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Ripple Effect (913)

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    Originally posted by Mattathias2.0
    It was foreshadowing.
    Yes, but it was foreshadowing at the expense of BlackMitchell being thought of as a jerk if there is a green wire and it is the wrong one. And I don't think he was a jerk, so I'm believing that the wires in his universe were all green, or none were, no matter what they end up being in "our" universe.

    However, it will be interesting to see how those, and the other foreshadowing incidents you mentioned, turn out!


      Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
      Sigh. I've tried reading all the comments before I responded, but I'm still a few pages away and I can't wait. Forgive me if I repeat something someone said recently. [except the first paragraph. I would say that even if repeating the previous post]

      I absolutely LOVED Ripple Effect!!! LOVED IT!!!

      I didn't think the Black team was evil. I think they were desperate, raw, determined and maybe rationalized things with a little tunnel vision. BlackMitchell rationalized stealing the ZPM with IF the wraith return and IF they attack and IF they defeat Atlantis... all things that might happen, whereas, in his world, the destruction was already there and not taking the ZPM meant certain destruction of his world. The danger to Atlantis might have been a bit more imminent than BlackMitchell thought, but it still was just a possibility in the future . Our Earth and Atlantis would have had at least a little time to find an alternate defense, but BlackMitchell's world was out of alternatives.

      I think we can assume that BlackMitchell, his entire team, and the world as he knows it, is now destroyed.

      And are we any better? Landry was willing to strand all the teams here just to save our world. Some/many of those teams were on missions to save their own worlds and now what are their chances without their number one team, lost forever in an alternate universe?

      Frankly, I'm not finding a lot of fault with anybody here. If I lived on BlackEarth, I would want a team as ruthless as BlackMitchell's trying to save my family and me.
      Also, they were trying to get what they needed without hurting anyone. Their weapon of choice was Zats and they only used them to stun.

      Okay, maybe the Teal'c headslam was a bit much. And it looked so real. Shades of Crichton in the first episode of FarScape. I wonder how hard that is to act and how much real pain is inflicted [even if he is hitting a softer prop]. I totally think the "No hitting" line later was because of this scene. So, I'm pretending that the painful-looking headslam was kept in for the later "No hitting" joke. Otherwise? A bit cruel.

      About the green wire. I don't think there was anything evil in that. I think he was trying to get under GreenMitchell's skin by either mentioning something that never happens, or if it did to BlackMitchell already, either ALL the wires are green, or NONE of them are. I don't think BlackMitchell would really want to kill GreenMitchell or make him ponder overlong about whether to trust BlackMitchell or not. BM just wanted GM to worry about it. No matter what happens in the future of the series wire-wise; I'm going to believe that in BM's universe ALL the wires were green or NONE of the wires were green and it's a non-issue.

      I agree with all the reasons that it wouldn't be noticed that the uniforms were different, especially the fact that who knows how long ago they left and who was on duty when they did. And besides, a bunch of men noticing what other guys are wearing? [Or I should say mostly men, because the SGC is predominately men. ...and not of the fashion designer variety]. I wouldn't have noticed the difference between black and green after watching what was possibly many teams going through the gate. Maybe if one was the camouflage and I noticed particularly because whereever they were going called for that certain camouflage to be worn and I knew more about the planet than a bunch of numbers to know that's why they wore that, but frankly, I'm female and I don't think I would have paid much attention. I didn't realize that they kept Mitchell and Daniel in different color uniforms all the time in the beginning of the season [presumably so we wouldn't get them confused?] until it was pointed out in some forum. I still didn't notice, actually. I'd read the next day that their uniforms were still different and I'd say, once again, "oh, didn't notice". Other than this episode are they still doing that? See? Still don't notice.

      What I do notice is how well Mitchell fills out his uniform [of any color]. And how well he fills out his skivvies.

      But to repeat: I LOVED THIS EPISODE!!!

