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Third SG-1 movie ("Stargate Revolution") Ship Free hopes/speculation/ideas

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    Originally posted by DSG1 View Post
    So when did Stargate become the Sam/Jack shipper show eh? I thought it was about the team, ya know, SG1?
    That would be nice!


      Originally posted by Jeffala View Post
      I think that if it were possible to poll everyone who called themselves a fan of Stargate, we would find that the "don't care" crowd would be a super-majority with the shippers/anti-shippers splitting the remainder.
      I agree, actually. Most of my friends don't care either way. But they do enjoy the underlying plot that revolves around them.
      Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


        Originally posted by DSG1 View Post
        So when did Stargate become the Sam/Jack shipper show eh?
        It's always been a part of the show (however understated it is in most episodes) and it likely always will be.

        I'm all for a team movie, that's what the show has always been about, and, it's unlikely that will change.

        They had their chance in the last movie but they didnt do it so what makes you
        think they'll do it in this movie?
        Brad Wright, when answering questions about Sam and Jack, mentioned that he was writing a 'romantic' scene for the third movie. That's where we're getting our enthusiasm.
        Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


          Originally posted by leiasky View Post
          While I disagree that a 'wedding' would be the kiss of death for characters, (it's pulled off in other series and would actually add a dynamic that we haven't seen yet in Stargate - a couple, married or not, be separated like Jack and Sam would be by their respective important jobs in the AF) I agree that I don't think we'll ever see one. I'm not sure I'd really want to, honestly.

          I do believe that there will be a confirmation of their relationship in a way far more in line with what we're used to in the show.

          Thank god. While the Continuum time travel story was ok, I just don't like them in general so, hopefully, we won't see any more of them.
          I've sat through many, many shippers over the years and they all lead down the wrong path. Troi/Riker for instance look what it did to those characters? I can name hundreds of Tv ships that, pretty much end the characters once they hookup. I never understood the fascination with this soap opera mentality that TV couple have to get married, have babies and be totally domesticated to the point, they get lost in the sea of boredom.

          The only way to confirm that would be Sam waking up in Jack's cabin with Jack. I wouldn't mind that but please no wedding!!!

          Hopefully, that will be the last time story we will see.


            Originally posted by leiasky View Post
            It's always been a part of the show (however understated it is in most episodes) and it likely always will be.

            I'm all for a team movie, that's what the show has always been about, and, it's unlikely that will change.

            Brad Wright, when answering questions about Sam and Jack, mentioned that he was writing a 'romantic' scene for the third movie. That's where we're getting our enthusiasm.
            Brad, write a romantic scene? LOL. hmm, a two second dream kiss, like Grace? I wouldn't put all my hopes in Brad. I've seen what he does for romance scenes lmao. Brad has a poor track record for romance if you ask me. If Joe was writing it then I'd get my hopes up but not Brad.


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              I think that would put off all the people who aren't jack/sam shippers. The ship has been poorly done since Day 1 and confirmation and/or wedding woul further digust me and hinder people like me who are against the ship from not buying the 3rd movie. So the question is who is the majority?
              I don't think there's any way to accurately determine that. Even if you're able to poll all the people in Stargate fandom (forums, lists, LJs, websites etc), you're going to be missing a rather significant chunk of the viewers that don't play online or go to conventions.

              I can understand keeping the S/J storyline unresolved while the series was running, but I think the movie format should allow the writers to stop hitting the reset button and definitively handle the relationship one way or the other. They're going to annoy fans either way they go, or if they don't resolve it at all, so IMHO, they should just make a decision and then deal with the fallout.

              Do I think they'll go so far as to do a wedding? Not really. But a couple of lines of dialogue and one or at most two short scenes to settle the question, and then the rest of the movie can be focused on the main story.
              Last edited by EvenstarSRV; 11 April 2009, 02:26 PM.



                And, how would they put them together the Rules and Regs still stand in the way? Jack is so far out of Carter's reach as a 3 star General, how would they do that? Would be interesting to see how Brad will handle it.


                  Originally posted by DSG1 View Post
                  I've sat through many, many shippers over the years and they all lead down the wrong path. Troi/Riker for instance look what it did to those characters? I can name hundreds of Tv ships that, pretty much end the characters once they hookup. I never understood the fascination with this soap opera mentality that TV couple have to get married, have babies and be totally domesticated to the point, they get lost in the sea of boredom.

                  The only way to confirm that would be Sam waking up in Jack's cabin with Jack. I wouldn't mind that but please no wedding!!!

