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Continuum for S/J shippers SPOILERS

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    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
    If I recall from scanning that: (spoiler for fic)
    Sam gets together with AU Jack. Which I find rather disturbing, honestly, from a psychological viewpoint, though maybe if I read more I'd learn she touchs on taht concept (haven't had time to do more than just scan).
    As Dr. Carter learned in PoV, an alternate universe Jack is not 'her' Jack, no matter how much they look alike and have similar personalities. There are also differences, making them more or less different people. I see it almost as replacing your dead SO with their identical twin... not emotionally healthy.

    I think that's what AU Dr. Carter realized - she had to move on. I also think that's what we saw our Sam realized on that submarine. This was not her Jack at all, having over a decade of experiences that were different from her Jack's - and hers. Because Sam and Jack's relationship is built on a thousand different shared moments and experiences giving it an amazing depth. These two really can communicate volumes with just a single look, and I think it was fairly clear that connection didn't exist between Sam and AU Jack. I think even just being around AU Jack would have been incredibly painful to Sam after realizing that - a constant reminder of the man she had lost in a man who looked just like him.

    Which just heightens, for me, the central tragedy for Sam. She really had against all odds managed nearly the 'perfect romantic ideal' and had lost it all as completely...

    EDIT: I just realized it may sound like I'm critiquing Gen's stuff. I'm NOT - I just used that as a jumping off point for why I can't see Sam trying to get with AU Jack. I know many shippers disagree
    I think I would have had a harder time accepting Gen Varel's "Continuum" fic if I had not read Sue Corkill's amazing AU fic for "The Road Not Taken." If you haven't read it, check out A World Without Pity In it Sue goes into greater detail examining and resolving
    a Sam/AU-Jack relationship--although, obviously not "Continuum" AU Jack, but the one from TRNT. The point is that Sue's fic addresses the issue head on.
    . And yes, it has a believable happy ending.

    Otherwise, yeah. Just the fact that "Continuum" AT Jack still has Charlie would be enough to give Sam pause. We don't even know if he is still married to Sara--although it would make sense if he were. A fic writer would have to do some major twisting to the happy marriage shown in "Cold Lazarus" to make a divorce believable. [Although exploring alternatives is what AU fics are all about.] Sam is too honorable to intrude on that. And, even supposing Sara is not in the picture, Sam is too realistic to suppose that what she had with *her* Jack would be the same with AT Jack.

    So, it's definitely "Lonely Girl" playing a "Waiting Game" for our Sam.

    Poor baby.

    Bucky (who just realized she's creeping up on 500 posts.)


      Bucky I agree.
      sigpicI love the Lord my God with all my heart!!!! Save stargate sg1!!!! Let us shippers have a good resolution please!!!! My fanfiction there's more to come!
      My GW fanfiction- c2 community sam/jack relationship community.
      Now is the time for us to shine, to shine with the power of Christ Divine! The Lord has promised us revival and it WILL come!


        I was making a sig today when I noticed the colours that have been used, I found them to really show the mood of the characters - I know this happens a lot, it just struck me.

        I was making this sig

        and what I noticed is the pic of Jack from the extraction ceremony is all warm colours - they're dressed in desert gear for one.
        Contrasted to the pics of Sam when she's alone in the dark and cold (I know she's not alone - metaphorically). She's surrounded by black and there are only very pale colours in the shot.
        I just thought it was clever how tptb used the colour balance to help show Sam's loss here.
        Sorry this has probably been mentioned before
        sigpicMy Fanfic


          Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
          I was making a sig today when I noticed the colours that have been used, I found them to really show the mood of the characters - I know this happens a lot, it just struck me.

          I was making this sig

          and what I noticed is the pic of Jack from the extraction ceremony is all warm colours - they're dressed in desert gear for one.
          Contrasted to the pics of Sam when she's alone in the dark and cold (I know she's not alone - metaphorically). She's surrounded by black and there are only very pale colours in the shot.
          I just thought it was clever how tptb used the colour balance to help show Sam's loss here.
          Sorry this has probably been mentioned before
          First of all...*love* the sig...*sob*

          Secondly...actually, no that hasn't been mentioned. Lighting, yes. Colors, no. And I think you've id'ed yet another way TPTB tell the story visually and show us what we're suppose to understand and feel, besides telling us (or in this case, not actually telling least not directly ). Of course, they are suddenly on the ice and the coldness of the colors helps emphasize that too, but I agree that certainly the contrast between the warm and dare I say "cozy" colors of the pyramid and the dull and isolating colors of the ship set up the stark contrast for Sam's emotions. Every ounce of color has seeped from her life; she is as emotionally dull and as frozen as her environment.

          Good catch.
          Last edited by AstraPerAspera; 10 September 2008, 05:45 AM.


            Thanks APA

            first I could just imagine Jack's response to you calling the pyramid "cosy" when they've been stuck there for 3 hours listening to tok'ra singing
            But you're right, I hadn't really thought about the lighting because the colour thing hit me first. But you're so right, not only has all the colour gone but all the light too.
            sigpicMy Fanfic


              Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
              Thanks APA

              first I could just imagine Jack's response to you calling the pyramid "cosy" when they've been stuck there for 3 hours listening to tok'ra singing
              But you're right, I hadn't really thought about the lighting because the colour thing hit me first. But you're so right, not only has all the colour gone but all the light too.
              LOL...when I wrote that, I wondered if one really ever could call a pyramid "cozy"... Surely not Jack...


                Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                Thanks APA

                first I could just imagine Jack's response to you calling the pyramid "cosy" when they've been stuck there for 3 hours listening to tok'ra singing
                But you're right, I hadn't really thought about the lighting because the colour thing hit me first. But you're so right, not only has all the colour gone but all the light too.
                Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                LOL...when I wrote that, I wondered if one really ever could call a pyramid "cozy"... Surely not Jack...
                I think he could find a pyramid "cozy". In The Broca Divide he appreciated the decor in the Citizens of the Land of Light's place and Sam said she would have decorated her front lounge in the same way if not for the fact that it all didn't go with the rest of her stuff. They've obviously got the same taste in decor.

                ...Am I slightly OT here?

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                  Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                  I just thought it was clever how tptb used the colour balance to help show Sam's loss here.
                  Sorry this has probably been mentioned before
                  As APA said, no it hasn't. And your right about the colors, and the contrast to the Extraction scene bits. Which I'm sure is deliberate... Nice catch.

                  It's because, you know, WooHood is awesome. (just waching Upgrades and had that same thought repeatedly)

                  And speaking of sigs, just really looked at APA's current one this morning and was struck by Sam and Jack's looks in the pic of them together, but especially Jack's. It's hard actually to describe exactly the look there, but it's so much more underlying contentment in his expression than I can remember seeing in the past - sorta a natural half-smile on his relaxed features which are so different than the normal blank expression he generally wore before.


                    Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                    I was making a sig today when I noticed the colours that have been used, I found them to really show the mood of the characters - I know this happens a lot, it just struck me.

                    I was making this sig
                    and what I noticed is the pic of Jack from the extraction ceremony is all warm colours - they're dressed in desert gear for one.
                    Contrasted to the pics of Sam when she's alone in the dark and cold (I know she's not alone - metaphorically). She's surrounded by black and there are only very pale colours in the shot.
                    I just thought it was clever how tptb used the colour balance to help show Sam's loss here.
                    Sorry this has probably been mentioned before
                    That sig is absolutely awesome!
                    Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                      Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                      I was making a sig today when I noticed the colours that have been used, I found them to really show the mood of the characters - I know this happens a lot, it just struck me.

                      I was making this sig

                      and what I noticed is the pic of Jack from the extraction ceremony is all warm colours - they're dressed in desert gear for one.
                      Contrasted to the pics of Sam when she's alone in the dark and cold (I know she's not alone - metaphorically). She's surrounded by black and there are only very pale colours in the shot.
                      I just thought it was clever how tptb used the colour balance to help show Sam's loss here.
                      Sorry this has probably been mentioned before
                      Love the sig, Twin, and very good catch indeed

                      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                      And speaking of sigs, just really looked at APA's current one this morning and was struck by Sam and Jack's looks in the pic of them together, but especially Jack's. It's hard actually to describe exactly the look there, but it's so much more underlying contentment in his expression than I can remember seeing in the past - sorta a natural half-smile on his relaxed features which are so different than the normal blank expression he generally wore before.
                      *scrolls back to find APA's latest post* Very true. And also, I'm noticing how similar their expressions are and body positions - lots of mirroring going on there too
                      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                        TA DA!
                        I found it. Okay, I can't stay right now but I'm bookmarking (or whatever) this thread and I'll catch up. Shouldn't be too tough, 45 pages.


                          One thing I'm confused about is that most people seem to think - did Joe say it?? - that Continuum happens after SGA S4, but on the credits it says that Sam's a Lt. Col. so that implies it happens before she goes to Atlantis. They don't make any other reference between the movie and SGA S4 so it could be, I'm just a bit confused.
                          (but then it just says that Jack is "General" and some how I don't think he's been promoted to a 4 star. Just yet. Plus they've gone back to "Jonathon" like the first movie, whereas in Entity it says "John". Also there's also a "colonel O'Neill" in the movie..)
                          sigpicMy Fanfic


                            Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                            One thing I'm confused about is that most people seem to think - did Joe say it?? - that Continuum happens after SGA S4, but on the credits it says that Sam's a Lt. Col. so that implies it happens before she goes to Atlantis. They don't make any other reference between the movie and SGA S4 so it could be, I'm just a bit confused.
                            (but then it just says that Jack is "General" and some how I don't think he's been promoted to a 4 star. Just yet. Plus they've gone back to "Jonathon" like the first movie, whereas in Entity it says "John". Also there's also a "colonel O'Neill" in the movie..)
                            Yes, Joe did say that, and I'm pretty sure he confirmed that Sam was a full-bird in the movie despite what the credits said. I think originally Continuum was supposed to happen before SGA S4, but they moved it to afterwards, hence the discrepancy.

                            As to the General and Jonathan thing... well, I think I've decided just to ignore what the credits say
                            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                              Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                              One thing I'm confused about is that most people seem to think - did Joe say it?? - that Continuum happens after SGA S4, but on the credits it says that Sam's a Lt. Col. so that implies it happens before she goes to Atlantis. They don't make any other reference between the movie and SGA S4 so it could be, I'm just a bit confused.
                              (but then it just says that Jack is "General" and some how I don't think he's been promoted to a 4 star. Just yet. Plus they've gone back to "Jonathon" like the first movie, whereas in Entity it says "John". Also there's also a "colonel O'Neill" in the movie..)
                              That just goes to show TPTB don't give a crap about details...


                                Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                                That just goes to show TPTB don't give a crap about details...
                                I don't agree with that, I just think they're human!
                                Thanks Josiane! (It's a good thing it does't say Lt. Col. on her uniform..)
                                sigpicMy Fanfic

