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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    HEHEHE, real flowers!! You're funny person! :-)


      Shawna writes: “Now that I think of it, it seems as if, especially in the later seasons, SG-1 went to a lot more random/weird/funny places than did Atlantis. Will Universe have occasional moments of random craziness like that?”

      Answer: No plans to have any SGU characters attend a reading of the Vagina Monologues.

      My Name Is Scott writes: “Will the Atlantis movie take place during it’s time of release, or will it take place prior to SGU?”

      Answer: Both the events of the SGA movie and the events of the SGU premiere take place “around the same time period”.

      Delynn writes: “Oh, pretty please can we see David Blue’s shoes? I hear they are quite awesome for footwear!!!”

      Answer: Maybe when he eventually swings by to do his fan Q&A here, I’ll get him to post a pic of his favorite footwear. The red strapless pumps are to die for!

      Anais33 a ecrit: “1) Tout le cast de sgu à été dévoiller entiérement?
      2) SGU se passera sur les même endroits de tournage que pour sga et sg1 ?
      3) Que faite vous pour que vos chiens n’attrapent pas de tique?”

      Reponses: 1) Non. 2) Non. 3) Ils prennent des médicaments spéciaux.

      Translation: 1) No, the entire cast has not been revealed. I’m assuming that, sooner or later, they’ll make an announcement about James, Franklin, Brody, Park, Riley, Spencer, etc.

      Craig MD writes: “Is there a date set for its television premiere by the way? Or is that still classified at this point too?

      Also, while they must be incredibly busy, any chance of getting some of the cast members for a Q and A?”

      Answer: Not sure if they’ve announced a date yet. Last I heard, sometime in the fall. And, yes, I’ve approached the various SGU cast about eventually doing some fan Q&A’s. All positive.

      dune knight writes: “alright i asked about watchmen because it shows extremely flawed superhereos so i wanted to know if the stargate universe team are a flawed version of SG-1.”

      Answer: I wouldn’t describe them as “flawed versions of SG-1”. However, like any human being, they are far from perfect.

      Dayna Barter writes: “How do people get added to the writing staff? Are they recommended by agents? Do they send in a spec script? Become a personal slave to one of the producers? Offer up a first-born…right arm and a leg…?”

      Answer: This is where a good agent earns his commission. When a series is greenlit, a good agent will contact the production and find out if they’re looking for writers, staff or freelancers. The agent will pitch the writers they represent who they feel would be a good fit. Based on the pitch, provided the production feels the writers are indeed a good fit, the agent will be invited to send in some writing samples that best represent the work of the potential candidates. For our show, one hour dramas, original pilots, and even features work best. We’re not necessarily looking for SF samples and certainly NOT looking to read a Stargate spec. Based on these samples, a writer may or may not be invited to pitch. We tend to prefer phone pitches - around three solid ideas with a beginning, middle, and end. I’ve detailed past pitch sessions gone awry in previous blog entries but, suffice it to say, doing your homework will go a long way toward impressing. Know the show (if it’s already on the air), know the tone, learn how to pronounce the names of the main characters. Depending on how the pitch session goes, the writer may be invited to call back with a more detailed pitch or invited into the room so that we can all break the story. Once the story is broken, the writer heads back home to work on the outline. If the outline is solid, they go to script. And, if they do a great job on the script (instead of a merely serviceable job that will require someone to completely rewrite them) AND we’re looking to add to our roster, they may be invited to join the show’s writing staff. That’s how it works, more or less.

      AMZ also writes: “I know a lot of Universe info is under wraps at the moment, but I was wondering, when you said Brad’s script Fire had “enough angst to trigger an anxiety attack…”, did you mean angst as in Serious Conflict Angst or more the Rebel Without A Cause/A Lot of Whingeing From Characters Angst? Or was it more a XXXXX type of angst?”

      Answer: All three.
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        First ad for SGU was on Skiffy's awful "Sea Beast" movie tonight. "Sneak peek" during Ark of Truth/Continuum airings, 3/27 and 4/3. For those interested, the lettering of SGU was gray.


          Originally posted by prion View Post
          First ad for SGU was on Skiffy's awful "Sea Beast" movie tonight. "Sneak peek" during Ark of Truth/Continuum airings, 3/27 and 4/3. For those interested, the lettering of SGU was gray.
          Interesting. Anything 'special' in the ad tonight? Wish I saw that...

          Ooooh....As I am writing this, it looks like that movie is on again. Maybe they will reshow the ad again tonight.

          There are no regrets. Thank you Brad Wright and everyone else for SGU,
          and the amazing Stargate franchise in general.


            So what was it, exactly? A 5-second ad telling us about a longer ad?

            Still cool. Anyone got screencaps?


              Originally posted by prion View Post
              First ad for SGU was on Skiffy's awful "Sea Beast" movie tonight. "Sneak peek" during Ark of Truth/Continuum airings, 3/27 and 4/3. For those interested, the lettering of SGU was gray.
              Makes sense to air ads during a Stargate programming. However, if they want younger and different viewers they should run them during the BSG finale. But that would be silly.

              Hmmm, too bad I am not in the PR department.


                It's on in about 20min. Corin Nemec is supposed to be in it. I can't screencap.


                  actually how far into the movie is it..cuz i think corin nemec is a good avtor but i aint watching all 2 hours of a skiffy depressed enough right now lol


                    I tried taking a pic but the button on the camera decided not to work and there wasn't anything to see...just SGU in grey. It was on for a millisecond.


                      Originally posted by prion View Post
                      First ad for SGU was on Skiffy's awful "Sea Beast" movie tonight. "Sneak peek" during Ark of Truth/Continuum airings, 3/27 and 4/3. For those interested, the lettering of SGU was gray.
                      You mean the first one that came out, or a new 'first' one?


                        Originally posted by prion View Post
                        First ad for SGU was on Skiffy's awful "Sea Beast" movie tonight. "Sneak peek" during Ark of Truth/Continuum airings, 3/27 and 4/3. For those interested, the lettering of SGU was gray.
                        even calling it awfull gave waaay too much credit.. poor
                        Mr. Corin Nemec, so much talent wasted... he must be having a rough time to take that gig...

                        I have to admit, I watched 20 seconds of it.. not sure why I stopped... I think I blinked and lost focus and interest..
                        My Story:


                          yeah i did something i never do..actually watch a scifi movie...but i never saw the sgu kinda angry that i wasted 2 hours of my life......


                            You should have never watched the movie. For you know the YouTube crowd will most likely upload the SGU promo
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              The only Scifi movies I watch are ones with Michael Shanks. Even if they're appalling, he's always really good, so it's worth it. Sometimes you sure feel sorry for him, though.


                                i had been drinking a judgement was inpaired....but yeah i agree conway....iv only really watched MS's for hope they are good...but they never are

