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Third SG-1 movie ("Stargate Revolution") Ship Free hopes/speculation/ideas

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    Well, back to work, but not back to the office. We were supposed to reconvene next week but, as expected, Brad and Robert are up to their eyeballs in scriptwriting and series prep so, instead, we’ll be flying solo, working on our own outlines and scripts. Rob showed me the stack of ship designs they were mulling over last time I was in and I suspect that he and Brad have probably narrowed their choice down by now.
    Did you accidently get the wrong thread, or is there some ship involved with the third movie that I don't know about? I'm guessing that you are wondering what happened to your post in the SGU thread... : )


      Originally posted by amconway View Post
      Did you accidently get the wrong thread, or is there some ship involved with the third movie that I don't know about? I'm guessing that you are wondering what happened to your post in the SGU thread... : )
      yes it's mostly about SGU but Brad and Carl are still working on the script for the third SG-1 movie...
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        I herd on the podcast brad was thinking about having the stargate revealed in the third movie.


          yes it's mostly about SGU but Brad and Carl are still working on the script for the third SG-1 movie...
          Oh, I missed that bit-I was trying to keep a cat off the keyboard at the time. ; ) That's good news-thanks for sharing the info!

          I heard on the podcast brad was thinking about having the stargate revealed in the third movie.
          That would be a logical way to have Jack be more involved-it would be a really interesting story, too. Pretty huge ramifications for the future, though! On the plus side, Sam and Daniel could finally publish all those books and papers that must be stacked a mile high in their offices. ; )


            Originally posted by amconway View Post
            Oh, I missed that bit-I was trying to keep a cat off the keyboard at the time. ; ) That's good news-thanks for sharing the info!

            That would be a logical way to have Jack be more involved-it would be a really interesting story, too. Pretty huge ramifications for the future, though! On the plus side, Sam and Daniel could finally publish all those books and papers that must be stacked a mile high in their offices. ; )
            I thought that JM said a public disclosure of the stargate wasn't going to happen... at least in the next movie.

            Really, I don't want that to happen. It totally ruins the illusion. Although I definitely want Daniel and Sam to win a Nobel prize someday. I suppose those are two mutually exclusive goals, huh?


              thought that JM said a public disclosure of the stargate wasn't going to happen... at least in the next movie.

              Really, I don't want that to happen. It totally ruins the illusion. Although I definitely want Daniel and Sam to win a Nobel prize someday. I suppose those are two mutually exclusive goals, huh?
              I haven't heard anything about that-then again, I don't care what they do, as long as it's SG-1. I see what you mean about the illusion. It takes it out of an imaginary 'our world' and puts it in another, at the same time I would really like to see Daniel vindicated, particularly. He so totally deserves it.
              On the other hand, then you have the problem of the introduction of technology to Earth, further taking it away from 'our world in space'. So, yeah, I'm torn, as well.
              Last edited by amconway; 05 December 2008, 07:23 PM.


                Originally posted by VSS View Post
                I thought that JM said a public disclosure of the stargate wasn't going to happen... at least in the next movie.

                Really, I don't want that to happen. It totally ruins the illusion. Although I definitely want Daniel and Sam to win a Nobel prize someday. I suppose those are two mutually exclusive goals, huh?
                I can understand Sam winning for physics, but for what would Daniel win? Literature, peace?


                  Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                  I can understand Sam winning for physics, but for what would Daniel win? Literature, peace?
                  Well, I don't see any reason why he couldn't win one two years in a row.
                  Do they have a history prize, or a linguistics one maybe?

                  Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.


                    Trevor writes: “Does this mean like SG-1 only two movies or are they really going to make more movies on both SG-1 and SGA ?”

