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Ripple Effect (913)

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    Things, in no particular order.

    Thing 1 - MARTOUF! Score!

    Thing 2 - That is possibly the coolest Asgard yet. I like that we get to see really individual personalities start popping up. I hope we get to see him again.

    Thing 3 - Yes, I understand Landry to a point, but....I mean....that's a lot of people to write off.

    Thing 4 - Browder in boxer out for rabid fangirls...*cough*not that it wasn't enjoyable*cough*


    All in all, I liked it. I feel like a major dork for understanding *every single mission they referenced* but, meh, tell me something I don't know.

    *~S.T.A.K.S.~*~LiveJournal Leik Woah~*

    "Dosmrti, dosmrti na to nezapomenu."


      Originally posted by Dani347
      When they found out that Mitchell wasn't our Mitchell, Sam said they knew because they would have done the same thing. But, to me, that only means they would have someone infiltrate the team to find out what plans they had. It didn't say why they knew it would be Mitchell in particular. Also, how did Black Mitchell get the information to Black Daniel and Black Teal'c so they could come and try to stop Teal'c?
      I guess they assumed that they were all the GreenSG-1 when they were locked up and the only one separated from the group was Mitchell, when he went to talk to the other Mitchell. That was the only time the switch could have been made. I'm assuming GreenMitchell talked to the others and said, "I'm going to go talk to their Mitchell to see what I can find out, but when I come back, you guys have to be aware that it might not be me. It might be him." and maybe they even came up with a code word that the GreenMitchell would say if it was him. Notice when BlackMitchell came back, Carter went up to him and waited for him to say something first. When he didn't say the code word, she knew that PlanB was in effect. Of course, I made up all that code word stuff, but it fits, eh?

      As for the other question, the Black Team said that they knew that the Green Team was going to try to escape they just didn't know how. So they planted BlackMitchell into the group and the others probably hung around hidden and followed them. BlackMitchell didn't have to contact his team because they were already following them - or waiting at the most likely place they would first go: the armory.


        only thing is - wouldn't Black Sam also know what Green Sam knows about Prometheus? I smell plot hole!!


          Originally posted by phoenyyx
          only thing is - wouldn't Black Sam also know what Green Sam knows about Prometheus? I smell plot hole!!
          It is a plot hole.

          Along with how could the USAF be so stupid as to put anything in the brig that would allow someone to open the door.

          And before anyone says it. Yes maybe they werent in the brig but then the plot hole is how could Black SG-1 be so stupid as to put them in a simple room whos door could be opened from the inside. And exactly how did they think they were going to keep the other SG-1 caged for 3 weeks without issue. This does however prove to me they were not evil since the SMART thing to do would be to kill the other SG team
          Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

          ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

          AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


            Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
            Sigh. I've tried reading all the comments before I responded, but I'm still a few pages away and I can't wait. Forgive me if I repeat something someone said recently. [except the first paragraph. I would say that even if repeating the previous post]

            I absolutely LOVED Ripple Effect!!! LOVED IT!!!

            I didn't think the Black team was evil. I think they were desperate, raw, determined and maybe rationalized things with a little tunnel vision. BlackMitchell rationalized stealing the ZPM with IF the wraith return and IF they attack and IF they defeat Atlantis... all things that might happen, whereas, in his world, the destruction was already there and not taking the ZPM meant certain destruction of his world. The danger to Atlantis might have been a bit more imminent than BlackMitchell thought, but it still was just a possibility in the future . Our Earth and Atlantis would have had at least a little time to find an alternate defense, but BlackMitchell's world was out of alternatives.

            I think we can assume that BlackMitchell, his entire team, and the world as he knows it, is now destroyed.

            And are we any better? Landry was willing to strand all the teams here just to save our world. Some/many of those teams were on missions to save their own worlds and now what are their chances without their number one team, lost forever in an alternate universe?

            Frankly, I'm not finding a lot of fault with anybody here. If I lived on BlackEarth, I would want a team as ruthless as BlackMitchell's trying to save my family and me.
            Also, they were trying to get what they needed without hurting anyone. Their weapon of choice was Zats and they only used them to stun.

            Okay, maybe the Teal'c headslam was a bit much. And it looked so real. Shades of Crichton in the first episode of FarScape. I wonder how hard that is to act and how much real pain is inflicted [even if he is hitting a softer prop]. I totally think the "No hitting" line later was because of this scene. So, I'm pretending that the painful-looking headslam was kept in for the later "No hitting" joke. Otherwise? A bit cruel.

            About the green wire. I don't think there was anything evil in that. I think he was trying to get under GreenMitchell's skin by either mentioning something that never happens, or if it did to BlackMitchell already, either ALL the wires are green, or NONE of them are. I don't think BlackMitchell would really want to kill GreenMitchell or make him ponder overlong about whether to trust BlackMitchell or not. BM just wanted GM to worry about it. No matter what happens in the future of the series wire-wise; I'm going to believe that in BM's universe ALL the wires were green or NONE of the wires were green and it's a non-issue.