                  Hopefully, that will be the last time story we will see.
                  No, they don't lead down the wrong path. The New York Times just had a big story on what they called the Holy Grail of action/adventure TV, and that is a long-term romantic pairing to give added interest to the show. People like to see something a little more from the characters beside how they take down the bad guys.

                  Well, SG-1 has that. TPTB aren't stupid. They know the S/J story arc is one of the most popular that they have, that's why they haven't resolved it, and why, once they do, I have faith they'll do a good job. It won't be to everyone's liking, I'm sure, but what ever is?


                    Originally posted by DSG1 View Post
                    And, how would they put them together the Rules and Regs still stand in the way? Jack is so far out of Carter's reach as a 3 star General, how would they do that? Would be interesting to see how Brad will handle it.
                    You do realize you contradicted yourself there, don't you?
                    They really don't run in the same circles anymore, that's why it's not a breach of the regulations.


                      Originally posted by DSG1 View Post
                      And, how would they put them together the Rules and Regs still stand in the way? Jack is so far out of Carter's reach as a 3 star General, how would they do that? Would be interesting to see how Brad will handle it.
                      Apparently given their current positions regs aren't such a big problem now..I've read several posts quoting real military personnel, according to which their relationship would be possible.

                      Originally posted by EvenstarSRV
                      Do I think they'll go so far as to do a wedding? Not really. But a couple of lines of dialog and one or at most two short scenes to settle the question, and then the rest of the movie can be focused on the main story.
                      I totally agree. As a shipper and a team fan I'd be perfectly happy with this solution, especially when most of the ship on the show came from the actors, not the script. And I, for one, absolutely hate the idea of wedding and am convinced TPTB won't go down this path.
                      There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                      awesome sig by Josiane


                        Originally posted by VSS View Post
                        You do realize you contradicted yourself there, don't you?
                        They really don't run in the same circles anymore, that's why it's not a breach of the regulations.
                        Except--regardless of rank--she's only two steps away from him. She reports to Landry and Landry reports to O'Neill.

                        If she were to transfer permanently to Area 51 to lead R&D again, then that would eliminate a lot of problems.


                          Originally posted by Jeffala View Post
                          Except--regardless of rank--she's only two steps away from him. She reports to Landry and Landry reports to O'Neill.

                          If she were to transfer permanently to Area 51 to lead R&D again, then that would eliminate a lot of problems.
                          First, we don't really know what O'Neill is up to, or even what the chain of command is since the IOA came on the scene.
                          But that's kind of irrelevant, since he's not her direct supervising officer anymore. That's what matters. They're not working together. Show me the reg where it says they can't be anywhere in the same CoC. Hint: It doesn't exist.

                          Seriously, people, we've been over this at least a half-dozen times in this thread alone.
                          Last edited by VSS; 11 April 2009, 02:37 PM. Reason: exasperation


                            Originally posted by VSS View Post
                            You do realize you contradicted yourself there, don't you?
                            They really don't run in the same circles anymore, that's why it's not a breach of the regulations.

                            If Jack is still her Co, the rules still apply.

                            They haven't stated that Carter isn't under his command or have I missed something? They ARE still Air Force. They would have to switch branches to be together. Same branch of Military can't marry. Thats my understanding.


                              So, this became another J/S ship thread? As if there isn't enough of them on GW....
                              Since there won't be Vala in the third movie, I hope that the romantic scene will be between Jack and Daniel they two deserve a resolution!
                              Seriously, I'd like to see the Stargate program goes public, and the aftermath of that.
                              Sig made by slizzie1986


                                Originally posted by DSG1 View Post
                                If Jack is still her Co, the rules still apply.

                                They haven't stated that Carter isn't under his command or have I missed something? They ARE still Air Force. They would have to switch branches to be together. Same branch of Military can't marry. Thats my understanding.
                                That would be an incorrect understanding.

                                Originally posted by madaboutdanny View Post
                                So, this became another J/S ship thread? As if there isn't enough of them on GW....
                                Since there won't be Vala in the third movie, I hope that the romantic scene will be between Jack and Daniel they two deserve a resolution!
                                Seriously, I'd like to see the Stargate program goes public, and the aftermath of that.
                                All right, all right....

                                But I have to disagree with the bolded part. (I'm being a bit contrary today, aren't I? )

                                That would totally ruin it for me. I don't want it to go public. That's part of what's cool about Stargate- it seems like it could be happening. If they go public, that illusion will be completely gone.

