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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Hi there,

    Let me start by letting you know a little about me. My name is Jamie Sheehan, I am 24 years old , from Ireland, and am a huge fan of your work over the last 12 years. I love learning all I can about something / anything / everything as I find things easy to learn (when I concentrate on it). And I apologize in advance for sounding like a know it all. I used to be a Radio DJ and a Producer, but quit the job as I needed to look after my family at home.. Now I work for a international company, testing experimental new software.. We have many fans of Stargate in the office here and were both saddened and happy that Stargate will continue..

    I must convey my sadness at the premature termination of Atlantis as a television series, and can only hope that some great movies come out.

    I would like if I can pass on some ideas for Universe:

    • Your known Actor have a seasoned actor who commands you to watch even though they are not physically commanding you. Patrick Stewart did that for Star Trek. The storyline's were terrible at times but you still watched it. I liked Colonel Everett's character from the Siege in Atlantis. A by the book Colonel, it's a pity he had the life sucked out of him..

    • Please don't give a strange new world’s feel to it with exotic people. That ends up with a Kirk like character "seeding" new life in every planet they go to. I can already see it happening with one of the characters, Lt. Jared Nash.. Misses his ride back to the Destiny because he was exploring new worlds and cultures..

    • Make the Ancients who have left previously darker than the ones we know. If you have read the book Stargate Atlantis, Mirror Mirror, and look for Ronan's timeline.. The Ancients there would make a great storyline with the Behemoth, as well as a “bad guy” who has longevity, as they are the Gate Builders, along come Humans who possess the ATA Gene, the Ancients capture some of the Destiny Crew and implant the Behemoth in them. The crew of the Destiny could rescue their comrades with no knowledge of the Behemoth.
    These Ancients can override the controls of the Destiny and deactivate their shields, drones etc.. Let Eli (current name of the character) figure out how to lock them out. Ideally he would have had a tour on Atlantis and should consider the Destiny "low-tech" compared to Atlantis so updating the software would be easy.

    That I believe would be a good story arc as it would be the same situation in every planet the new SG team visit and it could feedback to different Ancient Generals/Dictators with their own personalities. Each planet would be scared to rebel against the ruling Ancients.

    All in all, Universe could work, I am really disappointed that Atlantis was canceled and if I had the money to save it, I would pay for 2 seasons worth of production, as the rest of the world enjoyed Atlantis. Unfortunately my plan to win the lottery hasn’t exactly panned out as expected..

    I would like to add that I am not happy that MGM and Sci Fi based the ratings on U.S. results, when the show is shown at 10PM on a Friday night.. If they were the only viewers why bother having television shows outside the U.S.?? If the show was on at 8PM it would probably have had more viewers.. Try to get Universe at an 8PM slot..

    Anyway as I said Universe could potentially work.

    I hope Universe works out for you.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this.

    Jamie Sheehan


      Originally posted by apostrophe View Post
      I was thinking that the Michael hybrid thing was was more like frankenstein monsters, pieced together from disparate DNA, rejected by his original species. Conner Trenier (Michael) as hybrid actually kind of looks like the classic Frankenstein monster,imo. Add a couple of neck bolts and you've got it. Either that or a Howdy-Doody look

      Replicators out of control seem to me more like The Sorcerer's Apprentice.

      How would werewolves be anti-wraith?
      well i wouldn't call Michael "Frankenstein's monster" per se... he'd be more like Blade, bas**rd version of vampire, shunned by both sides of society, determined to kill the race that spawned his dominant dna... or, like in Blade II, the Nomak character: a mutated vampire...
      yes, you can say that Nomak is like a vampire Frankenstein's monster... but there is a fine distinction... Nomak is a genetic mutant whereas Frankenstein's monster was a machine built from discarded parts of other machines...

      as for werewolves being anti-wraith... in some lore, werewolves were enemies of vampires... i believe...
      Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
      Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
      Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
      Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


        Originally posted by IrishPisano View Post
        whereas Frankenstein's monster was a machine built from discarded parts of other machines...
        Frankenstein's monster was built from bits of bodies.

        The main idea seems to be that Victor built a complete body from various organic human parts, then simulated the functions of the human system in it. In the novel it is stated (chapter 4, volume 1) that he uses bones from charnel houses, and

        The dissecting room and the slaughterhouse furnished many of my materials;


          Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
          Frankenstein's monster was built from bits of bodies.