            I agree with all the reasons that it wouldn't be noticed that the uniforms were different, especially the fact that who knows how long ago they left and who was on duty when they did. And besides, a bunch of men noticing what other guys are wearing? [Or I should say mostly men, because the SGC is predominately men. ...and not of the fashion designer variety]. I wouldn't have noticed the difference between black and green after watching what was possibly many teams going through the gate. Maybe if one was the camouflage and I noticed particularly because whereever they were going called for that certain camouflage to be worn and I knew more about the planet than a bunch of numbers to know that's why they wore that, but frankly, I'm female and I don't think I would have paid much attention. I didn't realize that they kept Mitchell and Daniel in different color uniforms all the time in the beginning of the season [presumably so we wouldn't get them confused?] until it was pointed out in some forum. I still didn't notice, actually. I'd read the next day that their uniforms were still different and I'd say, once again, "oh, didn't notice". Other than this episode are they still doing that? See? Still don't notice.

            What I do notice is how well Mitchell fills out his uniform [of any color]. And how well he fills out his skivvies.

            But to repeat: I LOVED THIS EPISODE!!!

            Loved all the variations and loved all the interactions, particularly the way Sam and Mitchell tease each other. It's sweet. I think they are quite comfortable with each other and I would love to know their past history. Good friends there, it seems. I also like the way Mitchell interacts with Daniel and Teal'c, but we got some good stuff in this episode with Mitchell and Sam.
            [Crichton]Can I get a HELL YEAH?![/Crichton]
            Fargater (n.) A Farscape fan who got curious about Stargate SG-1 on learning BB and CB would be joining, belatedly discovered the greatness of Stargate SG-1 in reruns, and who is now a happy fan of both shows.


              I've got to agree with those who have said that they liked this one. It was a nice bit of fun after the angst of Collateral Damage.

              So many others have posted their views before me that I will end up repeating what they have said but briefly:

              Like many others, I got a nice sense of 'team' from the ep and I loved it.

              I thought the writing was good - even the jokes. I seem to be the only person here not annoyed by Mitchell's on-going sense of humour/delivery of one-liners. I'm not splitting my sides with laughter every week but he usually manages to raised a smile. I'm not finding his humour unprofessional either.

              Nice to see AT taking centre stage story-wise and reminding us all what a genius Sam is.

              Not sure why Daniel was having such a hard time getting on board with the concept of AU (he's been there before) or why he was grimacing at the science. It did seem a bit out a character, although I noticed that Mitchell - normally quite interested in the science - was doing it too. Maybe it was just too far over their heads?

              Not really too bothered/interested about who Sam is seeing/marrying in AUs. I was never fond of Martouf and his appearance here seemed a bit pointless apart from to annoy the S/J shippers. I would rather have seen the impact of Sam seeing Jacob again rather than dayglo Marty.

              Acting was good all around. Especially AT for, well, everything she did in this ep and BB for the important but subtle differences he put into his portrayal of the black Mitchell.

              I'm missing Jack less and less with each episode but it would have been nice to see him wander through the gate for a cameo - although I wouldn't have wanted him to play a big part in the story. I agree with everyone who said that they would have liked a little more variation on the team personnel.

              Shame that there wasn't more Sam and Janet and less Sam and Martouf.

              The deeper point about 'how far would you go to save your own planet?' is an interesting one. It has been discussed elsewhere in this thread and I won't go over it again. Suffice it to say that although I was always rooting for 'our' SG-1, I have a great deal of sympathy for the black team and it wouldn't take much for the roles to be reversed. Good, evil and the shades inbetween can be relative terms, depending on where you're standing and your circumstances.

              Despite the minor moans, I liked this one. Not the best S9 has to offer IMHO but good nevertheless.


              Edited for a stupid typo - they bug me so much once I notice them that I have to correct them.
              Last edited by Izzy; 28 January 2006, 06:58 AM.


                I did like the episode but there were so many sg1's there and so little AU reveilings, martouf, janet and some semi-evil sg1 were pretty much all...and that's hardly anything with so many AU sg1's there :A


                  Originally posted by nell
                  It's Jack! AU Janet was grinning too much for it not to be Jack. My.Story.Stickin'.To.It!!!

                  I agree with that . Janet didn't have to say anything because she knew that Sam would click on the matter ..Janet was smiling too much and she knew that Sam knew the person ..therefore Jack ...Janet didn't know Pete because Sam was just starting her relationship with him at that time .If it was him (Pete) , then Janet would have mentionned his name to Sam ....saying a " a guy called Pete" just to clarify ..but there is no need to mention Jack's name as she knew all about Sam and Jack in that universe and some other AU like point of view .

                  Anyway , it was nice to see Janet and Martouf . I don't understand why Sam initiated the kiss with Martouf though !!! A lot of my casual wiewer friends are confused because after Threads and Sam broke up with Pete and Kerry with Jack ...They (S/J) seemed very cosy together and willing to start a relationship after holding on for so long what that almost kiss Sam/Martouf ?!!! may be it's just the jolinar 's prints in Sam's brain which come up when she sees Martouf but still ...a hug or a cuddle would have been better for a continuity in the storyline .