                    Answer: At present, we are scheduled to produce two movies next year, one of each.
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                      Originally posted by amconway View Post
                      I haven't heard anything about that-then again, I don't care what they do, as long as it's SG-1. I see what you mean about the illusion. It takes it out of an imaginary 'our world' and puts it in another, at the same time I would really like to see Daniel vindicated, particularly. He so totally deserves it.
                      On the other hand, then you have the problem of the introduction of technology to Earth, further taking it away from 'our world in space'. So, yeah, I'm torn, as well.
                      Yeah, Daniel does deserve it. If he had never found out how to work the Stargate in the first place, we wouldn't have made any of the amazing discoveries we have.
                      MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                      "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                      Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                        Originally posted by Cambo View Post
                        I would like to see a few things resolved a couple of which have been stated, but i will add my voice to them!
                        Here are my Ideas for the next or future movies:
                        1. Something involoving Kinsey and what happened to him
                        2. What did Nicholas Ballard learn with "the Giant Aliens?"
                        3. Can we finally meet the Furlings - PLEASE!!!!!!!

                        You know in some galaxies this is call loitering!!!
                        I believe that "the Giant Aliens" are the Furlings. for a number of reasons and I agree that we should finally get to truly meet them.


                          Originally posted by Code 5 View Post
                          I believe that "the Giant Aliens" are the Furlings. for a number of reasons and I agree that we should finally get to truly meet them.
                          What reasons?


                            Ytimyona writes: “Was just rewatching Ripple Effect (one of the SG-1 episodes I picked out of my iTunes queue to watch with my little sister when I get home for break on Thursday) and saw that you and Paul wrote it. Can you ask Brad if he plans to include a reference to Mitchell’s “Cut the green one” hint in the next movie? “

                            Answer: No, we won’t see a reference to cutting “the green one” in the upcoming SG-1 movie. Like the open-ended Neeva scene, the “cut the green one” reference was something I was hoping to pay off down the line if the opportunity ever presented itself.
                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                              Id like to see an epic movie where so much really messed up stuff happens to the people of earth that we have to use the Ark of Truth to make everyone forget about it.

                              Like whole armies get graphically eaten by demonic aliens on the 5 oclock news so the suicide/homicide/crime rate goes insane. Rioting, ppl starving, wars. Eventually Oneil say oh screw this, carter fiddles with the settings, then they open it up on cnn and suddenly everyones back to normal and just think mt st helens blew up again.


                                A few months ago I talked about wanting to explore the Great Alliance, and I've come up with an idea.

                                So let's say that the Great Alliance was created not to battle an enemy, but as a vehicle for the sharing of knowledge and philosophy (ala Heliopolis). At the end, it was decided that all that knowledge will henceforth be gathered up, and stored in a Repository even more all-encompassing than the head-grabbers.

                                As time went on, more knowledge is passed to the Great Repository by all 4 races. Even when the Alliance seemed broken (i.e. when the Ancients moved to Pegasus), knowledge was still passed to this repository.

                                Eventually, the Ancients ascended, The Furlings disappeared, and the Asgard killed themselves, and they all stopped passing on knowledge. However, within the Asgard database that they gave us is a special file, encrypted in an exceedingly difficult code that protected information on this repository. Eventually, when we have become smart and enlightened enough to figure out this code, we will gain entry into the repository of all knowledge in the Universe that the 4 races were able to get, and begin adding our own.

                                So that's the back story. Now, the actual plot of the movie (REALLY LONG):

                                There is a freak accident on the Odyssey (probably caused by our lack of understanding of the Asgard systems) and computer systems have been disrupted, leading to a decoding of this file. Carter and various other scientists begin studying it.

                                They realize its significance. However, it turns out that this file only has part of the information needed to get to this Great Repository. With no other leads, SG1, and someone from the IOA (because this is important) decide to head to the Nox homeworld (by ship, of course) to see if they can get some info from them.

                                So there is an reunion on the Nox Homeworld, with the Nox still saying that we're very young in the head or whatever. We ask for any info on this Repository thing, and they ask why we are seeking it. There is a big discussion on the use of knowledge for enlightenment vs. personal gains. The IOA guy and Danny obviously disagree, with the others caught in the middle.

