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Threads (818)

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    For all those people who say that there disapointed at how they got rid of Anubis. Anubis isn't dead Oma even said herself she can't defeat him but that she can keep him occupied so that he can't destroy the galaxy. And that is exactly what she did. I expect Anubis to come back later. Same with Oma.



      Anyone complaining about the arithmetic stop to figure out that when Jacob Carter announced his cancer to Sam SIX years ago that it didn't mean that he'd drop dead right then? That he had a prognosis...a year...maybe...TWO?

      And as for the ship thing....I don't care if Sam ended up with either Pete or Jack....but now that she's dumped Pete, she and Jack HAVE to give it go. And none of this wishy washy ambiguity; one was the dumper, the other was the dumpee, and after that kind of emotional wreckage, they had better give it a serious try together.

      Never had the problem with Sam pursuing a relationship (since she IS a superwoman, she'd want to have it all), and never had a problem with her being clumsy about it....but with the way things have gone, there just ain't no reason for her to be hesitant now.


        Hm, I think everything I could think of to say about this episode has been said already.

        Just one thing I want to know...

        Sam's cell phone gets reception (Pete's first attempt to call her) 28 levels underground? I sure wich I knew who her carrier is... I can barely make calls from the basement


          So basically, there is no way to kill an ascended being? Even ascended beings can't kill each other?


            Originally posted by SylvanArrow
            Sam's cell phone gets reception (Pete's first attempt to call her) 28 levels underground? I sure wich I knew who her carrier is... I can barely make calls from the basement
            Same thought occurred to me.

            Somebody kick the writers on that one. They goofed yet again.


              The absolute worst thing about this episode: the sound effects for the fishing reels was off. Those were clearly spinning reels and not spin-casting reels. Come on people there is a difference, and here I thought the show was classier than that at least when it came to fishing.

              Okay that really wasn’t the worst thing for me, but I’m not going to go into what I really thought was a complete waste of time, and has been a waste of time since S4.

              Jacob! No not Jacob! I already knew he wasn’t going to make it past this one because I spoiled myself accidentally a while back, but it didn’t make it any less sad. However, they still manage to work that little something into his near dying words.

              Poor Pete as well. I think he kind of knew all along the marriage wasn’t ever going to happen, but he still held out hope until the end. At least the poor character was finally put out of his misery. He was created for cruel intentions so his fate was slated for that as well.

              I’m somewhat disappointed at some of the Jaffa resolution scenes in this ep. or lack there off. I’m not quite sure what it is, but I felt like it was slighted in order to accommodate for that other oh so important aspect of Stargate. Teal’c was going to have to make a choice between leading his people and staying with SG-1. Uhhh, what happened to that scene where that was supposed to take place?

              Okay not quite what I had waited two whole frelling years for, but it was better than nothing. At least I got an answer as to why Oma stopped Daniel, and why he chose to come back. Who wants to live forever and be all-knowing if you have to put up with those petty, arrogant SOBs. The way in which they resolved that storyline with the diner setting, etc. was interesting. I had wanted a little more in depth discussion about past events, but I just better be grateful for what I did get I guess since Oma’s not really the chatty type anyhow.

              I’m probably the only one that thought this cause I know there had to be plenty of people out there put off by the wrong reel sound effects. For some reason when Jack ripped the SGC flag off the stand, I was thinking in the back of my mind that I’m glad they made sure it was a fake flag and not the Stars and Stripes or a real military flag cause I would have been really po’d considering what it was used for. Hey I love Daniel, but not that much. Weird thought I know since the show is pretty respectful, but it popped into my head for some bizarre reason. At least he didn’t end up in the middle of the conference table. Hehe. The looks on Sam’s face really would have been Or maybe not.

              Ba’al’s screen time was the only perfect part of this episode for me. No complaints there. I do so hope we see him again. If not, I can at least console myself with the fact that he’s alive out there somewhere.

              Episode wasn’t a total let down because I already knew what was going to be spewed about during the 90 minutes or whatever it was. Overall I was pretty happy with what I got with Daniel’s resolution with his whole glowy past though I am greedy and wanted a little more but I’ll live. Not the kick a** episode that was Reckoning, but one that I have been waiting forever to see and wasn’t too disappointed in my main reason for watching it. I’m thinking they should have most likely ended the series with that last scene since I really haven’t heard that much praise for Moebius and next season doesn’t seem to be shaping up as a winner.