                  I still have a problem with Mitchell . BB was great in Farscape but in SG1 , he really annoys me ..I don't know but he seems to think he is better than anyone else sometimes ...and to me I haven't seen him in action all those 8 years to like his character who is supposed to be the heroe but I only saw Jack, Daniel and Teal'c on screen to prove to me that they are the heroes . ..and can TPTB mention Jack's name a little bit more please ?!!...He still exists and has done a fab job during 8 years and it would have been nice to hear his name from Janet mostly in Ripple effect .

                  Last edited by Catysg1; 30 January 2006, 07:06 AM.


                    It was very nice to see Martouf and Janet again. Great episode.


                      I think that as soon as black SG-1 returned to their reality, they turned around and tried a different reality, hoping for more success. They probably will continue to try the realities until they can find one. In fact, black SG-1 could have visited dozens of alternate realities before visiting ours.
                      SQUEE like no one's listening.


                        Originally posted by jyh
                        Question that I'm not sure has been raised (but which could be a serious plot point): How did the black-team SG-1 team know that 'our' SGC has a ZPM? Did that ever get questioned or explained? Or, for that matter, how did they figure out they could use a wormhole to bring all SG teams together? Heaven knows our SG-1 team has never come up with that idea. They've blown up suns, travelled through the earth, done all sorts of amazing things, but somehow I doubt the thought of purposely creating a wormhole to go to an alternate earth ever occurred to them.

                        Anybody got any ideas about either question?

                        The 2 realities were almost identical weren't they? Maybe they had the same Atlantis mission in there place, and knew one would be there.

                        24/7 Wake - KrackHouse server:
                        24/7 Groundpounders - Krackhouse:
                        Both heavily admined.


                          There is too many other realities to consider. It is a possibility that happened. But it all started with that flash in the gate that we saw. That would not of allowed enough time to find their way around one other reality.


                            Finally got to see it ... and it was great fun! Almost a case of 'guess the reference' - a real treat for the long time fan.

                            Janet was back, and completely in character - arguing the morality point with Landry.

                            It was good to see Martouf back too. The new Asgard was funny, but I wonder where Thor and Heimdall are ... my pet theory ATM is they were meeting with the Furlings, and this will be followed through in season 10, possibly in the 200th episode.

                            You've gotta wonder - were the black team actually evil? My take on it was they were desperate, and figured the Atlantis team could do without a ZPM, as it wasn't guaranteed the Wraith would come - whereas they were sure the Ori were coming to there Earth. They figured they had to risk Atlantis' possible destruction to save their Earth. We'll learn more when Mitchell has to "Cut the green one". If black Mitchell gave him dodgy advice, he's probably evil - if he gave good advice, he was just desperate.

                            I also think it would have made a good two parter, perhaps with black SG-1 getting to Atlantis, fighting the Atlantis team (McKay ... "Oy ... we're you going with that?") and then the real SG-1 overpowering them and returning it.
                            Although, thinking about it again, it wouldn't really have been necessary, and the three weeks between galaxies could have slowed down the story too much. Hmm - I guess it was fine as it was.

                            All in all, very good ep - one of the very best in the series
                            I'm not Weird, I'm Gifted!



                              Okay, I usually don't comment about episodes

                              But this one I have a few comments

                              - it was nice to Janet Fraiser on screen
                              - it was nice to Martouf on screen again
                              - it was a good Story line.. some of Mitchell's joke to Sam ("Finally someone who can keep up with you!!) was a good line!!

                              but I have Questions
                              If all the teams that gated to SGC were SG-1.. Why couldn't Jack be part of any of them, .. Was he promoted to General in all realities.. Why couldn't they splice some of SG-1 earlier episode returns into it.. Just to get a Glimpse.. Would be nice..
                              Same with Jonas

                              I was nice to hear Salmek's name mentioned.. Why couldn't he be on a team too??

                              I enjoyed the story-line it was interesting, more then some previous episode.. I acutally might want to watch this one again.. Otherwise Season 9 is so-so!!

                              But then again I am a JACK Oniell Fan!!
                              Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                                Originally posted by Daniel's Sister
                                This was a very good ep.
                                The only problem that I had with it is that my dad wouldn't be quiet. And he kept on asking questions that we woldn't know the answer to. And we even missed a key line because he was saying something. But back to the ep:
                                I loved all the little carters that were there. . And when General Lamdry came in and said 'Carter', all the carters looked at him.
                                And I noticed something. When Carter was talking to Dr. Lee, Geeky Carter that we met in Moebius, was eating blue jello. Even in alternet realitys, she still loves her blue jello.
                                Oh and the story line was good. a little confusing sometimes , but,I really liked it.

                                Mcay would be in heaven with all those carters