                                Eventually, the Nox takes us into a room where there is an Ancient Head-Grabber in the middle of it. They revealed that, long ago, the Ancient named Moros came and installed it. It turns out, all the past repositories that SG1 has encountered have been created by Moros as a way to share some of the Great Repository's knowledge with our kind, and that this was made for us, as he had forseen all of this.

                                Hey, he was a highly evolved human, so he can see the future. Why not?

                                Also, I know the Asgard said that they've barely scratched the surface of the info stored in one of these repositories, but that can be explained: let the Asgard be the least technologically advanced species during the days of the Great Alliance, so that the info provided by everyone else far surpassed their own understanding. Thus, when they found a way to acquire some of this info again, it took a lot of time to understand it.

                                Or whatever.

                                So Jack decides to do it again, despite protests. However, this time things are different. The download takes much less time than in the past, and as soon as he regains consciousness, he asks for a pen. They give him one, and he draws down a set of gate coordinates. It's an 8-symbol address.

                                After thanking the Nox, they return to Earth. Jack is under observation for a while, but nothing happens. No weird Ancient speaking, no weird actions. It seems that the head-grabber only contained that gate-address.

                                The team waits for 2 weeks, and Jack is completely normal. Thus, it's decided that they visit this gate address, using one of the ZPMs that Atlantis gave Earth way back in Echoes.

                                When they get there, all there is are ruins. There is no telling where they are, or what race had occupied there. They start searching.

                                Finally, they find some semblance of a standing building and go in. It seemed to be some kind of protected library, full of databanks and other cool things. They are on a Furling planet (you know this was coming).

                                After checking the records, it becomes clear what happened here: there was a war. Turns out, the Furlings had met some bad guys, and had to fight for a long time. Eventually, they breached protocol and took some knowledge from the Great Repository to aid them in their war. They developed great weapons, destroyed their enemy...and promptly blew themselves up after overwhelming themselves with the sheer amount of knowledge they had acquired. They weren't ready to know that many things.

                                The team takes that under advisement.

                                Deeper within this library, they find a special room with a single control station in it: it's a puzzle, with 4 "things" that needs to be solved or placed there or whatever, one for each of the great races, apparently. Evidently, this must be solved before they are allowed to access the Great Repository.

                                Immediately, they realize that the solution of the Asgard puzzle is in the file that was within the Asgard database, and that seems to work. The Nox puzzle takes some time, but ultimatly they solve it (it's probably something to do with hiding, or "to hide" or pacifism; make a puzzle out of that). The Ancient puzzle is interesting: it's a mini DHD. They input the address for Dakara, and it works.

                                The last one, they think it's from the Furlings. However, it's just a circular depression. Also, they have no idea who the Furlings were, ultimately, so they're stuck. But, of course, there's a twist. Daniel (most likely), realize that this puzzle is very Human-friendly...and why would there be a puzzle for the Furlings on a Furling planet? They realize that, somehow (maybe through higher evolution), the Great Alliance knew that the humans would someday be the Fifth Race. Thus, all they need to do is put something Human into that puzzle.

                                Daniel mashes his hand into the depression...and it works!

                                Ok, so the requirements of this puzzle is a little easy, or something. I just made them up right now; basically anything relating to the 3 other races (plus us) would work here.

                                So it works. The control panel sinks into the ground, to be replaced by a Stargate, but without an inner track. It automatically activates and kawhooshes. At the same time, the wall opposite the event horizon starts glowing for no apparent reason. With no MALP, they don't know if the other side is safe. However, they can't dial the Stargate they came in from since this one has taken precedence. They're stuck. Of course, they can wait for 38 minutes and hope it shuts down, but then they don't know if they'll get it all to work again (for all they know the puzzle resets itself into different things every time this works). Finally, they decide to go through.

                                ...And they land on an Earth-like planet! A fairly unremarkable Earth-like planet, actually.