      Loved all the variations and loved all the interactions, particularly the way Sam and Mitchell tease each other. It's sweet. I think they are quite comfortable with each other and I would love to know their past history. Good friends there, it seems. I also like the way Mitchell interacts with Daniel and Teal'c, but we got some good stuff in this episode with Mitchell and Sam.
      In reference to Black Mitchell saying "Cut the green one" to Green Mitchell - it could be anything other than a wire - use your imagination, it will certainly keep me on the edge of my seat the rest of the season!!


        You know, the more I reflect on this episode, the more I see it as just a strictly fanservice episode. Not quite as fanservicy is Wormhole Xtreme, but much more fanservicy than last year's Maybourne episode.

        It's like the entire episode was an excuse to let the fans say: "Hey, it's Dr Frasier! I miss her. Hey, it's Martouf! Neat!"


          Originally posted by KillerMercury
          One of my favorite snips:

          Black Mitchell: Now let me get this straight: we figured that you guys would try to escape and set this trap for you, not realizing that you'd figure out that we've figured you out and set...your own.
          [Sam and Daniel look at each other]
          [Teal'c looks towards the side, trying to make sense of what BM said]
          Teal'c: Indeed.

          It's so funny on how things HAVE to make sense only if Teal'c says "Indeed". I guess I and a few others need that phrase, too. Or else, we'll just be lost.
          One of my favorite scenes. Teal'c's "indeed" (after thinking about what was said) was perfectly timed.


            Originally posted by AscendedWarrior
            Yes it's more powerful, but would you choose no power or little less power than you hoped for?
            I'm betting they would choose full power, as, if it weren't for our SG1, they would've succeeded in getting the ZPM.


              Ooh, I enjoyed this one. Lots of hints/references/insinuations all over the place for pretty much every 'ship going (within reason, of course!). Even for a non-'shipper, it was fun trying to spot them all.

              I probably missed plenty of them, too; so I'll just have to watch it again on Saturday when Sky repeat it. Oh, what a hardship...

              I loved the multiple-Sam sequence. It worked really well, and the moment when they all turned as one when Landry arrived was marvellous. I know we've done the 'Sam working with herself' thing before - but never on this scale!

              Come on. We all know who the AU Sams are 'seeing'. It's Barrett, isn't it?

              Yeah, right...


                Just watched Ripple Effect last night on Sky... Just have to say that it was one of the best Eps that have seen this season!. It was like the old Sg1 was back!

                Enjoyed it to the full! Loved the appearance of Janet... I miss her so much!

                Just thought I'd give my thoughts on it ...


                Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                  Multiply SG-1’s, New Asgrad with a funky voice, time dilation, black holes, wormholes, Martouf, Frasier and mentions of a crossover to Atlantis, but there’s never been a sign of a crossover in SG-1 but Atlantis does it all the time.

                  The duplicates are more desperate to save their worlds than others. But none of the duplicate teams are evil, just pressured but for the purpose of helping me understand what I am writing, there going to be evil

                  There was too many SG-1’s to keep track of, you would think that a SG-1 in black, desert gear, blue and green (our SG-1) would be enough…but no…SG-1’s with Frasier, Martouf, SG-1’s with only Mitchell on and three others (When Daniel, Teal’c And Landry Are Walking to meet Frasier) the SG-1’s in the red haz mat suits (Cam only) camouflage gear which has never been see before. I’m 100%...99% sure that the Carters in the room, there were more in there than SG-1 teams that had come through the gate. But you would have thought that the black geared SG-1 would be the evil ones, but yet they went along on Prometheus, which makes you wonder why, the only reason I has was that they were the first to come through or something along those lines.

                  The multiple SG-1’s all had different reasons for Sam missing the first part of the Season, honeymoon with…at first you hope its with Jack, but it could also be Pete, in another parallel universe Sam and Peter could be together or it could be some other guy. And the Sam in the desert gear Universe their reason was maternity leave which when you think about it could be a rip of where AT really was.