              Though if it had ended there, I would have had those terrible sound effects for the fishing reels etched into my memory as the last sound emanating from Stargate: SG-1.
              Last edited by LoneStar1836; 12 March 2005, 12:40 AM. Reason: can't spell
              IMO always implied.


                i loved this ep!

                the daniel/oma stuff was great. i really liked the look and set up in the diner. if i hadn't already known everything (spoilers are my friend), i would have been super surprised that jim was really anubis. and oma taking on anubis was super cool. i hope to hear more from their lovely little stand off.

                teal'c and bratac's continuing struggle for independence was also entertaining. i think my fave part of that storyline was when bratac made the jaffa leader guy stand up, with bratac saying something like, 'no more will a jaffa bow down to anyone'.

                jabob... (((jacob))) it's *always* a pleasure to see this character and actor. i will miss him.... his scenes with sam were heartbreaking... *i almost cried when he told sam he loved her... his last dying breath... *

                pete was pete. duffus, but trying hard. i thought jacob could have been easier on the guy, but i really think jacob just didn't want sam with him. i also thought him buying a house for sam was sweet... i think he was trying so hard to hold on to her that he was only pushing her further away.

                kerry was pretty cool. of course, she was never portrayed as being a 'real' threat to sam/jack (and she didn't diss jack like pete dissed sam in the first half of chimera), so that's probably why i could handle her.

                i'm a shipper, i think you know what's coming....

                SAM AND JACK SHIP!!!

                can i just say i'm IMMENSELY HAPPY that pete's gone, kerry's gone, and sam and jack are making overtures to get together?!?

                the last scene, with the four friends fishing... that was great. i even got some s/j satisfaction with the scene starting off with just the two of them.

                to sum it all up:

                the daniel storyline i give a 10 out of 10.

                the teal'c storyline a 7 out of 10. (could have done with more details)

                the sam/jack storyline i give a 9.5. if they'd shown more overt (like a kiss or something more at the lake), i could give it a 10. **here's hoping for more sam/jack ship in season 9!**

                for the whole ep, i give it a 10 out of 10.

                well done ptb!




                  Originally posted by Darth Buddha
                  Same thought occurred to me.

                  Somebody kick the writers on that one. They goofed yet again.
                  Maybe you or I can't make calls from the basement, but I think the top personnel of the SG-C can! I guess there's a signal amplifier somewhere atop Cheyenne Mountain that picks up and relays cell phone signals down deep into the complex.


                    this episode was not that good at all. I'd give it 1.5 stars out of 4. i'll explain why later.


                      Originally posted by Hyperspace
                      Maybe you or I can't make calls from the basement, but I think the top personnel of the SG-C can! I guess there's a signal amplifier somewhere atop Cheyenne Mountain that picks up and relays cell phone signals down deep into the complex.
                      Yep, they're gonna put a repeater for a non-secure communications medium in a place full of sensitive electronics. R-i-i-i-ght.

                      Major, major, major flub.


                        Thought THREADS was GREAT!!! Much better than I thought after reading all the spoilers.
                        Diner scenario interested. It caught me by surprise about Mike/Anubis.
                        Personally, I believe it was the Ancients/Ascendeds that sent Daniel back and stopped the self-destruct. I believe they were waiting for Oma to sacrifice herself. I believe that's they key (laying down your life for a friend) that opened the door for them to step. Excellent solution!!!!!!!!!

                        The fishing pond was good--only problem--not enough of a close-up of the four smiling, raising eyebrows, whatever. That would have been a good series ending.

                        I don't know if I'm going to like the way it is headed--will miss RDA's comical skills, the interaction of the four. Don't know if it will be the same. I think it was a great series.

                        Hoping the new season (new Stargate SG-1, in my mind) will develop some characters that will I will care about.


                          I thought Threads was okay. Not terrible, definitely not great, but ok.

                          As far as the individual storylines go:

                          S/J Stuff. I don't have any words to describe how little I care about S/J ship. Not interested. At. All. So I just flicked away and watched a different show whenever it got shippy and drippy. That includes both Sam/Jack and Sam/Pete by the way, I don't discriminate because they're all tied together in the S/J storyline. So as a result I can't comment on those parts of the episode, other than I'm sure the shippers are very happy. So yeah I'm happy for the shippers. Why not? They've been hoping for this for years. Good for you, shippers.

