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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
    True. And if it never happens I won't be disappointed. But at least with the way things are now it's unlikely that BSG's PTB will have to burn their candles from both ends by trying to produce two shows at the same time.

    If things with SGU are pushed ahead there's a chance that Atlantis will NEVER be allowed to run solo and I think that's a shame. I may have a lot of issues with the way things are going on Atlantis right now, but it doesn't change the fact that I think the show has a lot of potential... and I think the show (or shows) suffer from the divided attention of TPTB. Maybe that works with some groups of producers, but not- in my opinion- when it comes to Stargate.

    SGU is also likely to be hamstrung from the start by the existence of SGA and I think it's doubly unfair to this nebulous germ of a show/concept to deny it the chance to truly develop and grow on its own.
    I agree Atlantis has alot of potential and could indeed run solo. I don't have many issues with the current state of Atlantis, but in respect to this new show I don't think if it is aired along side of SGA will be a bad thing. For this SG fan it would mean more SG and thats fine by me. I don't think the quality has suffered nor will it with this new show and SGA IMO.
    Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
    "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
    Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


      Originally posted by clwaurie View Post
      I think the new series would be much better if it were more like the movie or original SG-1 (series 1 to 4) except perhaps very dark and aimed at an adult audiance. I don't think they should abandon completely story lines that they have already established like the Ancients etc but it would be good if they broke away from this and focused on something completely new.

      Perhaps it there wasn't the general template of a big bad enemy race but some sort of impending apocalypse they had to stop or perhaps they are jsut exploring for the sake of it. I know perhaps that these ideas would be hard to stretch out over a season yet alone a few but I dont see why American TV shows have to be dragged out for so long. I am not saying I didn't enjoy SG-1 season 10 but it certainly was no where near as good as previous seasons.
      While I have enjoyed all of Sg-1 the length of this is very rare especially for scifi. Most American shows are lucky to last 4 years. That said as for SGU they need to remain faithfull to established storylines like the Ancients especially if they are using a gate but also need to branch away from established stories. There are many places they can go with this especially with the 9th chevron thing. It could take us to another galaxy or mabey even another universe. I truly can't wait to see where they go with this.
      Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
      "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
      Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


        Originally posted by Elite Anubis Guard View Post
        Oh dear God, I hope not. I REALLY do.
        The show's writers have always taken possession of whatever story they pay homage to, and whatever mythology they use. Atlantis, the Holy Grail, and countless storylines that you begin watching and think, 'oh, they're going to do such and such' but then they cart the thing off in an entirely different direction. It's become quintessentially Stargate to adapt anything to their formula...which is what makes it so much fun to write.

        And this is also why I'm probably dead wrong on 'the ninth chevron' - although it makes sense to me that it would provide a time co-ordinate since time is a dimension - because they're likely to cart Universe off in a new and entirely unexepected way. And that's the nature of SF. I'll watch the new series as I would any new SF series. Bowl of popcorn, an open mind and sense of wonder that we're off on another journey to the unknown, but with the confidence of an experienced production crew at the helm.



          It just seems so....bad? I've got nothing wrong with the one-off adventures. I love my time travel and AU episodes, infact I need them. Give me one a season and I'm a happy fanboy, but for a series to be based entirely on the concept? No thanks.
          Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


            Haven't had the time to read all these posts, so I don't know if it has been suggested or theorised previously but.....

            Going off the title it may take place amoungst the stars, obviously a stargate is a neccesity to get around from planet to planet without a ship...saying that a ship could be the basis or the show along side the stargate as another means of transportation.

            1] It could be based on a ship, a carrier perhaps for smaller craft, fling around on advanced technology cutting out the time between jumps making it possible to jump from planet to planet based on stargate locations since they can find the location by that as seen in SG1 already.

