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Third SG-1 movie ("Stargate Revolution") Ship Free hopes/speculation/ideas

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    Oh, thanks for copying that here. I didn't realize Brad had answered some questions for GW.
    Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


      I just wish the ball could get rolling a little sooner on this movie.
      MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
      "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
      Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


        Yay! Finally....some positive answers. Thank you Jumper One for the info.
        Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!


          Jack and Sam's wedding!!!!
          No alternate time-line, time travel or parallel worlds!!!


            Originally posted by Mozzie View Post
            Jack and Sam's wedding!!!!
            No alternate time-line, time travel or parallel worlds!!!
            Right On!! I'd settle for a few lines of confirmation that they are a couple at least but by all means a wedding or mention of a wedding that already happened would be excellent!
            Mac Jackson
            Singer/Songwriter of
            "Harmony Constant"
            [email protected]
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              Originally posted by Mozzie View Post
              Jack and Sam's wedding!!!!
              No alternate time-line, time travel or parallel worlds!!!
              Originally posted by Mac Jackson View Post
              Right On!! I'd settle for a few lines of confirmation that they are a couple at least but by all means a wedding or mention of a wedding that already happened would be excellent!
              Only if they want to torture the audience on purpose!!

              I'm sorry, I was watching 200 last night and Martin's response to Vala's suggestion of a wedding on the show just cracks me up.

              The no alternate time-line, time travel or parallel worlds hope, though, is one I whole-heartedly share!


                Originally posted by Mozzie View Post
                Jack and Sam's wedding!!!!
                No alternate time-line, time travel or parallel worlds!!!
                Never WILL happen. They wouldn't shoot themselves in the foot like unless they planned on retiring BOTH characters for good, which, I don't think they will they are not that stupid. Unless of course this will be RDA's last SG1 movie but since he is on SGU, you will not get any wedding, thank goodness! Sorry, that will be the kiss of death for the characters and like mentioned you had your wedding in 200.

                Jack would have to retire first so don't hold your breath.

                We just got a time story with the last movie. They're not gonna do another one so soon.
                Last edited by DSG1; 11 April 2009, 01:03 PM.


                  I think that would put off all the people who aren't jack/sam shippers. The ship has been poorly done since Day 1 and confirmation and/or wedding woul further digust me and hinder people like me who are against the ship from not buying the 3rd movie. So the question is who is the majority?
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    And it's not just people who are strictly anti-Jack/Sam. In the grand scheme, if it was done well and was realistic, then I wouldn't mind. I just don't think that they can give full realization to the relationship between Jack & Sam and keep both of them in the Stargate program.

                    Doing it poorly would alienate both the anti-Jack/Sam-ers and the on-the-fencers.


                      Originally posted by DSG1 View Post
                      Never WILL happen. They wouldn't shoot themselves in the foot like unless they planned on retiring BOTH characters for good, which, I don't think they will they are not that stupid. Unless of course this will be RDA's last SG1 movie but since he is on SGU, you will not get any wedding, thank goodness! Sorry that will be the kiss of death for the characters and like mentioned you had your wedding in 200.
                      While I disagree that a 'wedding' would be the kiss of death for characters, (it's pulled off in other series and would actually add a dynamic that we haven't seen yet in Stargate - a couple, married or not, be separated like Jack and Sam would be by their respective important jobs in the AF) I agree that I don't think we'll ever see one. I'm not sure I'd really want to, honestly.

                      I do believe that there will be a confirmation of their relationship in a way far more in line with what we're used to in the show.

                      We just a time story with the last movie. They're not gonna do another one so soon.
                      Thank god. While the Continuum time travel story was ok, I just don't like them in general so, hopefully, we won't see any more of them.
                      Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                        I think that would put off all the people who aren't jack/sam shippers. The ship has been poorly done since Day 1 and confirmation and/or wedding woul further digust me and hinder people like me who are against the ship from not buying the 3rd movie. So the question is who is the majority?
                        At this point, they just need to make a decision as to where they want these characters to end up, whether it be with each other or not.

                        The naysayers may be loud, but I don't think that they are in the majority by far.

                        They can't please everyone.
                        Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                          Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                          The naysayers may be loud, but I don't think that they are in the majority by far.
                          I think that if it were possible to poll everyone who called themselves a fan of Stargate, we would find that the "don't care" crowd would be a super-majority with the shippers/anti-shippers splitting the remainder.


                            Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                            At this point, they just need to make a decision as to where they want these characters to end up, whether it be with each other or not.

                            The naysayers may be loud, but I don't think that they are in the majority by far.

                            They can't please everyone.

                            I agree that confirmnation is needed but a sam/jack wedding sounds too much like a shipper fantasy. And to the average Stargate viewer I don't think it would sit right,
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                              I agree that confirmnation is needed but a sam/jack wedding sounds too much like a shipper fantasy. And to the average Stargate viewer I don't think it would sit right,
                              Well, unless it was crashed by a bunch of aliens, it probably wouldn't sit right with most shippers, either. Whatever they decide to do, it has to be part of the plot.


                                So when did Stargate become the Sam/Jack shipper show eh?

                                Silly me, I thought it was about the team, ya know, SG1? Remember them?

                                They had their chance in the last movie but they didnt do it so what makes you
                                think they'll do it in this movie?