          The main idea seems to be that Victor built a complete body from various organic human parts, then simulated the functions of the human system in it. In the novel it is stated (chapter 4, volume 1) that he uses bones from charnel houses, and

          The dissecting room and the slaughterhouse furnished many of my materials;
          i know

          and the human body is a very complex machine

          Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
          Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
          Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
          Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


            I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but I think Universe has already gotten out to a bad start. One of the suggestions in the "5 Ways to Make Stargate Universe Awesome" article included a suggestion to make more character driven stories. I agree totally. The article even made a reference to shows like Lost which was a good example. Other examples could include Heroes and Battlestar Galactica. To successfully create a character driven story you need a significantly larger "rotating" cast. Notice how Heroes, BSG and Lost all have rotating casts. A rotating cast is a cast which focuses on a variety of characters as opposed to a fix cast. With a rotating cast you don't always see the same 4 or 5 people together. Different character meet at random intervals as it becomes necessary. The same few characters aren't together ALL the time. You see "fixed" casts on shows like Stargate and Star Trek. A lot of shows which use a rotating cast are successful because it gives the show a chance to experiment with different characters. You see this in Lost. They experimented with a number of different characters and as time progressed they focused on the most well developed characters and weeded out the less significant characters. But it looks like where going to get another fixed cast and with it we'll get invincible characters who whistle and skip there way through ridiculously impossible odds. To get a larger audience all they need is to create realistic stories which embody the human element; emotion. One thing I never liked about Starship Andromeda was how the Captain Hunt could kill his was through so many people and yet it never effected his character in the slightest. His character acted as though killing was actually fun and inconsequential. His character wasn't portrayed as a cold heartless character, the actor simply didn't take time out to address the full spectrum of emotions that you might imagine such a character should portray. The actor didn't care about his performance and that lack of concern came out in his performances. You also see this lack on concern in the actor that plays the Smallville character Clark Kent. If the show hires an actor, hire an actor who will work for their paycheck. And hire actors who performances are consistently good as opposed to the lazy actors who feel that their time on a show is just a free meal ticket.

            Stargate needs to provide more realistic responses to the circumstances they get into. One of the problems with the Stargate franchise is using such a limited cast. Creating a story that revolves around only 4 or 5 people guarantees that these characters will survive even the most impossible insurmountable circumstances unscathed from the pilot episode all the way to the series finale (unless someone gets fired).

            Cater to a wider demographic beyond just 20 somethings. You also see shows like Lost and Heroes with more ethnic representation then Stargate. Try broadening the racial diversity of the cast. As a result they attract those ethnicities that are underrepresented (I.E. Hispanics, middle eastern, etc.). And if you do add black people to this roster again, don't stereotype them as only being capable of physical feats, but lacking in intellect. I notice every black person on Stargate has been a "warrior" type. Where are the black doctors or the black scientists? Have you ever even seen a black scientist, even as a background character in Atlantis? And try to use black people from earth. Of the 4 black people who have been on the show 3 have been alien and 1 was from earth and the 1 character from earth barely lasted a season. Of the 9 some-odd Caucasians 8 were from earth and 1 was alien. It feels like the show is saying black people from earth (the real world) can't contribute to such an expedition. Like shows like Star Trek: TNG, let's try to avoid stereotypes.

            One of the articles I read on STU says that this new universe is going to be "dark". The universe doesn't need to be dark, it needs to be realistic. That's what makes shows like BSG or even the new Dark Knight movie so successful; they try to convey more realistic circumstance revolving around the universe the story takes place in. One thing the Stargate franchise needs is to take up a more realistic chain of command like in Battlestar Galactica. I've never felt that characters like Sheppard belonged in leadership positions. Such a sarcastic character should be in a more subordinate role. The leader should be more serious and less laid back. He should be more intense. The chain of command in Stargate's a joke. Also to create more realistic stories the humor needs to take a back seat to the drama. If the humor fits good, but don't force it into the story, especially when it's not appropriate. I always felt much of the humor in Stargate was too forced.

            And they can't be afraid to think outside the box like in Lost. Do the unthinkable like having the castaways get off the island. As the story develops let it take it's natural course and develop potential story lines as they become available. Farscape did this. Eventually Crichton accepted that he was lost in space and made the most of his circumstances instead of tirelessly looking for a way home. Star Trek Voyager is a perfect example of what happens when you rigidly adhere to a premise without making reasonable accommodations along the way. More to the point the show developed really interesting set of villains/allies that made the show so much more tasteful.

            One of the bigger problems with Stargate is it's TOO wasteful. For example, in Atlantis they created the Replicators civilization. Their was so much potential storylines they could have developed, but instead they short change the audience with a bunch of quick fix solutions which ultimately cheapen the show. Stargate needs to learn to manage storylines so they'd develop within reasonable parameters. I mean look what happened to the Genii, another wasted race that originally had so much potential. And one more thing, they need to learn you don't need to create ridiculously superior enemies to create a compelling story. You just need interesting villains. They need to learn to even out the odds a little. They need to create balance in the conflicts they develop.
            Last edited by TheHumanElement; 23 September 2008, 05:22 AM.