            2] It could be along the lines of a team or group of people who intentionally use the stargate or by accident get caught by it and end up lost, with no way home by means of a ZPM that would have got them there, they may well be in a new galaxy and are jumping perhaps blindly at first to gather technology to get home and food and supplies and meet new friends and make new enemies, as they hop around the story evolves into an ongoing arc with reacuring enemies and new faces along the way.
            Being in another galaxy or lost in a part of the universe that is simply unknown as to where it is in realation to the MW and PG.

            I think the ST VOY aspect in a stargate theme would work quite well and give the fans both old and yet to come the Lost in space side of things that unfortunately didn't befall Atlantis since season 2 when they made regular contact with Earth.

            That lost feeling could work greatly giving a real sense of adventure and a fear of the unknown. Not knowing what is on the next planet adds intrigue and make the show if it is that way quite quirky and different.

            I like the lost idea and would love the idea of people lost with others who had not intending to go or perhaps have neither knowledge of the stargate or of aliens, that may work but to get civilians or scientists who are not in the know with people who know about the stargate would require something new, the character development on that basis would be quite heartwarming and humourus at best.
            with the lives they intended to lead on Earth being changed by one incident and having the time of your life instead?

            That last idea could bring new fans to the franchise becuase if civilians or the like are lost then newer fans can learn the way of the stargate universe as they do and pick it up then go back and see how it all began and be pretty amazed at how far back and indepth it goes with the whole mystery and mythology side.

            just food for thought
            Last edited by Darkstar 2.0; 27 March 2007, 03:16 AM.
            In brightest day, in darkest night,

            No evil shall escape my sight

            Let those who worship evil's might,

            Beware my power...Green Rep-Points light!


              What about this idea.
              These known galaxy we call Ida, Pegasus, The Ori and Milky way, and the other nearby galaxy’s I might just call these galaxy’s the first group. Lets say in these first group of galaxy’s maybe it consist of ten to hundred or so binding galaxy’s. In these group of galaxy’s you use chevron8 and there you are. Like Milky Way to Pegasus. But to get to these other groups of galaxy’s the second group or so you need to use chevron9 to get there. What do you think? And maybe there we can find the Ewoks galaxy where the furlings live and thrive maybe. Or in that same galaxy we might see more of the people who made reese the android that makes the replicator as her toy. There is a lot of possibility now that the chevron9 are going to be use. We might see more of the grace ship too, so I think The chevron9 will transport you to the first group of galaxy to the second or so. Bring it on Star gate Universe.


                Reese was made by the Ancients.
                Stolen Kosovo


                  Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
                  Reese was made by the Ancients.
                  Do we know that though just asking is all?


                    Originally posted by The Great Lord Baal View Post
                    Do we know that though just asking is all?
                    We don't. There was no evidence of that.
                    Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                      Maybe Reese's "father" was a Cylon Replicator Asuran- part of the group who rebelled against their human creators and then had a change of mind and decided to help people instead. He created Reese as part of A Plan but then things went horribly wrong...


                        Reese's father was a furling, that's why we never saw him. Surely everyone knows that.


                          Originally posted by The Great Lord Baal View Post
                          Do we know that though just asking is all?
                          Commas, people! For the love of gawd, commas!!
                          Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


                            she was a hunam-form replicator.The Ancients created nanites->they evolved into a human-forms replicators.

                            It's possible that one Ancient who returned to the MW from PG continued with a research of replicators on his own.(like Janus and time machine)
                            Stolen Kosovo


                              Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
                              she was a hunam-form replicator.The Ancients created nanites->they evolved into a human-forms replicators.

                              It's possible that one Ancient who returned to the MW from PG continued with a research of replicators on his own.(like Janus and time machine)
                              It is actually perfectly possible for more than one person/race to have an idea about, and create, a technology. For example; the light bulb, telephone, atomic bomb. Just because the Ancients created nanites doesn't mean that no one else can without their help.

                              Also, didn't a goa'uld create and use nanites in that episode where Jack got old?


                                Originally posted by Major Tyler View Post
                                Commas, people! For the love of gawd, commas!!
                                Commas were used, they were just artfully blended into the background. Comma chameleons.

