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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    i don't like Stargate Universe.... sorry if you hate me guys, but I just don't think the story will stick.

    it is too open and vague.


      Originally posted by carrollwoman View Post
      It seems all across the forum that people are criticising Stargate Universe before it's even been filmed, why?
      I personally cannot wait for another fresh stargate series, it's exciting to see what they will come up with.

      Things to look forward to =
      New Bad Guys
      New Technology - Hopefully lasers!
      New Characters - I love to see a team getting to know each other while saving the day.
      More Intergalactic Comedy Moments

      Who knows it might surpass SG1 and go for 11 years!
      Lost In Space shows have a very very short life vis-a-vis audience appeal. I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean I MEAN how long can you go on being lost before a significant part of your viewing audience says "this is getting OLD"?
      Mind you, I am going to check it out. As pointed out, discarding a show before it even airs - an extreme case of tossing the baby out with the bathwater.
      But the concept is working against the show's possible appeal. Maybe the show's writers will find a fresh and interesting way to make the show actually entertaining. Me? I'm cynical and inclined to think it's not very likely. BUT! In the words of the immortal Fats Waller "one never knows, do one?"
      So, I will check it out.


        Originally posted by Tgcooke View Post
        IDK, it seems to me that the Stargate Universe's plot is kinda intense. In Atlantis and Sg1 the opening plot was simple and sweet, but now it seems that the plot is way to complicated and could lead down a rabit hole.

        What do you all think?
        But it's not complicated. It's about a group of people who gets stuck on an Ancient ship that's cruising around the Universe. That's it.


          Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett View Post
          I dunno, we've been reassured that the character break downs ARE shallow representations and won't describe the full on character, and we've been reassured that there will be a decent reason for them being there, and we've been reassured that they won't be a bunch of kids, and we've been reassured that the new SG1 movie will be truely Jack centric, sans Vala.
          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          with the exception of the Vala bit, isn't that all common sense?
          What, jel said.

          The fact of the matter is that it's purely common sense that a short 3 sentence description of a character before a single episode has been written will not be an all-encompassing of view of that character's development.

          It's common sense that they would have a real reason to be aboard the ship. Did anyone actually think TPTB wouldn't be able to come up with one? Yes? Well........I've got nothing. Other than, seriously?

          A Jack-centric SG-1 movie sans Vala? WTF? Didn't BW also say in that exact interview that the general direction of the franchise would be to move forward? Did he change the definition of the word to "backwards" when no one was looking?


            I am a bit disappointed, because BW didn't say too much new information about the series. I expected more hints and references.
            "I was hoping for another day. Looks like we just got a whole lot more than that. Let's not waste it."

            "Never underestimate your audience. They're generally sensitive, intelligent people who respond positively to quality entertainment."

            "Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence, has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all."


              After watching "Vagas"

              I would love to see that McKay (or a similar McKay) in Stargate Universe.


                Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                What, jel said.

                The fact of the matter is that it's purely common sense that a short 3 sentence description of a character before a single episode has been written will not be an all-encompassing of view of that character's development.

                It's common sense that they would have a real reason to be aboard the ship. Did anyone actually think TPTB wouldn't be able to come up with one? Yes? Well........I've got nothing. Other than, seriously?

                A Jack-centric SG-1 movie sans Vala? WTF? Didn't BW also say in that exact interview that the general direction of the franchise would be to move forward? Did he change the definition of the word to "backwards" when no one was looking?
                Depends how much faith you currently have in TPTB.

                "Five Rounds Rapid"



                  I just read the interview with brad response?!
                  get over your self brad.
                  he seems to have said so much and yet so little.......
                  That said the proof of the pudding is all ways in the eating and we must all give universe a shot. nuff said.


                    I just read the interview with brad response?!
                    get over your self brad.
                    he seems to have said so much and yet so little.......
                    That said the proof of the pudding is all ways in the eating and we must all give universe a shot. nuff said.
                    Really? I thought all his responsed were perfectly logical, and what I would have expected. It made me feel pretty good about things, overall.


                      Originally posted by amconway View Post
                      Really? I thought all his responsed were perfectly logical, and what I would have expected. It made me feel pretty good about things, overall.
                      I am referring to a different interview on page 170 not the one I linked for you the other day


                        I was assuming that you were talking about the Q&A that appeared on Joe Mallozi's blog, since that's been the subject of talk in the last couple of days...


                          There has been a number of posts deleted from this thread because they were off topic. This thread is about speculation on SGU. A discussion about BW's Q&A very quickly led this thread into a discussion on the fandom as a whole, all opinions that you're more than welcome to voice on GW but in the appropriate places. A discussion thread on SGU isn't the appropriate place to dissect fandom behaviour.


                            BW Q&A was what I expected. I would have been surprised it there were more information releases about Universe. I expected that the next thing we learn about universe is the full cast within the next several weeks. Shooting is suposed to start on Feb 4 so, I would think we would know who the actors and Actresses are before then. I didn't use these forum back when Atlantis was being cast so not sure when in relation to the start of filming the cast was announced, I just assume that they were annouced before filming started and maybe I'm wrong abou that.
                            Sig Courtesy of jasminaGo


                              Mary writes: “Do you intend to use the travelers in Atlantis movie or the new series?”

                              Answer: Nope, no plans to.
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                                Thanks, Jumper.

                                I'm not sorry about that news. Never really did take to the Travellers.

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