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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by Automission View Post
    I don't know how you people can read these sheets. It's like, really spoiling the show in a sense. :/ You're already creating an image of these characters in your head, and if they turn out better than what you thought, you wouldn't know.
    It wouldn't be what you imagined, so they'd irritate you. Resulting in a negative attitude towards the show.
    I agree with AM here; it's all very well to be anticipatory and want a sneak peek. On the other hand reading about characters ON PAPER and making up your mind one way or the other - well, AM said it well enough - "you're already creating an image of these characters in your head, and if they turn out better than what you thought, you wouldn't know." That's how I see it, anyway.
    But, folks will do as folks will do.


      Originally posted by jenks View Post
      MGM produces the show for Sci Fi, they get to premier the show, the only way Sky One in the UK or any other channel outside the US will broadcast episodes before Sci Fi is if Sci Fi have some sort of hiatus and the other channels don't.
      That is my point exactly. Sci Fi quite often takes a hiatus on its premiere shows - for whatever reason(s) only Sci Fi knows. Sky One and other non-USA channels / networks do not suffer from whatever prompts Sci Fi to make such decisions.


        Originally posted by heliosphere View Post
        I read the sides. I'm still not sure what to think, even though I'll give it a chance. I'm generally not a fan of very dark things; I don't like BSG at all, and if that's their model, I might not enjoy this. But I'm sure I'll give the first handful of episodes a try.
        I worry about this. I love bsg. It's up there with B5 in what i'd call 'good' scifi. Yet i know these writers. I don't think they can handle the level of intensity that bsg requires. what makes b5 and bsg so good to me is the focus on the characters and their interactions. but the 'gate writers seem to depend too much on pretty alien women, space ships and stuff blowing up while the 'boring character stuff' is cut out to make time for more explosions and cool sfx scenes.

        These guys are also way too attached to the 'no one in scifi dies forever' cliche. what makes bsg and b5 so 'good' is that there are real consequences to the characters' actions while on 'gate, it's rather infamous for 'ye olde reset switch' getting a workout each week and the improbable happening just to get happy ending and return to the status quo.

        I know this kind of show has a certain comfort to it, but it also makes a show incredibly predictible.

        Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett View Post
        As long as it IS a touch of humour... but then... I'm seeing the same level of humour in BSG S1 (just started watching) as I did in early SG1, at least S1-3, before we started getting the gags of S9 and 10...
        I liked the pre s9 and 10 humor. It came off as kinda gentle and genuine. the teasing that friends would do to each other. the sarcasm that people would say as they tried to wrap thier minds around the incredible things they see. in season 9 and 10 they left that behind for slapstick and what i call humiliation humor, where someone is always the butt of the joke. it took on a mean streak that i often found very distasteful and childish.

        the humor in bsg was the kind of dark and manic humor you'd see as people struggle to come to terms with the nightmare they were living in. there was a grittyness to it that i just can't see joe grasping. He's too entrenched with his comic books and anime in my opinion

        Originally posted by amconway View Post
        The example didn't help that much I'm afraid, as I didn't see Those scenes. I think it must be in the delivery.
        I wouldn't really call the humor in seasons prior to 9 and 10, natural, or day-to-day. It was more pointed than that, just not as overt as the humor in 9 and 10. It was much more witty and the sarcasm didn't have the bitter edge that it went to in 9 and 10, but there were out and out jokes. They were just so beautifully delivered that it seemed natural.
        they were wonderfully natural. there was a friendship between the cast members that i think translated to what we saw on the screen. a sense of respect and fun that seemed to get lost in s9 and 10.

        I’d say more Lost than Battlestar, more Dr. Who than Heroes, more The Office than My Name Is Earl.
        that kinda worries me in a way. I like lost,(although i think lost has become a muddled mess while BSG seems to have organization) like dr who (which is escapist fun while heroes is simply being milked for all it's worth) but think that both the office and my name is earl to be complete and total wastes of time

        however, i know it's a moot point. they're gonna make what they make and i either like it or not like it, turn on the set or turn it off.

        I just hope their interviews aren't raising expectations that their talents(or network 'advice' can't match.)
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Massively agreed on the type of humour in S9 and 10. Was going to green you but can't. Have a pseudo green instead.

          "Five Rounds Rapid"



            I'm going to speculate, here. Sg1 was told to us from the human point of view, and Atlantis was told to us from the Wraith point of view. So, I'm going to say:
            that Stargate Universe may be told from the Replicator point of view. I suspect this from the description that Scifi gave of the show....younger, edgier, darker.


            The description of universe is similar to another Scifi show that ran into trouble in the U.S.......Lexx.


              Atlantis wasn't told from the Wraith's POV. All 3 series will be told from the human's point of view.


                Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                Atlantis wasn't told from the Wraith's POV. All 3 series will be told from the human's point of view.
                How do you know?


                  Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
                  How do you know?
                  Just a wild guess here -- because humans are writing them?

                  SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                  SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                  Morjana's Blog Twitter


                    since all the characters released, thus far, are humans, it's a reasonable conclusion
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
                      I'm going to speculate, here. Sg1 was told to us from the human point of view, and Atlantis was told to us from the Wraith point of view. So, I'm going to say:
                      that Stargate Universe may be told from the Replicator point of view. I suspect this from the description that Scifi gave of the show....younger, edgier, darker.


                      The description of universe is similar to another Scifi show that ran into trouble in the U.S.......Lexx.
                      Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
                      Stargate Universe may be told from the Replicator point of view.
                      Me: That would be wonderful!

                      Fifth: "younger edgier and darker"? How did you deduce this meant the us? ... does this mean that I will get another chance?!!!


                        Just speculation.


                          The rest of the day’s events proved neither remarkably fortunate nor unfortunate. Watching auditions is, after all, a bit of a grey area. Minimal writing accomplished but I have manged to move into the third act. This script is one of the toughest I’ve written and it’s going painfully slow. Of course, that just mean it’ll be perfect once it’s done. “Don’t change a thing!”they’ll no doubt tell me before awarding me a cash bonus and a parade in my honor.
                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                            Look how long it took for this to get posted. PG15 is getting lazy

                            I have to disagree with Joe I tend to find the slower work to make my papers worse
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              Lazy? I thought this kind of stuff was Jumper's job now!


                                I see. Making you subordinates do your work
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