            The Human Element is the element of change. It gives us our footing to stand fearlessly and face the future.
            -Dow ad


              Pessimistic, yes you are! lol

              Look, I'm a little afraid myself by certain announce aspects of Universe. The younger cast and their relationships firstly. But there is good chances that the staff make this good, not 90210-style you know. I think it's certainly a good point for this upcoming show if the ton is like in BattleStar Galactica... well, not so dark maybe because the humour is very important in the franchise and BSG's not so hilaristic!

              Unfortunately a large part of the fans have been disappointed by some decisions the writers made in the past. Some storylines and relationships between members of the main cast abandonned or simply awful (remember Lucius Lavin), etc...

              But all in all, there is hope. I've juste read the "Five ways to make StarGate Universe awsome" of Gateworld, and i agree with them.

              I'll watch StarGate Universe at launch and i'll make my opinion after the two hours of the pilot.
              This is not an island...


                It would make sense if they got there via the Pegasus Galaxy, as it be a bit like an goodbye to SGA, hello to SGU thing. That would be cool.

                P.S: SGC should really make their gate room look pretty, if that's the right term. It isn't a very nice sight (apart from the Stargate!) Get some designer whos into the top secret thing to paint it up a bit. ( sorry I'm off topic but I just couldn't resist)


                  Originally posted by TheHumanElement View Post
                  And if you do add black people to this roster again, don't stereotype them as only being capable of physical feats, but lacking in intellect. I notice every black person on Stargate has been a "warrior" type.
                  I suppose Ellis is a warrior type in a way but he's hardly lacking in intellect because he commands the Apollo.


                    Originally posted by hamatau'ri View Post
                    It would make sense if they got there via the Pegasus Galaxy, as it be a bit like an goodbye to SGA, hello to SGU thing. That would be cool.

                    P.S: SGC should really make their gate room look pretty, if that's the right term. It isn't a very nice sight (apart from the Stargate!) Get some designer whos into the top secret thing to paint it up a bit. ( sorry I'm off topic but I just couldn't resist)
                    That would be pretty good, yeah.

                    I'm sure I read somewhere that there'd be some kind of fleeting connection or reference made with Stargate: Universe towards or at the end of Stargate: Atlantis. Am I remembering correctly?

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                    K-9, CLASS and much more...


                      Originally posted by Alan View Post
                      I'm sure I read somewhere that there'd be some kind of fleeting connection or reference made with Stargate: Universe towards or at the end of Stargate: Atlantis. Am I remembering correctly?
                      Yeah, supposedly there will be a pretty big hint or something, in the back half of the season.

                      There was also supposedly a in Season Ten of SG-1, which explains the whole craze about that lately.
                      If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.


                        Originally posted by Alan View Post
                        That would be pretty good, yeah.

                        I'm sure I read somewhere that there'd be some kind of fleeting connection or reference made with Stargate: Universe towards or at the end of Stargate: Atlantis. Am I remembering correctly?
                        GW: Well that's true. Sometimes I wonder if Zelenka's actually more brilliant than McKay is.

                        DN: Oh, you don't have to wonder. I'll put that to rest. He definitely is.

                        I can alsto tell you, one of the episodes in the back half has a very strong clue for Stargate Universe.
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                          Originally posted by Jeff O'Connor View Post
                          Yeah, supposedly there will be a pretty big hint or something, in the back half of the season.

                          There was also supposedly a in Season Ten of SG-1, which explains the whole craze about that lately.
                          Thanks guys! You're good!

                          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                          K-9, CLASS and much more...


                            In the end i guess i like the constant complainers, because really they are just free advertising. Even a commercial shuts up eventually but griping is incessant, and good or bad theyre getting the show noticed and the name out there. So thank you everyone who will never watch sgu but keeps talking about it endlessly.


                              Originally posted by kymeric View Post
                              In the end i guess i like the constant complainers, because really they are just free advertising. Even a commercial shuts up eventually but griping is incessant, and good or bad theyre getting the show noticed and the name out there.
                              It depends on how the complainers are getting the show noticed. Not all advertising is beneficial.


                       just hit me thinking about it this morning. Could this all be intentional on TPTB's side? The entire fan many people have their sights set low because of the general announcement, or because of the casting announcement now? I know for me, I'm being cautiously optimistic and not getting myself too hyped up over Universe...anymore hyped up than I got myself over Spore (and its a good thing to because look at what a disaster that game is, but that's a discussion for another thread).

                                Could it be possible that they did this so we wouldn't get too excited about it? That way, they can make something that'll completely surprise us in the end and be really good...but they wouldn't have to worry about having everybody's bar set so high that they wouldn't be able to meet the level of expectaiton.

                                On the other hand, this could all be just my speculation and it'll crash and burn like many people are predicting...but its an interesting thought.
                                That is just my two cents.