                                They search around again, and find nothing. Also, the Stargate won't close; something must be powering it, to keep it open longer than 38 minutes.

                                Night falls, and 5 moons appear in the sky. At the same time, they realize that that glowing wall back in the Furling chamber is sending light through the Stargate. Put 2 and 2 together, and they realize that they might need to point the Stargate at one of the moons (don't ask me why; I just need something puzzley to make this work). They look around the Stargate, and find nothing. They go to the DHD, and find that none of the symbols are glowing: clue!

                                So they start inputting known addresses into the DHD: Dakara, that Furling planet, the Nox planet...but it's Earth's address that ultimately works. The Stargate lifts off of its foundations and points itself so that the event horizon faces one of the 5 moons.

                                Suddenly, the team is transported into a control room, which activates. As part of the activation, one of the walls slides open, revealing a big window; everyone is shocked to see what it displays: the inside of the planet is hollow.

                                It appears that the control room is built on the inner wall of a massive central cavity.

                                Suddenly, a hologram appears: it's Thor. Thor says his greetings, and that he has always believed that us Human would one day find our way to the Great Repository, when we were ready, and when we had decoded the file within the Asgard database. He explains that the knowledge stored here is not what we are accustomed to: the planet IS the database. In fact, the knowledge is encoded in every atom and molecule of this globe (don't ask me how; it just IS). As more knowledge is added, the interior of the planet is filled up. As knowledge is taken, the planet is eaten away, and the control room where they are is where all that is done.

                                The message ends. There is stunned silence for obvious reasons: everything they've ever wanted was right here. All the knowledge of the Great Alliance, was all here.

                                So the IOA guy that tagged along obviously wants all of it, but Daniel, as usual, speaks up: we didn't decode any message; Thor's file in the Asgard database was given to us thanks to a malfunction. We're not ready, and we saw what happened to people who weren't ready for the secrets of the Universe.

                                Maybe have Daniel say something about his experience in The Torment of Tantalus: knowledge always comes at a price.

                                I know there's not much action in his story, but I for am fine with that. It's all about exploration and discovery, and the human condition stuff. Besides, we'd still get cool CGI in the form of alien worlds and what not.

                                So anyway, the IOA guy and Daniel fight it out, verbally, but is eventually beaten down. With Jack being there, and he being pretty important on Earth, they decide to hide the existence of the Repository (Jack can allow them to do that), sort of like a pact. They then head back to the transporter.

                                At the last second, however, just as the transport beam activates, the IOA guy runs away from the others, and gets left behind in the control center while everyone is beamed back to the surface. There, they discover the Stargate deactivated, with no way to get back to the control room. However, the Stargate soon activates: it's an out-going wormhole. It seems this is all a one-time thing (as in, you only get to go into the control room once every time you come to this planet).

                                The IOA guy seems pretty satisfied with himself and tries to get some of the knowledge. It works, and data starts scrolling in a computer terminal right in front of him. He can't believe his luck.

                                With no where to go and no way to get back to the control room, the team decides to head through the Gate (hoping that it'll lead to somewhere familiar), and then maybe get help somewhere. They do so, and they end up back in the Furling chamber...except that it looks like the entire place was collapsing! With very little time on their hands, they run out of the building, only to see the whole thing collapse onto the ground. They attempt to dig, and quickly finds the Stargate, which is deactivated. With no inner track, they can't manually dial out, and there is no obvious way to dial back with anything else.

                                They realize that this has all been planned: if Merlin saw them going to the Nox when they didn't actually decode anything, then he must've seen this coming too. His mission wasn't to give them the knowledge, but to give them a taste of what they will eventually inherit: all the knowledge of the Universe. It was something for them to work towards.

                                With the only way to the Great Repository that they know of taken away, they decide to tell everyone of it, instead of holding it a secret, as that's probably what Merlin would've wanted. From there, they dial Earth (it works), and head home.

                                The End.

