told The Official Stargate SG-1/Atlantis Magazine. “The fact that he was married is the only thing that actually roots him in reality, because he ‘lives’ in a different type of reality, one, I believe, in his own mind. Rush is by far the biggest expert on Ancient technology, and when his wife dies and he gets the chance to go on this exploration of the universe, he jumps at it because there’s nothing left for him [on Earth].”
            More here:

            I wrote in a post a while back that I wanted someone who likes being out there, away from the troubles of home and also getting the chance to explore the Universe, to counterbalance the others in the character line-up, so I'm KINDA VERY HAPPY RIGHT NOW.


              In a was, SGU is a longer and different version of SGA season 1 is a way
              SG-1 members
              Atlantis Team members


                In a way, SGU is a longer and different version of SGA season 1 in a way
                SG-1 members
                Atlantis Team members


                  SciFiNow Exclusive: Stargate Universe has a “gritty reality”

                  SciFiNow recently spoke to Stargate Universe producer John G Lenic about the show, its tone, and what we can expect from the first handful of episodes, leading him to tell us that the show has a directorial style much like a reality television show.



                    Originally posted by Madwelshboy View Post
                    SciFiNow Exclusive: Stargate Universe has a “gritty reality”

                    SciFiNow recently spoke to Stargate Universe producer John G Lenic about the show, its tone, and what we can expect from the first handful of episodes, leading him to tell us that the show has a directorial style much like a reality television show.

                    mgm states: 'A band of soldiers, scientists and civilians are forced through a stargate when their hidden base comes under attack. The desperate survivors emerge aboard an ancient ship, The Destiny, which is locked on an unknown course and unable to return to Earth. Faced with meeting the most basic needs of food, water and air, the group must unlock the secrets of the ship's stargate to survive. The danger, adventure and hope they find on board Destiny will reveal the heroes and villains among them.

                    Stargate Universe will debut as a two-hour movie event on Syfy and will be distributed by MGM Worldwide Television Distribution. Brad Wright and Robert Cooper, of Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, will serve as executive producers and writers on the new series.'
                    SG-1 members
                    Atlantis Team members


                      Originally posted by pjp View Post
                      In a way, SGU is a longer and different version of SGA season 1 in a way
                      Of course. SGU is SGA done right (with major changes of course). Cut off from Earth, major character development, ensemble cast, set on an old Ancient ship (Atlantis, Destiny)...
                      Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                      ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                      encounter on the strange journey.


                      2 Cor. 10:3-5
                      3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                      4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                      5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


                        Originally posted by Ltcolshepjumper View Post
                        Of course. SGU is SGA done right (with major changes of course). Cut off from Earth, major character development, ensemble cast, set on an old Ancient ship (Atlantis, Destiny)...
                        what do you mean... they're just different
                        SG-1 members
                        Atlantis Team members


                          Originally posted by Ltcolshepjumper View Post
                          Of course. SGU is SGA done right (with major changes of course). Cut off from Earth, major character development, ensemble cast, set on an old Ancient ship (Atlantis, Destiny)...
                          Until TPTB get tired of all the greatness and decide to go back to formulaic episodes, shallow characters, permanent SG-1 crossovers, medieval villages, English-speaking "aliens" and 2d baddies


                            Originally posted by sblade View Post
                            Until TPTB get tired of all the greatness and decide to go back to formulaic episodes, shallow characters, permanent SG-1 crossovers, medieval villages, English-speaking "aliens" and 2d baddies
                            thats almost garranteed to happen
                            SG-1 members
                            Atlantis Team members


                              How spoilery is Rush's past, etc? Is it gonna ruin everything when we learn of his character later on?

                              There are no regrets. Thank you Brad Wright and everyone else for SGU,
                              and the amazing Stargate franchise in general.


                                Originally posted by :Orion Coran: View Post
                                How spoilery is Rush's past, etc? Is it gonna ruin everything when we learn of his character later on?
                       his past isn't that spoilery. It's probably nothing too surprising, but this is obviously a subjective thing. Knowing it will not help you in the slightest, so if you would rather not then I wouldn't worry about it.

                                However, there's a spoiler in the second part of the article that you may not want to know. Again, it's very minor but gives away a plot point for a later episode.
                                Sig by Pandora's Box