                          I did find it a but unfortunate that while Daniel was trying to figure out a way to save the galaxy (for the second week in a row) and while Teal'c and Bra'tac were pondering the future of the Jaffa, Sam and Jack's major storyline was their (IMO) insufferably boring lovelife, but hey, that's just me. I know others disagree, and I respect those opinions.

                          At least they tied all the ship stuff in a nice pretty package. As a non-shipper for S/J, my personal hope is that they set it on the shelf for us to admire and move on to other storylines. We shall see.

                          I'll miss Jacob! Poor Sam. I felt bad for her. All of SG1 have lost so much over the years.

                          As far as the Jaffa storyline goes, I was actually interested, and I'm normally not a big fan of the Jaffa stuff. I just found it very realistic. They've been struggling for years with the same goal. It's been a long hard road, but they've finally succeeded. Where do they go now? How do they restructure and move on? I'm interested in what happens next.

                          Daniel. Oh my dear Daniel. Even though you've changed a lot from the Daniel we met at the beginning of the series, that idealistic guy who never gives up is still in there, isn't he? Well, at least we know now that he chose to descend and wasn't kicked out by the Ancients. We also know why. Now I have more questions. (I know, I know, I'm greedy.)

                          Is he able to ascend and descend on his own now? Oma certainly didn't help him, as she was busy fighting Anubis. I rather hope not, as it makes him completely unkillable, and where's the drama in that? Then again, I suppose he's been unkillable all along, hasn't he?

                          Also, how much does he remember now about when he was ascended, the knowledge he gained from RepliCarter in Reckoning II, and the events that happened in the diner in Threads? Obviously he remembers something, as witnessed by his "It's a long story" when he came back, but how much? I may have to pay a visit to the Ask Joe Mallozi thread.

                          Oh, and I can't wait until next year. I'm more excited for next year than I am the end of this one.


                            I agree with all the reasons that everyone said was a great epsiode. I give it 5 Grins.

                            The funniest moment of the show was when Daniel came back.

                            And a pond without fish.


                              I have previously posted my opinion of Threads (in a nutshell: GREAT episode, and would have been the PERFECT way to end the season or series).

                              But after watching it again last night on SciFi, I have to express a bit (quite a bit, actually) of annoyance with our friend Pete, on two counts. First of all, and most egregious, is that he would actually call Sam at the SGC to see why she's not meeting him at the florist. Of all the nerve!!! It's not like he's clueless as to what her job really is, so he knows that when she's at work, the fate of the planet could literally be at stake. That's a little more important than what color carnations to put in with the baby's breath. When she didn't answer her cell phone, he should have taken the hint that she could NOT be disturbed. But no, he calls the SGC, and has her INTERRUPTED while she's in a conference. I didn't notice that the first time I saw the ep, but it really bothered me last night. If I'd been Sam, I would have been royally ticked.

                              Second annoyance: Pete's presumption in buying (OK, putting a down payment on) a house without consulting her. I suppose he thought he was being romantic in finding what she had described as her dream house, but a house is little too big of an investment for one half of a couple to buy without consulting the other. A car would have been bad enough (been in that situation, and it STUNK), but a house is a huge investment, not to mention something that both halves of the couple literally have to live with. Note to guys: "surprising" your better half in such a way is probably NOT a good idea.

                              (By the way, I first saw Threads the day after the Hurley episode of Lost, and when Pete and Sam pulled up to the house and she was climbing out of the SUV w/ her eyes closed, I had visions of Hurley's mother climbing out of the Hummer. I was holding my breath that Sam wouldn't trip on the curb and break her ankle. )


                                I really enjoyed Threads, although with hindsight I'm still umming and ahhing as to whether or not IMO it would have been better to come after Moebius since for obvious reasons it's got such such a 'tying up all the loose ends' flavour.

                                Definitely not sorry to see Sam give Pete the heave-ho, it never felt particularly right to me, and even though I'm not a J/S shipper I was also happy when Kerry pulled the plug on that one too.

                                Daniel & Oma in the diner provided some good - and frustrating - scenes although maybe I was a little slow on figuring out the big guy was Anubis until he started to really bug Daniel with his questions & answers. Loved Daniel's frustration at the other diners all just sitting there doing nothing too.

                                Jacob/Selmak's death was a bit of a disappointment, I felt they deserved a better swansong than that, it just felt too neat and tidy and altogether a bit of an afterthought shoved on as a way of getting Sam to listen to her dad.

                                Like I said originally though, thumbs up for being on the whole very enjoyable ep.