                  Carter (Our One) was on fine form with the long technobable which is just as lost on Cam as it was Jack, and Landry cant stand it either, something that Hammond which just put up with. When Sam said she had no idea how to stop the SG-1’s coming through the gate, and everyone looked at her, and then the “yet” reminded me of why I watch this, its getting back up there, its returning to what Stargate SG-1 was all about.

                  The multiple SG-1 members in more than one place was amazing, and hard to get your mind round, AT is use to it but the others probable wouldn’t be use to acting to themselves. On the ship towards the end when the “evil” SG-1 were being put in the hold and Cam had, had his green gear taken as he was evil and then the good Cam walking past wearing the same, a scene which will change how I look at BB in future episodes.

                  Parallel Universes are a SG-1 classic and with a new “band member” it offers better possibilities. But they confuse me, when the Sam’s all go the scientific, more SG-1’s than you can count, solutions to the problem passing me by , now I know how Jack, Cam, Landry, Hammond, Daniel etc. all feel when Sam goes off on one.

                  When the evil Cam mentioned to cut the green one when the time comes it makes you wonder if there Universe is several months ahead and their Cam has had to make a decision, whether or not he was telling the truth is to be seen possible in the weeks to come. Something to keep a note of, but I’m sure that when that episode comes round…whenever it does…we will get a “Previously On Stargate SG-1” and know straight away…

                  Walter's reaction to the Asgard in the control room was great, he starred, then looked away when the Asgard looked at him. Cam's "pants" reaction to the Asgard was suprising, didnt he watch Alec Colsens reveal last year, and then Daniels "I miss Thor" is true of many fans who wonder whats happened to our favourite Asgard, but it was explained that he was off in another Galaxy, believe it if you want to...

                  Confusing but good episode, the whole parallel universes colliding on ours, the 16+ SG-1’s all different, with different things going on back on their Earths with the Ori, you always knew that eventually we would send them home and save the Galaxy…again.

                  Much better than last weeks episode, it had me hooked right from the beginning.

                  Because it confused me but was enjoyable to watch….

                  Ripple Effect receives a S.G.C rating of 7 out 9 Chevrons!

                  Last edited by Stricken; 24 January 2006, 11:54 PM.


                    Actually,S.G.C.,Ben had a twin on Farscape that he had to talk to,so he was use to the multiple thing like AT.


                      Yes, but AT has done a lot more recently (Reckoning)


                        I have'nt read the last 9ish pages.

                        I don't see why every IDC would be the same. Seems like the IDC would be resonably random, so I doubt everyone one would be the same.

                        Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


                          Originally posted by nell
                          It's Jack! AU Janet was grinning too much for it not to be Jack. My.Story.Stickin'.To.It!!!
                          Well, I thought Janet was grinning so proud that it had to be her!

                          uh, but really, Sam-ship overload now. Jack, Cam, Martouf, honeymoon, maternity leave... yes yes yes, we've noticed that Carter's a GIRL!


                            Originally posted by macktheknife
                            I have'nt read the last 9ish pages.

                            I don't see why every IDC would be the same. Seems like the IDC would be resonably random, so I doubt everyone one would be the same.
                            Kind of amusing, I've thought of this before in the other AU episodes. Across all the multiverse, many people may be different, but a random string of numbers is the same.
                            "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
                            " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
                            Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

                            Discover a … New Galaxy

                            Look for a … New Adventure

                            Find a … New Mythology


                              goodn ep, when the third sg-1 came through the gate with the grey and blue uniform on i thought it was the team from wormhole X-treame


                                Originally posted by macktheknife
                                I don't see why every IDC would be the same. Seems like the IDC would be resonably random, so I doubt everyone one would be the same.
                                I agreed with you until I started typing this message.

                                If we assume that the alt.universes were ones that came into existence very recently, then the IDCs could be the same.

                                However, the discrepancies in the teams, and especially the presence of LilDoc and Martouf, shoot the 'closeness' theory (Lee's) all to hell.

                                Soooo... I'm back to my original position (which is in agreement with yours): The IDCs -- being random strings -- shouldn't have been the same.

